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Vicious Enzo: A College Bully Romance (Verona Academy Book 2)

Page 3

by Melinda Terranova

  I reverse away from his car and drive out of the gas station and watch him drop to his knees searching for his finger out the rear-view mirror.

  “Call Dante,” I tell the car’s caller system and wait.

  “What have you done?” Dante’s voice comes over the speakers all judgy and shit.

  “Get the video footage erased at the Shell gas station near Summer’s work,” I tell him.

  “Do you need it to add to your collection?” He asks.

  “Scrap it, it’s not my best work.” I exit on to the highway and set the car in cruise control.

  I am that sick bastard who keeps video footage of all my business transactions, if I’m caught under video surveillance at the time, that is. I like to catalog them in severity, from minor branding tools used to make weak fuckers speak their sins, to full torture techniques, like that one time I caged a rat over my victim’s abdomen and watched the rat try to claw and nibble its way through their flesh. That victim spilled their secrets rather messily.

  “Marco is on it right now,” I hear Dante chuckle.

  “Thanks. I’ll see you soon.” I hang up and enjoy the drive home.



  Rumors spread like chlamydia in a cheap brothel, only, here at Verona, the rumors are usually true. Whispers circulate amongst the students and their friends, murmurs of an elite fight club, the best of the best who compete against each other to hold rank. A rank that gets you into the family. A rank that gets you power and position. A life of respect and protection, so as long as you serve with blood.

  Every month we hold a fight night, where students who attend Verona can give it their best shot to be recruited into our family, as an associate, and eventually a made man. Outsiders can compete but only by invitation. We charge each contestant a small fortune to have the privilege of brawling and each spectator pays an entry fee.

  The contestants cage fight like brutal animals, no holds barred. There are only two rules in the underground fights, and they are no weapons and no ratting us out. If you’re found to have snitched, you will be killed. No questions asked. Everyone who attends knows the rules.

  “Have you got the medkit?” I scroll on my phone as we make our way to the old underground car park, in the basement of the original Verona Academy building. So many of our loyal men have been recruited this way, with a bloodthirsty gleam in their eyes.

  “Got it,” Luca lifts it onto his shoulder like he’s holding an old 80s beatbox. He takes a drag of his joint and blows smoke rings into the air as we descend the stairs to hell.

  I grab the keys out of my back pocket and unlock the padlock, the door creaks as I push it open. The smell of old, stale blood, sweat, and tears permeates the cold space. “Breathe in that smell of victory.” We raise our heads and howl as we enter.

  “How many do you think will show up?” Dante asks as he switches the lights on, the dim overhead pendants barely glowing.

  “No idea? I sent texts to all our associates to get the word out. Here’s hoping not too many, I don’t want to be here all night.” I steal the joint out of Luca’s mouth, take in a deep drag and hand it back to him.

  I pull out the stacked chairs into the center and start arranging them around the cage, only our loyal made men get a front-row seat, always watching to ensure there’s no cheating. The contenders remain in a room off to the side, where they can eye each other up before their time is up.

  “I’ve got tonight’s playlist all sorted,” Luca announces as he dances like an idiot in the middle of the ring when his phone connects to the speakers. The loud thump of bass vibrates throughout the whole space, perfect to drown out the unpleasant cries from the contenders.

  “Who’s on med duty tonight?” I spin around and survey the room, ensuring everything is in place.

  “We couldn’t get anyone.” Dante shrugs.

  “Fuck it, they can fix themselves.” I dismiss the thought.

  Luca and Dante make their way to the booth, where we three cousins sit and assess the talent. I check over the access to the cage and head to the only entry door. “You good to go, Jase?” I ask our doorman.

  He nods in response. I always have my most trusted made man on door duties. Jase is well versed in kill before asking questions. I make my way to the booth and seat my ass in one of the comfortable recliners and put on my mask, ready for the show to begin. Our black masks cover the bottom half of our faces, only our eyes showing. Not that everyone doesn’t already know who we are, but we like to keep the pretense of mystery.

