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Wreck Me Forever (Polished P & P Book 1)

Page 9

by Lila Rose

  “Hit me,” I said, turning in my seat to give him my full attention.

  “All right, be honest with me. What do you think if we added guys to the place?”

  My brows dipped. “What do you mean? Don’t guys already go there?”

  “Not like that, but there could be a market for women who want a hookup for the night. Even gay men who want company but don’t want to find it on a sleazy datin’ site. Our place ain’t sleazy. We find the best of the fuckin’ best, and we make sure all employees are takin’ care of.”

  “Aren’t there already guy prostitutes out there?”

  “Yeah, but they won’t be like ours. Ours will cater to women and men.”

  “It might be hard finding men who switch both ways. How many would you be wanting?”

  “Ten, I reckon. But what do you think?”

  I shrugged. “I think it’s always good to find ways to branch the business out. Men aren’t the only ones wanting a no-hassle hookup even when paying for it. There’s a lot of married women out there who are very happy in their marriage, but when it comes to their sex life, they’re unsatisfied. They don’t want to cheat, and you could do group sessions where the husband can come along as well so they can watch and get off in their own way.” I shrugged again. “Sorry, I was just running with a thought.”

  He pulled into a fenced-off area. “That’s a fuckin’ great idea. I’ll run it by the brothers, and we’ll get shit set up on the website.” After he parked and turned off the car, he gently punched me in the arm. “Thanks, bro. Now, let’s get in there and have some fun.” He opened his door and got out.

  Before he could close it, I called, “But not too much fun, right? We won’t stay long, right?”

  Zion just laughed as he shut his door. Slowly, I got out of my side and met him at the front of the car. When I noticed he didn’t lock up, I mentioned it to him. He grinned. “No one would dare take shit from it or come into our territory to even try to take it. Besides, got brothers on guard. Yo, Quake, Bobo,” Zion called into the darkness.

  “Hey” came a reply, and it sounded like Quake. I knew it was him when he added, “Hey, little Saint.”

  “Hi.” I waved and probably did it in the wrong direction since chuckles sounded next.

  Zion’s arm wound around my shoulders, and he pulled me along. “Don’t worry about Bobo answering. He doesn’t like to talk.” I nodded and still found myself waving again. More laughter followed. God, I was an idiot.

  Already I could hear the music blaring and people talking. I wanted to pull my hood up and hide.

  “You won’t leave me, right?”

  At the double doors, he shook me from side to side with his arm still around my shoulders. “Don’t stress, Lucas. Promise I won’t leave your side unless the prospect, Death, or Wreck is there.”

  Oh, snap, Wreck was going to be there.

  “A-Ah, okay.”

  He dropped his arm, grabbed the handle of the door, and opened it. He waved me in, but I shook my head. Zion shook his head, smiling, and stepped into the room. Cheers erupted, and they were so loud, my anxiety jumped, and I took a step back.

  Zion glanced back at me. He rolled his eyes, grabbed my wrist, and pulled me into the room. Death was there, and between him and my brother, they introduced me to so many others that there was no way I’d remember their names, but they all seemed friendly enough.

  Finally, we’d found a quiet corner, and my eyes had been opened to Zion’s world like it never had before. There were so many members in this club, so many different men had joined. I’d seen old, young, tall, short, skinny, fat, hot, smoking hot, sweet, scary, angry…. It was a little mind-blowing. The women ranged from different looks as well. There weren’t as many as the men, but I’d been told by Death that was because not all the men had old ladies. Since it was family night and only old ladies were allowed with their kids, the single women stayed away. It wouldn’t be until the old ladies left that the party went wild.

  I wanted to be home before that even happened, but for now, I was enjoying myself talking with Tech, a club member who took care of the computer work, about gaming systems while eating a plate of food and drinking a soda.

  “Lucas,” Kylo bellowed from across the room with a big smile. I waved at him and returned his smile. It was the first time that night I’d seen him, but I’d heard he’d been busy outside helping his foster father with a bike. He’d taken him in after he got Kylo away from his parents.

