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Saved by the Big Bad Wolf: A Darkhills Romance

Page 13

by Elizabeth Greene

  It was both ingratiating and frustrating.

  “No, I’m fine Russ. Thank you. And I didn’t escape him. He left me and grandma at the hospital. He took her there after she had been hurt by Sam.”

  “Sam?” Russell’s eyes squinted, “Sweetheart, are you sure that wolf didn’t hit you on your head?”

  “No.” Rose said firmly. “Cayden never raised a hand against me or my grandmother. He saved me, Russ. Sam was at my grandmother’s house trying to get her to convince me to be his mate. She refused. When I showed up, he just went crazy. He grabbed me and when she tried to stop him, he hit her. Sent her flying.” Rose paused, the memory of seeing her beloved grandma go spinning down into the dirt causing her to suck in a breath. “Sam then started dragging me towards his truck, saying that I’d be mated to him one way or another. Cayden showed up just in time and fought Sam off. When he tried to attack me again, Cayden killed him.”

  Russell sat there with eyes like saucers.

  “Are you sure Rose? I cannot believe that Sam would try to force you.”

  “He did Russ. He was not a good Alpha. He was an abusive and violent asshole who intended on raping me. My grandmother will tell you the same thing.” Rose said, staring him down.

  Russell shook his head sadly and stood to pace the room.

  “I can’t believe it. Well, I believe you Rose, I do. It’s just, it’s hard to get my head around.”

  “Sam wasn’t a good wolf before this either Russ. He’d been stealing profits from the bar and from a handful of other businesses in town too, I was gathering evidence to bring to you, but he was lining his pockets while the rest of the pack struggled to pay the bills.” Rose continued; the true character of Sam McClaw needed to be made known.

  Russell stopped pacing and held out a hand to halt her.

  “Let’s just take this one thing at a time, sweetheart.”

  “Sam’s death was deserved Russ. Pack law dictates that forcing a female is punishable by death. Cayden should be absolved of any wrongdoing. He acted honourably.”

  “That’s another problem Rose.” Russell said his face morphing into one of serious concern as he returned to sit by her side.

  “What do you mean?” She frowned.

  “He hasn’t been honourable. He, how do I put this?” Russell paused and glanced swiftly away at the ground before looking at her with embarrassment. “He has interfered with you, hasn’t he sweetheart?”

  Anger bubbled up from deep within her.

  “I’m not fully mated if that’s what you’re suggesting.” Rose gritted out, trying to ignore the bitterness that came with her words.

  “No, no of course not fully mated. I can scent that you aren’t.” Russell rushed out, “However, you have slept with him.”

  “And why is that your concern?” Rose snapped

  “I know. I know Rose, this is all extremely awkward and trust me, I really wish that I weren’t having this conversation with you.” Russell held his hands up in surrender, “But, I can’t ignore pack law.”

  “Meaning?” Rose asked warily.

  “Meaning,” Russell sighed and gave her a look of sympathy, “meaning, that a lone wolf seduced a pack female.”

  “It was a mutual seduction, I made my choice,” Rose argued.

  Russell held up his hands again to silence her.

  “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that, Rose. Pack law states that he be punished for his actions, however considering what you have told me about him saving your life, as the soon to be new Alpha, I am willing to let him go without pursuing him. If you had played an active part in the seduction, then Rose I would have to banish you. I don’t want to do that Rose.” He held out his hand in invitation for her to take his. She refused to take it, so he rubbed his sweating palms down over his jeans instead.

  “Your place in Darkhills pack was under enough jeopardy before all this nasty business,” Russell explained. “The fact remains that if you are not mated soon, you won’t be welcome here anymore.”

  “I’m facing banishment one way or another.” Rose said bitterly.

  “Rose, you’ve got to understand, I have to uphold our laws, especially this one. It was made by the pack Alpha way back when you were just a pup. Sam might not have been a good leader, but his father is still upheld as one of the greatest wolves in Darkhills history. I can’t go against his law.”