  We sit patiently as the room fills with the bloodthirsty crowd, their rowdy laughter and cheers blend in with the music as they find their spots for the best view. They’ve brought their own drinks tonight, making this little gathering an event they won’t soon forget. With alcohol comes unhinged behavior and this usually turns into a spectacular night for watching this blood sport unfold.

  Luca pauses the music and the crowd stills, waiting to see what happens next. He jumps up to stand on his recliner. “Come one, come all and gather around my little minions. Get ready to be astonished by the most magical and brutal show known to mankind. But hush your fears, for they will be toyed with tonight,” he announces on a speakerphone he has managed to hustle from somewhere. The music turns back on and Luca sits in his recliner, grinning from ear to ear, high from his joint earlier.

  “Where the fuck did you get that?” Dante laughs through his mask.

  Luca waggles his eyebrows, clearly pleased with his little find. “Found it out in the back room,” he nods to the beat of the music.

  “You’re insane,” I laugh and push at his shoulder.

  We watch as the crowd returns their attention to the cage, our men already in position in their ringside seats. The first two contestants are ushered into the cage, the gate closed behind them.

  The crowd goes wild at the sight of the two in the center of the cage, their stance in fight mode and ready to battle for position and honor amongst our family. The fight is bloody and brutal, and over within minutes, the weaker of the two getting dragged out of the cage, unconscious. The winner circles the inner cage like a wild ape, grunting and hitting his chest as the crowd soaks up the atmosphere and cheers him on. He is escorted to the backroom, to clean his wounds and leave immediately.

  “What the fuck was that?” Dante raises his eyebrows.

  “All brute and no brains,” Luca lifts his mask off his mouth and takes a drink of his rum.

  “Like you can talk,” Dante side-eyes him but before he can duck quick enough, Luca’s hand smacks Dante in the back of the head, causing Dante to spill his drink in his lap.

  “Is that what you mean?” Luca laughs.

  “Fucking dick.” Dante drinks whatever is left in his glass before Luca can smack him again.

  “Look who the cat dragged in. If it isn’t the fucking New York bitches’ brother.” I glare at him and his groupies. “Who the fuck invited them?”

  “You missed the smackdown,” Luca points to the cage, where another contestant is dragged out by their arms, their blood smearing the cage floor.

  “Fuck the fights, our men down there will report back. I’m going to deal with them.” My gaze zeroes in on Maya’s twin brother, Mason, standing there all superior and smug, like he owns these fucking fights.

  “Wait, let me handle this.” Luca jumps up and manages to descend the few steps before I can protest.

  “Think I should go assist our cousin, the clown?” Dante tries to hide his smirk as he watches Luca stumble over a row of chairs.

  “He fights dirtier when he’s intoxicated, we’ll go if he needs back up.” I keep my eye on the unwanted guests, as soon as one of them lifts a finger I’ll shoot the fucker, I’ve got perfect aim from this angle.

  The crowd roars with a hunger for the next victim to come forward, but I keep my focus on our little uninvited foursome. Luca seems to be keeping things amicable, which is more than I can say I’d do. The foursome le
aves without as much as glancing up at us and it doesn’t sit well with me.

  I watch carefully as Luca bounds back up the stairs and resumes his position on his recliner.

  “What did they want?” I lean forward and move my mask aside to take a long drink of my rum.

  “They said they were here checking up on Maya and got wind of our little recruitment drive. They didn’t want any trouble, so they left.” Luca looks at me and shrugs.

  “That’s it?” My eyes roam the crowd below us, for any signs of discord. I see nothing out of place.

  “That’s it. Jase has been informed by the almighty Salvatore that the New York crew are not to be touched unless they cause a ruckus.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. My father is up to something, his scheming ways are getting on my nerves.” I focus on the fight in the ring, while my mind plays out all different scenarios of what he might be up to.

  “Looks like last man standing down there.” Dante indicates to the cage.

