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Wreck Me Forever (Polished P & P Book 1)

Page 10

by Lila Rose

  “She wasn’t mine,” I stated.

  His brows creased. “Huh?” he asked, confused, and I wanted to kiss between his brows. Fuck, he was cute. Why did this attraction, this connection, even when there was more to know about the guy, happen with Lucas Storey?

  “That woman at the compound I was talkin’ to, she wasn’t mine.”

  His chest rose and fell faster. I could see the pulse beating harder in his neck. He tilted his head to the side. “You came here to tell me that?”



  Why… that was the question, and it was damn time to be honest.

  “Because I want you to know. Because I can’t fuckin’ stop thinkin’ about you.” At least it was some of the truth. If I’d told him he was mine, and no one else could touch him, I worried it would freak him out. Already his eyes were wide, his breathing harder than before.

  “Why?” he whispered.

  I ignored it and asked my own question, “Did you kiss him? Did he touch you?”

  He nodded, and I clenched my jaw to keep from cursing. I stepped closer. “Do you want him?” If he said yes, I was going to walk out of the house… or I was going to try.

  He didn’t answer, all he did was stare at my chest. God, he was short, the top of his head only reached my collarbone. But I still found him fucking perfect. A guy. A damn guy. I still couldn’t figure out why or how he’d made me want him, how my body reacted to him, but it did, and all I wanted to do was curl him in my arms and protect him. There was also the need to be buried deep inside of his body.

  Fuck, my cock jerked behind my jeans.

  “Lucas, do you want him? If you say yes, I’ll walk out right now.”

  He blew out a breath, shifted from one foot to another, and then planted both on the floor while he reached behind him to rest his hands on the counter. It looked like he was trying to hold himself up. Fucking cute. He cleared his throat. “And, um, let’s just say, for testing purposes, that, ah, I was to say no… what would that mean?”

  Reaching out, I gently pinched his chin and brought his gaze up to meet mine. “It’d mean I’d stay, and it’d mean me takin’ your mouth like I want to.”

  He whimpered.

  “Is that you sayin’ you don’t want him?”

  He licked his lips and tipped his head up and down once.

  “Fuck yes,” I growled.

  I slid my hand to the side of his neck and the other to his waist. I waited a beat to see if he’d back down. He didn’t. He just kept looking at me with those damn sexy eyes.

  “Last chance,” I told him.

  “F-For what?” he uttered.

  “To tell me to fuck off because once I take your mouth again, once I taste what I’ve been cravin’, then we’re gonna see where this goes. Means you won’t go out with anyone else. You get me?”

  Lucas nodded, but I wasn’t sure he completely understood. He’d learn with time. “Okay…,” he muttered.

  “You’re sure?”

  “Um, yes,” he said softly, and when his eyes moved down to my mouth, I knew I wouldn’t be able to walk away. Leaning in, I pressed my lips against his, once, twice, and on the third, I gripped him tighter and licked across his bottom lip. He gasped. I ate the sound down and glided my tongue inside.

  Christ. Just as good as the first time. Only better.

  I felt his hesitant hands touch my waist. He started to slide down like his legs weren’t working, so I picked him up. He let out a yelp, and I sat his ass on the counter. I was so fucking pleased when he grabbed at me. He flung his arms around my neck, pulled me in, and he took my lips in a hard and hot kiss. Of course, I reciprocated, then took back control by reaching around, taking hold of the top of his ass, and dragging him forward. His legs opened and cradled my hips.

  “Fuck,” I clipped against his jaw. Both of us breathed hard. I wanted more yet though. I kissed my way to his neck, which he arched for me, and there I sucked on his skin, marking him for myself.

  “Wreck,” he whimpered.

  Kissing where I’d been, I shook my head. “Wade. Call me Wade.” I took his lips in another kiss and ran my hands up his back while his fingers ran up, gliding back and forth over the back of my head, feeling the rough buzz cut there.

  He was driving me crazy. I expected to be freaked out since I didn’t feel the press of breasts against my chest, but I wasn’t. If anything, it was new and fucking exciting. My cock was rock hard. I tugged his lower body forward more and ground my cock into his. Another thing that didn’t scare me, feeling how hard his dick was against mine. I liked knowing he was turned on as much as I was.

