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This Piece of Our Being-Tampa Suns Hockey (Clearing the Ice #3)

Page 17

by Robyn M Ryan

He turned toward her as he spoke. “She’s awake and probably pissed I answered her phone.” He laughed at something Lauren said and then handed the phone to her. “Sorry, I forgot to silence it .”

  “I need to talk with her, anyway.” Caryn pretended to glare at him, but the barely contained smile on his face called her bluff. “Lauren, I’m sorry I completely disappeared.”

  “You didn’t. Andrew called me…I think during one of your scans. He’s kept me posted,” Lauren replied. “I just wanted to see how you were and let you know everything is under control, business-wise.”

  “I’m good. If I weren’t such a klutz, I wouldn’t be here.”

  “You’re not a klutz. My sister told me yesterday about her bouts of dizziness during her pregnancy.”

  Caryn caught Andrew’s attention and mouthed the word “twins” to see if he’d told Lauren.

  He shook his head. “Your surprise,” he whispered as he kissed her cheek.

  “Well, I hope that phase passes quickly. You know how my morning sickness is all day sickness?”

  “How could I forget?”

  Caryn laughed quietly. “Not that it has anything to do with all-day sickness, but we just found out we’re having twins!”

  “No! You’re playing me.”

  “Absolutely serious. Looked like a shadow on the ultrasound, but my doctor came in with the video on his tablet—the heartbeat sounded weird, not in sync. Then he explained that what looked like a shadow was actually a second baby.” Caryn couldn’t contain the excitement bubbling within her. “We’re having twins.”

  Lauren didn’t speak for a long moment. “Wow, I don’t know what to say. Twins…two babies? Congratulations to both of you! Where can I apply for honorary aunt status?”

  “Already determined, Aunt Lauren. So, fill me in on everything. Did your seminars rock the crowds? Has Wesley had a stroke about the contract? I need to call him…”

  “It’s taken care of. I flew to Tampa last night and signed the damned thing. He’s such an ass, saying he would take the contract to you at the hospital. I almost told him to shred it.” Lauren stopped to catch her breath.

  “I would have backed you with no reservations. If you have any doubts about this deal—especially since I know my travel will cut back…”

  “You mean, cease,” Lauren broke in. “You do not need to step on an airplane. I’ve got it under control.”

  “I don’t mind calling and telling him we can’t fulfill the contract,” Caryn persisted.

  “Caryn, I have two fabulous seminar leaders. We’ll do just fine. No worries.”

  “Wait,” Caryn interrupted. “Did you say you’re in Tampa? You flew in last night? My brain’s a little slow in processing…How long can you stay?”

  “Yes, I’m here, at your home as a matter of fact. Your sweet, hunky husband invited me.”

  “So you take his calls now?”

  Lauren laughed. “Temporary cease fire…Anyway, I plan to fly back to St. Louis and do laundry—and then crash for a few days. Seminar number two next week.”

  “Why not crash a few days here by the pool? We have a dry cleaner near Starbucks…and you know where to find the laundry room.”

  Caryn heard Lauren hesitate. “My flight’s tomorrow afternoon. I hope I can see you before I leave. Got to make sure my boss is okay.”

  “Partner,” Caryn corrected with a laugh. “I hope to go home sometime tomorrow. When? No idea.”

  “Maybe she can stop by while I’m at therapy,” Andrew suggested softly.

  Caryn nodded with a smile. “If you have time, you could keep me company while Drew goes to therapy tomorrow? I’m pretty sure either Kelly or Terri would drive you.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll ask them at dinner—girls night out during training camp.”

  “Have fun! Give me a call in the morning in case they kick me out sooner. Big hugs to you, Kelly, and Terri.”

  Caryn handed the phone to Andrew and lay back on the bed. “I’m exhausted.”

  “Well, you two always talk nonstop, like you’re on a timer.” He put the phone on the table and then sat on the edge of the bed beside her. “Water? Food? More frozen yogurt?”

