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This Piece of Our Being-Tampa Suns Hockey (Clearing the Ice #3)

Page 12

by Robyn M Ryan

  “Just checking to see how Andrew likes working with Glenn,” Kristen answered with a smile that didn’t fool Caryn.

  “He told me yesterday Glenn pushes him harder than anyone he’s worked with,” Caryn said. “I take that as a positive.” She felt Andrew’s hand squeeze her shoulder, but Caryn had more to say to the woman. “I get you will run into Andrew from time-to-time at the center, but don’t come to his room seeking him. It’s not your place, and you are not welcome.”

  Kristen glanced at Andrew and then met her eyes. “You’re the gatekeeper now?” There was no warmth in her tone.

  “If that’s what you want to call it. I’ve had enough of your so-called concern about Andrew to last a lifetime. He. Doesn’t. Want. You. Do both of us a favor and stay away.” Andrew pulled her against his chest before she could say another word.

  “So, she speaks for you now, Andrew?” Kristen bit out the words.

  “It would appear so.” Andrew’s voice revealed nothing. “I’d suggest you take Caryn’s words to heart. You don’t want to see her when she’s really angry…I should warn you she’s a pretty good martial artist.”

  Caryn buried her face against his chest to prevent laughter from erupting. She didn’t dare move until Andrew had opened the door and pulled her inside the room. He locked the door and when their eyes met, she burst into laughter.

  “Well, that was epic,” Andrew said as he grabbed her in a tight hug. “Thanks for rescuing me, but, what the heck was that? What aren't you telling me?"

  Caryn shrugged, her conscience nudging her to speak. I'm telling him about the baby today. That's enough for him to process, right?

  She pulled away as she shook her head, turning to walk to the kitchen for a bottle of water. “A lot of stuff has happened. But, seeing her at your door, laughing and flirting—not to mention touching you—just set me off.” She took a long drink of water. “What did she want, anyway?”

  “Supposedly what she told you.” Andrew ran his hand through his hair. “I wish you’d fill me in on the backstory, Caryn.”

  Caryn averted her eyes. “I hope we both can clear the air about Kristen with a counselor.” She felt his eyes on her and she sought to change the subject. “If your arms hadn’t been glued to your chest, I would have told you off, too.” Caryn looked up at him with a mischievous smile. “Martial artist, eh?”

  “At least a third-degree black belt. You could take either of us with one hand. No problem.” Andrew studied Caryn's eyes for a long moment. “You mind if I take a shower? I did a short warm-up run and got waylaid by Kristen when I reached the room.”

  “Oh, please do,” Caryn said, suppressing a giggle.

  “Back in a few…unless you care to join me?”

  Caryn pretended to think. “No, I’m good. I showered before I came.”

  Andrew winked as he walked backward toward the bathroom. “You look gorgeous, Caryn. New shirt?”

  “Maybe Kelly and Terri took me on a shopping expedition.”

  “I hope you spent a lot of money.”

  “You’ll never know,” Caryn countered.

  He shook his head, his blue eyes holding her captive. “I’m glad you did something fun. Got your mind off that contract.”

  “What contract?” Caryn asked, pretending ignorance.

  “Exactly.” A slow grin crossed his face. “See you in a few. Don’t go anywhere.”

  “Not a chance.”

  She heard the water running in the bathroom, and Caryn briefly considered joining Andrew. It would delay the moment she gave him her gift. To pass the time and keep her nerves calm, Caryn leaned against the small kitchen counter and skimmed her emails. The Suns PR department loved the idea of having the rookie do a daily video-blog. They offered to send her the videos each day, and they requested her permission to run them on the team site. She typed a quick reply, excited about the response. Now she needed to research his agent, though from what she’d seen, his social media wasn’t monitored or professional. New client?

  She also saw emails from everyone else she’d contacted the day before. Some had attachments. She’d have fun with this later in the day.