  He pulled back panting. His warm eyes were wild. “Wade” was all he said.

  “Bedroom?” I asked.

  He nodded. But he bit his bottom lip, and it had me thinking he was worried.

  I kissed him quickly, and said, “I ain’t looking for more than you’re willin’ to give, Lucas. No pressure.”

  He let go of a heavy breath. “I… this… it’s a little confusing still. You’re here. You kissed me.” He leaned in and lowered his voice. “You want to go to my room. With me. A guy.”

  I dropped a chuckle. “It’s different for me, but as soon as I saw you, I couldn’t keep my eyes off you. You’re fuckin’ stunnin’.”

  His cheeks coated in red and he dropped forward, burying his head in my shoulder. Did he know how sexy he was? Had no one complimented him on it before? Shit, he would have noticed men and women checking him out. I saw it with my own damn eyes at the compound. Brothers who probably weren’t even into guys were looking at him appreciatively. The women were the worst though. They eyed him like they wanted to lift their skirt and have him fuck them right there and then. It’d surprised the fuck out of me because most were old ladies to hardass bikers, yet they saw Lucas—cute, timid, but sexy-as-fuck Lucas—and would have done anything for him if he’d asked.

  “You’d get many dicks hard, Lucas.”

  “Stop it,” he mumbled against me.

  Smiling, all I could think was how goddamn cute he was.

  “All right, I’ll stop for now.” Hell, I couldn’t stop grinning. His shyness, his innocence, was a turn-on. I had him in my arms. I had Lucas Storey in my arms. I’d been kissing him. Now there was no way I would give him up for anything or anyone.

  We’d take it slow, get him used to it, to me, and get others used to the idea of me being with a man. There’d be times where I wouldn’t be sure of myself, but fucking hell, I was sure about the man against my chest.

  Stepping back, I helped Lucas to his feet. He swayed forward a little, and I steadied him.

  “That was your fault,” he said.

  Chuckling, I replied, “Fair enough.” Jesus, I hadn’t felt this light in a damn long time. He caused this, made me feel like a fucking teen knowing I was going to get me some. Even if it was making out for the rest of the night, I would be happy with that.

  What the fuck?

  Me. I would be happy just kissing?

  That was when I realized I had it bad.

  I couldn’t ruin this.

  Chapter Twelve


  If Wreck—Wade—wasn’t holding my hand, he would see how much it shook like the other one. I was a mess, body and mind. I didn’t know if I should be pushing him away and telling him to get out or rejoicing because he kissed me stupid, and then maybe I could offer myself up on a platter. Naked.

  Kicking him out would probably be the safest.

  So why was I following him down the hall to my bedroom?

  Maybe it was because he’d left the compound, the party, to come after me and set me straight. Maybe it was because he found me attractive and told me he couldn’t get me off his mind. Those two things I still couldn’t get over. Shock kept me walking. He’d chased me. He’d said I was attractive when he’d had a beautiful woman in front of him. He’d wanted me. Me!

  I mean, the kiss we’d shared weeks ago was out-of-my-mind ho
t, but then he’d sent me that text. I’d thought he’d had his fun, and that was done. Obviously not, because what we’d just done in the kitchen blew even the first kiss out of the water.

  Wade glanced back with a small smile that shot me straight to the groin. It wasn’t only my stomach in knots from excitement and nerves; it felt like my whole body was. Only my dick was ready for something to happen. It had started to get hard when I first saw Wade, then grown with what he said and the kissing. Now I was already leaking in my boxers. I wanted to look down to see if it was visible, but knowing my luck, Wade would glance back in that exact moment, and I wouldn’t be able to look at him for the rest of the time. And I wanted to look at him. I had to make sure he was still there, real, and wanting me.

  He wanted me.

  Wreck— Wade… whatever his last name was. I really had to find that out.

  We entered my room. Wade shifted me to the side of the door with his hands on my waist, then closed the door, all while watching me, causing my stomach to dip.

