by Jay Shetty
Gates, Bill, 174
Gauranga Das, x, xiii, xv, 7, 16, 27, 30, 47, 48, 85, 256
Genius Coaching Community, 313
Gide, André, 196
Gift of Fear, The (de Becker), 49
gifts, 241–43
Golden Rule, 162–63
Good Samaritan, parable of, 76–77
Goodall, Jane, 96
gossip, 20–22, 38
Goswami, Rupa, 257
Gottman, John, 232
Govardhan Ecovillage, xiv, 65
grades, 100
Graham, Dom Aelred, 256–57, xii
gratitude, 205–21, 229, 235, 270 after forgiveness, 220
benefits of, 206, 207
defined, 205
detachment and, 187–88
everyday, 208–11
expressing, 214
in hindsight, 213
journal, 206
kindness and, 215–16, 221
letter, 219–20
meal gratitude practice, 210
meditations, 210, 211, 277
mind and, 207–8
morning gratitude practice, 210
practice of, 211–14
profound, 219–20
service and, 217–19, 259
visualization, 128, 217
Greenwood, Will, 104
groupthink bias, 24
growth, dharma and, 119
guides, 109–10, 112–14, 116, 287
gunas, 110
Gundicha Temple, Puri, 85
gurus, 192–93
Hadid, Bella, 99
Halifax, Roshi Joan, 211–12
Hanks, Tom, 46–47
happiness, 65, 68–70, 74, 82, 248, 261, 277 three routes to, 158
Hardy, Jessica, 191
Harvard Business Review, 36
Harvard Grant Study, 245
Harvard University, 11, 215
Hastings, Reed, 180
Headspace, xii
Heart of Buddha’s Teaching, The (Thich Nhat Hanh), 29
heartbreak, overcoming, 250–53
Hero with a Thousand Faces, The (Campbell), 118
higher values, 15–16
Hinduism, xiv
hippocampus, 25–26
Hitopadesa, 146
honesty, 232
Honnold, Alex, 50
How Emotions Are Made (Barrett), 147
How to Love (Thich Nhat Hanh), 246
Huffington, Arianna, 125
human growth hormone (HGH), 129
humility, ego and, 183–86, 188, 190, 195, 196
Hunter, Pastor Joel, 177
identity, 3–19
Ikeda, Daisaku, 20
immersive experiences, 142–44
immune system, 26
income, life satisfaction and, 69, 70
insight, 128
Insight Meditation Community, Washington DC, 68
institutional ego, 180
intellect, 151, 153, 154, 167, 169, 172
intellectual attraction, 239
intention, 65–83 service within, 264–65
interdependent partnership, 226–27
internal changes, 76, 79
Invisible Monsters Remix (Palahniuk), 63
Israel, Oshea, 185–86
Jay Shetty Certification School, 314
Jay-Z, 271
Jivamukti yoga, 273
job crafting, 106
Jobs, Steve, 99, 125
Johnson, Mary, 185–86
Jordan, Michael, 102
Journey Home, The (Radhanath Swami), 37
joy visualization, 211, 277
Judging a Book by Its Cover: Beauty and Expectations in the Trust Game (Wilson), 234
judgment, 178–79
Jung, Carl, 117
Kabir, 69
Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation of America, 269
Kalidasa, 136
kapalabhati, 89
Karate Kid, The (movie), 276
Karlgaard, Rich, 99
karma, 224–25
Katha Upanishad, 145
Kaveri river, 262
Keating, Father Thomas, 28
Keller, Helen, 212–13, 255
Keltner, Dacher, 263
kheer (pudding), 260
kindness gratitude and, 215–16, 221
of strangers, 216–17
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 77
kirtan, 272
kitchari (porridge), 260
Kondo, Marie, 165
Korb, Alex, 207
Krishna, 47, 183–84
ksama (forgiveness), 38
labeling, 228, 231
Late Bloomers (Karlgaard), 99
leaders, 109, 110, 113–14, 116, 287
learning, 158–59
Lee, Bruce, 195
letting go, 8, 16, 29, 32, 45, 93, 95
lifetime people, 230–31
LinkedIn, 18
listening, 241–44
location, 132–33, 137–39
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu, 273, 278
loneliness, 238, 265
Long Walk to Freedom (Mandela), 258
longevity, 223
Looking-Glass Self, 5
love, as motivation, 67, 70–73
“Love Has No Labels” campaign, 177
lower values, 15, 16
Luther College, 40
lying behavior, 175–76, 232–33
MacGray, Krysta, 160–61
Macy, Joanna, 268
Madrone, Mala, 238
Mahabharata, 31, 46, 47
Mahasatipatthana Sutta, 86
makers, 109–12, 114–16, 287
Mandela, Nelson, 258
mantras, 198 defined, 271
examples of, 273
Manusmriti, 93, 120
Martin, Jean Dominique, 230
Massive Attack, 246
material attraction, 239
material goals, 67–68, 73
Mateschitz, Dietrich, 99
maya (illusion), 68
McCartney, Stella, 82
McGonigal, Kelly, 71
meal gratitude practice, 210
meaning, 70–71, 74, 82, 83, 106
media, 10, 11, 13, 69–70, 252
