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Unwanted Inheritance

Page 13

by K. Forest

  “Pleasure to meet you, Miss Katarina. It’s going to take a little over an hour and half.” Oskar says in a sophisticated voice.

  “Nice to meet you, Oskar. Thank you for driving us,” she says.

  I notice Oskar relaxes in her presence, just like Obsidian and I do.

  During the ride, we speak easily about ourselves. There are no awkward silences. I learn that she’s been competing in equestrian events since she was twelve. Her parents lived on the estate as her father handled and trained the owners horses. Hesitantly at first, she explains how the owners of the estate had a daughter, Sofia, around the same age as her. They became best friends quickly and easily as they were kindred spirits. When she was fifteen, her friend died of leukemia. Her friend had just begun training Obsidian when she had been diagnosed with the illness. Katarina had taken over while Sofia was in and out of the hospital. When Sofia died, her parents allowed Katarina to continue training the horse and eventually start competing with him.

  Being an only child and losing her best friend made the bond between her and Obsidian strong. She has an apartment above one of the barns that gives her privacy and independence from her parents when she returns home from competitions. Healing her foot injury had taken a while, but it gave her a new outlook on what she wanted to do. That is when she began shadowing her father. She became deeply interested in the breeding and training side of the horse farm. Her father taught her everything he knew. Being that he is one of the best in the field, she was able to be trusted and respected by others in the field rather quickly.

  While listening to her share her life story, I realize I was holding her hand again. My thumb had strokes circles around the palm of her hand. Desire still flickered through me. Katarina on the other hand looked unfazed as her face glowed when she spoke of her passion for horses. So, I begin to understand horses are her first love and make up a large portion of her life. She stops abruptly, suddenly becoming aware of my gaze.

  “I’m so sorry, Santos, I’ve just been babbling on about myself. It’s just that horses seem to dominate my life.” She says, looking embarrassed.

  “I enjoyed hearing about your life. Everything about you is interesting and important to me.” I tell her.

  “What about you, Santos? Tell me about yourself, your family, your passion.”

  I tell her about my parents and siblings, keeping details vague. I share my love of architecture, restoring old historical buildings, and even my love of playing the piano. The time just flies by, and before I know it, I hear Oskar saying, “We have arrived.”

  “Sir, I’m going to drop you off in the front. Please text me when the show is over, and I will meet you in the same place.” Oskar says, breaking our easygoing conversation. He gets out of the car, making his way to open Katarina’s door. He brings her towards me.

  I reach for her hand, and she graciously takes mine. Her smile is contagious as we walk toward the opera house.

  “This place is beautiful, Santos. I’m really excited; thank you again for inviting me.”

  God, she lights up the whole world around her. She makes me want to please her every minute. Being with her is my version of heaven, and I never want to leave. “I told my mother that you were taking me to the opera. She was so envious; she’s always wanted to go, but it’s not really my father’s forte. Wait until she finds out I’m seeing Phantom of the Opera! She’s going to melt with excitement.”

  She takes my arm, and we start up the stairs of the La Scalia. Just when I think she can’t light up even more, she’s in a full beam of a smile. “These seats are amazing. The gold and red makes it so royal in here. Oh look, just like in Pretty Woman they have little binoculars.” She says excitedly. God, she is beautiful, adorable, and a sexy bundle of joy.

  Once we’re seated in relative privacy, I take this opportunity to gently reach for her chin turning her kissable lips my way. “Katarina, I’m going to kiss you now. I’ve been wanting to since I picked you up.” I declare honestly.

  She leans in with no hesitation. I let my finger lightly brush her full lips before leaning in to have our first kiss. Feeling the warmth of her skin and the taste of sugar on her lips, I let my tongue chase the taste of her. Blanketing her mouth with mine, the kiss is deep, full of yearning. I linger for a few moments. That kiss sealed our fate, I will never let her go. As the opera begins, I pull back, and all other thoughts are put on hold.

  “Unbelievable! That was so beautiful, Santos! I mean he had stalker tendencies, but he was also sympathetic. Oh, and how the music would go up and down in such a perfect flow.” Katarina said in a voice filled with wonder.

