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Marking Madden: Hearts of Hollis

Page 6

by J. L. Leslie

  “How long have you been doing this type of work?”

  “You trying to get to know me or something?”

  “Just making small talk.”

  “I’ve been doing this shit since I was fourteen. I didn’t go to college. Only wore a tie once in my life and that was to a funeral. We’re not going to be friends, city boy.”

  “Because I’m moving in on your best friend’s girl?”

  “Nope. Brady wouldn’t know a relationship if it kicked him in the balls,” he answers. “Because Jade is my girlfriend’s best friend, and I don’t trust you. You stroll into Hollis with two duffel bags and rent a shitty room above a fucking bar. You’re hiding something.”

  “Needed to get away from home. That’s all.”

  “I call bullshit on that. I know what it looks like when someone runs away from home. My sister pulled that stunt years ago. She took everything she had and she never looked back. I can tell you’re looking back, which only means you aren’t here to stay.”

  “Never said I was.”

  “Then, don’t fuck around with Jade. If Casey doesn’t kick your ass when you break her heart, I will.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Every year, Hollis holds the Hollis Days Festival. It last a full weekend and there are vendors, live music, and activities for pretty much everyone in town. It raises money for the town, which is always a good thing, and people from the surrounding cities, including Redbud, come join in the festivities.

  Jack let’s me and Casey work the lunch shift for the Saturday event and it’s the only other night besides Taco Tuesdays that Marlene works the night shift so us “kids” can go have a good time at the street dance. Friday night is geared toward younger kids and Sundays toward the senior citizens, so Saturday is the night we want to go and see the live music and even though he grumbles each year, he lets us off without fail.

  Jack swears he’s going to hire another waitress, but each time he does, they don’t stick around long. They are usually high school kids that work a few months in the summer before going off to college or single moms that need a little extra income and can’t work too often due to having kids at home.

  “Order up!” Jack calls from the kitchen. “Food don’t serve itself!”

  I giggle as Casey dramatically rolls her eyes and mimics Jack. “Food don’t serve itself!”

  She grabs the plates and loads them onto her tray before carrying them over to her table. I fix two glasses of soda and deliver them to my table before taking their order and sending it in to Jack. He hates working the kitchen, but if Marlene is working the night shift, she doesn’t pull a double and the other cook called in sick, no doubt to go to the festival.

  “Only a few more hours,” I remind Casey.

  Then, it’s festival time and we always enjoy cutting loose at the festival. The music is great and I’m sure the shots we take prior to getting there help loosen us up a bit. Of course, last year I spent most of the evening slow dancing with Brady before sneaking off to have sex behind the bar. Guess that won’t be happening this year.

  “Your place for shots?” she asks, even though it’s become a ritual since I moved here.

  “Hell yes,” I say with a grin.

  “Are we invited?” Brady chimes in, walking in and grabbing a seat at an empty table.

  “Girls only,” Casey says and then turns to Caleb. “You finish up the job?”

  “Of course, baby,” he says, leaning over and kissing her cheek. “Do I ever let you down?”

  She narrows her eyes at him. “Should I answer that truthfully.”

  “Stop busting his balls, Case,” Brady says. “He’s been busting ours all damn day.”

  “And I’m sure you were whining like a bitch about it all day, too,” Casey shoots back, earning a laugh from the crew.

  “You guys want burgers?” I ask, cutting into their bickering.

  “That’s fine,” Brady answers. “You know how I like mine.”

  “Yep,” I reply, slightly rolling my eyes.

  I’m jotting down their order when Madden walks in and approaches their table. Before taking a seat, he leans down and kisses me on the cheek.

  “Mmm, you smell good,” he comments.

  Brady snorts. “Like fries and bacon.”

  Madden smirks and places a kiss at the crook of my neck, making me squirm. “Damn, makes me hungry.”

