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Marking Madden: Hearts of Hollis

Page 5

by J. L. Leslie

  I don’t have a fucking clue what I’ll actually be doing, but I’m a quick learner. I’ll catch on. I don’t doubt that. I can do anything I put my mind to. Besides, construction can’t be that difficult. Guys who don’t graduate high school can do it. I’m highly educated. I walk up to the site and ask for Caleb. Apparently, he’s the supervisor.

  “Who’s asking?”

  A dark haired guy holding a thermos approaches me. He looks vaguely familiar, and I recognize him as Casey’s boyfriend.

  “Jack sent me for a job. I’m Madden Steele,” I answer.

  “The newbie,” he retorts. “Jade’s guy.”

  “Excuse me?” I ask.

  “He didn’t even wear steel-toe boots,” a voice behind me comments. I turn around and Jade’s ex is walking up, shaking his head. Great.

  “I wasn’t sure of all the job details. What it required,” I explain. “I can have a pair by tomorrow.”

  “I have an extra pair in my truck. Looks like they’ll fit you.” Thermos Guy says. “I’m Caleb. Your boss. Don’t come unprepared again, otherwise, don’t bother fucking coming.”

  I notice Brady smirk as Caleb motions for me to follow him to his truck. He hands me a pair of worn out boots. I shrug out of my shoes and tug them on.

  Caleb looks down, almost looking annoyed that they fit. I’d put money on it that he would rather I’d gone on home. “Do you have any tools?”


  “Yeah, tools? A hammer, level, drill...anything?” he asks, exasperated.

  “I can have whatever I need tomorrow,” I answer. “Jack just told me to show up. That’s what I did.”

  Caleb goes to the back of his truck and opens his toolbox. He pulls out a tool belt, gloves, and then begins handing me tools. “Don’t bother buying anything. You probably won’t be here that long.”

  I tie the tool belt around my waist, tug the gloves on, and then shove the tools into the compartments of the belt. I don’t dwell on his words. I’m sure he’s been doing this job straight out of high school and he thinks I’m a city boy who can’t hack it. Fuck him.

  “Newbie! Over here!” Caleb yells.

  I grit my teeth, but go to him. After all, he’s my boss. “Yes, sir?”

  “I need eight 2x4s brought over from the supply truck,” he instructs, pointing in the direction of a red truck parked several feet away.

  I nod and start in that direction. The truck is loaded down with lumber of all sizes. I grab the 2x4s and unload eight pieces. It takes me two trips to get eight pieces over to the site. It’s manual labor, which I admit, I’m not used to, but it feels good to be doing something productive.

  “Do you not know what a 2x2 is, newbie?” Caleb complains. “I asked you to get eight 2x2s and bring them over. You brought 2x4s.”

  “Because you asked for 2x4s,” I say through gritted teeth.

  “Nope. He said 2x2s,” Brady chimes in. “Didn’t he, Tate?”

  One of the other workers looks over and grins. “Yep. 2x2s. Right, Logan?”

  “That’s right, 2x2s,” yet another worker agrees.

  I hear laughter and agreement from the rest of the crew. It’s like a damn fraternity of idiots. I lean down and start picking up the 2x4s. Immature pricks.

  “Get it right, newbie,” Brady jokes.

  “I’ll get it right,” I assure him, anger fueling my thoughts. When I’m fucking Jade and making her scream my name. I’ll be getting it right then, asshole.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I walk through the store, my items clutched in my arms. I know I should’ve gotten a shopping cart but it’s one of those trips where I didn’t think I would need more than a couple of items, then as I shopped, I realized I grabbed more than what I could comfortably carry. It happens to the best of us.

  The shampoo I’m holding is stacked on top of the box of tampons and the bag of potato chips is nearly crushed in my hands. I don’t know how I manage to keep the other items in my arms, but I pray I can get to the register without dropping anything.

  Of course, my prayers do not get answered because I round the corner and run smack dab into someone, causing all of my items to crash to the floor.