  “At your pace, Lucas,” he said again.

  I nodded, and a curl dropped into my eyes. Before I could brush it away, Wade was there, taking it between a finger and thumb. He gave it a tug, staring at it as it straightened and then watched how it sprang back up once he let go. He then brushed it behind my ear and traced the outer shell of my ear. I shivered, lost in the feeling, and witnessing him be so gentle.

  “Fuckin’ love your hair.”

  “Really?” I blurted before I could stop myself.

  “Really,” he said as he threaded his fingers through my hair and gripped tightly, causing me to gasp. His eyes intensified, burning into me. Gently, he pushed me back, so I touched the wall. He stepped in and slowly lowered his head.

  “Fuckin’ love these lips,” he said against said lips before taking my mouth in a fierce kiss. I lifted my shaking hands and pushed his vest from his shoulders. When it was down to his elbows, I paused at my bold move. Wade lifted his head. I knew I was blushing brightly. I didn’t want him to think I wanted everything that night. I wasn’t ready for everything. But I also wanted him comfortable, wanted him on my bed to make out a bit more, and maybe reach second base. Light groping to a point we both released our loads sounded good to me, and I was happy to do that with our clothes on. Since his body was fit and mine was… well, mine, smaller in every way than what Wade was, I just knew—from living with Zion—that they were particular with their vests. They treated them with care, placed them down, didn’t throw or put them anywhere in jeopardy.

  But how did I tell him all that?

  It felt like I was still learning words when he was around. Especially when he drove me as crazy as he was with his eyes and hands still gripping me.

  “Um,” I started and then licked my lips, to which he growled low at. Oh boy, that was hot. It made me think he wanted to be the one to lick my lips. He’d already done it, but it felt as if he wanted to be the only one to do it, that I had no right to my lips, only him.

  “I, ah… you see… you, me, clothes on, but fool around. Except vest?”

  His smile was the biggest I’d ever seen on him. He chuckled, seeming satisfied. “So fuckin’ cute,” he muttered before giving me a peck and stepping back to remove his vest before laying it carefully over the back of my swivel chair. He kicked off his boots, then took off his socks and lifted his chin toward the bed. “Get on,” he ordered.

  Thankfully, I was twenty-two and not some thirteen-year-old just learning what it felt like coming and wanting to do it every second of the day because I would have come in my boxers right there and then.

  But I discovered I liked being told what to do. Especially the way Wade did it.

  My steps were faster than I should have shown in front of him, but I wanted to get there, get him back in my arms with his mouth on me in any way.

  He gave off a light chuckle, and I knew he was thinking about me being cute. Usually I would take offense. I wasn’t cute. I was sexy and hot, but I didn’t mind the way Wade said it. It made me feel like in that one word, he actually meant all those things put together.

  Climbing on the bed, I lay back on my pillow and looked at the man in front of me. He stood at the end of the bed, staring down at me with heat in his eyes. Heat for me. A guy.

  How did I get so lucky?

  I bit my bottom lip. I couldn’t think about anything other than what was happening in the moment, or my mind would get carried away, and fear could settle in, causing me to clam up and push him away. I didn’t want that.

  “Fuckin’ sexy,” he told me.

  Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. “You don’t have to say—”

  “Don’t,” he ordered on a growl. “If I didn’t find you goddamn sexy, I wouldn’t have this.” He palmed his hard erection behind his jeans. My cock jerked behind my sweatpants, which was on more of a display since I was lying back. Wade shook his head. “I wouldn’t be hard for you, Lucas. Hard because of your look, your voice, the things you do.” He kneeled on the end of the bed, then bent, his hands to the covers as he slowly crawled up over me. He dipped, pressed his lips to mine once, twice. “You drive me insane.”

  “S-So do you.” I blinked. “I mean, ah, that you drive me, um, insane.”

  Wade smirked. When his hand touched at my waist, I jolted, still not expecting his ease at touching me. His smirk grew into a smile, and he trailed his fingers up my side. I slapped a hand over my mouth when laughter burst out of me.

  Wade’s eyes met mine, one brow rose.

  “Sorry,” I mumbled. “I’m ticklish.”