  Oh my God. My entire face turns beet red as I slip away from him and go put in their order. Brady sits there with his arms crossed over his chest, glaring over at Madden. I may not have felt any sparks when he kissed me, but I can’t help but think it’s funny to see him like this. My how the tables have turned!

  I fix their drinks and bring them back, placing them on the table. When I go to put Madden’s in front of him, he grabs my wrist and pulls me down onto his lap.

  “Get a damn room!” Brady complains.

  “I need a date to Hollis Days,” Madden says with a grin. “Will you go with me?”

  “Of course I will.”

  He presses a chaste kiss to my lips and I get up, hearing Jack call out that an order is ready. I can feel Brady’s eyes on me as I walk away, but I’m not consumed with the need to make him jealous. I’m actually looking forward to my date instead.

  Well, my fake date...right?

  Chapter Twenty


  I drag the jeans up my thighs, still getting used to wearing them instead of dress pants and khakis. I like the new look, though. It’s a lot more comfortable than the stuffy clothes I was wearing before. I do opt to wear a navy, blue polo shirt, just to look nice, and a pair of light, brown flip-flops.

  I run my hand through my hair and glance at the phone on my dresser. I haven’t checked it in days. Sighing, I turn it on and go through the messages, not bothering to listen to the ones from my father. I know what he wants. The only thing that matters to him — his money.

  I listen to Landon and Keegan’s messages and also delete the two from Amelia. I can’t listen to her voice right now. I decide to call Landon, figuring he can use some sort of explanation.

  “Well, well, well, the prodigal son is alive,” he answers.

  “You thought I was dead?”

  He chuckles. “Nope. Just shirking your responsibilities.”

  I roll my eyes. “I never said I was coming to work for the company.”

  “You also never said you weren’t. What’s the deal anyway? Where’d you run off to?”

  “Just taking a few months off. I’ll be back soon.”

  “When is soon? You do realize Keegan and Amelia are planning their wedding, right? It’s kind of hard to finalize things when one of the best men are missing.”

  My heart sinks. Keegan wants me to stand up there as he marries Amelia. As he officially claims her as his. I can’t fucking do that.

  “I’ll be back in time for the wedding.”

  “Enjoy your time off,” Landon says. “Hope she’s worth it.”

  I laugh at that before disconnecting. He thinks I’m off getting laid and scoring with some chick, or multiple chicks. No, I’m off trying to forget the one I let get away.

  Determined to make that happen, I head downstairs to meet Jade. I find her at the bar with Casey, the two of them doing shots. I can’t stop the reaction my dick has to the sight of her in a pale, pink sundress and cowgirl boots. I can lie to myself all I want that I’m only flirting with her to make Brady jealous, but I’m attracted to this girl.

  “Looks like I’m late to the party,” I joke.

  Jade slams her glass down and comes over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. “Nope, just in time.”

  Brady isn’t here to witness the kiss she lays on me, her lips soft and pliant, the faint taste of the alcohol on her tongue. I cup her ass and press her body to mine, enjoying the fact that this kiss isn’t for show, but for us. Casey lets out a whistle and Jade smiles against my mouth.

  “Ready for your first Hol
lis Days experience?”


  I take her hand in mine just as the door opens. Caleb walks in with the rest of the construction crew in tow, Brady included. His girlfriend is tagging along, which doesn’t surprise me. I swear he can’t go anywhere without her.

  We all walk out together, covering the two-block walk to where the event is being held. As we walk, Jade tells me what to expect and which vendors are her favorites. I can hear the country music being played and Jade and Casey start singing along, obviously a little tipsy from their shots.

  “How many shots have you had, babe?” Caleb asks Casey, sliding his arm around her waist.

  “Two at Jade’s house, right? Or maybe it was three.”

  “One at Jack’s,” Jade answers. “Or maybe it was two!”

  The two of them start giggling and I smile at the fun they’re having. I get the feeling Jade doesn’t let loose too often. The festival comes into view and hundreds of people are in attendance. When Jade said it was a big deal, she wasn’t lying.