  “Shit, I am so sorry!” I quickly apologize.

  “At least you didn’t crash a shopping cart into me,” Madden says, smiling. I take him in, noticing the dirty jeans and gray t-shirt he’s wearing, a hole torn into the hem. He actually has on work boots.

  “Did you get a job?” I ask, incredulously.

  His smile fades. “You make it sound like I’m completely incapable of doing that.”

  I grab my scattered items, flustered. “I didn’t mean it like that. Just didn’t think you were sticking around here long enough to get a job.”

  He holds a few of my things in his hands, including my box of tampons. Mortifying.

  “It’s boring staying at my apartment all day. Although, I don’t know that working construction with a bunch of assholes is any better.”

  “Ah, they giving you a hard time?” I ask and start walking toward the register.

  “That’s an understatement.”

  I put my things on the belt and turn to him, blushing as I take the box from his hand. If he’s embarrassed, he doesn’t show it.

  “Try not to let them get to you. They’re good guys.”

  “Are they? Because I fail to see what you ever saw in that guy Brady. I get this town has a limited selection, but I’m disappointed in you, Jade,” he says playfully.

  “He has his moments,” I reply with a shrug.

  “I’m sure they are few and far between.”

  “Everyone can’t be as handsome and charismatic as you, Madden Steele.”

  He smirks. “You think I’m handsome?”

  Oh shit. Did I say that out loud?

  I start to tell him I was only joking when the cashier holds out my box of tampons, right in front of my face. “These are buy one get half off. You want to go grab another box?”

  I give her a murderous glare, not daring to look over at Madden although I can feel him staring at me.

  “No, one box is enough, but thanks.”

  “Are you sure? I mean, you’re bound to need them again next month.”

  “I’m sure,” I answer through clenched teeth, and snatch the box from her grasp, tossing them into the bag. She shrugs, popping her gum.

  “Back to you calling me handsome. I prefer sexy, or gorgeous, but handsome is good,” Madden says. “Oh, and charismatic? Brady is definitely not charismatic.”

  I ignore him, playfully rolling my eyes, and pay for my things, smiling when he grabs my bags. “I thought you had shopping to do of your own.”

  “I’ll walk you to your car first,” he says. “Besides being handsome and charismatic, I’m also a gentleman.”

  I laugh at this and thank him for carrying my bags. He opens my door for me and I slide inside.

  “Good night, Jade.”

  A small part of me thinks of Casey’s advice. It’s obvious there’s a physical attraction between Madden and me. But can I keep my expectations to a minimum and not get my heart broken again? Stick to the plan and use him to get Brady back?

  “Madden?” I call out to him before he walks away.


  “The other night, when you said you kissed me so I could make Brady jealous?”

  He nods. “Yeah?”

  “Was that really all it was for you?”

  He furrows his brow as if he’s thinking of how he should answer this. “I thought he was being a jerk rubbing that girl in your face, Jade. I could tell it was making you upset and you didn’t deserve that.”

  “So, that is all it was, then?”


  “What if I wanted you to do that again?”

  He grins. “I have no issue kissing you to piss off that asshole.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  I wipe the sweat off my forehead and
nail down another shingle. When I started working for King Construction, Caleb’s crew was at the tail end of a job. We finished it my third day and quickly moved on to another job — putting a brand new roof on Jack’s Bar.

  I’ll be the first to admit, roofing work is not my favorite thing to do. For one thing, I’m on a roof. I’m not crazy about heights. Something about falling hundreds of feet to my death that bothers me.

  Second, I’m not crazy about being on a roof with Brady Thompson. He’s careless. I get the fact that he’s been doing this job since he was sixteen. It doesn’t change the fact that he likes to joke around. Tossing shingles to you when you’re not expecting it and behaving on the roof like he’s walking around on solid ground. We are most definitely not on solid ground.