  He grinned. “Good to know.” He didn’t stop his path, causing me to laugh again, but when his hand rested against the side of my throat, I sobered. His intense look had me breathing faster, had my pulse ticking wilder. “Open those legs for me,” he ordered.

  I did. He lowered his bottom half over me. I quickly bit my bottom lip to stop myself from moaning when his erection rubbed against mine. Instead, I whimpered and gripped the backs of his biceps to hold on.

  “Christ,” Wade hissed, and all I could do was nod. Did he feel as lost as I did? Lost in desire? Spreading my legs more, I pressed my feet into the bed and ground up into him. His jaw clenched, his eyes closed, and again he cursed, “Christ.”

  Yes, he was as lost as I was, and seeing it had me smiling, even at a time like that. I ground up again, and his eyes flashed open. He growled in the back of his throat, and then he was kissing me like he had no other choice.

  I pushed all my worries away and just let myself live in the moment because I couldn’t have tried to stop it if I wanted to. Wade was there in my room, in my arms, on my bed.

  It was a fantasy come true.

  The kiss grew urgent. We tasted, teased, and rubbed against one another. I touched him in every place I could—his back, his hair, his neck, his butt. Our movements became jerky, and my balls were singing their praises because I was so close to an end I knew I would enjoy.

  I didn’t even care about my embarrassment after the moment. I was going to ride this orgasmic roller coaster right to the end.

  I tightened my thighs around Wade’s hips and pushed myself up and down faster. I slid both hands up and under his tee, touching his warm skin, wishing I’d taken the time to investigate his naked chest before we’d started the dry humping.

  Dear God, we were dry humping, and it felt wonderful.

  No, amazing.

  I mumbled incoherently against his delicious lips.

  “Fuck, what?” he asked, kissing down my neck.

  He bit. I moaned. “I… we… gonna come,” I warned.

  He groaned and bit again, then sucked on me where my neck and shoulder met, only he didn’t stop moving. His hands slid under my ass, and he held me tightly while we moved against each other.

  “Wade, so close,” I warned again.

  He grunted, trailed his lips back up to mine, and kissed me again.

  It was then my body tensed for a second, my ball
s shot up inside me, and my load erupted into my pants. I whimpered, moaned, and called his name over and over.

  “Fuck,” he clipped and then grunted, still rocking into me. When he pressed his head into my shoulder and panted through breaths, I knew he’d also found the end in the moment.

  I hugged him tightly to me, not wanting this moment to end. Gently, I traced my hands up and down his back. I knew we would part, things would get awkward, well, on my part, but right then, I didn’t care. I wanted to hold Wade just a bit longer.

  “Am I hurtin’ you?” he asked softly.

  “No,” I told him and went back to caressing his skin.

  “We need to talk.”

  I shook my head. “Not yet.” I was close to falling asleep, and I could tell by the way Wade’s body pressed into me, he was relaxing even more onto me.

  Until he lifted off me, pressed a quick kiss to my lips, and said, “Be back.” Then he was off the bed and walking from the room. The air cooled, his warmth gone, and I shivered from the chill. At first, I panicked he’d just up and left, but I heard him in the bathroom, and my heart was back to bouncing around in my body in nerves and excitement.

  Wade was cleaning himself up.

  Wade had come in his jeans.

  I made Wade come.

  Wade, who was Wreck, just came like a horny teen because we’d been kissing.

  I hid my giggle behind my hands. Holy cannoli, that actually happened.

  Glancing to the door when I heard him move back toward my bedroom, I saw him walk in. His jeans were undone, and I could see he had nothing on under them. Then I noticed he held a wet washcloth. Smiling shyly, I held out my hand, “Thanks.”

  He smirked but didn’t give it to me. Instead, he sat on the bed at my hip, and before I could stop him, he had the front of my pants and boxers down cleaning up the mess.

  My face ignited. “Oh my God, I can do that.” I tried to grab for it, but Wade pushed my hands away.

  “I’ve got it.”

  I could see he had, but the problem with him staring at my cock and messing around near it, my dick thought it was time to play again and hardened.


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