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Collaring the Saber-Tooth

Page 13

by Trinity Blacio

  “Shit, I’m going to come. She’s got a death hold on my cock,” Warden yanked her hair to the side and bit into her at the same time the whip came down on her breast again.

  She screamed as the orgasm came upon her fast and out of control. Her whole body jerked and shook. Behind her, Warden gripped her hips tightly, but not bruising. Even in his throes of exploding passion, he took care of her. They all had.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks and she hung her head trying to get her breathing under control as Warden withdrew from her.

  “Shh, I’ve got you,” he whispered and held onto her as Tesuss released her arms.

  As soon as she was free, Akaos took her out of Warden’s arms and sat on the bed with her in his arms. Not saying a word, the three of them caressed and waited for her to calm.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I know you’ll take care of me,” she cried into Akaos chest.

  Laying her down in the center of the bed, Akaos looked down at her, while he brushed her tears away. “I know, Little Cat.”

  He got up as did Warden, as Tesuss crawled up to her and smiled. “We love you, Maya. You are the keeper of our hearts.” Lifting her legs up onto his shoulders, he slowly entered her body.

  “So tight and beautiful,” he mumbled around her leg when he kissed it, slowly making love to her. Where the other two had been intense and quick, Tesuss took his time. His wings spread out and around them.

  “Tesuss, hold me tight,” she whispered and reached for him.

  He scooped one arm around her and held onto her while balancing his weight. He leaned down and kissed her lips lightly at first, until his tongue slipped through her lips. His dominance increased the fire in her blood for this man she had only known for a few hours, but her heart knew him for a lifetime.

  Reaching up, she twined her arms around his neck and moaned. The man knew how to kiss. He lifted his head, breaking them apart. His eye took the same color as did Akaos when he was excited or angry — a dark orange.

  “So beautiful and amazing,” he breathed and kissed a path down her check to her neck where he scrapped his teeth against her rapid pulse.

  One, two strokes in and out of her pussy, too slow for her, she needed more. “Tesuss, please.” She dug the back of her heals into his ass trying to force him into her faster, but he didn’t budge.

  “No, Maya. I want to savor you just for a few minutes. Now hold still or I’ll be forced to tie your legs and hands.” Once more he lifted up and peered down in between their bodies. “Watch my cock as it disappear inside you. Do you feel the bond forming, Maya? You are everything we talked about, beautiful, graceful, with a streak of wildness in you.” Tesuss grunted the last part as hips started to move a little faster.

  “Not going to last much longer. Pinch those sensitive nipples for me, Maya,” he ordered before reaching back and grabbing onto her ankles. He lifted them up into the air and separated her legs further with his hands.

  “Yes! More, please!” She yelled and did as he ordered, pinching her nipples. “I’m close, Tesuss, so close.”

  “Not yet! Hold it, don’t you dare come yet. Warden get over here and suck her little nub. It needs some attention.”

  Now waiting, Warden was there next to them as was Akaos. Warm lips latched on to her clit, while Akaos took over at her nipples. “Look at her skin, so flushed and sweaty. Do you need to come, Little Cat? Ask Master Tesuss for permission.” Akaos latched onto her nipples and squeezed so tight she lost her breath for a minute.

  “When we say squeeze your nipples this is what we are talking about.” Akaos leaned down and sucked one into his mouth, easing the sting of the first nipple.

  “Master…Tesuss please may I come.” She cried out when Akaos and Warden stepped away from the bed leaving her wanting, but only for a second.

  Pulling her up into his arms, Warden mumbled around her neck. “Come, Maya, I can’t wait any longer.” He sank his incisors into her skin, her warm blood flowed into him, but she wasn’t expecting what happened next.

  Little bits of lights flashed before her, the smell of something like sage filled the room, every muscle on her body seized up, and twitched as her orgasm poured over her like that of a tsunami.

  “Whatttt?” She shrieked before all three men grabbed onto her and held her down as her body started to shake so badly it was lifting her up off the bed.

