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The Soldati General (Soldati Hearts Book 3)

Page 4

by Charlie Cochet

  “Segreti is an Orso warrior, much like my fellow Soldati are warriors. From my experience, neither have much interest in books, herbs, or tea.” Despite showing interest in books and reading, Ezra doubted Segreti would be content to merely sit by the fire for hours reading. Not that it was required in a mate. Segreti had plenty of exceptional qualities that made him an ideal mate. Why was Ezra even considering this?

  “What about Khalon? He loves to read. So does Rayner.”

  “They are the Soldati council, and the king’s council has always been made up of both warriors and scholars. Our love of books was passed down to us from our Soldati ancestors. It’s quite different for the rest of the Soldati. Some may enjoy the occasional book, but their passion lies in their skills as warriors. Defeating demons would be far more challenging if they all had their heads in the clouds as I am often accused of.”

  Riley chuckled. “Nothing wrong with having your head in the clouds. Besides, when it comes to jumping into the fray, you’re a Soldati and as fierce as your fellow warriors.”

  Ezra beamed proudly at his prince’s words. “Thank you, Your Highness.”

  Outside, the distant noise of festival preparations made Ezra smile. The day was beautiful, the weather perfect. The vast fields behind the castle were strewn with an endless sea of tents and stalls filled with villagers preparing to sell their wares, delectable treats, or fresh produce from their crops. The scent of delicious food wafted from one side of the field, while the roars and cheers of warriors testing their skills resounded from the other. Although the festival hadn’t officially begun, it often started early for the royal guests and continued throughout the week as more visitors arrived.

  “There’s Khalon,” Riley said, his smile lighting up his face. What was it like to be so in love that the mere sight of your mate caused such an overflow of joy?

  “Go to him,” Ezra said.

  “Are you sure? We were talking about Segreti.” Riley looked torn, and Ezra couldn’t fault his prince for wishing to be near his mate. As it was, Khalon headed in their direction.

  “I’m certain. I have several herbs I need to purchase before the entire realm descends.”

  “Okay. Maybe talk to Segreti. Give him a chance.” Riley winked at him before running off and launching himself at Khalon, who laughed as he caught his mate with ease. They made quite the handsome pair in their matching regal attire, Khalon’s slightly larger crown gleaming in the sun. Leaving the two and their entourage of Soldati guards, Ezra made his way onto the festival grounds, enjoying the many wonderful scents. His heightened senses caught the tantalizing aroma of cooked meats and mouthwatering baked goods. Freshly baked bread and scones were a weakness of his. Nothing like spreading homemade fruit preserves on a buttered scone still steaming from the oven. But first things first.

  Finding his favorite tent, he greeted the silver foxling pair who grew some of Ezra’s most beloved herbs. Tables laid out with pots containing every manner of herb lined the tent, and Ezra lost track of how long he spent inspecting each one. His excitement got the better of him at finding several herbs he’d been searching for, as well as bags of the best fertilizer available in the Soldati realm, and he hadn’t realized he’d accumulated far more than he could carry. The six bags of fertilizer alone would warrant two trips.

  “May I offer you my assistance?” a deep familiar voice rumbled in his ear, and Ezra turned with a bright smile.

  “Segreti.” Ezra hadn’t intended to sound so excited. Good heavens! Since when did he lose himself in such a manner? Segreti bowed and took Ezra’s hand in his, lifting it to his lips to kiss the back of it. Ezra did his best to ignore the heat that flooded through him, though he could do nothing to stop the shiver that wracked his body, one Segreti noticed, judging by his blown pupil. Segreti caressed the back of Ezra’s hand with his thumb, his gaze on Ezra, who couldn’t help but lower his eyes. “General,” he whispered, his face burning. He wasn’t accustomed to such intimate gestures, much less receiving them in public.

  “Allow me to carry these for you.” Segreti released Ezra’s hand to crouch down before the heavy fertilizer bags, the muscles of his biceps flexing with the weight of them as he scooped them up. Ezra quickly turned away, though not before catching a glimpse of Segreti’s backside. Oh Goddess above. He shouldn’t have looked. Why had he looked? And why was he so bloody flustered?

  Segreti stood, seeming imposing as always. He wore a simple brown leather jerkin over a black shirt with short sleeves. The thick belt matched the heavy wrist guards and boots, which probably weighed more than most foxlings.