  She reached for his hand as she laughed. “Not right now.” She scooted to the other side of the bed to make room for him. “So you’re no longer on Lauren’s shit list,” she told him with a smirk.

  “For now,” Andrew retorted. “One false move…”

  Caryn laughed at the gleam in his eyes. “Make sure you don’t…” She touched the coarse stubble on his face. “We could take a nap.”

  He lay on his side facing her, propped up by his elbow. “We could,” he agreed with a smile as he traced her lips with his fingers. His gaze sent a flutter of butterflies through her, and Caryn sighed as she rested her hand on his shoulder.

  “I’ve missed this…not the hospital, of course, but spending time with you.” She thought a minute. “I really don’t remember the last time we relaxed and talked. It’s been hard without my best friend.”


  Andrew shifted slightly as he fought the intense longing to demonstrate the depths of his love. He traced her lips with his fingers and then lowered his lips against hers. She pulled him against her and eagerly accepted the kiss as she ran her hands against his arms. Andrew slipped a hand beneath the over-sized shirt and lightly stroked her thigh. “I’ve missed this.”

  “Can you make a sign?” Caryn moaned as he kissed the skin beneath her ear. He didn’t reply at first, as he ran his hands over her body, her soft skin intoxicating his senses.

  “You want a sign?” he asked, his voice hoarse, as he placed quick kisses across her face.

  “If it will keep doctors and nurses away.”

  Andrew pulled back, a grin spreading across his face. “Let’s see if I can find some paper.”

  He reluctantly released her and stood to search for paper and a pen. He opened drawers and searched through the standard hospital supply package on the counter.

  Katie pushed the door open with a smile, holding Caryn’s chart and a small cup containing her medicine. “Shift change in a few minutes. I wanted to take care of you before I left.”

  Caryn pushed herself to a sitting position, trying to tame her tousled hair. Katie winked when she stopped beside the bed. She shook the pills into Caryn’s hand and reached for the glass of water.

  “Another good night’s sleep,” Katie commented as she took Caryn’s blood pressure. “With luck, tomorrow you’ll sleep in your own bed.”

  Caryn waited until Katie recorded her blood pressure to reply. “Hope so.” She glanced at Andrew as he held up a piece of paper.

  “And I’m out of here,” Katie said as she completed the notations on the chart. “See you in the morning.”

  “Thanks, Katie,” both Caryn and Andrew said at the same time. They exchanged glances and laughed.

  Andrew sat beside her on the bed. “You swallowed the pills?”

  “Like I had a choice, Drew.”

  “So our window of opportunity is shrinking by the minute. You’ll be asleep before I tape the sign on the door.”

  Caryn reached for him. “Let’s revisit that nap option. Hold me?”

  He lay on his side and gathered her into his arms as he rolled onto his back. Caryn nestled against his chest, and he heard her deep sigh of contentment when he closed his arms around her. Almost as good. Keep telling yourself that, Chadwick. “Try to get some sleep, Cary.”

  “If you’ll stay right here.” Her amber eyes tugged at his heart when she raised her head slightly to look at him.

  “Not going anywhere, babe.”

  “Perfect,” she whispered as he watched her eyes close. He gently brushed his hand against her arm as a flood of emotion swept through his soul. He replayed their conversation about his relationship with Kristen and the damage caused by one throwaway kiss. If she’d only asked him…allowed her anger to speak…She had every right to be furious and upset. Wish she’d
confronted me…though at the time she walked on eggs around me. He’d directed his anger and frustration toward her, a convenient target…He couldn’t blame her for not saying anything. No telling how I’d have reacted at that moment. Prefer to think I’d admit it and explain the mistake, but seriously, how could Caryn know? Just pretended nothing happened, and then conveniently “forgot” about it.

  He hadn’t intended to sleep, hadn’t realized he’d fallen asleep until he tumbled from his narrow perch on the edge of the bed, waking a split second before he hit the floor with a thud. He cursed softly as he shook his head, reaching a hand to pull himself up as he heard Caryn’s muffled giggle.