  “It’s the joining, Little Cat. It will be over soon, I promise,” Akaos said, brushing her wet hair out of her face.

  “Let go…” She yanked out of their arms, her stomach rolling and Maya barely made it to the end of the bed, crawling when she vomited, and vomited. It seemed like it wouldn’t stop, but what was worse, all through her puking and getting the dry heaves, little tiny orgasms were still plaguing her.

  She lifted her head and snarled as Akaos kneeled down next to her. “I didn’t know it would be this bad, none of us did. Please forgive us.” He lifted her up into his arms and carried her out of their play room and back into their bathroom.

  * * * *

  He didn’t understand the pain that came from their woman. No one from any other realms had gone through the joining with so many problems. Akaos held onto Maya gently, but would not let her go.

  It was up to him, the Orak, to protect their meru and so far he failed. She was still ridded with small orgasmic tremors. Needing to do something, he’d scooped her up and brought her to their small pond to clean her and help ease the pain to her muscles.

  “The warm water will help with the stiffness of your muscles. Stay still, Little Cat and let us take care of you.” He lowered her on to the little stone stool. Her head was just above the water’s edge as he took one of the soap sponges Warden handed him.

  “The other’s must be warned about the effects of the joining, so at least they will be prepared to help their wife. Not like us standing around doing nothing to help her or even knowing how to help.” Akaos snarled and proceeded to kneel before her. He took one of her legs and slowly scrubbed it with the sponge.

  He was so busy washing her leg that Akaos wasn’t ready for her soft hand touching his shoulder. He turned to see her grin. “I’m sorry I snarled at you earlier. I know this wasn’t your fault, it shocked me just as it did you, but you are right. You should warn your men about what happened. If they are as powerful as you three, they’ll be able to help their female get through this.”

  He shook his head and took her hand kissing it. “Please, don’t apologize. I failed you the first minute we were joined. I’ll never forgive myself for this.” Akaos slid the sponge up her leg to her mound where he slowly cleaned her pussy dragging a moan from her lips.

  “Akaos you failed nothing. How were you supposed to know what my body would do since there are no humams mated to your kind? I’m just glad it wasn’t any worse. Now stop blaming yourself.” She frowned and licked her lips.

  “Do you have a tooth brush and tooth paste? I really need to brush my mouth before we do anything. YUCK.” She pushed him away and tried to stand, but her legs gave out. If he hadn’t have caught her, she would have gone under the water.

  “If you want something, let us do it. Your body is still adjusting to the joining and it will take a few hours for the effects to wear off.” Akaos lifted her out of the water and kissed her cheek.

  “Warden, why don’t you and Tesuss prepare a meal for our woman in the main room. I’ll help her brush her teeth and get dressed. We’ll be in there in a few minutes. Oh, and have Tesuss inform the others that all three of us will be on Earth for a while.”

  He walked over to the waterfall and stood underneath it with her. She screeched and tried to get out of his arms as the water washed over them.

  “What are you trying to do, drown me?” She yelled and wiggled so much he almost dropped her.

  “Hold still, woman.” He smacked her ass and got a better grip on her. “The water coming from this fall washes you instantly. There is no need for soap. I thought you would li
ke to have your hair washed too since it was all wet from sweating.”

  Her movements stopped and she stared up at him. “You’re really going to take care of me, aren’t you?” She frowned and he smiled into her wet hair as he made his way through the pond.

  “Yes, that is what an Orak, or what you call Master, does. Does not a husband care for his wife on Earth?” He sat her down on the edge of the stone counter and handed her a tooth brush with toothpaste already on it.

  She took the tooth brush and started brushing her teeth. All the while he slipped into her mind and listened to her thoughts. Maya was slowly coming to realize the extent of their possession of her and what it meant.

  All three of them knew it would take her a while to adjust to this, but she would have to learn. In their world the weakest link in the kith was the female, because if she were killed, all three of them would die.

  Maya spit out her toothpaste and rinsed her mouth with the cup of water he handed her, before she turned to him. “What do you mean when you say you will die? Emotional or physically?”