  “Lead the way, dear Ezra.”

  Ezra picked up his box of herbs, thanked the foxlings, and ignored their knowing smiles. They stood to one side, eyes on him and Segreti as they left the tent. They weren’t the only ones to stop what they were doing to take in the sight of Segreti following Ezra, his arms filled with heavy fertilizer bags. Had they never witnessed anyone being helpful? It was most aggravating.

  Ignoring the curious and amused onlookers, Ezra headed for his cottage, Segreti at his heels. “Did you have a good rest, General?”

  “Please, we’re past such formalities. And yes. At least better than I had in years. I’m a light sleeper and tend to wake up often. A hard habit to break after years of required alertness.”

  “Understandable.” The need to be on alert when threats were near was something Ezra was all too familiar with.

  “I should have known you’d be purchasing herbs. It only occurred to me when I entered the book tent and found it void of your lovely presence.”

  Ezra’s breath hitched, an odd flutter in his stomach. “You searched for me?”

  “I did.” Segreti came to walk at his side. “On such a beautiful day, only your company could surpass its perfection.”

  “You flatter, General.”

  “I speak only the truth.”

  The sincerity in Segreti’s voice had Ezra’s heart skipping a beat. He didn’t know what to do with such sweet words. No one had ever sought out his company for the sheer pleasure of it.

  “Thank you,” Ezra replied softly. “Lately, my thoughts seem to be occupied mostly with you and my desire to be in your company. At first I believed myself afflicted by an ailment, but after discussing the matter with my prince, I concluded that was not the case.” They reached the cottage, and Ezra held the door open for Segreti before following him inside. “You can place them over there in that corner,” Ezra said, pointing to the small nook where he tended to prepare his pots. He placed the box of herbs on a small wooden table before washing his hands. Segreti followed his lead, thanking him for the hand towel before he turned to face Ezra, who couldn’t understand why Segreti’s closeness made his pulse soar. “Thank you for your assistance.”

  “It’s my pleasure.” Segreti’s voice was a low, rough rumble that sent a shiver through Ezra. He remained still as Segreti placed his fingers beneath Ezra’s chin, lifting his face so their eyes could meet. “What did you conclude, then?”

  “Oh, well, I concluded that perhaps I… that I have certain feelings for you. Feelings I’ve never experienced before.”

  Segreti studied him. “Perhaps?”

  Ezra huffed, and Segreti smiled. “Not perhaps.” He met Segreti’s gaze. “His Highness believes there’s an emotional connection between us, one beyond acquaintance. I can’t deny your presence stirs certain… reactions in me.”

  Segreti swallowed hard. “Oh. You… um, find me…”

  “Arousing,” Ezra stated, matter-of-fact.

  “I had convinced myself I’d imagined the way you shivered at my touch. That the change in your scent had been nothing but a trick of my fanciful thoughts.”

  “Why would you think that?” Was it possible Segreti possessed insecurities similar to Ezra’s where mates were concerned? How was that possible? Segreti was an Orso with worldly experience. Why would he feel reservation in expressing his interest?

  Segreti slipped
one leg between Ezra’s as he cupped Ezra’s cheek, a low moan escaping Ezra. He was mortified to discover how quickly his body reacted. His shaft swelled and grew hard against Segreti’s leg.

  “Look at you. You’re beautiful and soft, so very astute and powerful. What would you want with an Orso like me?”

  “Segreti…” A whimpered name was all he could summon. His heart pounded fiercely, and his trousers grew painfully tight as Segreti slipped an arm around his waist. The scent of grass, sweat, and a heavenly male musk filled Ezra’s nostrils, causing his head to spin with desire. The object of said desire shifted his leg between Ezra’s and brought their bodies together, drawing a gasp from his lips. If Segreti had not felt how hard Ezra had been before, he certainly could now he was riding the man’s thigh. Segreti made no effort to hide his own erection, and it made Ezra’s body shudder.

  “May I kiss you?”

  Ezra swallowed hard, the very idea of it conjuring all manner of naughty images in his mind. His face flushed and his stomach tightened. He couldn’t bring himself to speak, so he nodded instead. With a tender smile, Segreti pressed his lips to Ezra’s.

