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Saved by the Big Bad Wolf: A Darkhills Romance

Page 14

by Elizabeth Greene

  The man disappeared on silent feet.

  “I wasn’t aware you were so cosy with the pack.” Cayden said, a small part of him fearful that Lucian’s loyalties were with the pack, therefore not with him.

  “I’m not. Their previous Alpha, the one you killed, was keen to engage me in business, but I’ve never had much interest in anything that forest town had to offer. It would appear the prospective new Alpha wishes to continue to court me.”

  The butler returned and passed Lucian a card upon a small silver tray. He plucked it up with a leisurely swipe of his fingers and held it in front of him for a moment before returning it to the tray and dismissing the servant.

  “My mistake, it is an Alpha ascension and mating ceremony combined. The Darkhills pack is getting both a new Alpha and Luna tonight, some she-wolf named Rose.”

  Cayden roared out his fury, unable to hold back the fierce rage that slammed into him.

  “That son of a bitch!”

  “My, my! Mr. Greystone. Such a temper. Am I to assume your lovely lady wolf’s name is Rose Woods?”

  “I’ll kill him.” Cayden snarled.

  “Yes, yes, you do seem to have a penchant for killing the Alphas of the Darkhills pack.” Lucian leaned back in his chair and crossed his leg over the other while Cayden paced. “Tell me, why is it you’ll be killing this one?”

  “Because she’s mine.”

  “I see. How very possessive of you. I’m not entirely sure the female would appreciate being considered property. Let’s see if you can’t improve on that statement, perhaps thinking as Cayden rather than as your wolf.” Lucian rebuked, resting his chin on his closed fist.

  “Because I love her.”

  “That is more like it. Off you go then, go kill another Alpha and kiss and make up with your female.” He dismissed.

  “I can’t.” Cayden growled out his frustration and fought to keep his wolf in check.

  “Why not?”

  “He said they’d kill her if I returned. I can’t fight off a whole pack.”

  “I have every confidence in your abilities Mr. Greystone, however why exactly would you need to fight the entire Darkhills pack? Surely you just need to fight the Beta?” Lucian asked, cocking his head to one side.

  The solution was obvious and hit Cayden like a freight train.

  “Alpha challenge.”

  “Indeed. Who better to do it than a Greystone who is fighting for his mate?” Lucian asked.

  “Lucian, I have to go.” Cayden called over his shoulder as he started half jogging down the hall. “I’m sorry about your job, but you’ll have to find someone else to kill your man.”

  “Oh that.” Lucian said, appearing beside Cayden in a blur of movement too fast for him to see. Cayden jumped to the side slightly at his apparition. “That was never the job. I just wanted to find out what had made you go dead inside. I’ll hire another for the task I had in mind.”

  “Okay. Thanks.” Cayden muttered, too desperate to get back to Darkhills territory to be mad.

  “Don’t thank me just yet.” Lucian continued, “I had your vehicle towed.”

  “You what?!” Cayden growled at the man grabbing him by the collar of his suit jacket.

  “I told you I didn’t like it.” Lucian shrugged himself out of Cayden’s grip with ease. “Don’t fret. We’ll be taking mine.” He lifted his keys out of his pocket and jingled them in the air as he continued towards the doors.

  He swept his other hand to the side and the heavy wooden door swung open as if by his command. Cayden’s mouth dropped open, as realization dawned on him as to who or what his elusive business associate truly was.

  Lucian glanced back over his shoulder and flashed him a fanged grin.

  “Come, come, we wouldn’t want to be too late to save your beloved Rose.” Said the vampire.



  Rose stared absently out of the window of her friend's truck, into the dark night sky. Clint and Carly had agreed to drive her to the ceremonial clearing in the forest.

  Traditionally she’d be arriving with her parents. But it had long been the case that was a tradition she would never enjoy. With her grandfather gone and her grandma in the hospital, she couldn’t even be presented by them. Her friends were driving her there, but she would present herself for mating.

  She searched within herself again. Her wolf didn’t even lift her head.