  We leave the group we’re in and go play a few of the games, popping balloons and tossing rings onto bottles. Instead of shots, we enjoy a couple of beers from the vendors and share a funnel cake.

  The sun has set and I’m having a great time, mainly because I know Jade is. She’s in her element, singing along as we dance together to our third song. Her soft body feels perfect against mine, and for a split second, I don’t want to go back to Dallas.

  I don’t want to deal with my father and the pressure he puts on me to go work for him. I don’t want to face Amelia and Keegan either. I could stay here and get to know Jade. See if there’s more to this attraction between us than just the physical aspect.

  “Mind if I cut in?”

  I cut my eyes over to Brady, not believing he has the fucking balls to do this when he’s here with someone else. He arches an eyebrow at me and then looks to Jade.

  “It’s up to you,” I say to Jade.

  I can look at her and tell she’s torn, at war with herself on what to do. We’ve been having a great time together and now Brady shows up out of nowhere asking to cut in. Jade’s eyes are pleading with me, practically begging me to tell him no so she doesn’t have to.

  “Jade...” Brady persists.

  “I don’t think so,” I answer and pull Jade closer, our noses almost touching. The band continues playing as though our little interaction isn’t even happening. As if Brady’s presence is insignificant, and in my eyes, he is.

  I feel a large hand push my shoulder and my face heats with anger. “I think Jade can answer for herself,” Brady argues.

  I slowly ease Jade away from me and give Brady a hard shove back. “I think she fucking answered you when she turned to me!” I growl. “Go back to your little ditz over there!”

  The punch Brady delivers makes me stumble back into Jade and the coppery taste of blood instantly fills my mouth. I can’t recall ever being punched in my entire life.

  “Oh my God!” Jade yells, but her screams are lost on me as I swing and feel the satisfying crunch of my knuckles against Brady’s jaw. I’m ready for an all-out brawl, but security breaks us up before we can even get started.

  “You two have to go!” Rent-A-Cop informs us.

  Both of us have busted lips and are fueled with anger as we’re separated. The brunette he was ready to ditch is checking up on Brady and Jade is at my side, rubbing her thumb over my lip. I watch Brady throw his arm over his girlfriend and lead her to where the majority of my co-workers are. After a few seconds, they all head into Jack’s bar.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I offer and Jade nods.

  I grasp her hand and lead her to Jack’s. I ignore Brady and the raucous laughter coming from his table as we walk past. He’s no doubt embellishing details of the fight that was broken up before it ever started.

  Jade and I reach the bottom of the stairs and I glance over my shoulder as Jade takes a few steps up ahead of me. Brady is glaring in our direction with his arms crossed over his chest. I cock an eyebrow at him and follow behind Jade. Douche.

  I turn my attention back to what’s in front of me and my mouth waters at the sight of Jade’s long legs. Her dress reveals just enough to be a temptation and my mind instantly changes from trying to piss Brady off to wondering what she’s wearing beneath the soft fabric of her dress. Anything?

  Jade leans against the wall, patiently waiting for me when I reach the top of the stairs. I unlock the door and hear it click close as she shuts it behind her.

  I don’t waste any time. I can’t find it in me to keep wasting any more time when it comes to Jade Bowen. I want to fuck this woman and right now, that’s all that matters. Not Brady Thompson. Not Amelia Kensington. And definitely not the fact that it’ll probably ruin the only friendship I’ve made in this shit town.

  I crash my lips against hers, ignoring the slight sting it causes, and I’m relieved that she doesn’t resist in the slightest. In fact, she’s just as eager as I am, unbuttoning my shirt and pushing it off my shoulders. We slam against my door and I feel the heel of her boot as she hooks her leg around my thigh. I reach down and push it until I hear it clink to the floor.

  I hoist Jade in my arms, and she wraps her legs around my waist. I hear her other boot clunk to the floor, and I know she must’ve toed it off. I reach my hands under her dress and grip her ass, grinding her core against me.