  I continue watching her summarize the opera. I’ve seen The Phantom several times, and I know it by heart. Taking her here made her happy, which makes me happy. Really the happiest I’ve been in a long time. It’s entertaining seeing it through her eyes. The best part was holding her hand and giving each other squeezes.

  I text Oskar that we are going to walk a little before we go to the restaurant for dinner. We reach the doors to walk outside and notice it’s starting to lightly drizzle. The SUV was in the spot where we were dropped off.

  “I wanted to walk before dinner; however, it looks like Mother Nature has other plans.” I say.

  “That’s fine, where are we going?” She asks.

  “We are going to an Italian restaurant owned by a friend of the family. It's the best Milanese food around.”

  “I’m sure it will be perfect.”

  I reach my arm out for her as we walk down the stairs. She stops us midway down the stairs. Turning to look up at me with her sparkling blues, she steps up and gives me a sexy smile. I didn’t hesitate to take my cue. Leaning in, I once again lightly kiss her; this time brushing my tongue over her lips. This kiss doesn’t stay delicate. It flares into a thoroughly delicious and intense longing. My tongue pushes in her mouth finding hers immediately, and we are devouring each other back and forth. Her breathing picks up, and I find myself exhaling. As she pulls back with her eyes closed, I nibble the tip of her nose, then kiss it. Her eyes open, shining bright.

  “Come on,” I whisper, “let’s get you out of the rain.”

  I hear a ping and see it’s a text from Angelo; I’m sorry, I told you they are both out of control.

  I send a quick reply?

  As we enter the restaurant, we are met by Sal. “I have the table waiting for you, Mr. Ferrari,” says a surprisingly flustered Sal. I’m puzzled as Sal is generally unflappable, and he is calling me Mr. Ferrari, something he’s never done in the past.

  My astonishment continues as he tells me the others are already seated at your regular table and waiting for me. We enter the back room where my father and Tony are seated at a table, too big for just the two of them. Tony sits leaning back in a chair, drinking a beer. He gives me a jerk of a smile and raises his beer.

  “Hello, son. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” My father says, getting up from the table. I’m a bit too shocked and confused to answer, so my father steps up to Katarina. “Well, since my son seems to have lost his manners, I’ll do the introductions. I’m Anthony Ferrari, Santos’s father. This is his brother Tony. And you must be the lovely silver medalist Katarina Morrone, my son’s latest love interest.” The condescension in his voice is obvious and puts me on edge.

  “You are correct, sir. Are you a fan of the sport?” She asks smoothly, not in the least bit intimidated by my father.

  “No, that is my brother’s passion. I’m into Olympic shooting.” He answers Katarina sarcastically. He’s being a dick, and he may be even a little drunk. Angelo is right, he is acting unlike his usual self. My father prides himself being a gentleman and preached to us brothers to treat our mother and sister with respect. He can be a prick, but he’s never so crass, especially towards a lady. Something is really wrong. I need to tread carefully here, but my simmering anger is probably etched all over my face. I look at Tony, who just shrugs his shoulders, giving me a look to
go with it.

  Seating myself and Katarina after introducing her to Tony, I remind myself to have a talk with Oskar later as part of his job is to never have me blindsided by anyone, including family. Shit, maybe that is why Angelo texted—to warn me about this. Why didn’t he call?

  I ask my father if everything is okay with Mother and what he a Tony were doing in Milan. “When did you arrive in Italy?” I ask, knowing the answer but wanting to hear his answer.

  “We just arrived from New York.” He lies so easily. I’m beginning to learn about his more unsettling traits.

  I think back to years of conversations and trying to figure out when he was lying; it was like playing a poker game. What he doesn’t know now is that Angelo had already told me that he and Tony were in Florence and have been in Italy for a while. Angelo and his meltdown did me a favor.