  “You know the prospect?” Tech asked as I watched Kylo approach.

  “Yes, I met him at my brother’s place about a month ago.” Thinking of it reminded me we were getting close to having our parents back. They were arriving the following week, and I was looking forward to seeing them. “Do you know him?” I asked.

  “Not really.” I found that weird, so I looked at him. He winked before saying, “Not all the prospects make it through the long process to become a full member. I wait to see if they have what it takes.”

  “Fair enough.” It was. I wouldn’t want to become friends with someone who didn’t stick around; then again, losing friends happened in everyday life.

  “Prospect.” Tech nodded when Kylo stopped in front of us.

  “Tech, can I get you anythin’?” Kylo asked. Kylo had told me he was their lackey—anything they wanted he would have to get. Tech didn’t seem too much older than Kylo and me, but he was a full member, so was to be respected by all prospects, which there were five of. Kylo was the only one I knew, but he’d said the other guys weren’t too bad.

  “Nah, I’m good. Sit and chat,” Tech ordered.

  “Thanks.” Kylo grinned. “How’re you enjoyin’ family night?” Kylo asked me.

  “It surprised me. I nearly pissed myself coming in, but it’s been great. Met so many people and usually crowds and I don’t get along. This here is more my standard. A small group to talk to, but I like watching others around me… and I think I’ll shut up now, or I’ll sound more like a creeper.”

  Both Tech and Kylo laughed. Zion and Death, who were standing close, also chuckled, obviously hearing me and my babble.

  “I tend to over talk sometimes also,” I explained to Tech.

  “Wouldn’t have guessed,” he teased.

  “Baby,” a woman cried before she flung herself at Tech. Only Tech scowled at her in disgust. He grabbed her upper arms when she went to fling them around his neck.

  “What the fuck?” he bit out low.

  Death, Zion, and another biker surrounded Tech and the woman. Kylo took my plate and dropped it to the floor, then grabbed my wrist and pulled me to stand. He stepped us back a little.

  “What’s going on?” I whispered. Kylo just shook his head.

  “Who let you in, Monday?” Tech asked, his voice darker than when he’d been speaking to me.

  “Come on, honey. It’s nearly time for the old ladies to leave, and I knew you’d want me in here.”

  “Your bitch ass was banned, Monday. You need to get the fuck out,” Death said. All of them looked down at her in repulsion, with their upper lips raised.

  “Oh, Tech didn’t mean it when he told me not to come back.”

  “Whore, I did.”

  “What. The. Fuck!” got screeched.

  “Shit,” Zion clipped.

  “Fuck.” Death sighed.

  “Eve, I’ve got this,” Tech said to the woman who appeared out of nowhere. She looked similar to Tech; both had blond hair, caramel skin, and dark blue eyes.

  “You got this? Is that why the bitch is on your lap?” She marched forward, grabbed the back of Monday’s hair, and forced her from Tech’s lap. Monday screamed out in pain and tried to slap at Eve’s hand. Eve easily pulled her up and snarled in her face, “You think you can play my brother and come back in here like nothing happened? You need to get your dirty, rotting pussy out of here or I’ll beat you so bad no man will want you.”

  “Eve,” Death warned.

  “Don’t you Eve me, De
ath. It’s family day, and she thinks—”

  “The bitch is dead to us. You take her outside and make sure she gets the message, or we’ll be delivering it ourselves.”

  Eve smiled a little crazy. “With pleasure.” Still holding Monday’s hair, Eve dragged her along, and people got out of the way. A few other women followed Eve out. There were others who laughed, some smiled, but none looked upset from the situation.

  “You good, bro?” Zion asked.

  “Um… yeah?”

  The men around me laughed. Tech stood, slapped my back, and explained, “Don’t worry, Lucas. The bitch has it coming. She cheated on me with a guy from another club. A club we’re at war with. She knew if she did it, she would be out on her ass. Also, my sister’s kind of protective.”

  Kind of.

  “Ah, sorry she did that. Bitch is right.” I blushed from using the cuss word.

  More laughter surrounded me.

  “Need a drink yet?” Kylo asked with a smirk.