meditation, x–xi, xv, xviii–xix, 84–85, 169, 170, 250 (see also breathwork; mantras; visualization) benefits of, 278–79
breathwork, xvii–xviii, 35, 59–60, 83, 84, 86–89, 276–77
chanting, xviii, 250, 271–73, 276
death, 281
fear and, 47–49
gratitude, 210, 211, 277
length of, 143–44
morning, 128
question meditation, 251–52
sensory input and, 154
Meetup, 18
Mehrabian, Albert, 96
melatonin, 125
memories, 151
metabolism, 129
method acting, 4
Meyer, Don, 235
mind, 145–72 child and adult mind, 149–50, 154
detachment and, 164–67, 169–71
gratitude and, 207–8
investing in conscious mind, 156–57
maintenance, 171–72
monkey mind, xvi–xvii, 55, 146–49, 154, 158, 161, 207
reframing, 157–60
self-compassion and, 161–63, 169
slowing down, 160–61
staying in present, 163–64, 169
subconscious, 154–56
mindfulness, xv, 104
Mohawk Indians, 210
Monastic Way, The: Ancient Wisdom for Contemporary Living: A Book of Daily Readings (ed. Ward and Wild), 31, 255–57
money, 14–15, 262, 263 life satisfaction and, 69, 70, 73–74
monk mind, defined, xvi–xvii
monkey mind, xvi–xvii, 55, 146–49, 154, 158, 161, 207
Moore, Thomas, 188
morning gratitude practice, 210
Morrison, Toni, 99
motivation desire as, 67–73
y as, 67, 70–73
fear as, 66, 67, 71, 73
four, 66–67
love as, 67, 70–73
mudita, 37
Muhammed, Prophet, 165
multitasking, 141, 143
mutual trust, 233–36
mythic hero, 118, 258
Nan-in, 180
Narayana, 146
Naropa University, Colorado, 44
Native Americans, 147, 210
nature, 257
negative narcissism, 188
negativity, 20–45, 147, 156, 159–62, 172, 238 amending anger, 38–39
auditing negative comments, 34
contagion of, 24–26
incidence of, 22–23
reversing external, 28–30
reversing internal, 31–38
spot, stop, swap, 32–38, 45, 251, 253, 282
types of negative people, 26–28
Netflix, 180
neutral trust, 233–35
nostalgia, 163
Obama, Barack, 125
Obama, Michelle, 127
objective observer, 28–29
OEOs (opinions, expectations, obligations), 17
O’Leary, Kevin, 129
Om, 271
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya,, 211, 273
Om Tat Sat, 273
On Purpose podcast, 133
100 Million campaign, 267
Onondaga Indians, 210
Opening Your Heart to Bhutan, 121
pain, 152–53, 169, 250–51, 268–69
Palahniuk, Chuck, 63
Palghar, India, 65
panic, 57, 59
parasympathetic nervous system, 60
parent-child relationships, 149–50
passion, 97–98 aligning with, 102–6
past values, 16–17
Pavlov, Ivan, ix
peace of mind, forgiveness and, 41
Peak (Ericsson and Pool), 102
Pencils of Promise, 269
performance anxiety, 59
Personal Relationships journal, 41
personality types, 108–15
perspective scale, 159–61
physical attraction, 239
Picasso, Pablo, 78
Pierce, Reverend Terri Steed, 177
Pool, Robert, 102
Popova, Maria, 125
Pöppel, Ernst, 146
positivity, dharma and, 119
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 207
poverty, 211–12, 263
praise, 174, 175
pranava (Om), 271
pranayama (breathing techniques), 86
prasad (food), 254
present, living in, 136–37, 141, 163–64, 169
pride, 173–74
Princeton University, 69, 148
procrastination, 148
profound gratitude, 219–20
progressing, 158
projection, 178–79
Psychology Today, 228
public speaking, 101
Puddicombe, Andy, xii
Pulse nightclub shooting, Orlando, Florida, 177
pure trust, 233, 235–36
purpose, 71, 83, 93–122 (see also dharma)
Qi Gong, 152
Quadrants of Potential, 102–9
question meditation, 251–52
Radhanath Swami, 37, 182, 185, 227, 228
rajas (impulsivity), 39, 110, 234
Rationally Speaking podcast, 179
Red Bull, 99
redwood trees, 223
reflected best-self exercise, 115
relationships, 221–53, 270 attraction versus connection, 239
circle of love, 223–25, 231
compatibility and, 239–41
energy levels and, 240–41
human family, 230–31
keeping love alive, 248–50
network of compassion, 225
new connections, 229
overcoming heartbreak, 250–53
ready for love, 245–48
romantic, 236–38
setting expectations, 222–23
six loving exchanges, 241–46
trust in (see trust)
relaxation response, 60
remorse, 163
rest-and-digest state, 60
revenge, 39
rewards, 16
Ricard, Matthieu, xi, xii, 171, 237
Rig Veda, 65, 86
Rilke, Rainer Marie, 271
