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Unwanted Inheritance

Page 14

by K. Forest

  He stands up and throws a pillow across the room. “All these years, Father never ever screwed around on Mother that I know of. He always stays far away from that shit. When Sam and I were in Milan, we ran into him at one of our private clubs. Let’s just say I caught Father in a compromising position. He was drunk or high on something. Kept telling me to never give a woman my heart because they will just break it, and on and on. He was just saying so much shit. He’s the one who gave me the black eye. Sam and I tried getting him to leave. We finally just plied him with more drink till he passed out and dragged him back to the hotel.

  “Sonny, he was there without anyone to back him up. Not even JP was there. I called Tony the next day, and he just told me to forget about it, he’d take care of things.”

  Just when I thought nothing could stun me more than the past few days, Angelo’s words are like a knife in the chest. Our father had always worshipped Mother, to the point he never even looked at other women. Deciding I’d had enough for now and feeling the need to digest everything that transpired, I tell them I am going to bed and we will wait until tomorrow to finish the discussions. I need to drive to my newly acquired estate first thing in the morning and invite them to come with me. Angelo declines, but Mateo flatly tells me I need a bodyguard after the shit that went down, so he will join me.

  Chapter 13

  “So, tell me about this new lady friend that Angelo was yapping about.” Mateo says on our way to the estate in the early morning.

  “God, he has such a big mouth, worse than a girl. You and Josephine will meet her soon enough; I know you will like her.” I say.

  “What about Lia?” Mateo asks hesitantly.

  Although it is none of his business, I chose to share that Lia had always been a business deal that grew into a friends-with-benefits relationship. While we had great sexual chemistry, I had never considered it long term.

  “So, Katarina could be the one?” Mateo asks.

  I look over to him, “She is the one.”

  We continue driving with him catching me up on his honeymoon. There is peace in his voice now that he was married. We are meeting some contractors to discuss the new stables and the new home office for my architectural firm.

  My phone starts ringing. Looking at it, I instantly smile and answer without hesitation. “Good morning. Funny, I was just talking to my best friend Mateo who states that he needs to meet you.” I look over to Mateo, his eyebrows raising in amusement.

  “I look forward to meeting him also. I hope I’m not bothering you.” She says.

  “You are never a bother to me, Katarina.”

  “I just was calling to thank you for the enormous sunflower arrangements. I needed three stablemen to help carry them to my apartment.” She lets out a little giggle.

  “Just the beginning, Beauty, just the beginning! I look forward seeing you on Friday.”

  That evening, after Mateo and I had toured my property, I had Oskar arrange dinner in one of our private rooms at the hotel. Before I get more involved with Katarina, I need to make sure nothing backfires on her again. I’m supposed to be the untouchable Ferrari brother, not involved in any of the family business. For some reason, that isn’t the case any longer. Who was I kidding? It was probably inevitable. I need to make sure to throw a bone to Garza Jr. to keep him in check. Angelo said he’s a bottom feeder, but loud.

  I positioned myself in the middle of the table, already nursing a whiskey. Mateo and Sam enter and take their seats; Mateo next to me, and Sam across from him. I nod my head for them to pour themselves a glass. We sit in easy silence, enjoying the delicious, calming liquid taste of Lion Distilleries. My uncle arrives a few minutes later, taking a seat at the head of table.

  Of course, Angelo, as usual, is tardy. He had avoided me all day, probably because of his conflicting emotions. Ten minutes later, he strolls in, hair mussed and shirt mostly unbuttoned. “Sorry for the delay, I was preoccupied. Took longer than expected.” He says with at least a chagrined look on his face.

  My uncle gives him a slight look of disdain, one that definitely lets Angelo know he is unimpressed. He tells him curtly to sit down.

  I signal Oskar, who begins serving us a red wine from the Garza Winery, as another waiter carries in our appetizers. Once the waiter leaves and Oskar takes his seat, the discussion begins.