  The phone rang and Caryn sighed when she saw Jim Wesley on the caller ID. Surely there aren’t any additional problems with the contract? She considered sending the call to voicemail, but knew she had dodged him for a couple days. She swiped his name as she looked in the pantry for something to eat. A sudden wave of dizziness blurred her vision, and Caryn grabbed the back of a chair and eased into it as she spoke, “Hope you’re having a great day, Jim.”

  By his tone, she knew he was in a sour mood. “As great as it can get under the circumstances.”

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “You did not have your signature notarized. Remember, we spoke about that during the conference call?”

  Caryn truly did not remember. “I’m so sorry. I’ll get a new notarized copy to you today.” She looked up as Andrew walked from the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist. Their eyes met and Caryn felt herself growing warm.

  “Why don’t you drop by? We can both sign, have it notarized and we’ll each have the executed agreement. We could have completed this yesterday if you’d delivered the contract rather than using that damn courier. How soon can you get here?”

  Cary hesitated as she watched Andrew dress. “I’ve got appointments until one o’clock. Would two work?”

  “That’s the earliest you can get here?” Wesley clearly was not happy.

  “Yes, I’m sorry but I’m tied up until then.” She saw the questioning look from Andrew and shook her head slightly. “Lauren has already begun working on the project. This won’t affect the project’s timeline.”

  “This is not the way McRainey does business. I’ll bring the contract to you if you tell me where you are.”

  “Not possible. I’m with a client.”


  Andrew watched Caryn as he sat to put on his shoes. Good idea who’s on the other end of that call…don’t know the guy and he irritates me, putting it mildly. He watched her frustration build as the call continued.

  “No, that’s not a good idea, Jim. My appointments are stacked and all over town. I’ll see you at two.” Caryn’s tone left no room for discussion.

  Damn, she’s good. On a roll. First Kristen, now him. I better watch myself. Andrew stood as Caryn terminated the call, took a deep breath, and then looked at him with a smile.

  “Sorry…some people don’t know the meaning of ‘not available until two.’” She carefully stood. The sudden dizziness had passed, and she looked at Andrew with a bright smile. “I have a gift for you. Do you have time to open it now?”

  “You don’t need to bring me gifts.”

  He saw her amber eyes sparkle as she nodded. “Oh, yes, you do need this gift.” She glanced toward the couch where she’d dropped her purse. “Just stay right there, Drew.”

  He watched as she walked toward the sofa, her burst of anger replaced with a mysterious smile. She paused, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. “Cary, you okay?” She didn’t answer, and he started toward her as she tentatively took another step.

  Andrew saw Caryn reach to grasp the side chair as her legs began to buckle. Before he could reach her, she collapsed, striking her head against the table in front of the sofa.

  He knelt beside her and brushed his hand against her cheek and saw her eyelashes move slightly. The knot at her hairline had already begun to swell. Andrew looked around, not wanting to leave her side to get his phone, and then his gaze fell on the emergency alerts placed throughout the suite. He pulled the nearest one so hard the string broke, but the nurses’ station answered immediately.

  “Mr. Chadwick, are you all right?”

  “Yes. No. I mean, my wife fell and hit her head.”

  “Is she conscious?”

  “I think so.”

  “A team’s on its way. Just stay with your wife and don’t move her.”

  Caryn’s e
yes fluttered open, closed, and then opened again. She tried to push herself to a sitting position, but Andrew gently held her in place.

  “Don’t try to move, babe. Doctor’s on the way.”

  Caryn relaxed and closed her eyes briefly. “I’m okay.”

  “Not until you get checked out. What happened?”

  “Dizzy…no breakfast,” she explained.

  Andrew gently rubbed her arm and then turned when the door opened and a doctor and two nurses entered the room. The doctor motioned for Andrew to move aside, and he did so reluctantly. “I’m right here, Cary. The doctor needs to examine you.”

  “I’m okay,” she insisted. “Just dizzy.”

  “I’m Dr. Stewart, Mrs. Chadwick. I work with your brother-in-law over in neurology. I need to check you. Did you black out?”

  Andrew opened his mouth to answer, but Stewart held his hand up and shook his head.

  “I guess so. I was walking…got dizzy. Then dark thing I know, I’m on this cold tile and told not to move.”