  “Ha! No, not yet.” Since I wanted to be coherent tomorrow for more studying. “Though, if a full-on fight breaks out, I’ll rethink it.”

  “Got it.” He grinned. He said something else, but my attention snagged on something over near the bar. Since I was standing, I could see more of the room. Not much because I was short, but what I saw had my stomach churning.

  Wreck stood at the bar, smiling down at a woman. A woman who had her hand resting on Wreck’s arm. She flicked her hair over her shoulder and said something that had him laughing. I hadn’t seen him laughing, and it was an amazing sight to see. However, it wasn’t me who caused it.

  It was a woman.

  A woman.

  He liked women.

  Through everything, it was something I had forgotten.

  “Hey, you all right?” Kylo asked.

  “Huh? Oh, ah, yeah, yes. I’m good.”

  The woman ran her hand up Wreck’s arm and cupped his cheek. He grinned down at her.


  I blinked hard and ignored the twinge in my chest. “Sorry?” I asked Kylo as I looked back at him.

  He shifted closer. “It was Wreck that West mentioned.”

  I snorted, fake laughed, and shook my head. “What? No, that’s crazy.”

  “Sure it is. That’s why you look sick with Sara being all over him.”

  I waved a hand in front of me. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Is Wreck here?”

  “You know he’s not gay or bi, right?”

  “Kylo, what are you talking about?”

  “Don’t lie to me. I thought we were friends. Why aren’t you tellin’ me the truth?”

  I ground my teeth together and scrubbed a hand over my face. Leaning in, I whispered, “You can’t say anything. Especially not to Wreck, but yes, I find him attractive.”

  Kylo groaned. “Lucas, that attraction will get you nowhere. He ain’t like us.”

  I knew he wasn’t, but why did he kiss me? I couldn’t exactly say that, so I nodded. “I know. I’ll get over it.” I would because what I just saw would be burned in my mind as a reminder of why my heart would be crushed in the end. He loved women, not men. “I think I’ll head home. Zion gave me the keys to the car since his ride was here. I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”

  Kylo patted my arm like he felt sorry for me. “Yeah, man. Drive safe.”

  I quickly said goodbye to those around us and made my way toward the door.

  I will not look over there. I will not look over there. Dang it. I looked over there and found Wreck’s eyes following me just as the woman, Sara, lifted up to press her lips against his.

  Chapter Eleven


  Jesus motherfucking hell. Why did this have to happen to me? I’d fucked up once more and wanted to bash myself in the face or have my brothers do it.

  Not only did I lose my shit when Lucas went out on a goddamn date, and I was ready to tell him he was mine, that he couldn’t see anyone else, but now he’d just seen Sara kiss me. His hurt was obvious in his eyes, even from all the way over the other side of the room. He probably thought I was just fucking with him and enjoyed sending him mixed signals. I wasn’t, and I didn’t.

  Though, it kind of pleased me to see he was jealous. Then he’d know how I’d felt when he went out with that pissant. Only Lucas didn’t know I’d claimed him. He didn’t know I wanted him. He didn’t know he was mine, but only because I hadn’t said shit. I wanted to, yet there I was standing still and not chasing him because I was weak. I wanted to protect him. At least, that was what I thought I was doing, but really all I was doing was protecting myself from the judgment.

  I had to man the fuck up, or he’d slip through my fingers.

  “Christ,” I clipped.

  “What’s wrong?” Sara asked. She was the daughter of a club brother. If that wasn’t reason enough to not touch her, there was also the fact she didn’t do shit for me.

  “Nothin’, I gotta go.” Where I didn’t know. Everything in me wanted to rush after Lucas. Could I? Shit, I didn’t fucking know. Though, what I did know, was that I didn’t want Lucas with anyone.

  No one was to touch him, or I’d lose my shit.

  “Where are you going? I could come with you.” She smiled seductively.

  “Babe, you’re a brother’s daughter. It ain’t happenin’.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not wanting to become an old lady, Wreck. Just one night.”

