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Blackmailed by the Mafia Boss

Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2019 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-984-3

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.




  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2019

  Chapter One

  Avery Finch had never been more terrified than she was that Friday night, reading the note her father had left her. He’d been put in the hospital the week before with broken legs, along with a few broken fingers and many bruises as well. He was lucky to be alive, but he was still smiling and told her not to worry. She hadn’t been at the shop last week and only found her father the day after. He’d been too long without medical treatment, and the doctors had had to rebreak the bones to reset them. It was bad.

  Now, as she counted up the week’s worth of earnings, she was scared. Her father had come clean to her that he’d borrowed money from Gino Mazza. The name alone was enough to scare the shit out of anyone.

  She steered clear of the mafia men in town, but seeing as Gino owned every single business, it made it impossible not to know who he was or what he did. Tonight, she had hoped to have the twenty thousand dollars he was expecting, but instead, she had only five. This wasn’t something a twenty-four-year-old should be worrying about, not now in her life. She hadn’t realized how badly her father’s business was doing until now. In ten minutes, Gino or one of his cronies was supposed to show up to collect the debt or make up for it through … other means.

  She loved her legs and needed them for her work. During the week she helped at the childcare center. Most of the parents had to work eighty hours a week, and she was one of the many babysitters that helped their kids. It wasn’t an easy job but one she wished she was still at rather than worrying about what was about to happen.

  Closing her eyes, she pressed a hand to her chest.

  No matter what, she had to do something.

  The shop’s doorbell rang, and even as she shook, she went toward it. Her father ran a small fruit and vegetable shop. He’d been doing it for nearly twenty years that she remembered, and he’d always loved it. Growing up, her dinners had always been overflowing with fresh produce.

  After her mother died, it appeared his thirst for running a successful business had as well, which was why she opened the door to a large, muscular man. No doubt it was Gino Mazza.

  “I’m looking for Mr. Finch,” he said, his voice cool, in control, calm.

  She was anything but. “He’s still in the hospital.”

  “You must be his daughter.”

  Any hope of him leaving vanished. She nodded her head, stepping back to give him room to enter.

  Heart racing, she walked back to the counter, quickly moving behind it to have some distance between them. Gino entered the shop with four large men. None of them were as big as he was, and she didn’t understand why he needed them. He was the one in charge. She wasn’t going to try anything.

  No running. No screaming. She held her head high, waiting.

  “My dad told me what he owes you.” She hated how her hand shook as she held out the bag. “I’m afraid I can’t … there’s not enough from the week’s revenue.”

  Gino didn’t take the bag. Instead, he removed one of his gloves and grabbed an apple. “So your father couldn’t even be bothered to come and see me himself?”

  “I told you, he’s in the hospital.” She didn’t even want to think of the medical bill.

  “I don’t care. I’ve seen many a man’s legs broken and they’re still able to give me the money.”

  “I wasn’t here to get him. I’m sorry, but I can’t get you the money.”

  “This is not one of your debts to pay, Avery.”

  She paused. How did he know her name?

  Gino smiled.

  It wasn’t a friendly smile. It was filled with mocking. “You think I don’t know every single family member of the people who owe me money. I find family members, loved ones, can be a great motivator.”

  “You want to hurt me?” Avery asked. “It won’t do any good. There’s no way hurting me will get you the money.”

  “No, but I can hurt your father some more. There are a lot of bones to break in a human body.”

  Gino snapped his fingers, and she saw one of the guards turn to leave.


  She quickly rushed around the counter, which was a big mistake.

  Before she could go anywhere else, Gino had his fingers wrapped around her neck. She was in no doubt as to the kind of damage he could do to her. She was at his mercy. She swallowed past the lump in her throat, hoping the tears wouldn’t fall.

  She didn’t want to look weak. Begging for something always left a bitter taste in her mouth.

  “Please, don’t hurt him.”

  The man left the shop, and she screamed.

  “No! How can you do this? He’s an old man. He can’t work with more broken bones. Leave him alone.”

  He wasn’t putting any pressure on her neck, and she glared at him, waiting for him to hurt her. No one could hear her screams. She was all alone.

  Mazza and his cronies could do whatever they wanted to her. Her body would be found eventually … or not.

  “Leave us,” Gino said.

  She held onto his arm, her nails digging into the fabric of his jacket. It was too thick for her to do any lasting damage.

  The door closed behind the men, but they didn’t walk away from the shop. With her heart pounding, she turned her attention back to the man with all of the power.

  “You’re an interesting woman,” he said.


  He squeezed her neck, not enough to cut off air but certainly enough to make her alarmed for a few seconds.

  She waited, expecting the worst, but he loosened his hold.

  “You’re the first woman to beg for a man’s life. I find that interesting.”

  “He’s my dad.”

  “Yes, but when the idea of them being on the chopping block, or the bone-breaking block, they don’t like that and would rather I not pay any attention to them. Yet, you don’t want me hurting your father.”

  “It doesn’t make me special.”

  “You know who I am?” he asked.

  “Everyone knows who you are.”