  I hold up my glass, looking at each person around the table. “Thank you for joining me tonight. I had some time to absorb yesterday’s activities. Unfortunately, there is really no good hand to play considering the depths of our family businesses.”

  Then I look at my godfather because what I have to say next is more for him to sign off on. He will have to deal with my father. “At his request, going forward, Angelo is out of any and all of Father’s businesses. He will become an equal and legit partner with me in my new endeavors. I recognize his position now and the difficulties of leaving. That is why he will become my vice president and head of security. In reality, to the outside world, it won’t look as if anything much has changed as far as he is concerned.” I pause a moment so they all can digest what I just said, especially Angelo.

  What I’m demanding takes courage and balls, which I’ve displayed in the past. This time it’s different because I’m including Angelo and setting up my future with Katarina. Out of respect, I had already made my uncle privy to most of what we were discussing.

  “Given the recent engagements and information concerning our father, it’s in everyone’s interest for Angelo to keep his distance. We both know it’s a ticking time bomb. I think Angelo and I will be better together than apart.” The room falls silent again.

  My uncle breaks the silence. “You mean united and stronger?” I look at him, and he raises his eyebrows in acknowledgement.

  I take a much-needed sip of my drink before continuing. “I would do anything for my family, especially Angelo. I’m going strictly with my gut, knowing it’s the right decision for the future.” I look at my brother, the twin half of me, and I see his cat eyes glued to me. Swallowing the remaining liquid, I look back to my uncle and push a large manila envelope to him. “I’m returning the Vegas property to you and Father. I’ve included my renderings and drawings. Maybe Tony should have it as he lives in Vegas. But the decision is final as far as I’m concerned. Going forward, our,” I nod to Angelo, “business will be centered in Italy where I plan to live full time.” I push back from my chair, scanning the faces around the table.

  As I knew he would, Angelo erupts almost immediately. “Hell no, Sonny! You’re not giving up your dream for me!” Angelo says as he stands up with his fist pounding the table.

  I look at him, smiling, because I knew this reaction was coming. “Sit down, Angie. This is what needs to be done. I’m not just doing this for you. I’m also doing it for me and my future.”

  He hesitates, looking at me intensely, knowing exactly what I meant. Finally, he slides back into his seat. Mateo and Sam have been quietly absorbing everything, not quite sure where they will fit in to the new scheme of things. I left them out purposely knowing my uncle for the most part dictates their fates not just my father. After my chat with GF, I don’t think that will be too much of an issue. I will fill them in later. Oskar takes this time to leave the room and get our dinner brought in.

  “Sonny, I’m not sure it’s the right time to discuss this with your father. That’s why I am asking you to let me find the right opportunity to tell him. I believe I can reason with him and we can straighten out things within the family.” GF says.

  “It’s going to happen!” I wave between Angelo and I. “Father is a smart man; he probably knew this would happen eventually.” I get up from the table to look out the window. “Last night was a reality check for me that things are changing, and I need to change with them.” I say it mostly to myself but loud enough for the others to hear.

  After walking back to my seat, I push the other envelope to Angelo. “I would like you to meet with Garza Sr. next week to discuss
buying Garza Winery. He’s bankrupt, and banks will no longer entertain giving any kind of loans to him. In the packet, you will find valuable information that Maria found along with a summary of the Garza family.”

  Angelo opens the folder and starts scanning. I’m waiting for his reaction to the last bomb I’m throwing at him. Sure enough, in just minutes, he looks up at me with his eyes blazing. “What the hell are you doing? Have you lost your mind? No way will I allow you to use the Ducati as a bargaining chip with that piece of crap. Why are you sacrificing everything that is meaningful to you? I won’t let you do this!” He yells out of frustration.

  I feel a hard grip around my wrist, and it’s Mateo now shooting daggers at me. I pull away from his warning. “Make it work, Angelo. Garza Jr. can be a valuable asset to use in the future. As you said, he’s a bottom feeder who just makes noise; we need to control him. Buying the winery will appease Senior, and the Ducati will appease Junior. Besides the fact that he’s a good racer and can make you money, we’ll control the illegal racing which you can indulge in whenever you feel the need. The Ducati is the closer for the deal.”