  Third, apparently my hazing phase isn’t quite over. Despite the fact that I’ve shown I’m an extremely fast learner, Brady and Caleb still don’t think I can cut it. The same tricks that were pulled on day one are still getting pulled on day four. It’s like I’m working with five-year-olds.

  “Quitting time, newbie!” Caleb calls.

  “Almost done,” I answer, securing the last shingle in the line I’m working on. I stand up when I’m done and head over to the ladder to climb down.

  “Drinks at Jack’s?” Tate suggests.

  “Hell yes!” Brady agrees.

  “You in?” Tate looks at me and I shrug.

  Maybe the bullshit hazing is over if I’m getting invited for drinks. Either that, or it’s a ploy to get me away from work so they can kick my ass off the job. Since I’m not afraid of any of these jerks, I agree to join them.

  I put my tool belt in my truck and follow the crew into the bar. It’s shortly after six, but the place is already starting to get busy. I notice Jade behind the bar and Casey working the floor. Caleb walks up behind Casey and gives her a smack on the ass, earning him a scowl that quickly fades to a smile.

  Brady spots his girlfriend and heads over to her. I personally don’t get what he sees in her when he could have Jade. Sure, the brunette is pretty, but she has zero personality. She behaves as if she can’t function without him around.

  Now Jade...she can function just fine.

  Tate, Logan, and I approach the bar and I call her over. She’s smiling when she walks up and cracks a joke about whether we were working hard or playing hard. Lately, it seems all I can think about is playing hard...with her.

  I’ve spent every night this week hanging out at the bar, joking around with her and playing pool during her break before heading up stairs to crash.

  “A little bit of both,” Brady answers as he and the ditz join us. “That’s why we need a pitcher. Maybe two.”

  “I’ll bring them out,” Jade informs him and he nods, walking away with Kelly tucked under his arm.

  When she walks away to get the pitchers ready, I move down the bar to follow her. “Tell me again what you see in that guy.”

  “What do you see in the girl you left behind?” she challenges and I stiffen at her bristled words. She adds exasperated, “I can’t explain it, okay? He was different last summer. I was different.”

  I prop my elbows on the bar and lean over a little. “I get it, Jade,” I assure her. “Now, come here.”

  She arches her eyebrows at me, and I give her a wicked grin, crooking my finger at her in a motion for her to get closer. Her lips spread out in a smile as she mimics my pose and props up on the bar, her face mere inches from mine.

  We haven’t put her plan into action, yet. I know she wants to make Brady jealous, no doubt in some ridiculous effort to win him back. I personally don’t think he deserves her, but I told her I would help her out. It’s the first night he’s been in Jack’s since I promised her I would.

  “Now, we’re both different,” I say and close the gap between us. “Show Brady what he’s missing.”

  I barely hear her sharp intake of breath before my lips brush hers. It’s a short kiss. Soft and innocent. If there is such a thing with Jade. When I pull back her eyes are still closed for a second, but then she opens those deep blues and smiles.

  “Jade! Where’s our pitchers?” Brady hollers and I can hear the anger in his voice.

  I give Jade a knowing smirk as she straightens up. She grabs the pitchers and a tray of glasses and heads over to the table where the rest of our crew is sitting. Brady glares at me as I join the crew and pour myself a glass of beer.

  If I had to guess, he might be figuring out what he’s missing. Damn, this is going to be fun.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I gather up the empty bottles of beer on my tray, clearing the tables as the night winds down. I grab my tip off Hank’s table and pat his shoulder, telling him thanks.

  Caleb and Casey are huddled together in the corner, making out, so I let them have their fun, knowing she’ll help me close up in a few minutes.

  I dump my tray into the garbage can and close up the bag before lifting it out of the can and heading out back with it. I toss it into the dumpster and start back inside.

  “Are you seeing this guy, Jade?”

  “Damn it, Brady, you scared the crap out of me!”

  He stands there with his hands shoved in his pockets. He kicks at a rock on the ground, barely making eye contact with me.

  “You know he’s not sticking around.”