  He knelt by the side of the bed and glanced at Caryn. “Didn’t wake you, I trust?”

  “No, I’ve been awake. Did you hurt yourself?”

  Andrew shook his head as he stood and sat on the bed beside her. “Only my pride.”

  Caryn laughed again as she reached to touch his shoulder. “You were sleeping so soundly, then all of a sudden you just slipped off the side. I didn’t mean to laugh.”

  “I’m sure. How long have you been awake?”

  “Not long.” She lightly ran her fingers against the rough stubble on his cheek. “I hope our babies sleep so soundly.”

  “Tell me the doctors came through also while I slept?”

  She shook her head. “At least not since I’ve been awake.” She brushed the hair away from her face. “I was enjoying lying here next to you. I was afraid I’d wake up and find it was all a dream.”

  Andrew gently traced her cheekbone with his finger. “When I hit the floor, I thought I was having a nightmare.” He glanced at his watch. “Are you ready for breakfast now?”

  “Not yet. How much time do you have?”

  “Enough to get you some yogurt—strawberry swirl?”

  Caryn shook her head. “Bring some for lunch?”

  “Since you asked so nicely.”

  Late that morning, Katie opened the door slightly and caught Caryn’s attention. “Visitors—you up to it?”

  Probably Lauren, Kelly, and Terri. “Absolutely,” she agreed. She sat up and crossed her legs in front of her, happy to see her friends. Lauren entered first, a warm smile on her face, mouthing, “I’m sorry” as Jim Wesley followed her into the room. Caryn struggled to keep from rolling her eyes, but Lauren caught her as she crossed the room to wrap her arms around her friend.

  “I’m so glad you’re all right,” she whispered. “I stopped by McRainey to drop off a file and guess who followed me here. Sorry.”

  Caryn pulled the covers over her legs before she looked at Wesley. “Hi, Jim. Thanks for stopping by.”

  “I should have come sooner.” He set a bouquet of flowers by the window.

  Lauren sat in the chair beside the bed. “That’s quite a bruise and lump on your forehead. Does it hurt as bad as it looks?”

  “Not when the pain meds kick in.” Caryn shifted her glance toward Wesley. “I’m sure you’re very happy with Lauren’s first seminar. She’s our superstar.”

  “Couldn’t ask for more. I do appreciate you keeping us in the loop through Lauren. How long will you stay in the hospital?”

  Caryn shifted, uncomfortable with his gaze. She briefly double-checked that her shirt was buttoned. “Hope to go home today if everything continues to improve…and my doctor signs the discharge papers. I need to tell you, though; I’ll go home with a list of restrictions. I’m sorry if this puts the project in a bind.” Caryn paused and looked toward the door as it opened and Andrew entered the room.

  “Glenn had a consult,” he explained. “Extra long break.” He kissed Caryn before he hugged Lauren briefly. “Thanks for everything.”

  He next turned toward Wesley and held out his hand. “Andrew Chadwick.”

  “Jim Wesley, McRainey Inc.”

  “Yes, I've heard the name. Nice of you to stop by.” Caryn scooted over so he could sit beside her. Andrew slid his arm behind her back and leaned to kiss her again.

  “I like all these surprises,” she told him. “Lauren, it feels like a year since you came to Tampa. I don’t even know what day it is anymore.”

  “Friday,” Andrew replied with a smile. “Concussion brain,” he whispered.

  “I told Jim I’ll have a list of restrictions when I go home. But…I'm confident Lauren can run with this project.”

  “I didn’t come here to discuss business,” Wesley returned easily. “Wanted to check on you. I share your confidence in Lauren’s skills. Your only priority is recovering.” He stood, flashing a smile towards Caryn. “If you need anything, just call.”

  “Thank you for the flowers and for stopping in. I know how busy you are.”