  No. None of this was what Rose wanted, but even worse was the prospect of having to leave her family, her friends and the only home she’d ever known. Rose had resigned herself to never having what she wanted again. She’d never have her true mate. She’d had a taste of him, and it had been the most exquisite joy she had ever known. That would have to be enough to last her for a lifetime of sacrificing her happiness for the sake of those she loved.

  She’d agreed with Russell to have a joint mating ceremony and ascension ceremony that night, it was either that or wait another lunar cycle for the next full moon. Rose just wanted it done.

  “My mating ceremony dress looks good on you Rose.” Carly offered quietly from where she sat beside her in the back seat of Clint’s truck.

  Rose looked down at the pale pink gown and considered it once more. It had looked beautiful on her friend, it’s floating tulle skirt and sparkling bodice suited Carly’s soft and loving personality. She remembered how it had seemed to reflect the happy glow of her friend’s smile as she had stood and said her vows with Clint. Rose wasn’t sure she would do the dress justice tonight.

  “I mean, you’ll need to hitch it up a bit when you walk seeing as you would let me shorten it, but you look pretty.” Carly continued.

  “There was no way I was going to let you attack your mating gown with scissors for this thing.” Rose admonished.

  “This thing?” Carly half sobbed. “Oh Rose, this isn’t right. You don’t love him. Mating should be for love. Why don’t you call it off? We could say you weren’t feeling well that you’re still recovering from everything that happened.”

  Rose shook her head.

  “She’s right Rose.” Clint chipped in from the front seat, his eyes meeting hers in the rear-view mirror. “This doesn’t feel right. Tell me to turn this car around now and I’ll do it.”

  “Thank you both, but I’m doing it.” Rose said firmly. “Not all mating matches are made for love. Some are out of obligation. Some are out of necessity. I need to cement my loyalty to Darkhills, and I need to be a part of making this pack a better place. Russ told me he wanted to make changes. I can’t be a part of that if I’m not a Darkhills wolf.” She sucked in a fortifying breath. “So tonight, I am mating Russ.”

  Clint cursed under his breath and Carly didn’t even try to hide her tears.

  Rose turned her head, to once again stare out of the window as she tried to ignore the occasional hushed proclamations that the situation wasn’t fair from the seat beside her.

  Life wasn’t fair. Rose thought bitterly.

  If life was fair, her parents would’ve raised her to adulthood instead of dying so young. If life were fair her grandfather would never have gotten cancer. If life was fair, she would’ve met Cayden Greystone at some kind of pack diplomacy meeting, and they could’ve fallen in love and courted the traditional way. They could’ve been mated in a shining ceremony with everyone she ever loved there to witness her happiness at finding her true mate. If life was fair, they would’ve had a future together, full of family, friendship, laughter and love.

  Her fantasy was abruptly ended by the sight of the other pack members’ trucks lined up in the makeshift parking lot. A row of sparsely placed flaming torches lit the way towards the ceremonial circle. Clint pulled on the brake and killed the engine.

  “Last chance Rose.” He said, turning in his seat to look at her. “If you want out, I’ll drive us straight back out of here, just say the word.” His steady and caring face was something of a comfort to her.

  “Russ may not be the wolf I
love, but he’s a nice guy. There are worse fates than being his mate.” She said, trying hard to keep the tremble from her voice. She had promised herself that she wouldn’t cry.

  “It’s Cayden isn’t it? You love him don’t you hon, he’s your true mate isn’t he?” Carly asked, gingerly reaching for Rose’s cold hand.

  She sucked in a breath at hearing his name and looked to the roof of the truck, blinking away the tears.

  “Please don’t talk about him.” She pleaded, turning her head to look at her friend. The sadness she saw there reflected her own.

  “Oh Rose.” Carly shook her head and squeezed her hand tightly. “I’m so sorry.”

  Refusing to give in to the misery that threatened to overwhelm her, Rose sniffed loudly and cleared her throat. She needed to get through tonight, then she could work on making the best of her situation.