  Heat the likes of which he’d never felt flared through him, flooding to his groin. His breath quickened. What was happening to him? Heaven of heavens, ambrosia couldn’t have tasted better. Segreti’s mouth was all consuming, his tongue demanding entrance. Ezra raised the white flag and surrendered to his mercy without struggle, his lips eagerly parting.

  Segreti’s tongue and lips raged war against Ezra’s, plundering and seizing. He tore his mouth away only to move on to Ezra’s neck, sending a tempestuous fire exploding through Ezra. He groaned, needing to feel more, desperate to feel bare skin beneath his hands, desperate to know if Segreti felt as he did. Segreti kissed, nipped, and licked at Ezra’s skin, and Ezra lolled his head to the side to expose more of his flesh to him. His own lips were swollen, but the strain in his trousers was far more painful, and he longed for release, prayed for it. Until now, he’d never felt the joy of release at the hands of another.

  “Soon, my sweetness,” Segreti said knowingly, his voice sounding breathless, as if he were barely restrained. He unfastened the belt around Ezra’s tunic with one hand while his free hand gripped Ezra’s backside, rocking him hard against his leg.

  “Oh dear Goddess. Please.” Ezra clutched Segreti’s broad shoulders, and he cried out as Segreti crushed him back into a table, pinning him so he felt Segreti’s engorged shaft hard against him. Ezra grabbed a fistful of Segreti’s hair, his other hand joining Segreti’s on his trousers as he pushed them down. Cool air caressed his skin, but Ezra paid no attention to his seminaked state. He was too busy tugging at Segreti’s belt. It fell to the floor with a loud thunk.

  Segreti spit into his hand before palming their shafts and stroking them both with a fervor Ezra felt to his very soul. What was it about Segreti that drove him to such madness? His thoughts were muddled, filled only with the overwhelming need to feel Segreti’s touch. He could do nothing but allow Segreti to take what he desired in exchange for the roaring ardor he’d unleashed inside Ezra, an ardor he’d never known he possessed.

  “Not Goddess,” Segreti murmured in Ezra’s ear. “But if you allow it, I will show you the sinful pleasures you inspire in me.”

  “Yes!” Ezra threw his arms around Segreti’s neck and kissed him as if doing so would give him the answers to every question he’d ever had. Ezra thrust his hips shamelessly, the rough friction tearing at any resolve he might have had left. A storm of pleasure rolled through him, and he tore his mouth away from Segreti, roaring as his release erupted from him, the cottage flaring with the white light of Ezra’s soul and drowning out Segreti’s own thunderous roar.

  The light faded, and soon the only sound was that of their panting breaths. Ezra leaned his head against Segreti’s chest and closed his eyes. He nuzzled close, his body limp as if drained of all his power, and in a sense he was.

  “Are you all right?” Segreti asked quietly, one big hand at the back of Ezra’s head.

  Ezra hummed. “Merely blissfully tired.”


  Before Ezra could figure out what Segreti was doing, he had Ezra in his arms. Normally Ezra would have argued he was perfectly capable of walking, but in this instance, he didn’t mind. Being cradled in Segreti’s strong arms was too wonderful to pass up. Segreti placed him carefully on the love seat, and Ezra set his clothes to rights while Segreti fixed his own clothing, their belts still on the floor somewhere by the table. Ezra’s eyes threatened to close, but he forced them open at the sound of water running. A heartbeat later it stopped and Segreti sat beside him. For the first time since he could remember, Ezra didn’t question his thoughts, simply gave in to his urge. He curled up against Segreti, smiling when Segreti wrapped an arm around him and held him close.

  A sigh of contentment escaped Ezra as he allowed his body to sink into the cushions and the strong body against him. He’d never sought physical comfort from anyone, therefore had no notion of whether he’d enjoy it. Although he couldn’t speak of what that comfort might look like with someone else, with Segreti, Ezra was blissfully satisfied. He was also pleasantly surprised by Segreti’s tenderness as he stroked Ezra’s arm or his hair, nuzzled the top of his head.

  How easy it would be for Ezra to lose himself in Segreti and the pleasures the handsome Orso brought him, but pleasure alone was not enough. It would do him well to keep his heart carefully guarded. He’d been through enough similar situations in the past to know how quickly affection turned to polite distance when his power and connection to the Eye came into play. For now, he’d enjoy this moment. He’d been so comfortable, sleep threatened to overtake him, when the pounding on his door startled him awake.