  Stewart nodded. “Are you in pain, Mrs. Chadwick? Do you hurt anywhere?”

  “Not really. Just my head.” Caryn attempted a slight laugh. “I think I’m okay.”

  “Well, you know neurologists—we’re going to check you. Just relax and give us a few minutes.”

  Andrew leaned against the wall as he watched the team assess Caryn’s condition, asking her questions, gently manipulating her neck and spine before carefully rolling her on her back. He smiled reassuringly as her eyes sought his. He kissed two fingers and extended his hand toward her, then suppressed a smile as Caryn continued to insist she was fine.

  Finally, the doctor nodded and one of the nurses slowly helped Caryn to a sitting position.

  “Okay?” Stewart asked.

  Caryn nodded, but Andrew saw confusion in her expression.

  “We’ll check your head and run tests to see why you fainted.”

  “I get dizzy when I skip breakfast.” Caryn moved as if to stand, but the nurse gently put her hand on her shoulder.

  “You get the VIP treatment,” she smiled as an orderly brought a gurney into the room.

  “Seriously? I’m fine. I can walk,” Caryn protested.

  Stewart glanced at Andrew. “She usually this stubborn?”

  “You haven’t seen stubborn yet,” he answered and then pretended to wince when she cast her eyes toward him.

  “You’re not helping, Andrew.”

  “Just relax, Cary. It’s just precautionary. Humor me, okay?” He squatted beside her. “I’ll stay with you the entire time.”

  She didn’t look convinced but allowed the crew to move her from the floor to the gurney. The team raised the gurney, and she reached for Andrew’s hand.

  “Cold?” he asked when the nurse offered a blanket.

  “A little.”

  She spread the blanket across Caryn. “Let me know if you need another.”

  “Thanks.” Caryn’s spoke quietly, and she closed her eyes as the gurney moved from Andrew’s room. She grasped his hand tightly. “Don’t you need to go to therapy?”

  Andrew smiled as her amber eyes looked at him. “Not a problem, Cary. They’ll know where I am. Glenn can reschedule the PT, and I’ll catch the rest tomorrow. I told you I’d stay with you.”

  Andrew glanced at the physician trailing the group as he typed on his phone. When he looked up, Andrew asked quietly, “What tests?”

  “Blood work, a scan if she shows signs of a concussion. Nothing invasive.”

  Caryn closed her eyes against the harsh lights in the tunnel to the main hospital. She hated everyone making such a fuss. She knew she was okay—just a bump on her head. As long as nothing affects the baby. The words “blood work and scan” penetrated her thoughts and after a beat, Caryn felt panic welling inside her. I don’t want Andrew to find out this way…need to tell the doctor before they do any tests.

  She looked at him to catch his attention. “Do me a favor?”

  “Anything.” Caryn saw his eyes studying her expression. “What do you need?”

  “My bag. It’s in your room. Could you please get it?”

  Andrew squeezed her hand to reassure her. “It’s safe there, Cary.”

  She shook her head. “I need it, Drew. Please!”

  “Your phone? I’ve got mine.”

  “No, it’s not that. There’s something I need to give you.” Caryn knew she sounded panicked, but the thought of Andrew hearing her tell the physicians she was pregnant only heightened her anxiety. “Please, Drew. I really need to give you something.”

  Dr. Stewart interrupted. “You need to stay calm, Mrs. Chadwick. Take a deep breath.”

  Caryn complied as they turned the corner towards radiology. She tugged Andrew’s hand until he stepped closer. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Cary.” He tried to reassure her, but Caryn shook her head.

  “I know. But, I had something to give you. It’s important you know.”

  His hand brushed against her forehead. “Whatever it is can wait until you’re checked out.” They entered the radiology department, and the doctor directed Andrew toward a waiting area.

  “It shouldn’t take too long, Mr. Chadwick.”

  Caryn tried one last time. “Please, Andrew.” She knew they thought she was having a panic attack. She was, but it wasn’t what they thought. Caryn closed her eyes as the door shut behind them in the radiology area, praying Andrew would understand when he learned she was pregnant.