  “So, here we are at Sal’s for dinner. I’ve been meaning to catch up with him. He has the best Milanese food around; did Santos tell you that Katarina?” He laughs dryly as he signals Sal over. “Hello Sal, excuse the last-minute changes, I look forward catching up with you later. But first, we feast on your delicious food and enjoy a bottle of your finest wine.”

  Suddenly, things became a little clearer. How did I not know Sal’s place probably belongs to my father and is a money laundering joint for the family business? I can’t recall him ever calling my father Mr. Ferrari when we would come as a family. Remembering what Angelo had told me, I once again ask my father, “Is everything alright with Mother?”

  He gives Tony a sidelong glance, and then with a sigh, he says more to himself than me, “Your mother always loved when I took her to the opera.” And he didn’t answer my question.

  The remainder of the meal is awkward, filled with small talk. My father seems to settle in and makes more of an attempt to be hospitable. But, when I try to ask questions, both Tony and my father remain evasively quiet. I look over to Katarina who has been staring at me. She gives me a little nose scrunch that says, ‘I’m sorry’. I feel her reaching for my hand under the table and get three soft squeezes from her. I look down at her small hand molded in mine. This date will surely go down in the annals of crapped up first dates.

  Finally, the dinner is over. I text Oskar to get his ass up as we were ready to leave. Then I text Angelo, telling him I’ll call him as soon as I drop Katarina off. With my father, brother, and Sal walking ahead, I turn to Katarina in frustration. “I’m sorry for the hijackers. I never meant for you to meet my father or older brother like this.”

  “Santos, no matter what, this first date will go down in the books as being perfect.” She leans up and gives me a quick peck on the cheek. “Come on, let’s say our goodbyes. Your father doesn’t seem like a man who likes to be kept waiting.”

  As we step out the door, we nearly fall into my father and brother. Both are standing at a dead stop. To my shock, sitting in the back seat of the car across the street is the Spaniard. His bald head and face are seared into my memory. On either side, two cars come rolling to a dead stop in front of us. The car windows roll down, and I see it’s Sam and some other guys who work for my father. A few of my father’s men swiftly get out of the cars holding semi-automatic guns and comes to a stop in front of our little group. Protectively, my arm goes around Katarina, who is wearing a shocked look on her face. The Spaniard’s car slowly pulls out of its space. With a malicious grin on his face, he puts his hand up in a mock salute, and they slowly drive away.

  Tony, who is now holding a gun, quickly hustles with my father into one of the cars, which pulls away as soon as they close the door. As Oskar pulls up, JP, one of my father’s head officers, with his years of experience working for the family, uses his body as a shield to guide us to the car. I give him the evil eye; What the hell is going on? Before Oskar can even open his door, I get Katarina in the back seat and signal Oskar to start driving. No questions, no answers; at least not tonight.

  Hours later, I’m on Katarina’s doorstep. We had driven mostly in silence, a huge contrast from the previous drive. My arm is wrapped around her, and she nestled into my shoulder, not asking any questions. Walking her to the door now, I again apologize for the disastrous dinner and even going as far as to apologize for my family.

  She simply smiles at me. “I’m glad I got to meet them, and Sal’s food was excellent.” I started apologizing for my family once again, when she reaches up and shushes my lips with her finger. “I know a little about your family, Santos. Your family name is no secret in these parts. But I also know they do not define who you are as a man.”

  “Does that mean you accept a second date?” I ask hopefully.

  “On one condition,” she says coyly. “I get to plan what we get to do.” She smiles up at me.

  “You got yourself a deal, Beauty.” I lean down and capture her lips once again. Tasting the sweetness, feeling her hands in my hair and running down my back, I dive in with a need beyond just desire.

  Our tongues do the mating dance as my hands skim her buttocks and back. She suddenly places a hand on my chest as she breaks away from me. With her other hand she put up a signal to stop, leaving both of us heaving with yearning. Her eyes are glittering with desire, but she shakes her head.

  “Please, Santos,” she whispers softly, her eyes still heavy with longing.

  She breaks away from my embrace, making a little suction noise. “Come by Friday around two o’clock.”