  “Fuck, so much blood this time,” Luca sniggers.

  “They better get used to it.” My eyes turn dark at thoughts of sending these guys out on errands with our made men to see if they can survive.

  “I’m pumped, let’s go cause some shit tonight.” Dante rubs his hands together.

  “What do you have in mind?” I narrow my eyes, waiting for his response.

  “How about that new club that opened up in Boston?” Dante stands and stretches out his muscles.

  “Fuck yes.” Luca launches himself onto Dante’s back. “To the Russo mobile.” He points towards the door.

  I watch as they scamper down the stairs and into the crowd, which parts to create a path, Luca twirling his arm above his head like he’s in the rodeo. I follow behind a few steps and tilt my head up at the ceiling and howl as loud as I can, Luca, and Dante, join me and then the whole crowd howls with us as we leave the blood bath behind.



  One day swallows the next, two weeks pass again without seeing her. My nightmares have left me alone for now, though they’re always there in the back of my mind, taunting me. Making me remember what I am capable of. They’ve been replaced by glimpses of soft skin, and blond hair, begging to be wrapped around my fist, of soft moaning and rapid breathing. Even in my dreams, I can’t get her out of my head.

  I have stepped back into the mundane, attending classes when I need to. Testing out the new recruits and determining if they are loyal to the family, if they have the guts to stomach the shit we deal with. If they will rat us out as soon as they get a better offer.

  It’s the night of the initiation, a night where the snitches crumble and the strong become warriors. Where I get to play out my sickest job yet. A night that secretly haunts me for weeks.

  I open my car window as I pull up to my childhood home and stop just outside the closed gates.

  “Licence please?” The guard leans down, assessing my vehicle.

  “Excuse me?” I glare at him. Since when has my father needed armed guards out the front of the gate? What the hell is going on?

  “I’m sorry, sir, I’ll need your license before I let you through,” he says matter of fact.

  I press the call button for my father and the ring vibrates through the car speakers.

  “What is it?” My father answers, his tone clipped.

  “Just your son wanting to get through the fucking gates.” I slice my eyes to the guard.

  The dial tone clicks, the fucker hung up on me. I’m about to mouth off at the guard when the gate starts to slide open. I ease the car up the driveway and park out the back next to Luca’s car. Glad someone I trust is here to stop me from mouthing off at my father, putting him in an even worse mood.

  I enter through the back of the kitchen, grab a can of soda, and make my way to my father’s office. Another guard. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding.” I run my hand through my hair and try to remember this guy is only doing his job.

  “Hello, sir.” He nods before stepping aside and opening the door for me.

  I like this guard, he won’t be going on my shit list. I stride past him and into the office with a nod. My father sits behind his computer, a crease between his eyebrows, wearing a look of concentration.

  “Why all the security?” I drop myself into one of the armchairs that face his desk. I used to play in this office as a kid, sit at the desk, and pretend I was my father, the boss of everything. Funny how as you get older, you realize that not everything is smoke and mirrors, especially when you’re inheriting that side of the desk.

  “Precautionary,” he answers.

  “We’ve never had to have security during initiation before. Why now?” I tilt my head and watch him carefully.

  He looks up then, his eyes test me. “I have made a few changes with the recruits, I’m hoping everything runs as smoothly as usual, but I’m afraid I have pissed a few people off.” He looks back at his computer.

  “This has to do with Maya, doesn’t it? What did you do to her family?” I’d be quite surprised if he took care of business.

  “Nothing that concerns you. It’s safer for you not to know this time, my boy.” His hand grips the back of his neck before continuing with typing.

  “Is there anything I can help with?” I sit forward, concerned with him being on edge. Salvatore Russo does not do on edge, he’s always cool, calm, and lethal.

  “No.” He dismisses me.

  “Right, I’ll go find Luca then.” I stand and stride out of his office, irritated as fuck by not being told what is going on. I’m always included in the comings and goings of this family business, and I feel like a fucking sulking child acting the way I am.