  “Isn’t your girlfriend inside? She’s probably hyperventilating since she’s lost sight of you.”

  I start to walk past him, but he reaches out, his arm snagging my waist and pulling me to him. I shouldn’t get excited at his touch. Shouldn’t be happy that my little ploy to win him back is working.

  “He’s a city boy, Jade. He’s going back to the city as soon as he realizes small town life isn’t for him. He doesn’t belong here.”

  “It’s none of your business.”

  His fingers dig into my hips, pulling me closer. “We had a good thing. You know I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  I close my eyes as he rests his forehead against mine. “But you did.”

  Brady touches his lips to mine, soft at first, but then he deepens the kiss and I let him, remembering the way he used to kiss me all those nights. How he would march into Jack’s and wrap me in his arms. The way he would grin at me before placing me on the bar and settling between my legs for a hot as hell make out session. We did have a good thing. Then, I woke up one day and that good thing was over.

  “Brady? Are you out here?”

  I tear my lips from his, sucking in a deep breath as I step away from him. It dawns on me that the sparks I told myself I felt before weren’t there. The excitement I used to feel when he kissed me is gone.

  I’m not sure what upsets me more. That realization or hearing him answer to Kelly that he’ll be right there as if I don’t matter. As if I’m not even standing right in front of him.

  “Just go,” I say quietly, my eyes blurring with tears.

  “He’s bad news, Jade. You have to trust me on this.”

  I don’t respond. I know if I open my mouth to say anything, I’ll regret it. I’ll lash out at Brady and tell him how upset I am that he’s the first guy I opened up to. The first guy I started to let my guard down with. He has no idea how hard it was for me to show him even a glimpse of my childhood. How agonizing that was.

  A sob escapes my mouth, and I cover it with my hand, fighting back tears. I jump when arms enclose around me but relax when I realize it’s Madden. I quickly wipe my tears, apologizing.

  “No need to apologize. He upset you.”

  I laugh a little. “As you know, it’s my time of the month. Everything upsets me.”

  “You don’t have to make excuses for him. He’s a jerk,” he says. “And he’s going to regret the day he lost you.”

  I smile at that and he slips his arm around me, walking me toward the door. “This girl you lost? She’s going to regret the day she chose the other guy. I promise you that.”

  Chapter Eighteen

>   Madden

  I carry the load of shingles over to Brady and put them down beside him before getting down on my knees to help finish the section he’s working on. He glares over at me, muttering something underneath his breath.

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “Go work on the other side with Tate. I don’t need any help over here.”

  I grab my tools and head to the other side to work with Tate. He’s nearly finished, but if Brady wants to be stubborn and childish, more power to him. I don’t have time for that shit.

  “What are you doing over here?” Caleb questions. “I told you to work the left corner.”

  “Brady sent me over here.”

  “Brady isn’t the foreman. I am.”

  I stand up. “Then, tell him to get his ass off his shoulders and let me do my fucking job.”

  Tate burst out laughing. “He’s got his panties in a twist because Jade’s hot for Madden.”

  “Fuck you!” Brady hollers from the other side of the roof.

  “Once on Saturday and twice on Sunday!” Tate replies, a goofy grin on his face.

  “Go eat a bag of dicks!” Brady yells back.

  “Shut the fuck up!” Caleb grumbles, shaking his head. “Tate go work with Brady. Madden and I will finish this up here. This job has to be finished today if we want to be off tomorrow for Hollis Days.”

  “Hell yeah!” Logan shouts.

  “Hollis Days?” I ask, securing a shingle.

  “It’s an annual event with vendors and music and if I’m working, Casey will have my ass.”

  “Then, he won’t get to have hers!” Tate teases and this earns him the finger from Caleb.

  Tate hurries over to where Brady is and Caleb gets down beside me and starts working, making securing the shingles look like child’s play in comparison to the amount of time it takes me. He’s an efficient worker, knowing how to do the job and doing it well. It’s clear he’s the foreman for a reason.


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