  “So, my options are, find a mate within Darkhills or leave, is that what you’re saying?”

  “It’s not quite so easy as that now Rose.” Russell sighed heavily, “I’m sorry sweetheart but now that you’ve been with a lone wolf, you’ll be unlikely to find a male within the pack who will want you.” He cringed as he said it.

  “Are you kidding me? So, what, I’m damaged goods now, is that it?” Rose’s anger was like a hot wave that threatened to flood the room.

  “It’s shit, Rose. I know, trust me I wish things were different.” He ran his hands through his hair in frustration, “So many of our laws and customs are outdated but the pack still values the old ways and traditions. I can’t start trying to change that until I’ve established myself as Alpha, even then it’s going to take a long time.”

  “So what? Are you telling me to leave?” Rose asked, the thought of leaving her grandmother and friends was like a looming dark pit of despair.

  She had lost her mate and now it looked like she was going to lose everything else she held dear. Despite her best efforts to keep her feelings in check, rogue tears started to spill down her face. She refused to let out the sob that was prying at her throat.

  Russell cursed and snatched her up into his arms. His embrace was hard and cold, offering zero comfort and Rose stiffened against him. Despite that, he continued to hush and coo in her ear.

  “Oh hell, sweetheart. I can’t stand to see you cry. I’ve always liked you Rose, ever since I joined the pack. I’d never want to see you hurt.”

  “It’s fine Russ, I understand. You have a job to do. Just give me a little time to set up someplace to go and I’ll be gone.” She choked out from where he still held her against his chest.

  “Wait Rose, listen.” Russell suddenly held her at arm’s length and looked deeply into her eyes. “I know you’ve never thought of me in that way, but I promise I’d treat you well. You’d want for nothing.”

  “What? What are you saying?” Rose stammered. Her head spinning in confusion.

  “Mate me Rose, and I swear I’ll do my best to give you happiness. You could stay in the pack, hell you’d lead Darkhills by my side as Luna. I’d make sure your grandmother got the best care as she grew older and maybe one day,” He paused and took a deep breath, a small smile tilting at the corners of his lips, “Maybe one day you can find happiness in raising our pups.”

  “What?” Rose repeated dumbly. “Why? Why would you do that? You said males wouldn’t be interested in me, why would you want me? You’re going to be Alpha.”

  “I like you Rose,” He blushed deeply and gave her a shy smile, “I’ve always liked you and I want to take this pack into a new era, what better way for me to do that than leading by example, with an unconventional choice for a mate by my side?”

  Rose felt the sting of his words. ‘An unconventional mate’. That is exactly how she’d be viewed by the pack. She’d be talked about. She probably already was being talked about with people judging her for having slept with a lone wolf. Annoyance and anger coursed through her. They all thought lone wolves were such bad creatures, but they had no idea about the reality. The worst monsters lurked within their precious traditional communities.

  But Russ said he wanted to make things better.

  Rose cared about her pack, about the people in it. They were her family, she owed them everything and she wanted to help them thrive. If she stayed, she could expose Sam’s thievery and help to rebuild a better way of life for the pack. She could stay with her friends and support them as they grew their families. She’d be able to stay close to her grandma an
d take care of her. The only thing that waited for her in a life outside of the pack was loneliness and somewhere out there, her true mate. A true mate that had made it clear that he didn’t want her.

  She would love Cayden Greystone, until her dying breath even if he had never loved her back. But she could fill her life with love for the others around her. Maybe one day she would learn to care for Russell if he showed himself to be the fair and considerate Alpha that he so promised.

  With a silent nod, she answered him.

  “Was that a yes Rose?” Russell asked. He clutched her hands tightly, excitement and victory lighting up his brown eyes.

  “Yes Russell.” She said quietly, unable to look him in the eye, choosing to stare down at their joined hands, “I’ll be your mate.”

  Deep within her, tucked up small, her wolf let out a tiny whimper, the fight having completely left her. She blinked slowly and continued to stare into the darkness.



  Cayden woke from his fitful dreams, with the feeling of being watched.