  “And have Danger kill me? No thanks. Later,” I told her before walking off. I’d meant to head to my room in the compound but found myself standing outside in the cool night air.

  I ran a hand through my hair and then over my face.

  “Fuck,” I bit out.

  If I didn’t fix this, if I didn’t tell Lucas he was mine, then there went my chance with him, and he’d probably end up in the arms of the fuckhead. Hell, if I even had a chance. Why did I want a chance? Because I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

  Shaking my head, I made my way to my car when someone stepped into my path.

  “Where you goin’?”


  Death stepped closer. He lifted a smoke and took a drag. The scent of pot wafted my way. “Just headin’ out for a minute.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “Gotta check the business out.”

  “We got brothers there already. You wanna tell me a new lie?”

  I narrowed my gaze, crossed my arms over my chest, and demanded, “You wanna tell me where you think I’m goin’?” Death rarely got on my nerves, but he was starting to.

  “Goin’ to see Saint’s brother.”

  Fucking shit.

  I forced a laugh. “What the fuck you talkin’ about?”

  He chuckled. “Brother, don’t bullshit a bullshitter. I ain’t blind, and I’m sure Saint’s cottoned on, but he won’t say shit until he sees it with his eyes.”

  “What are you talkin’ about?”

  Death grinned, his white teeth flashing before he took another drag. He blew it out and said, “Know you, brother. Seen you watchin’ him. Seen him watchin’ you too, but you been fightin’ within yourself. But it looks like you’re done fightin’. Are you?”

  Fuck it all. For Lucas. “Yes,” I hissed.

  His smile widened. “Good. But tread carefully. But I know you will ’cause it took you a month to finally fuckin’ make up your mind.”

  “You done talkin?”

  “Yep. I’ll let you know when Saint leaves. Good luck,” he finished, and then walked off whistling.

  What the fuck just happened?

  Death, my brother, gave me permission—not that I needed it—to pursue Lucas. Yeah, he said he saw us looking at each other, but how in the fuck did he get me wanting Lucas from that? More important, he was going to look out for me with Saint. I wasn’t sure Saint would go for me being with his brother. Shit, I was really thinking of being with Lucas.

  Well, dumb shit, you were seconds away from claiming him
so no one else could have him, what do you think it means?

  Yeah, all right, I was going to make Lucas mine.

  At least I’d do everything in my power to make it happen. It could already be too late. I could have fucked everything up before it even started.

  Shit, I was going to have to do some groveling. I’d never wanted to do it for anyone else. I’d fought with women before, knew it was my fault, yet had never found it in me to care enough about the woman to fight for her.

  For Lucas, I would.

  How fucking strange.

  I stood in front of Saint and Lucas’s place and checked the door. Lucas was lucky it was locked. I slipped out my keys and used the spare key I had for Saint’s place, from the countless nights of crashing there, which hadn’t happened in a while. My heart hammered in my chest, and my gut ate at my insides while my dick thickened slightly, as if it knew we were getting close to Lucas.

  Opening the door, I stepped inside. The kitchen light was on, and I saw Lucas leaning against the counter, spooning ice cream from the tub into his mouth. He looked upset; there was no smile making him light up. He was slouched over the container like eating it could comfort him.

  I did that to him.

  I was sure of it and knowing it cut into me. I was surprised no blood showed.

  His gaze didn’t even lift when I’d opened and closed the door. He was in his own world again. It drove me crazy when he did this, but Jesus, he looked good.

  His wild curls were everywhere. His plump lips, which I wanted to bite down on, were redder than normal from the cold ice cream. He wore a simple thin white tee with sweatpants, and still, my cock throbbed at the sight of his smaller but well-formed frame.

  Moving closer, I saw Lucas suddenly lift his head, spot me, and freeze.

  “Wreck,” he whispered. He straightened and put the ice-cream tub on the counter behind him with the spoon in it. “Um, is Zion okay?”

  I nodded.

  His eyes ran over me quickly and then went back to my feet as he watched me walk even closer. It wasn’t until I was in front of him that he pulled his eyes back up.

  “What are you doing here?” His voice was soft, like a damn caress.


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