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Collaring the Saber-Tooth

Page 14

by Trinity Blacio

  At once her gaze flew to Lacey, who just smiled. “Yes, Dee I’d like you to meet my mates.” She stepped to the side of her daughter. “Akaos is the one in the middle, Warden is on his right and Tesuss on his left.”

  Akaos stepped forward and kissed her daughter on the cheek as did Maya’s other two mates. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. You have your Mother’s good looks. You’re beautiful.”

  Her daughter threw her head back and laughed. “This is great. You go and mate with three alphas. Boy did you pick them. I don’t envy you, but you three are going to have your hands full. It’s nice to meet all of you, but we need to move.” She turned back to her mother.

  “They haven’t breached the house or the city, but something isn’t right, Mom. I needed you and the others here. I didn’t trust my judgment on this.” Her sisters moved past them and out the door, followed by most of Akaos family except his mom and his fathers.

  “Dee you have never been wrong. Why doubt yourself now? This is Akaos’ mother and fathers. They’ll all be staying with us and helping. You’ll meet the rest of the family later. There will be others arriving to help us too.”

  Dee shook each of their hands and turned towards her again as they made it to one of the limos. “I’ve got Franko and Drake at the house waiting for you. When they heard you were coming, they insisted to be the ones you feed from.” Her daughter teased her getting into the limo before she could say anything.

  Behind her, Akaos leaned over her shoulder. “Who are Franko and this Drake?”

  She got into the limo and slid in beside her daughter who was laughing. “Their family has been feeding us for years.” Dee looked at her. “You didn’t tell them, did you?”

  She snorted. “When would I have time? Plus, it wasn’t important. What was is your safety.”

  “Tell us what? I don’t like surprises, Maya.” Akaos replied as he sat across from her. His mother sat beside her.

  “Hold on, I’ll explain when everyone gets into the car.” Maya twined her fingers in her daughter’s when Caurla did the same to her. “You’re not alone you two. We’re all here to help.”

  The door to the limo closed. It would take half an hour to get to the main compound. If the town didn’t decided they wanted to see her. “After I was attacked I had no idea where to go. I fed off animals in the forest until one day I started to feed off a wolf, but she wasn’t a wolf. Long story short, the woman and I became friends. I’ve watched over her family and in return they have always been there for me. The town, Boulder Creek, was built from their descendants. They are all very protective of us. That is why it was a shock to find out that someone knew of the place. Akaos, no one here would betray us. If anything, they are very protective.”

  “You’re still not telling us who this Franko and Drake are.” Tesuss said, crossing his legs out in front of him.

  Thankful that her daughter had the sense to bring the oversized limos, Maya let her gaze travel up his body and sighed. “Franko and Drake, well they have always wanted well you know, but I’ve always told them no.”

  Dee snorted next to her. “They have been asking my mother to marry them for the past twenty years. They didn’t care they weren’t her mates.”

  “Dee enough! Don’t be rude. I’ve told them from the start there would be nothing between us.” She slowly looked up into Akaos’ face, his eyes flickered orange. “Damn.”

  Leaning over, Dee stared at Akaos. “I might be teasing my mother, but she left our home so they would get on with their lives.” She looked back at her. “Franko and Drake found their mate and they have brought her with them to meet you.”

  “Oh, my God! That’s great! I bet Anna is beside herself.” Maya’s laugh turned into a yelp when the car they were in rolled over and over as the earth beneath it shook.

  If it wasn’t for her men, Maya and Dee would have been thrown around the car like a pair of bouncing balls. By the time Akaos and Warden had the doors kicked open and were helping them out, Maya had a small bump on her head, and a few scratches from Dee’s nails.

  She looked Dee over. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, but see that is what I was talking about, but worse.” Dee brushed off her pants off and turned to see Lacey and the others come up around them.

  “Anyone hurt?” Akaos asked Tesuss who had gone to check on the other cars.