  “Sonny, your Ducati, your Vegas hotel... What the hell? You aren’t thinking!”

  “But I am! I am thinking clearly, thinking of the future. The Vegas hotel and Ducati are simply not important to me anymore.”

  My uncle and Mateo chime in with their reactions, all hesitant about the decision I’ve made. I look over at Sam, who has a rock-steady personality. Mostly quiet, observing more than speaking. He gives me a look that says it’s a smart and solid long-term play. I’m impressed with Sam, who seems to understand the reasoning behind my plan without emotion, while the others continue to stew.

  I grab my wine and raise it. “Gentleman, to the future. Salute.”

  We eat in relative silence with some praises of the meal throughout for the remainder of the dinner. Oskar abruptly grabs his phone, and immediately I receive his text. My uncle just texted me your father just arrived on property and is heading this way.

  Looking at him, I give him a slight nod. Shit, what does Father want this time, and what is he doing here? Looking toward my uncle, I get his attention. Giving him a warning look, I nod toward the door. Just in time.

  “Well, well, well,” says Father as he strolls in slamming the door behind him. “Look at you all enjoying a nice dinner. What is the special occasion? No invite for me?” My father seems to suck the air out of the room as he walks in.

  I take this opportunity to call him out. “Father, I thought you would be in Florence or Rome. I would have invited you to our little get together if I had known you were still in town.” I look into his hooded brown eyes with a steely gaze as I raise my glass. “Please sit down, and I will have Oskar set a place. Will my brother Tony be joining us also?”

  “Santos!” My uncle says in a low warning tone.

  “Everyone leaves the room except for my sons!” My father shouts.

  I look at GF, and he signals for Sam, Mateo, and Oskar to leave. Angelo, who was sitting across from me, moves to Mateo’s seat beside me. I think it was his natural protective instinct given the situation with our father.

  “Carmine, please leave me and my sons. I need a word with both of them,” says my father as he continues standing, staring at my uncle in challenge. My uncle doesn’t waver under the glare he is getting from my father, and neither does he back down. Slowly he slides the envelope I had given him to Angelo’s now vacated seat. Then he gestures for my father to sit, quietly adding a vocal please to the gesture.

  My father continues to glare but hesitates slightly.

  “I’m not leaving just yet Anthony.” Uncle Carmine says calmly. “Please, I’m asking you to sit down. The three of us have some plans we’d like to discuss with you since you are now here.”

  My father bristles at the soft edge in my uncle’s voice. Finally, as if all his energy and anger evaporate, he reluctantly acquiesces to his brother’s request. “What the hell is this?” He asks looking at the manilla envelope.

  “That is an exchange for Angelo.” I speak up.

  He looks up with a hooded sneer. Not even bothering to look at the paperwork. “What little plan did you concoct this time, Santos? Still trying to fix things? I know you are smarter than what’s good for you. But I’m sorry to tell you, you have no negotiation power. You are the son who has no say and can’t be part of my world. I promised your mother that you would never be pulled in. I’ll keep that promise to her.” He says as he takes the almost empty whiskey bottle and pours the remainder into an empty glass. He gives me a condescending look and takes a sip.

  “It’s too late for that, Father. I got included in your messy, unsavory world last night. Whatever Casas shits storm you are involved in touched me and my future!” My voice raises as the anger in me threatens to erupt. “Angie and I had talked about this a while ago, and now seems the right time to implement those ideas. You, Father, have no say so in this at all; it will happen.” I continue, my hands now squeezing the table.

  He sucks the rest of the whiskey down and throws the empty glass, shattering it on the wall. I stay in position, willing myself to calm down and not let him suck me into his vortex of anger and displeasure. I’ve never seen this side of anger from him before. I’ve come to head with him before, much to his amusement. This time is different. “None of you have any idea about promises or about loyalty!” He yells. “Get out now you little bastards!” He shouts, totally losing control in front of us.