  “If you die, Maya, we will join you in the next phase of our lives. There is no Akaos, Warden or Tesuss without you. We cannot bond with anyone else. You know this.”

  Akaos fashioned some clothes for her. The ones she was comfortable with until they could ease her into clothing of their liking.

  Reaching out, Maya put her hand on his arm. “It’s going to take time for me to get used to all this, Akaos,” she said as he picked her up and cradled her in his arms and walked to the front room.

  “Of course it’s going to take time and I know there will be times you will be furious with us, but we will still love you and take care of you.” He set her down on the chair and stepped back, giving Warden time to set up a small table in front of her full of food of her liking.

  “Eat, we can talk while you do so.” Warden turned to him. “Janek is requesting a showing.”

  “No.” Akaos would not put Maya through the inspection for this man. “He does this to annoy me and I will not have him upsetting our meru. Plus, as soon as she has eaten, we leave.” Akaos stated and leaned against the wall, but snarled as Janek came into their quarters without permission.

  “You overstep your authority here, Janek. Leave now.” Akaos demanded the whole time he moved to position himself to attack if he even moved towards their meru.

  Both Tesuss and Warden stepped to her side ready to attack at any given moment. Sensing something was wrong, Maya put her fork down and leaned back in the chair staring at the intruder, but not saying a word to him.

  “Can I help? What is a showing? I don’t want to cause trouble, Akaos.”

  He turned his full attention on her. “Finish eating, Maya, we’ll leave as soon as you are done.” He turned back to the intruder. “I told you to leave.”

  The man smirked and stared at Maya. “I’m in my right since we heard she had a hard time with the joining. She is a small thing. I bet even with the help of the transition it was hard for her to take you in size. I mean you are well known among the warriors for being larger than normal.

  “You know on my world when someone tries to hurt another, it’s usually they are jealous. What do you think, Akaos? Is it the same her?” She took a bite of her steak acting all innocent when inside the three of them could hear her laughter.

  Janek growled and stepped forward, but Warden and Tesuss were there, stopping him. “I don’t think so, Janek. I think it’s time to go. You have seen for yourself our female is healthy. But let it be known, Janek, you have tried to embarrass our woman. Watch your back.” Akaos picked the man up and threw him out of their home.

  “This is not over, Akaos,” Janek threatened.

  “No, it’s not. You’ll see me two days on the Warp side of the field, be ready Janek, because if I have to come looking for you, you won’t survive.” Akaos shut the door and tuned to Maya.

  “Are you finished eating?” He asked as she looked up at him and nodded.

  “Why do I get the impression you’re furious at me?” Maya squeaked out as Tesuss picked her up and sat in her seat with her over his knees.

  “Because we are!” Tesuss snapped and brought down his hand on her ass.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Maya glared at her men from across the plane. They had arrived back at the plane just when her sisters were waking up.

  “Trouble in paradise?” Lacey teased her and plopped down in the seat next to her. “So what is their planet like? Is it true all the females are naked?”

  “I didn’t get to see much of their world. We didn’t have much time, but from what I’ve seen, it’s very different. Yes, females are naked, but that is nothing to us and you know it. With our heat we give up being embarrassed about it a long time ago and no, there’s no trouble, just a slight disagreement.” She turned in her seat facing Lacey. “So tell me what’s going with you and Anthony? He seems awful possessive.”

  Her best friend looked over her shoulder at where he stood near Akaos. “He’s driving me batty. It’s like he knows what I want before I do and it’s annoying.” She shrugged. “I don’t understand what is going on. I’ve told him to back off for now, I can’t handle it. But enough of that, I got a call from Turtle. Boy is he pissed. Seems he got word that you were taken and he’s not taking it lightly. He knows about Dee and where she’s been living. He even went so far as to mention Boulder Creek.”

  “What’s wrong?” She didn’t even have to look at them or call them to her, they were there kneeling around her, touching her.

