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The Soldati General (Soldati Hearts Book 3)

Page 5

by Charlie Cochet

  That day, Segreti stood down.

  Rayner brought home his mate, and Toka became the first foxling Soldati. From what Segreti heard, Toka and the prince were inseparable. They also got up to all sorts of mischief when their mates were off in the human realm battling demons.

  “How is he?” Toka asked softly as he brushed Riley’s hair away from his face. Toka’s loyalty to his prince was admirable and well warranted. Next to Rayner, no one had fought as fiercely to protect the foxling.

  “He’ll be all right,” Khalon replied with a sigh. “These visions exhaust him, but you know as well as I do that he’ll be fighting to not stay asleep and be up in a matter of—”

  A quiet groan made Khalon chuckle.

  “What happened?” Riley’s voice was laced with sleep, but he struggled to sit regardless. Toka helped him up and propped several pillows behind him. “Thanks, Toka.” Riley smiled warmly at his friend. “What are you doing here? I thought you were refilling our stash of—”

  Toka cleared his throat and motioned to the room. Seeming to realize they weren’t alone, Riley coughed into his hand.

  “Oh, wow. I’m so parched,” he said through a forced hoarse whisper.

  Khalon eyed them both as Rayner brought Riley some water. “What have you two been up to?”

  Toka blinked innocently at his king while Riley held a finger up and took his time drinking. Segreti managed to stifle a laugh. The prince took so long sipping his water that Khalon released a heavy sigh.

  “Very well. Just… whatever you’re doing, be safe.”

  Riley beamed at him. “Always.”

  “Now. Do you remember what happened?”

  Riley gazed around the room. “I’m guessing I had a vision. Give me a second.” He closed his eyes, seeming to focus. “I can see it.”

  “What?” Khalon asked gently.

  “Your death.”

  Khalon sucked in a sharp breath, and Segreti slowly stood. It was true, then. Someone was plotting to kill the Soldati king.

  “I was in the garden, but I couldn’t tell which one. It was so dark. Like this dark fog had moved in and sucked all the light out of everything. I was talking to someone, but I couldn’t see their face for some reason. I must have known them because I wasn’t scared or upset. Then I heard you calling out someone’s name, but I don’t think it was my name.”

  Khalon jumped to his feet and paced the room. “What then?”

  “You came running and… someone big appeared. They killed you.”

  Segreti frowned. “How is this possible? No one is more powerful than the king of the Soldati.” Khalon had defeated hoards on his own. The light of his Soldati soul was the greatest weapon Segreti had ever seen.

  Riley gasped, his eyes flying open and horror filling his gaze. “The shadows. They moved.”

  “Speak it,” Ezra said as he stepped forward, the color drained from his face, as if he knew what the prince had seen.

  “Demons,” Riley said, his voice all but a whisper. Tears filled his eyes, and he met Khalon’s stunned gaze. “An ocean of demons.”

  The doors burst open, and everyone jumped into readiness, their eyes locked on the glowing golden orb floating in the doorway.

  “Must you be so dramatic?” Ezra scolded the ancient artifact as it entered the room. Rayner quickly closed the door behind it. As Ezra opened his mouth to speak once more, he jerked.

  “Segreti, stand back!”

  Segreti had no idea what the hell was going on, but he leapt into action, darting away from Ezra to stand near Khalon and now Rayner, who joined them.

  “What’s happening?” Segreti asked Khalon, his voice quiet and his gaze on Ezra, who stood with his arms out and his head tilted back.

  Khalon confirmed his suspicions. “The Eye is about to speak.”

  Segreti swallowed hard. He’d witnessed Ezra’s visions before, but they’d mostly been quick flashes, a change of his eyes before they returned to their sparkling blue. This… this was different. His eyes glowed a bluish white, his pupils and irises gone. A faint glow surrounded him, his body thrumming with a power so fierce Segreti felt it to his bones. Gone was the sweet healer, and in his place, a great weapon. The Eye was in control, not Ezra, and that terrified Segreti. How did the Soldati not live in fear that one day they might fall out of favor with the Goddess? After all, the Eye had been a gift. It chose when to take action and unleash its power.