  I’m finally getting a glimpse of what my father has become over time. “Boys, it’s time to leave.” My uncle says in a warning voice.

  As soon as we are out of the room, Angie bursts out, “Holy shit! You stood up to the old man, Sonny. You’ve got steel of balls! Even Tony wouldn’t dare to speak to him like that.” He keeps in step next to me, flapping his hands. Flicking his fingers away from me, I see he’s back into his joker mode. It’s his safety zone, I realize as we are both left reeling at what is happening with Father.

  As we walk back to the boathouse, I ask him curiously, “Has Father always acted like this when working?”

  “No, this behavior is very unusual. I’m telling you Casas is making Father unravel, and it has something to do with Mother. Father is usually cool and collected, always in control. You wouldn’t know from meetings and gatherings that he’s angry.”

  “Well, Angie, let’s leave him to GF for the time being to settle down. You, my brother, are about to become a very busy man in the next few weeks. I’ll be around some of the time, but I have other more personal plans that are going to keep me otherwise occupied. If Father summons you, call me; that is the only reason for me to be interrupted.” I say with a smile, looping my arm around his shoulder.

  Chapter 14

  After the altercation with Father, we were all a bit on edge. Even taking a group motorcycle ride didn’t quite calm our nerves. The evening of our family altercation, my uncle and father left the property, and we haven’t heard from either one. Mateo said that it was normal from time to time for them to go off the grid.

  We all hoped Father would come to terms with our separation and that family contact would still be enjoyable in the future. For now, Angie stepped up to the plate leaving me to pursue the beautiful Katarina.

  As I pull up in front of Katarina’s home, I realize I arrived for our second date a little early. Angelo loaned me his Porsche in trade for my Ducati. I send Katarina a text, letting her know that I had arrived and to take her time finishing up. Hopefully, I am properly attired; as she had suggested, I have on jeans and boots along with my Yankees cap.

  Looking up, I see a beautiful woman who looked like a slightly older replica of Katarina. Getting closer, I realize it must be her mother. The woman opened the door, “Hello! I’m Rose, Katarina’s mother.”

  “Hello, I’m Santos Ferrari.” I reach out my free hand, but it’s immediately ignored, replaced with a kiss on both cheeks and a hug. “My daughter will be
here shortly.”

  I pass her the bouquet of wildflowers, and she smiles in pleasure. “Come, let’s go sit on the terrace while we wait. I just made Aperol Spritz that I believe you will enjoy.”

  Unlike her husband, who looks older than he is, Rose looks much younger than she is. She must get mistaken frequently as Katarina’s sister. While her company is pleasant, I’m anticipating seeing Katarina again. I glance around in search of her, before returning my attention to Rose who is smiling at me with a knowing look.

  “Oh, there they are.” Rose turns as I begin to hear the clopping of hoofs. “Katarina, you know he’s not allowed in the garden.” Rose says sternly, her eyes betraying her amusement.

  A large shadow looms over me as I look up and see Obsidian with my goddess perched on him. I can’t control a smile. This time, she’s wearing a Stetson hat instead of a helmet and a t-shirt that clings to her shapely breasts.

  “Hello, handsome, ready for our date? Mother, do you have the items I put together?” she asks.

  Rose hands me a basket and blanket. Katarina says a command, and Obsidian goes down on one leg. “Climb aboard, handsome, and let us begin our date.”

  Sitting behind her is sheer torture. I can’t stop myself from nuzzling her neck. Nibbling on her ear, I feel her erratic heartbeat as my hand spans her small waist. I shift, trying to not be obvious about my present arousal. Fortunately for me, she has complete command of her large horse.

  We end up riding to a secret area where she goes to hide from the world. “It’s just peaceful,” she shares. “I have actually never taken anyone to this spot before.” Once we arrive, I take in the sheer beauty of the place. There are many, large shade trees, along with a crystal-clear stream running through the pastural setting. Wildflowers scatter throughout the meadows.


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