  I stroke her cheek, feeling her soft skin. “What should I wear?” I smile, asking the same question she asked me.

  “Wear your most comfortable jeans and a pair of boots.” She chuckles. “And don’t forget a hat for the sun.”

  When we arrive back to the boathouse, I finally speak to Oskar. Deciding to let him stew in silence after we dropped Katarina off gave me the needed time to think things over. I texted Angelo that I was almost home and we needed to talk.

  As I get out of the car, I tap on Oskar’s car window for him to roll it down. “My father may be the boss, but I am your boss! Do you understand? Remember where your loyalties lie. If you are going to work for me, you will need to be creative, spontaneous, and a goddamn chameleon, understood?” He shakes his head affirmatively. “You are officially on-call twenty-four hours. Check things over carefully before we go anywhere, especially when I’m with Katarina.”

  “Yes, Sir. It will never happen again.” I see sincerity in his eyes.

  “You’ll learn.” I tap the car and walk away.

  Inside, Angelo and Sam are sitting as usual playing a video game. They jump up, pausing the game when they see me. Mateo is settled on the kitchen counter stool looking well-rested and tan from his honeymoon.

  “Sonny, you’re home! What did father do and say? I only found out when Sam called to give me a heads up.” Angelo says in a fast breath.

  I walk to grab a glass and pour a much-needed drink. “Oskar and I have an understanding. I think he will be a good fit given it was his first day on the job.” I take a second, greedy sip and walk to the couch. “Why didn’t you ever mention Sal’s not legit or a real family friend?” I first look at Mateo and then proceed to look at Angelo. “And what the hell is going on with Tony? He was being a piece of silent crap tonight.” I let them both digest that as I continue to drink. Angelo and Sam look at each other. “Is that how he usually acts when he’s working?” I ask.

  Angelo nods, and Mateo confirms with a, “Yes.” Makes sense since I’ve never seen him challenge Father ever.

  “Father was drunk and lied to me stating that he and Tony had just landed from New York. Said he’s heading to Florence then Rome tomorrow.” Then I proceeded to tell them my version what happened outside the restaurant.

  They are looking at me and then down at the floor as if pondering what to say. Or maybe how much to say. I ask myself why Father didn’t want me to know he’s been in Italy. Why keep it a secret? In the past, he always told me where he would be. I’ve always turned a blind eye subconsciously due to my
lack of interest of that life. Well, no more.

  I am completely done waiting patiently for answers that were either evasive or half-truths. Throwing back the rest of my whiskey, I put the glass down with a thump.

  “I’m usually patient with all the cryptic shit that goes on in the family business given I’m the golden son.” I put up stupid finger quotes up like Angelo usually does when he makes a point. “Most of the time, I don’t want to know, as I am heading in a different direction. But when it’s personal like tonight, and it involves someone I care about, I have a need to know. So, am I going to have to figure it out myself, or one of you going to fill me in now?”

  Mateo stands up, walks over to the couch, and sits down. Angelo is ghostly quiet.

  “Sorry, bro,” Mateo says. “Sam has filled me in on everything. If it puts you at ease, we feel better confiding everything to you. I’ve tried in the past to keep a happy balance.” I can see the honesty in his eyes. It must be difficult, always balancing the two acts. He continues, “I’ll look into what’s going on with your father. I do know it has something to do with a vendetta between him and Rodrigo Casas. They’ve been feuding for a long time, Sonny, and it seems something escalated the whole thing recently. The meeting with the Spaniard wasn’t accidental. We know he mistook you for Angelo, but that’s all I know.” Mateo glances at Angelo and then back to me.

  Angelo throws his arms up, swearing. “I’m just as much out of the loop as you are tonight, Sonny. A couple of months ago, Father’s behavior became erratic, and Mother started drinking more. Bianca mentioned that they had a huge fight because Mother received flowers that were not from Father. Tony probably didn’t notice as he was too busy screwing Claudette to pay too much attention to anything else. Plus, he wouldn’t dare accuse Father of acting irrational. We usually let GF do that. And then things got even weirder right before our birthday bash.”


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