  “The eve of reckoning approaches,” Ezra said, his voice echoing as the Eye spoke through him. “Death comes for the Soldati king at the hands of an Orso traitor.”

  “Who?” Khalon asked.

  “The face changes.”

  “More than one, perhaps?” Rayner offered quietly.

  Khalon seemed to think on it. “The Eye has yet to see who it is.” He moved his gaze to Ezra. “When will this occur?”

  “The night of the full moon.” Ezra gasped, his knees buckling. Segreti didn’t hesitate. He moved quickly, throwing his arms around Ezra to steady him.

  “I’m here. I have you,” Segreti promised.

  Ezra blinked up at him, as if puzzled by Segreti’s response. His eyes softened, and a gentle smile came onto his face. “Thank you,” he replied quietly. When he nodded, Segreti released him.

  “Is there anything else you can tell us?” Khalon asked Ezra.

  Ezra held his hand out, and the orb came to rest on his palm. He closed his eyes, his brows drawn together. “It’s still so unclear. Danger lurks in the shadows. I fear Khalon is not the only one at risk. The threat looms near.” Ezra shivered.

  “What is it?” Segreti asked gently as he placed a hand to the small of Ezra’s back, his heart swelling when Ezra leaned into him.

  “I’m not certain. The Eye warns me, but of what I don’t know.”

  A thought occurred to Segreti, and he turned his attention to Khalon. “I don’t understand. You are the Soldati king. Even without your Saugur and the Eye, your power is greater than any threat. How is this possible? And what does the full moon have to do with it?”

  Riley darted a glance at Segreti, then moved his gaze to Khalon, who seemed to be considering something.

  “Segreti, you have fought alongside the Soldati in battle for centuries, both with my father and then with me after I became king. Because of you, Rayner was able to save Toka and rid us of Pavoni once and for all. You’ve earned my trust, and I hope what I’m about to tell you will remain between us, or we risk the fate of the Soldati realm and those we protect.”

  “Of course.” Segreti lowered himself to one knee, a fist over his heart. “You have always had my undying respect, Khalon, and from this moment on, you have my fealty.”

  Ezra stared at Segreti, eyes wide. “If you pledge your fealty to Khalon, you’ll no longer be under the rule of Queen Verity. She’ll have the right to banish you from the Orso realm.”

  Segreti stood to face Ezra. He cupped Ezra’s cheek, his heart ready to burst free when Ezra once more leaned into his touch. “My heart has not been with my realm for some time. I wish only to live out the rest of my immortal life in peace… and if the Goddess wishes to bless me with a gentle mate to share that life with, all the better.”

  The pink that came onto Ezra’s cheeks made Segreti smile. He turned back to face Khalon. “I remain firm in my pledge to you.”

  “Your pledge is accepted. I’ll discuss the details with Queen Verity, but first, you must understand the severity of the situation.” Khalon removed an ornate knife from its stand by the mantle. He carefully cut into his palm, wincing as the thin line of blood revealed itself. To Segreti’s disbelief, the wound healed slower than it should. The Soldati were renowned for their power. They not only shifted far quicker than any creature Segreti had ever known, but they healed just as quickly. He stared at Khalon.

  “Why has your healing slowed?”

  “My immortality leaves me, and by the time the full moon arrives, I shall be mortal.”

  Segreti gaped at his fri
end. “What? How? Why?”

  “Every full moon, I live my life as a mortal man, unable to change into my tiger form and devoid of all my powers. It was the price I paid to the great priestess to have Riley returned to me.”

  “Returned to you? I don’t understand.”

  Khalon nodded at Ezra, who stepped closer to Segreti, his voice quiet. “When Riley was first revealed to us as the Soldati prince, he was human. Everyone knows this. They also know of our perilous journey to see the priestess.”

  Segreti nodded. “I’m familiar with the tale. You all journeyed through forests, outrunning demons on your quest to present the prince to the priestess so she would awaken his powers.”