  Andrew stood at the entrance to the waiting area, unable to forget the desperation reflected by Caryn’s eyes. Flashbacks? Or something else? What’s so important in her bag? Maybe she has a slight concussion…just confused.

  Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t notice that Tom stood beside him until he spoke. “What happened, Andrew?”

  He briefly summarized what had occurred. “She’s in there now.” He nodded toward radiology.

  “So I heard. I just came on shift and one of the residents suggested I stop by. Did Stewart seem concerned?” Tom asked.

  “Not overly. He said this was precautionary, check for concussion, blood work to see why she fainted. Caryn keeps saying she’s fine.”

  Tom laughed softly. “She probably is. Sometimes I think she’s just as stubborn as you, if that’s possible.” He paused a moment. “So, you okay here? Need me to do anything?”

  Andrew shook his head as he grasped his brother’s shoulder. “Thanks, I’m good. I’ll text as soon as I know something.”

  “If you need me, you know where I am. Tell Caryn to take it easy.”

  Andrew watched the minutes tick by on a wall clock, concern growing as the minutes stretched into forty-five minutes, then an hour. Finally, the door opened and Dr. Stewart emerged, followed by Dan Forster.

  “How’s Caryn?”

  Dan nodded towards a room across the hall. “Let’s talk there.”

  Andrew followed them into the small conference room. “Have a seat,” Stewart invited.

  Andrew shook his head. “Tell me how she is.”

  Stewart started to speak, but stopped when Forster held up his hand. He pulled back a chair and nodded toward it. “Take a seat, Chadwick.” Andrew sighed and then complied without speaking, and the two doctors joined him.

  Forster nodded to Stewart to begin. “We’ve completed some tests now. We did an MRI because she does show signs of a minor concussion. No evidence of any bleeding or swelling. We’ll have her blood work back soon.” The doctor smiled. “To the question that most worries her—and I’m sure you also—everything seems fine with the baby.”

  Andrew forced his expression to remain neutral as his mind threw question after question at him. He tried to concentrate on what the doctors told him.

  Forster said, “We will monitor her closely, Andrew. I suspect the dizziness is connected to the pregnancy, but we’ll know more when we get her blood work.”

  “How is s
he emotionally?”

  “Frightened,” Stewart answered. “Asking for you. I’ll get you in just as soon as I can.” The doctor stood, but Forster indicated for Andrew to stay when Stewart exited.

  “Andrew, her vitals are excellent,” Forster emphasized. “We expect an uptick in blood pressure given her anxiety. The concussion is mild and I expect no residual problems. I requested a consult with obstetrics, and we’ll monitor her symptoms. We’ll know more with the blood work.” The physician pushed his chair back. “By the way, I asked someone on staff to bring over the bag she insists she needs. I hope you don’t mind them going into your room?”

  Andrew waved his hand. “Of course not. Thanks for taking care of it. I don’t know why that bag’s so important…probably worried about appointments.”

  Forster held out his hand as they stood. “When you get it, I suggest you cancel any appointments through the rest of the week. She’ll need to restrict her activities after she’s released.”


  Andrew remained in the room after Forster left, mulling over and replaying the information the physicians provided. Thankful the concussion appeared minor, he would not relax until he saw Caryn. He couldn’t wrap his mind around her pregnancy.

  How long has she known? The carsickness and dizziness in Toronto? He didn’t expect her to tell him. Not after the way he’d treated her in April. He wondered when she was planning to tell him? After they cleared the air about some of the issues? Until she believed she could trust him? He mentally ticked off the months. If the baby was conceived back in April, the pregnancy should be obvious soon. Unless…

  He forced the thought of another man from his mind. She would not jump into another relationship while they were married. But, did she think he had with Kristen? Andrew’s head pounded as he considered her anger and then her evasive explanation just a couple hours ago. He stepped across the hallway to purchase a Coke from the vending machine in the waiting room and hoped Caryn had some Advil in her bag. The waiting area felt claustrophobic, so he slipped back into the conference room where he could see the doors to the radiology department.


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