  “Not seriously, but the car in front of all of us is totaled. We pulled out three children, but the parents didn’t make it. Eden and Opal have the children, but I have to agree with Dee. These earthquakes are not normal. Father Sander will be here in a minute. Another door has been created. Icegriffin kith has been sent to the location and they are not happy.”

  “They were the next team to come here. Let me guess, Janek interfered?” Akaos snarled as the car they were in was now in mint condition. “Dee, Maya, Sora let’s get you three in the car. I don’t like you out here in the open.”

  Maya waited as Dee and Caurla crawled in, before she turned and wrapped her arms around Akaos. “Thank you for making sure Dee and I didn’t get hurt. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you about Franko and Drake, but I really never gave them any thought till Dee mentioned them.” She rubbed her cheek against his chest, feeling safe in his arms.

  “We know, now go on, we’ll talk later.” He kissed her lips softly and helped her into the limo, but she heard his order to Tesuss.

  “I want six kith families here now. Something is going to happen, I can feel it. Oh and Tesuss. If Janek gives you any flack about the families coming, go to my grandfather. I don’t care if it goes over him, he won’t interfere with the protection of our meru.”

  “Are you still going to wrangle Janek in two days?”

  “Nothing will stop me from that meeting.” Akaos got into the car along with Warden as Tesuss disappeared.


  “Not now, Maya.” He cut her off without even looking at her as he opened up a phone and made a call.

  His mother patted her leg. “He’s in his Orak mode and anything that threatens you is a threat to them. He won’t stop till the threat is gone.”

  She nodded, but all of a sudden Maya was afraid this fight with Randolph was going to take a lot away from her new family and she didn’t like it one bit.

  * * * *

  The line of cars pulled into the middle of town and stopped as he hung up the phone talking with Anthony. He and his men back in Detroit would be on high alert for anything strange . Two more doors were opened to two highly dangerous worlds and no one knows what might have slipped onto Earth.

  One door had been opened in California and the other in Detroit. So not only were the six kith families coming, but a total of twenty four of them, twelve at each opening.

  The door to the car opened and Tesuss stood outside, waiting for them. “We have three kith at the compound, three at the front of the town and the rest spread out in a six mile radius searching.”

  Akaos turned slightly and helped Dee from the car along with Maya, who hadn’t said much of anything to him or Warden the rest of the way into town. She approached Eden, but Akaos pulled her back. “Do not go and get attached to these children. Right now is not a good time to be in the family way or to have little ones running around.”

  “Of course not. What was I thinking? I mean they are only orphaned like I was. Are you done? Can I go and see if I can help at least or is that too much too?”

  “Don’t push me Maya, I’m trying to be fair here and keep your family safe.”

  Turning fully around in his arms, Maya stared up at him, then at Warden and Tesuss. “I know this, you are trying to protect everyone, and Akaos, I can’t thank you enough for what you are doing, but don’t ask me to change, because I can’t. I won’t turn away from helping any child, I just won’t do it.”

  She reached up and kissed the bottom of his chin. “I’m sorry I’m such a burden to the three of you.’

  With that last shot, Maya turned and ran after Eden an
d Opal, leaving all three of them stunned.

  A small gathering of town folk started to form around the women and the children, which had all three of them moving to protect their meru. And of course, their wife was in the center of said circle drawing every one’s attention. They definitely needed to talk to their woman, but right now was not the time or place. Tonight.

  “You can’t get angry at her, Akaos. This is her home town or the closest thing to a home she has ever had. Of course the people are going to come out and greet her. From what Dee was telling me, your meru more or less paid for these buildings, helping the town’s people, especially these last few years when things have gotten bad. They consider her their saint, protector, and they would do anything for her or her daughter,” his Sora said coming up next to him before joining the other woman.

  “Maya!!!” A woman screamed which made him jump ready for any attack, but upon closer examination, he relaxed. The woman ran towards Maya as the crowd opened up and his wife ran to the older lady.