Rinpoche, Chögyam Trungpa, 44
Rinpoche, Yongey Mingyur, x–xi
Rock, Chris, 102
Rohr, Father Richard, 163
role models, 81–82
routine, 123–44 creativity and, 133, 144
evening routine, 129–30
free time, 128
immersive experiences and, 142–44
location and, 132–33, 137–39
looking for something new, 133–36
monotony and, 133
morning routine, 124–28
single-tasking and, 141–43
time and, 140–41
waking up early, 124–27
running, 168
Sachs, Jeffrey, 70
sacred space, creating, 201
sadhu (teachers), 192–93
Sama Veda, 173–74
samsara (rebirth), 65
sangha (community), 30
sankalpa (intention), 71
Sanskrit, xiv, 30, 32, 38, 68, 71, 118, 173, 237, 260, 280
Santideva, 56
Sapadin, Linda, 157
Sapkal, Sindhutai (Mother of Orphans), 262–63
sat (being), 118
sattva (goodness), 39, 44, 110, 234, 238
Satyarthi, Kailash, 196, 267, 267–68
Saujani, Reshma, 271
schadenfreude, 31
Schulte, Brigid, 70
Scorsese, Martin, 4
scout mindset, 179
seeds and weeds, analogy of, 75–76
selective presence, 136–37
self-awareness, 32, 114, 137, 164, 190, 206, 245–46, 247–48
self-compassion, 161–63, 169
self-confidence, 173
self-control, 154, 164–65, 168, 237
self-criticism, 21, 158
self-defeating thoughts, 156, 157
self-esteem, 159, 161, 181, 183, 190–91, 207, 250 service and, 259
self-forgiveness, 43–44
self-image, 3, 176
self-knowledge, 246
self-mummification, 168
self-worth, 191
selflessness, 256
Seneca, 58
senses, 151–54
serotonin, 143
service, 249–50, 254–70 benefits of, 258–59, 269
following pain in your heart, 268–69
gratitude and, 217–19, 259
highest purpose of, 256–57
with intention, 264–65
mindset, 260–62
readiness for, 262–63
sample places for, 266
self-esteem and, 259
set visualization, 199
seva (selfless service), 94–95, 260
sexual energy, 237–38
Shaolin monks, 152
Shareability, 16
shastra (scripture), 192–93
should-self, 148
Shri Hansratna Vijayji Maharaj Saheb, 168
silence, 166–68
single-tasking, 141–43
Slade, Emma (Pema Deki), 121–22, 261
sleep, 125–27, 129, 206
Snapchat, 99
social conformity, 24
social media, 13, 14, 23, 170, 212
sokushinbutsu (self-mummification), 168
soldier mindset, 179, 228
solitude, 238
Sommer, Christopher, 130
sound, xviii, 139–40, 250, 270–73, 276
Spanx, 189
Spiegel, Evan, 99
spiritual attraction, 239
spot, stop, swap, 32–38, 45, 251, 253, 28
Srimad-Bhagavatam, 183, 257
Srirangam, India, 68
Stanford University, 23, 141, 143
staying in present, 136–37, 141, 163–64, 169
Steindl-Rast, Brother David, xii, 205, 213
stress, 51, 126, 147
subconscious, 154–56
success, illusion of, 67–69
sufficiency mindset, 262
sugar consumption, 170, 171, 237
Sutapa, 186–87
Sutta Pitaka, 208
Sweeney, J. Patrick, 228
sympathetic nervous system, 60
talking to yourself, 156–57
tamas (ignorance), 39, 110
Taoism, 58
Tenzin Palmo, Jetsunma, 251
Tesla, Nikola, 270–71
thankfulness, 128 (see also gratitude)
Thich Nhat Hanh, 29, 135, 222
“Think Out Loud” club, 101–2, 246
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, 165
Tillich, Paul, 238
time, 12–13, 107, 140–41, 240–41
to-be/to-do list, 80
transformational forgiveness, 39–41
trees, 50, 223
trust as daily practice, 236
four types of, 225–29
stages of, 232–35
25/75 principle, 29–30
Twitter, 212
Tyson, Neil deGrasse, 253
unconditional forgiveness, 40, 41
University of California, Berkeley, 263
University of California, Los Angeles, 132–33
University of California, San Diego, 215
University of Virginia, 11
University of Waterloo, 148
Upadesamrta, 241, 244
Upanishads, xiv, 151
Upside of Stress, The (McGonigal), 71
usefulness, 97–98
Vaca Sutta, 35
vagus nerve, 60, 272
value-driven decisions, 17
values, xiii, 4, 8–19, 79, 226, 227, 241–42
vanity, 174
Vanzant, Iyanla, 248
varna, 94–95, 177, 287
varnas, 109–15
Vayu Purana, 270
Vedas, xiv
Vedic Personality Test, 109, 115–16 text of, 283–87
vibrational healing, 270–71
victim mentality, 23, 26, 190
Vietnam War veterans, 207
vinayam (humility or modesty), 173
visualization, xviii, 196–202, 276, 277 body scan, 200
emotional triggers and, 153–54
exercises, 199–202
exploratory, 199
gratitude, 128, 217
joy, 211