  Goddess above! Now what? “Yes?” he asked, not meaning to sound so disgruntled.

  The door opened, and Rayner rushed in, the concern in his eyes waking Ezra as if he’d been pushed into a lake of icy water.

  “Come quick.”

  “What’s happened?” Ezra asked, hurrying over to his dear friend. For it to have upset Rayner in such a fashion meant it was dreadfully important.

  “Riley is having a vision.”

  A chill went through Ezra. If the Saugur had a vision, it meant only one thing.


  Chapter Four

  “What happened?” Ezra asked as he and Segreti ran into the king and prince’s bedchamber. Khalon sat on the floor with the prince cradled in his arms, concern and heartache written all over his face. Segreti could only imagine the pain in Khalon’s heart. As Saugur, his mate didn’t simply “see” what would come to pass should events not be altered—he lived through the horror of it. Segreti should have waited outside, but propriety be damned. Whatever the prince saw would affect them all.

  Riley’s eyes glowed a bluish white, his pupils and irises gone. He appeared awake, but his body moved as if in the midst of a terrible fit.

  “No!” Riley gasped before he made a choked sound and held his stomach. He shook his head, his voice hoarse as he cried out, tears streaking down his cheeks. “Khalon!” He arched his back violently, his mouth opening to release the light of his Soldati soul. Segreti quickly covered his eye, or he risked blindness. It was similar to the light Ezra had let out while in his arms, but more intense. From what he’d heard, this was merely a sliver of the power the prince possessed.

  The light faded, and Segreti moved his hand away in time to see Riley’s eyes return to their usual hue. He buried his face against Khalon’s neck, his sobs wracking his body as Khalon held him close and murmured words of comfort. Ezra crouched beside his prince and placed a hand to his head. All at once, the prince stilled and fell heavily against his mate.

  Khalon stood with Riley in his arms. He laid his mate’s slumbering form on the bed.

  “Will he be all right?” Segreti asked. The king sat on the edge of the bed next to his prince and held his hand.

  “He will be. Ezra
has him sleep after a vision. It eases some of the emotional turmoil. Riley is still very much a human at heart. The Saugur visions upset him greatly. When he wakes, he’ll be better equipped to share his vision with us.”

  Segreti’s only knowledge of the Saugur came from legend, their kind so rare few had met one in their lifetime. The Saugur’s visions, along with the Eye, protected the Soldati. It was part of why they’d flourished for so long. Any peril to their king or their realm would be revealed, allowing them time to vanquish the threat. A Soldati Saugur was revered and cherished, though judging by the way Khalon gazed lovingly at his mate, it was clear Riley was adored no matter his title or gifts.

  For centuries, Segreti had wondered if he’d be blessed with a mate to treasure. He’d all but given up hope until…

  “He won’t sleep for long.” Ezra laid a hand on Segreti’s arm, as if seeking his touch. “Our prince is quite headstrong.”

  “Like his mate,” Segreti whispered with a wink. “A perfect pairing, if you ask me.”

  “I heard that,” Khalon muttered, his gaze still on his prince, though a smile tugged at his lips.

  Segreti chuckled. He took a seat in the wingback chair offered by Rayner, his heart happy when Ezra stood at his side. The door opened, and a pretty young foxling with bright red hair hurried in. He placed a quick kiss to Rayner’s cheek before rushing over to the prince’s bedside.

  “I came as soon as I could.” He placed a smokey-colored hand to the prince’s brow, his amber eyes filled with affection and sadness. Segreti remembered the foxling quite well. A war had almost been fought over him. Rayner had made himself an enemy of Pavoni quite some time ago, and after a visit to the Soldati kingdom, which had included a dastardly plot against Rayner, Pavoni discovered Rayner’s weakness: his love for a foxling servant. The whole ordeal almost destroyed the Soldati kingdom, and in the end, Khalon, Rayner, the rest of the Soldati council, and their army marched into the Orso realm. Segreti had faced Khalon, seen the devastation his dishonorable and abhorrent king had brought to a noble race, and did something he’d never done in the whole of his immortal life.


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