  He shook away the vision of Rose in trouble from his dreams and peered into the darkness of the room, growling in warning.

  “Now, now, there is no need for that.” Lucian Nightingale tutted from where he sat in one of the leather chesterfields.

  “You’ll have to forgive me; I don’t take too kindly to being watched while I sleep.” Cayden replied, his voice still a deep gravel.

  “Quite.” Lucian agreed. “However, I couldn’t listen to your whimpering and whining for a moment longer.” He stood and glided to the light switch, flicking it on.

  The sudden illumination made Cayden curse as he squinted against the light.


  “Yes. You were making quite a disturbance upon my evening; anyone would think you were in distress.” He leaned casually against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest, casting his dark eyes over Cayden. “However, upon investigation, you appear to be in a decent enough state, I suppose.”

  Cayden huffed at the man. Lucian Nightingale was a snob. While Cayden might not dress in the expensive designer suits that the man preferred, he never considered himself to be unkempt. Although if he were truthful, he was wearing stale old clothes that he usually kept crumpled up in his gym bag and still hadn’t gotten around to shaving his beard.

  Lucian on the other hand stood nonchalantly against the wall in a tailored black suit, crisp white, open collared shirt and shoes that shone. He was clean shaved, likely to show off his jaw line that could cut like a knife, and had his thick black hair cropped short at the sides and longer on top. A raised, superior brow let Cayden know he knew exactly what he was thinking.

  He should probably clean up before they got down to talking business. Cayden rose from the bed and walked towards the tub in the corner of the room.

  “I wouldn’t bother. I believe your current appearance will work nicely for the task I have in mind.”

  “Whatever it is, I’m in.” Cayden said gruffly.

  He needed to keep himself distracted from thinking about Rose. He was finding it hard to shake a feeling of foreboding regarding his mate. Not his mate. He needed to stop thinking of her like that. He had let her go. He had no claim over her now.

  “That is unlike you.” Lucian frowned.

  “Why does it matter?” Cayden countered.

  “You’ve always wanted to know intimate details of any contracts I propose. Your thoroughness and sense of morality has always been one of your most admirable qualities.” Lucian replied honestly.

  “Well, I no longer care. What’s the job?” Cayden asked. He didn’t want to waste any more time.

  “I need you to kill a man.” Lucian stated, inspecting his fingernails.

  “Done.” Cayden pushed his feelings down. “Won’t be my first kill this week.”

  He was a bad wolf; it was about time he just embraced it.

  “See now, this is what I mean.” Lucian said in frustration, pushing off from the wall. “The wolf I invited here wouldn’t have accepted such a job.” He opened the door to the room and strode out. “I want to know what has changed.”

  Cayden clenched his fists at his side.

  “Since when did you care about morality.” He replied, as he stepped out onto the balcony.

  “You’ll have to come down here, Mr. Greystone. I’m afraid I can’t make sense of your growling from this distance.”

  Cayden’s mouth dropped. Lucian was sat in his usual spot at the end of the great hall, the floor below.

  How the hell?

  “Come, Come. I haven’t got all night.”

  Cayden, refused to scurry down the stairs to meet with the condescending asshole, so he took a step back and launched himself over the side of the balustrade, landing soundly in a crouched position in front of him. He slowly straightened and lifted his head to meet Lucian’s gaze. He didn’t even raise a brow at his entrance.

  “Now, why do you suddenly have no qualms about taking a man’s life, without a reason?”

  “Things change.”

  “Indeed. As can my opinion of a person.” Lucian absently rearranged his cuffs beneath his suit sleeves. “Allow me to elucidate Mr. Greystone, I do not look to hire people haphazardly. I like to be able to trust those with whom I associate. You are acting out of character which threatens the trust that I have in you.” Lucian steepled his hands in front of him and sat back in his chair. “So, I’ll ask you once more: What has changed? Perhaps the answer lies with this other murder you mentioned?”

  “It wasn’t murder. It was a justified killing.” Cayden corrected, despite himself.