  “Turtle, he knows about Dee and our place here. No one is supposed to know, Akaos. I made sure to protect her. First, my house and now this, what’s going on?” She looked at Akaos. “How do I protect my family if they keep breaking my security?

  Maya knew she sounded like she was whining, but damn she was terrified. Everyone depended on her and so far in two days, two separate people…or were they.

  “Where is my bag?” she got up and ran towards her private room with her men and Lacey behind her. “What are the odds of two separate thugs knowing about my safe houses? They have to be working together and if they are, I’m going to gut me a pig,” she snarled and reached for her backpack and pulled out her sketch pad sitting on the bed.

  She flipped through the pictures and stopped at turtle’s picture holding it up for Akaos and her men. “Have you seen him? Do you think he’s associated with your Randolph?”

  Akaos took the pad of paper from her and stared at the picture. “I’m sorry, Little Cat, I haven’t seen him, but that does not mean he doesn’t work with him. I’ve found Randolph has more men working with him than we first thought. It’s just not the men he’s changed, but there is one way to find out.”

  Next to him a man materialized. The man nodded to Akaos and smiled down at her.

  “I’m never going to get usde to that,” Lacey snarled.

  “Maya this is my one of my brothers, Isaac Devon. He has volunteered to pay a visit to this Turtle and find out if he is associated with Randolph. If you can just tell us where to look for him, he’ll be on his way?” Akaos asked.

  She did a double take looking at his brother.

  Next to her Lacey begin to squirm. “I have to go check on Eden. I’ll meet you out front.” With that Lacey tore out of the room, not even acknowledging Isaac.

  “Isaac, what did you do to Lacey? She’s under my protection and I won’t have you bothering any of my meru’s family. They have been through enough pain,” Akaos threatened and shoved his brother back a step.

  Maya jumped up to stop them, but Tesuss enveloped her into his arms. “No, they must work this out. You cannot interfere.” He kissed the side of her neck. “Haven’t you already been warned not to interfere between Cometedge warriors? Do you need a reminder so soon?”

  Maya snarled and yanked out of his arms. “I’m still furious about that, so don’t even bring it up.” She rubbed her butt. The erotic spankings were fine, but when h
er men were angry at her their punishment spanks were totally different.

  “Whoa wait, Akoas. I did nothing to her, but…” Isaac turned his attention on her. “I don’t know for sure, but this woman might be my meru.”

  “Damn, boy she’s going to flip out. What about Anthony? He says he is her mate? I don’t like this Akaos. Lacey has been hurt too much to have men fighting over her.” Maya flopped back onto the bed.

  “Don’t worry about it right now. First we need to find out this information. There is plenty of time for my brother and Anthony to work this out. Show me where this Turtle hangs out.” Akaos knelt in front of her and pointed to her head.

  Nodding, she visualized all the places that Turtle hung out. The next thing she knew, Isaac disappeared from the room. “Can he read my mind too?”

  “No, Isaac took the pictures from my head. Maya we need to talk. You can’t keep placing yourself in danger. That is the second time you could have been hurt in less than two hours. I know you’re upset, so I’m giving you a warning this time, but there will be no warning if you do it again. Now, come, the cars are pulling up to the plane.” He held out his hand to her and she placed her smaller one in his.

  “I don’t know if I can do what you’re asking of me, Akaos. All my life I’ve helped people. Now you are asking me not to help or watch your back when there is trouble? You promised me that I would be able to help you with this hunt. Are you breaking your promise? Because I’ll tell you right now, I won’t give up Akaos. This man has killed every one of my family members. It’s not going to happen.” She stopped and smiled as her daughter, Dee, stepped into the plane and looked around.

  Even though she was over four hundred years old, her daughter was still her baby. “Dee!!!” She shouted and ran to her, hugging and kissing her. “God I’ve missed you

  baby. How are you? Anyone break into the house?”

  She laughed and hugged her tight. “No, I’m fine, but I missed you.” Dee pulled back and nodded behind her. “I take it these are the ones Lacey told me about?”


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