  “Not to worry. We’ll be in touch.”

  Andrew walked Wesley to the door and leaned against the counter as he gazed at the flowers. “Making me look bad, Cary.”

  “Hardly.” She held up the two bears she kept beside her. “I love my teddies.”

  By the end of the day, Caryn had her discharge papers tucked into a folder. She’d changed into the cute and comfortable outfit that Lauren delivered, and now she sat on a chair in her room, waiting for Andrew and Tom.

  Tom’s schedule conveniently required him to return to work Monday morning, when Andrew’s therapy resumed. The three of us have not been home together since April… She shoved aside the bitter memories to focus on more practical matters. Would Andrew expect to stay in their room? Did she want him in their bed right now? Yes…maybe? The past few days…their mutual “time out”…did she want to extend it into this weekend? Before all their “secrets” emerged? Memories of their recent brief “interludes” filtered through her brain. It’s so tempting…but will it help or hurt the healing process? Maybe help more than hurt?

  She remembered the last time Andrew and she were in the house. That horrible Sunday when my father called to offer him a job. He accused her of setting it up, and then refused to believe her when she swore she had nothing to do with it. I can’t erase that memory… the day our marriage truly started to spiral out of control.

  Andrew had a weekend pass from the Rehab Center for the first time since the accident in November. They were together in their home for two days. A magical weekend, an elusive hint of the life they would resume once Andrew completed his recovery. Caryn remembered the peaceful calm she’d hadn’t experienced since the accident…until the very moment her father called Andrew early Sunday afternoon. Suddenly, the dream weekend morphed into a nightmare…a nightmare that played in her mind like a movie.

  She had watched from the sunroom as Andrew spoke on the phone. He glanced her way when he saw her through the window, and Caryn felt his irritation. She waited until he ended the call before joining him on the pool deck.

  “Who called you on a Sunday?”

  His eyes searched hers. “Your father.”

  “My dad? What did he want? Why did he call?”

  “When’s the last time you spoke with him?”

  Caryn shrugged. “When I refused to consider transferring you to what he considered the best medical facility for TBI. That was back in early December at the latest.”

  “How about your mother?”

  “It’s been weeks. Since I’ve been participating in your treatment, I really haven’t had much free time between that and my clients. Why? What did Dad want?”

  Andrew’s eyes never left hers. “He’s under the impression I need to consider options other than hockey at the end of my treatment.”

  “What? Why would he say that?”

  “I thought you might be able to enlighten me.” Andrew’s tone was terse. “What’s going on, Caryn?”

  “Drew, I have no idea. Did Dad say why he thinks you need to consider other options?”

  “Supposedly someone on my medical team contacted him.”

  Caryn shook her head. “But, no one could talk to him without your permission.”

  “Exactly. But as you’ve told me many times, your
father can get whatever information he wants. He has his ways, remember?”

  Caryn swallowed a groan, and then took a deep breath. “I don’t understand, Drew. I’m totally shocked he called you.”

  “And does the idea of another career option shock you?”

  “From him? Yes,” Caryn said, her tone emphatic. “As far as someone on your medical team—they’re all supposed to be helping you meet your goals.”

  “Maybe that’s just his way of protecting the person who actually made the request.” Andrew’s voice was deceptively mild.

  “And that person would be…?”

  Andrew’s eyes held hers steadily, as though seeking to read her thoughts. “I thought you might tell me.”

  “Me? Me? Seriously, Drew?” Caryn’s voice rose in shock.

  “Who else?”

  “Andrew, listen to me. I. Do. Not. Know. Why. He. Called.”

  She shook her head in disbelief when he responded, “Then who?”

  From that moment, their marriage began to unravel in slow motion. He refused to believe she had not called her father. His words still hurt.

  “I’m not ‘choosing’ to think you’re lying, Caryn. There is no other person who would even know to call him about this.”

  “So you’ve already made up your mind.”

  “Do you have any believable alternatives?” he countered.


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