  “Momma Anna, look at you. You look great!” Maya said and hugged the older woman. “God, I’ve missed you all.”

  “You have only yourself to blame, moving and leaving my boys.” She smiled and hugged her again.

  “So I hear they have finally found their mate? Where is she from?” Both woman turned and started walking towards a large diner arm in arm.

  “Looks like we’re eating, inform the others.” Akaos, Warden and Tesuss followed the women into the diner. Maya stood at a booth tapping her foot.

  She peeked at them as they stepped into the diner, but slid into the booth beside the woman and the children.

  Yes, they were going to have to explain a few things to their woman. “Warden…” His words stopped as two large men came into the dinner with a tall blond woman between them.

  At once they zeroed in on their wife. Even from this distance Akaos could still see the attraction the men had for their wife and he didn’t like it one bit.

  “Franko, Drake it’s so good to see you,” Maya got out of the booth and moved towards them, but stopped and looked up at him.

  He smiled and reached her side, his arm wrapped round her waist as the said two men both sized him up.

  “Franko, Drake I’d like to introduce my mates to you. This is Akaos.” She rubbed her head on his chest then turned to her other side where Warden stood. “Warden and the one behind you is Tesuss. Tesuss please stop. These are my friends, nothing more.” Her gaze landed on the blond and she tensed in his arms.

  “Banela, how is it you are here, in my home town when we just rescued you not less than two months ago.” Maya snarled as all her sisters moved round them.

  “Last I heard she was working for Turtle and that was over a month ago.” Lacey growled.

  “Maya stand down now. Do you want the story or are you going to attack before you hear it?” Franko snarled at her and ignored them.

  Before any of them could say anything, Anna, the older woman, jumped in between them all and started yelling. “Enough! Maya you promised to hear them out and Franko, Drake I raised you better. You know damn well her males are alphas and to ignore them is not done. You just threatened them. What would your fathers think?”

  The restaurant had gone quiet as everyone waited. “Move out of the way, you big lug. Look Maya these two came to Detroit looking for you. I was trying to leave Turtle when I ran into these two at Uncle George’s Diner next to your place and wel,l things just happened from there. The both of them helped me retrieve my possessions from Turtle and moved me and my daughter here.”

  She looked up at Franko, who nodded. “Everything she said is true and I owe your three an apology. I’ve never, well let’s say this mating thing is all new to us, but it’s still no excuse. So please let me welcome you to our city.”

  Akaos took his out-reached hand and shook it. “Apology accepted, but a warning here and now. If you or anyone ever threatens ours again, there will be no second chance. We will need to speak with you if you are in charge here, but what we have to tell you can’t be spoken here. It will have to wait till we get back to the compound.”

  Maya snarled and tried to remove his arm with no luck. “If you are all done posturing, I have a few more questions and they can’t wait. Franco and Drake, I’m happy for you, but this still does not help. I counted on this town to protect my daughter and not let it get out she was here, let alone that she existed. All of you know, I have people that wouldn’t hesitate to kill her!” Maya snarled and looked around the diner.

  “Someone in this town has a loose tongue and I want that person.” Maya was furious. She was hurt and all three of them could feel the pain and betrayal coming off her. They weren’t the only ones either.

  “What do you mean, Turtle knows about this place?” Banela grabbed Drake’s shirt. “Seth, he’ll come for my baby.”

  Drake shook his head. “We need to move this now. Mom, get the dads and have them meet us at Maya’s home. Sweetie, don’t worry about Seth. He’s with my sister and you know her mates aren’t going to let anything happen to him. We can swing by and pick him up if you want?”

  Franko and Drake left the dinner with Banela between them. Their mother and a few others started to leave without a word.

  “Why do I get the feeling we don’t know the real Turtle? She was scared half to death of him.” Lacey frowned and looked at Maya.

  Eden and Opal still held onto the children, which had him worried as the women stood around waiting.