  “That’s the tale we’ve told,” Khalon agreed, taking a seat at the edge of the bed next to his mate. “But that’s not what happened. At least, not entirely.” Khalon kissed Riley’s brow. “You see, when Riley was first revealed to me, I was a fool.”

  “And so grumpy,” Riley teased, making Khalon chuckle.

  “Yes, so very grumpy.” His smile fell away, his expression turning to one of shame. “I believed him unworthy of his title, of me. I decided to take him to the priestess so she would remove my mark and present me with a new prince.”

  “During our journey,” Rayner said, his arm around Toka, “our king and human prince fell in love. Who saw that coming?”

  Toka and Rayner raised their hands, ignoring Khalon’s grunt and Riley’s soft laugh.

  “Get on with it,” Khalon grumbled.

  “As I said, our stubborn king and equally stubborn prince fell in love, yet determined for the good of all that we would continue as planned. On our journey, Riley had another vision, panicked, ran off the designated path, and a battle against the demons ensued—one where Riley sacrificed his life for Khalon, accepted his Soldati prince title, condemned his soul to limbo, and died.”

  Riley narrowed his eyes at Rayner. “You’re not good at this.”


  Riley threw his hands out, startling everyone in the room. “There I was, running for my life. Demons coming at me from every angle!” He made clawing motions with his hands. “Whoosh, hiss, tigers leaping! What was I, a poor human prince with great hair, to do? I fought fiercely.”

  “So fiercely,” Ezra agreed, his eyes alight with amusement.

  “When suddenly a demon sprang up out of nowhere and made straight for Khalon. I pushed my love out of the way, and…” He gasped and clutched at his stomach.

  “Was it not traumatic enough the first time?” Khalon asked, looking pained, but Segreti would hazard a guess it had more to do with Riley’s imaginative performance than the hurtful memory.

  “Aw, don’t worry. It’ll be over soon.” Riley patted Khalon’s cheek. “Where was I?”

  “You’d been wounded after so valiantly sacrificing your life for our king,” Rayner pitched in helpfully, earning himself an uninspired expression and headshake from Khalon.

  “Right. So there I was in Khalon’s arms, and before my last breath, I accepted my title as Soldati prince.” He threw a hand out to Rayner. “I was dead for the next part. Take it away, Rayner.”

  Rayner opened his mouth, but Khalon quickly interjected. “The priestess appeared, she asked what price I would pay to have Riley returned to me, I said anything, the price she set was for me to live my life as a mortal man every full moon. Riley was returned to me, we mated, I love him, we lived happily ever after. The end.”

  Riley shook his head. “Wow. That was… I don’t even have words to describe it. You guys should not do theater.”

  Khalon leaned in and kissed Riley, a short but passionate kiss that made the prince melt against him. “The point is, this is the price I paid for my love.” Riley grumbled something under his breath, and Khalon gave him a pointed look. “A price I’d gladly pay over and over, no matter how stubborn my prince is.”

  “And this year the full moon has landed on the festival.” Segreti cursed under his breath.

  Khalon stood and turned to Rayner. “We must be prepared. I want our best Soldati around the council at all times. We don’t know who else is in danger.”

  “You don’t think that’s going to alert the bad guys that we’re onto them?” Riley asked.

  “Our warriors will remain hidden. Either Rayner, Adira, or I will be with you wherever you go.” Khalon turned to face Segreti. “The Orso are arriving as we speak. Will you greet your brethren and perhaps gather some information? We must know if any among them are plotting against us.” Khalon balled his hands into fists, anger filling his eyes.

  “If someone plots against you, my king, I’ll find them.”

  Riley held up a hand. “Um, won’t whoever’s planning all this know that we know? I mean”—he pointed to himself—“Saugur.”

  “Which means we must be extra vigilant,” Rayner said. “If you had a vision, it means they still intend to carry out their plans.” He brought Toka into his arms. “I don’t suppose I could get you to stay safe and indoors?” Toka arched an eyebrow at Rayner, making him chuckle. “Merely checking. Please stay with our prince.”

  With a sweet kiss to Rayner’s lips, Toka left his mate and went to his prince’s bedside.

  “Your Majesty?” Ezra stepped forward, his expression a mixture of concern and confusion. “I fear there is one crucial question we have yet to address.”