  I head to the media room where I can hear loud rumbles echo down the hall. I slide into the room, without Luca noticing, and crawl along the carpet right behind his recliner. I pull out my gun and slowly stand and point it to his head. I see him tense in the flashes of light from the movie before he grips my wrist and attempts to disarm me. I launch myself over the chair and straddle him.

  “Holy fuck, you dick.” He holds his hand over his heart.

  “Did I scare you?” I laugh.

  “Get the fuck off me.” He pushes me backward and I land heavily on my ass on the floor.

  “What the fuck is your problem? Got your period, you moody bitch.” I grab his extended hand and he helps me back to my feet.

  “Whatever.” He flips me off.

  “Do you know what my father is up to?” I sit in the recliner next to his.

  “What do you mean?” He looks at me confused.

  “The security.” I raise my eyebrows. “You didn’t notice them?”

  “I just figured he wanted extra guards for initiation tonight. You know how last time played out. On another note, how’s the spying on blondie treating you?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “You need to get regular pussy, it will put you in a better mood.” He winks at me.

  “Is that cop of yours keeping you on the straight and narrow now? No tasting the whole box of chocolates?” I tease. “Are you feeling okay?” I lean over and pretend to check if he has a fever.

  “Piss off.” Luca slaps my hand away.

  “Oh, is she special? Have you finally found a pussy you want to pound more than once? I’m sorry for insulting your dick.” I push at his shoulder.

  “Eat a dick,” he laughs as the door behind us opens and in strides Dante.

  “What’s up bitches?” He jumps over the back of the empty recliner, nearly tipping it.

  “Just discussing Luca and his regular pussy.” I grin, enjoying Luca’s glare.

  “The law enforcer?” Dante’s mouth drops open in mock surprise.

  “Fuck you both. You’re just jealous no one wants to ride you more than once.” He storms out of the room.

  “Touchy,” Dante laughs. “Hey, what the fuck is the go with all the security? Mother fucker at the front gate carded me.”<
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  “Who fucking knows. Salvatore is being a secretive moody cunt.” I shrug, pretending like it isn’t irritating the shit out of me. “Come on, let’s get something to eat before the initiation begins.”


  They’re lined up like sitting targets, all dressed in their finest suits, trying to impress the Russo brothers. Little do they know, even if they turned up wearing torn rags covered in filth, it still wouldn’t sway the brother’s decision. You can see the ones that are nervous as fuck, standing there sweating balls, fidgeting, and fixing the collars of their shirts.

  The air down here in the cellar is dank, smells of old wine and mold circle the large area. A pendant light hangs from the ceiling in the middle, its glow barely reaching the corners of the room. In the center, directly under the pendant, sits a large wooden table. A table that has been in the Russo family for centuries, shipped over from our little village in southern Italy. The Russo family has always taken care of business around this table, in the early days back in Italy, the Russo’s would use this table as a butcher block, chopping up their enemies and feeding them to their pigs. The tabletop is etched and weathered, the blood of enemies seeped in and absorbed by the honey-colored wood, forever a reminder not to cross the family.

  Dante and Luca are positioned flanking the only doorway, each holds a rifle against their chest, ready and waiting. I lean against the table, my legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles, facing the door. The men lined up behind me. My favorite gun, with its gold, dipped handle, tucked into the front of my Armani suit pants. Oh yeah, this is a whole ritual of rituals, where we wear our finest designer suits and hope to fuck no blood ends up on us.

  “How much longer? We’ve been down here waiting for a fucking hour. I’m getting sick of standing,” Dante huffs.

  “Who fucking knows?” I crack my neck.

  My eyes catch Luca twitch and place his finger over his trigger, his gaze calculating. I hear a scuffle behind me and as I turn to see what the fuck the idiots behind me are up to, Luca lifts his rifle and shoots one of the recruits right between the eyes. The noise is ear piercing and I watch as some of the other recruits cower with their hands over their ears. I make a mental note of who is still standing, still as a statue, eyes not wavering.


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