  “It’s fine. Let’s go.” She pulled her hand from Carly’s and let herself out of the truck, hoisting the soft skirt of the dress up as she climbed down.

  She was sure as hell glad she had refused the offer of high heels; her dusty, brown kicks were far better for her resolute stomp towards the ceremonial circle. The hurried footsteps of her friends behind her gave her a small boost of courage.

  “At least the ascension ceremony is happening before Russel and I tie the knot.” She said, with false cheerfulness. “Most of the pack will be too occupied with wanting to congratulate Russ on becoming Alpha than worrying about whether I’m enjoying my wedding day.”

  Carly sniffed sadly behind her.

  “That’s enough now Carls. She’s made up her mind. She needs our strength, not our tears.” Clint hushed quietly, almost too low for Rose to hear. “You can cry on me as much as you like later.”

  Rose smiled softly to herself. They might fight and fuss sometimes, but Clint and Carly complemented each other in the sweetest of ways. Their love for one another was obvious for all to see.

  They reached the entrance to the ceremonial circle and Rose cast a nervous glance around the tree line that ringed the empty space. The entire pack was there. Every set of eyes looking towards the centre of the clearing where Russell stood waiting. He was clearly not prepared to start the ceremony until everyone had arrived. Including his future mate. His eyes met hers before looking towards some chairs that had been set out to one side of the clearing, he glanced back at her and nodded once in encouragement.

  She had hoped to just blend in with the rest of the pack. She didn’t want to be the centre of attention for any longer than completely necessary. However, Russell clearly expected her to take a seat for all to see and watch him ascend.

  Even as she stepped out into the clearing, her entire being rebelled. She didn’t want any of this. But as a ripple of voices grew around her, she knew she had no choice but to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

  To her surprise most of the voices were soft coos of awe, or sighs of joy. Rose carefully took her seat and scanned the crowd once more. People were smiling. She wasn’t hated like she expected, like Russell had implied that she would be. A frown creased her brow a moment before the voice of the eldest wolf of the pack rang out to the crowd.

  “Darkhills. Tonight, sees the dawning of a new era for our pack.”

  The crowd hushed their murmurings and listened intently.

  “Russell Drayton joined our pack nearly ten years ago. He has since been our Beta, a loyal and stalwart second to his cousin, Sam McClaw. With the sad passing of his blood kin, he now seeks to ascend to the position of Alpha.”

  Cousin?! Both Rose and her wolf sat up at that. How had she not known the two of them were related? A sense of dread filled her.

  “The laws of our pack and every wolf pack throughout history dictate that we consider all and any challenges to this ascension. So, if there are any among you who wish to challenge our long-established Beta, you have until the rising of the full moon at its highest to stake your claim.”

  Silence echoed in the clearing, cold and crisp.

  Rose cursed inwardly. Please, someone challenge. Please.

  “Our Beta will now address us with his declaration.”

  The elder wolf shuffled back to the tree line and merged with the rest of the crowd.

  “Darkhills.” Russell’s voice broke the silence once more. “While I mourn the loss of my Alpha, my cousin and my friend Sam McClaw, I have been given a gift by the moon goddess in the opportunity to honour his good name and the way in which he led our pack, by taking on the mantle of leadership.”

  Honour his good name? What the hell? Rose listened in shock as Russell continued to lay praise upon Sam, despite everything that she had told him.

  “His death was untimely but befitting of the kind of Alpha he was. He died trying to protect one of our own. I am only thankful that no serious harm was done to my dearly betrothed.” Russell swept his arm towards Rose and made a dramatic show of clutching at his heart. “The thought of almost losing her as well as Sam is just too much to think about.”

  Rose’s wolf was growling low and slowly getting to her feet as fury built within her.

  “I have ensured that the abomination that sought to take her from me, that struck an elder of this pack and murdered our Alpha, dare not ever return. For if he does, I will see the lone wolf skinned alive for what he tried to do to the Darkhills pack.” The crowd continued to talk in hushed whispers, making what they would of Russell’s speech.

  “As your Alpha I will continue the good work of Sam McClaw and will protect the Darkhills from those outsiders who would seek to destroy us.”