  “What is it?” Khalon asked.

  “We understand the why of Riley’s vision. There’s a plot afoot to kill you, and in your weakened state, the traitor manages to succeed. What we don’t know is how? How does this traitor know they will be successful?”

  Segreti frowned. “Ezra is right. We know whoever plans to kill Khalon is smart and has been plotting since Pavoni’s demise. They’re not going to risk exposing themselves and their cohorts by simply hoping to catch Khalon off guard. Everyone knows of the Soldati Saugur and the Eye. Surely they know if they so much as think of a way in which to kill Khalon, they will be seen by either the prince or Ezra.”

  “Which means they know Khalon is vulnerable. Perhaps not the exact details, but enough to know he can be killed,” Rayner said, leaning against the fireplace.

  Khalon sighed. “Until we know more, we’re in the dark.” He turned to Ezra. “I need you to join the festivities, keep the Eye close, and stay as near to Segreti as you can without arousing suspicion. Perhaps the Eye will glean additional knowledge should it be exposed to any possible traitors. We have two days until the full moon.”

  Segreti bowed and left the room, Ezra on his heels. They walked in companionable silence, but soon the silence became too great. Spotting a shadowed alcove ahead, he took hold of Ezra’s hand and stepped into it. He turned Ezra so as to block his view of anyone who might be curious enough to investigate. His Orso vision helped him see enough of Ezra’s features and the concern in his eyes.

  “Are you all right?” Ezra asked quietly.

  Cupping Ezra’s cheek, Segreti brushed his thumb against Ezra’s soft skin. “Are you?”

  “Well, it’s all quite unsettling, knowing there’s a traitor in our midst.”

  “Agreed. However, I was referring to you and how you were feeling after our intimate time together.”


  Segreti might not be able to see the blush on Ezra’s cheeks, but it was there. Unable to help himself, he brushed his lips over Ezra’s. “You seem to be all I can think about lately,” he confessed. “My thoughts are filled with the taste of your lips, the feel of your warm skin, and the delicious sounds you made at my touch.”

  “Segreti,” Ezra said through a gasp, his fingers digging into Segreti’s biceps. “I… I confess I struggle to think of anything else. I would have liked to continue what we started in the cottage.”

  The words thrilled Segreti. “I’m glad to hear it. Perhaps once this mess is over with, you might allow me to spend some time with you?”

  “I would welcome it.”

  Segreti pressed his lips to E
zra’s, a small groan escaping him when Ezra parted his lips, his tongue poking out to meet Segreti’s. He wrapped Ezra in his arms and kissed him thoroughly, needing to bask in his taste and scent in the hopes it would stay with him until their next encounter. Ezra seemed content to remain enveloped in Segreti’s arms, a dreamy sigh escaping him when they came up for air.

  “We should go,” Ezra said, his tone laced with reluctance.

  “Be safe, my sweet Ezra. Should you need me for anything at all, simply call for me.” Segreti kissed the back of his hand before stepping out of the shadows and forcing himself to leave Ezra’s side. The quicker he found this traitor, the quicker he could return to Ezra.

  Chapter Five

  So many questions.

  Ezra had left Segreti with much reluctance. Although he chided himself for his growing attachment, he seemed incapable of reason and found himself longing to be near Segreti, to feel his strong arms wrapped around him, to taste his kisses and feel his desire. Heat filled Ezra’s cheeks, and he quickened his pace on the way to his cottage. Segreti would be like the others. They all relished the idea of being with him until the reality of what Ezra was became too great.

  Segreti’s words echoed in his head. I’m here. I have you. Where others had balked or run, Segreti had rushed to his side, ready to catch him should he fall. Perhaps Segreti was different. And yet Ezra had sensed fear in him when the Eye had spoken. Ezra opened the door and entered his cottage as the Eye spoke to him in his mind.

  “Segreti’s fear was for you, not of you.”

  Ezra stilled. It was rare for the Eye to commune with him rather than through him, so when it did, Ezra listened. He turned to the Eye hovering over its velvet pillow.

  “For me?”


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