  “Eden, Opal take the orders of food to go. We’ll get the kids settled up at the house. Dee, you go with them, place the kids in the blue room and have Eden and Opal share the Rose room next to them. Ladies, I have a feeling we are not going to like what we find out about Turtle and if I’m correct, I’d say we’ll have a roasted pig when we return to Detroit.”

  Akaos looked at Warden who grinned. “Bloody little women, aren’t they?”

  Maya turned her attention on Warden. “You get that way after being hunted and raped for most of your life. Do you three want to order something before we leave? Sammy the owner will deliver it to the house when it’s ready.” She looked up at Akaos, before hugging him tight, her head against his chest.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so bossy. It’s just they all look to me when there is trouble. Franco and Drake have closed off the city. No one will be allowed to enter or leave without them knowing.” She stiffened in his arms and started to sniff the air.

  “What is that stench?” Maya asked before he thrust her behind him.

  “We need men here now! Gulls are here.” Warden and Tesuss were already shutting all the windows and doors. Everyone was staring at them. “Listen up everyone, we have a slight problem here.” He took Maya’s head in his hands.

  “I need you to keep everyone calm and inside here. Can you contact the others of this town? They all need to stay inside till we destroy these things that came through the portal. I don’t know how many there are, Maya, but they will kill and eat anything and everyone.”

  She nodded and held onto his waist. “I’ll keep them all in here.” Maya peeked around him to stare at a big muscular man.

  “Not to worry, I’ve already informed the pack. Everyone is staying inside, just let me know when I can inform them it’s safe to come out, but Franco and Drake want to know what has come into our city. I’m Sammy the beta for the pack and owner of this place.” The man yelled back into the kitchen.

  “Honey, you might as well start passing around drinks to everyone. I don’t know how long this is going to be.”

  “Thank you. I will inform your alphas at the compound as soon as this danger has passed. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must go.” Akaos looked down at Maya.

  “I’m leaving Warden here with you. You will listen to everything he tells you, Maya. He has dealt with these things and will know how to handle them if one gets inside by any chance.” Not giving her time to answer, he lifted her up and kissed her hard bef
ore releasing her.

  “Take care of our meru, Warden.” He and Tesuss disappeared from the room ready for the hunt.

  Chapter Fourteen

  She observed the small dinner. “Warden, will these creatures come through the windows? We don’t have many in here, but they are big enough for a full sized man to go through.” Maya leaned back into his arms when boards appeared on the windows instantly.

  “That will keep the creatures out, but I think everyone would be safer in the back of the dinner. That way their smell won’t be near any windows or the doors. These creatures have a great ability to sniff out any food and not knowing how many are out there, it’s just better not to take the chance.” He kissed the side of her neck.

  “You need to feed, Maya. I can feel your weakness,” he mumbled around her ear.

  Stepping up to them, Sammy glanced at her, then at Warden. “Maya can feed from me if she needs too. There are three of us here that would be willing to help out.” Sammy stood over six feet tall, but she knew he was a little nervous.

  Maya would feed only on him if there was a dire need. He had kids and a wife who always worried about him when she feed on him.

  “Thank you for your offer, but Maya won’t be feeding off anyone anymore. She has three men to provide for her.” Warden clasped the man on the shoulder, easing Sammy.

  Turning in his arms, Maya stared up at Warden. “Thank you for making him feel at ease. I don’t like to feed off him. His wife gets nervous which makes him nervous.”

  Warden laughed. “Sweetheart, I didn’t do that for him. We are very possessive of our woman and no one will ever feed you again. If you have need, we will provide for you and if by any chance one of us is not here, we’ll make sure one of our family members is. You need the blood from us now, it makes our bond stronger.”

  “Umm, if our bond was any stronger, I’d be in trouble. Let me help moving everyone and then I’ll feed.” She tried to step back, but he held onto her. lifting her into his arms.


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