  “I see. Justified in what way?”

  “I killed a wolf for attempting to force a female to mate.” Cayden replied.

  “Ah I understand, very heroic. This would be the female I can smell upon your person, yes?”

  Cayden remained quiet, refusing to give in to the urge to draw in the scent of his mate that still clung to him.

  “You’re not the only creature with a keen sense of smell. Mine may not be a good as a wolf’s but it serves me well enough.” Lucian kept his bored gaze on his steepled fingers. “The female, is she yours? Have I missed an invitation to a mating ceremony?” Lucian tutted.

  “She is with her pack, where she belongs. I am a lone wolf, Lucian as you well know. I do not mate.”

  “Well, that is a ridiculous notion. I have known many a lone wolf be mated in my time.” Lucian scoffed and looked at Cayden with eyes that seemed to bore into him, searching for answers. The feeling was unpleasant yet, Cayden refused to look away.

  “What does this have to do with the job?” Cayden ground out, trying to reign in his frustration all the while wondering why his chest felt so tight.

  “Your soul is heavier than the last time we met Cayden. You’ve borne the tragedies of your past on your shoulders since I’ve known you, but this goes deeper. This burden weighs more.” Lucian held Cayden’s gaze, and his pride be damned he wanted to break the contact. Only he physically couldn’t. His wolf whined and bent his head low while all Cayden could do was gasp as it felt as though his entire being was being held in a tight grasp.

  “I don’t deserve her.” He wheezed out, the words coming of their own volition. All of a sudden, the sensation stopped, and Lucian looked away as if bored.

  “Nonsense. Why ever not?”

  “What the?” Cayden choked out, “What the hell did you just do to me?”

  “Answer my question and perhaps I’ll answer yours.” Lucian smiled wickedly as he took out his phone and looked at the screen briefly before returning it to his inside pocket.

  “For fuck sake Lucian!” Cayden growled out. “Because all I ever do is hurt people. My mother died because of me. My father was driven insane because of me. My pack is better off without me and Rose will be better off without me.”

  “Forgive me for picking apart your argument, however,” Lucian turned to face h
im, “You did not kill your mother. Rockslides happen. It was an unfortunate tragedy. Your father was weak willed for not being able to honour the memory of his mate by caring for you, instead he wrongly blamed you. From what I know, you were nothing but loyal and beloved by your pack. And finally, while I may not be an expert in wolf customs, I know that love is rare and worth fighting for.”

  “How do you know about my pack, about me?” Cayden asked, shock ricocheting through him.

  He expected Lucian to be the kind of man who ran checks on his employees, but this level of information was intrusive and personal.

  “Who do you think your father asked to save your mother all those years ago?”

  Cayden couldn’t believe it. Lucian was as young as he was, both males in their prime. How could he be the ancient one his father had pleaded with? But as he looked at Lucian, he could find no hint of trickery. His dark eyes shone with matter-of-fact honesty.

  A hundred questions flew through his mind as he continued to watch the man in front of him. None of which would help him in his current situation. Cayden had tried hard to leave the past where it was. And right now, he needed to convince Lucian that he was still the right man for the job. He needed the distraction, facing a future with nothing but the emptiness left by his mate to occupy his mind was not an option. He’d go insane.

  “Love is not so simple.” Cayden said into the silence. “It’s because I love her that I walked away, it was the only thing I could do.”

  “Must I repeat myself? We’ve already established that you aren’t the Big Bad Wolf you think yourself to be,” Lucian waved a bored hand in front of his face.

  “They were going to kill her. If I had stayed, if I had returned to the Darkhills pack with her the Beta said he’d kill us both.”

  “The Darkhills pack?” Lucian sat up at that. “This wolf you killed, it didn’t happen to be the Alpha, did it?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Oh, that explains the sudden invitation I have to attend the Alpha ascension tonight.” Lucian raised his hand and clicked once, the serious looking butler from before appeared from the shadows, “Bring me the invitation from the Darkhills pack.”


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