  Her sweet, apple scent is all around me as I reluctantly move my lips from her mouth to her neck. Her gasps for air are like a symphony in my ear as I breathe her in.

  “Wait! Wait! Stop!” she says, her chest heaving.

  Reluctantly, I lower her to the floor, panting as I press my forehead to hers. My cock is rock hard in my pants, painfully jutting against the zipper. She adjusts her dress and rests her hands at my waist.

  “I don’t want to be that girl, Madden,” she says, shaking her head. “Flirting and kissing to make Brady jealous is one thing, but this would be taking it too far. I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore.”

  I take a step back, putting some distance between us. I suck in a breath and exhale, willing my hard-on to abate.

  “I’m sorry,” I apologize, running a hand through my hair.

  “You didn’t do anything wrong. I was giving you mixed signals.”

  I laugh. “Jade, I’m a fucked up mess right now. If anything, I was trying to take advantage of you. That whole bit about making your ex jealous, was bullshit. Just an excuse to get in your pants.” Her eyes go wide. “That came out wrong. I’m dealing with some issues and you distract me from that.”

  “The girl?”

  I go plop down on my bed. “Yeah. When I’m around you, I don’t think about her. I don’t stress about going back home or the shitstorm I caused leaving.”

  She comes to sit down beside me. “I can admit, you do take my mind off of Brady. I kind of forgot about trying to make him jealous. It was just nice being around you.”

  “But the attraction is there, Jade. I’m not going to lie to you about that. If you hadn’t stopped me, I wouldn’t have stopped myself. And in a lot of ways, I’m no better than Brady.”

  Jade stares down at her hands, fidgeting her thumbs. “I expected too much out of Brady. Went into it with my eyes closed and lied to myself.”

  She climbs onto my lap, straddling me, and that raging hard on I was trying to get rid of roars to life. “Jade, what are you doing?”

  She rocks her hips on me, creating this delicious friction between us. “I’m not keeping my eyes closed this time, Madden. I only have one expectation with you,” she says.

  I squeeze her ass, grinding against her. “What’s that?”

  “I expect you to make me scream your name. Can you do that?”

  I lift her and toss her down onto my bed, settling between her legs. “Absolutely.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I try to slink out quietly, still not believing I fell asle
ep, but I drop my boot on the floor before I can make it to the door. As I’m picking it up, Madden stirs and the sheet covering his torso slips down, exposing his toned abs.

  “Morning,” he says, his voice gruff.

  “Sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you.”

  He gets out of the bed, walking across the room in all his naked glory, and turns the television on. Good grief, how am I supposed to leave now when he’s walking around like that?

  “I don’t have breakfast, but I do have a coffee machine,” he says. “You don’t have to rush off.”

  I stand there, doing my best not to ogle him, which is damn near impossible. He grabs his underwear from the floor and pulls them on, flashing me a smirk.

  “Do we need to have the morning after talk or are we good?” he asks.

  “Um, we’re good.”

  Damn it. I can’t believe I had sex with him. What the hell was I thinking? We had cooled things down, stopped before we crossed the line, then I was the one who obliterated that line.

  The flirtation started with Madden as a way to make Brady jealous, to win him back. Last night had nothing to do with that. Last night was all about me. Us.

  “I can see regret written all over your face, Jade,” Madden says, coming over to me. He cups my face, his thumb rubbing my cheek. “I’m sorry I crossed the line.”

  I shake my head. “No, it wasn’t you. I’m just disappointed in myself. I keep setting myself up for failure.” I pull away from him and tug my boots on, avoiding his gaze. “This thing between us is not going anywhere.”

  “That doesn’t make you a failure.”

  “No, it just makes me an idiot for getting involved with guys who are not available.”

  He chuckles a little and takes my hand, pulling me to him. “Don’t put so much pressure on this. I have no idea when I’m leaving.”

  “But you are leaving.”

  “Did you think about Brady last night or worry about him breaking your heart?”



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