  “Sam McClaw was a rapist and crook!” Rose shouted out, to the crowd.

  The murmurs intensified around her and Russell shot her an angry glare. She refused to be intimidated. The Darkhills pack deserved to hear the truth about their Alpha and the truth about Cayden.

  “Our Alpha didn’t die protecting me.” She continued, striding into the centre of the clearing to address her pack. “He died because he tried to rape me. He tried to force me to mate with him. The lone wolf, whose name is Cayden by the way, saved my life.”

  “Please everyone, please excuse this outburst.” Russell held up his hands to hush the frenzied voices of the pack. “My betrothed has experienced significant trauma, the doctors with whom I have consulted, believe she has confused the events in her mind as a coping mechanism to help her survive her time as the lone wolf’s captive.”

  “What the hell? That’s bullshit.” Rose cursed at him.

  “It’s OK Rose,” He soothed with a gentle tone that didn’t reach his eyes, “You’re safe now. You’re here with me, Russell.” He tried to pull her into his embrace, but she refused to go, shoving him away angrily, spitting at him.

  “Don’t you touch me.” She hissed.

  Russell wiped at his face and made a dramatic sigh to the crowd.

  “As you can see, she’s quite delusional and distressed. The sooner we are mated, the sooner I can arrange for the best doctors and the best medicines to help her get better.”

  “I am not delusional. Ask my grandmother. She saw the whole thing; she’ll tell you what Sam McClaw did to her and what he tried to do to me.”

  “That won’t be possible Rose, the lone wolf hurt her so badly that she is in a coma. Don’t you remember?” Russell countered, his syrupy sweet voice oozing over her.

  “No, she isn’t!” Came a voice from the crowd. Carly pushed her way forward to the front and glared at Russell. “Clint and I spoke to her in the hospital today, and I bet she’d have a thing or two to say to you right now, Russell Drayton.”

  “This is ridiculous.” Russell shouted above the raucous crowd. “From this moment on I declare that females are not permitted to speak during ascension ceremonies.”

  “You’re not Alpha yet.” Clint spoke up from beside Carly, the two of them standing with their chins lifted in defiance.

  “I’ve not heard anyone offer challenge?” Russell laughed, “And I know you have
n’t got the nerve, not unless you want to lose that shitty little house that you call home.”

  Rose looked on in horror as the flicker of fear and shame entered her friend’s eyes, and he stayed silent. Biting at his lip to keep from replying.

  “You’ve been blackmailing him.” Rose bit out.

  “Sweetheart, I’ve been blackmailing the entire Darkhills pack. Nice of you to finally catch on.”

  “You won’t get away with this.” Rose growled.

  Russell shrugged and returned his attention to goading her friends.

  “I’d suggest you downsize to a trailer.” Russell mocked, “Only I hear those things tend to be rather flammable. Not exactly suitable for a family home. Oh no wait, it’s still just the two of you. How long is it you’ve been mated now?” He sneered at Clint, “That’s why you won’t challenge me, you clearly don’t have the balls for it.”

  “You son of a bitch.” Carly tried to launch herself into the clearing, while Clint grappled with her to hold her back.

  Russell continued to laugh.

  “At least someone’s got some fight in that pairing. It’s a shame females aren’t permitted to challenge for Alpha, I wouldn’t mind throwing it down with her.”

  Clint’s fangs erupted at that and a dark snarl escaped his lips.

  Russell turned his back, unperturbed and chuckled as he looked up into the sky at the full moon that shone overhead.

  “Well, looks like it is almost time for me to ascend, and I think this Alpha’s in the mood for a little banishment.”

  The roar of an engine filled the clearing as a sleek black sports car skidded to a halt at the entrance to the ceremonial circle. Rose’s heart leapt as in the next moment, her mate climbed out and strode into the centre of the clearing, going toe to toe with Russell.

  “I challenge for Alpha.”



  “We have a challenge.” The elder called out to the assembled Darkhills pack. “State you name wolf and your reason for challenging for Alpha status.”


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