  “And yet your mouth is still continuing to fucking work instead of staying closed.” He gave her neck another squeeze.

  “Please leave my father alone.” She knew she was in danger right now. There was no chance she’d come out of this alive.

  “You’re in no position to bargain with me.”

  “How about just being a nice person?”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “A nice person? Seriously? You’re going to try and win me over with that argument?”

  “I’m not trying to win you over with anything. I’m just trying to protect my dad. You may not get what loyalty or even love means. My dad means everything to me, and this shop, it’s all he’s got left.”

  “If this shop means so much to him, why did he borrow money off me?” Gino asked.

  “It has been a trying time.” She didn’t wa
nt to tell this man all of her family’s troubles.

  “Not good enough. I deal with whores, addicts, and greedy assholes. I want my money.”

  She thought about that large guy entering the hospital. No one would stop him. The nurses would probably look the other way.

  “Please, I’ll do anything. Don’t hurt my dad.” She hated how desperate she sounded. Her father had always told her to never allow a man to make her beg, and yet, here she was, begging on his behalf. “I’ve got nothing special to offer you, Mr. Mazza. My dad when he’s well, he’ll work hard. I’ll guarantee it.”

  Gino kept staring down at her. She didn’t have a clue what he was thinking, and deep down inside, she knew she never wanted to even get a glimpse of what was going on inside his head.

  This man was so dangerous.

  Look at the way he held her. If the desire took him, he could snap her neck, make her suffer. She couldn’t believe she was pleading with this madman.

  Gino suddenly nodded his head and smiled.

  It wasn’t a nice one.

  Her heart still pounded.

  “Okay, I’ll leave your father alone. He can have the right to earn off his debt the long, hard way, but in return, I keep you.”


  “I’m not finished. You will learn to not interrupt me. You will belong to me. Mine to do with as I please for as long as it suits me. You’ll be at my beck and call, all day and night. That’s the only deal you have. Take it or leave it. You’ve got about five minutes before my man gets to the hospital.”

  “That’s the only deal you’re willing to give me?” she asked.


  “I need to negotiate.”

  “No negotiation. You’re mine. Everything about you belongs to me. Now, take that deal or your dad is going to be in a whole lot of pain.”


  No, she couldn’t do this.


  There was no way she could let her father’s suffering continue. She would do whatever it took to keep her father alive and well.


  There was nothing special about the woman he’d just purchased. He knew everything there was to know about Avery Finch. The moment anyone came to him for money, he made it his mission to make sure that person had a weak spot. Avery was her father’s, and coming to his shop tonight, he’d been curious at exactly how he could manipulate the situation.

  Avery was different. Even as she was terrified of him, she still fought back.

  He found that interesting.

  Most women offered up their bodies, and in a way, Avery had done exactly that, only she didn’t seem to realize it.

  He had an entire city at his beck and call, and yet this woman with her passion and stupidity had awakened something inside him. She tried to appeal to his softer side. She needed to learn there was nothing soft about him.

  Being a Capo, every single cell of compassion died. It had to. He didn’t get to forty years old in his line of work by showing any sympathy.

  Staring at her now, he knew he was going to have a whole lot of fun.

  He called off his man, who was at that very moment about to enter the hospital. More broken bones wouldn’t have paid off the debt, but Gino liked to make an impression. Avery’s father owed him a lot, and even if he was compassionate to his plight, he couldn’t show favoritism.

  Now, taking his daughter away, that was going to send a message to any family who thought of borrowing from him; a whole different idea.

  “Your father is safe.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me yet.”

  He went to the door and informed the guards he now had a guest. With a simple click of his fingers, they had grabbed the girl, who was now screaming.

  “Wait, stop, I don’t understand.”

  Gino turned to look at her just as one of his men threw her over his shoulder. She wasn’t a slender woman. Her curves were fucking heavenly, and he couldn’t wait to have her on his bed, legs spread, inviting him in.

  Even as she hated him now—and he loved that she did—Avery was still going to beg for him.

  “You now belong to me, Avery. I don’t like to keep my toys for just anyone to play with.”

  “I’m not a toy.”

  “Yes, you are. Or should I call my man back and make it a few ribs as well this time?”

  He saw her jaw clench. Good, he’d hit a nerve. He liked that.


  “No.” She gritted out the word.

  “Now, say it.”

  “Say what?” she asked.

  He sank his fingers into her hair, and pulled her head back so he was staring into her eyes. She had beautiful, intense brown eyes. Right now, they were filled with tears. He didn’t mind tears. To him, they meant he’d done the job well.

  “Say, ‘I’m your toy, Gino Mazza.’”

  She clenched her teeth together, looking determined as if she was going to fight him at every single turn. Silly girl.

  All he had to do was hold up his cell phone.

  “I’m your toy, Gino Mazza.”

  “Good. I will do whatever you want.”

  She repeated after him.

  “And I will enjoy every single second.”

  “You can’t make me say that.”

  “Sweet girl, I think you need to realize I can make you do anything.”

  He did get her to say it before getting his men to move her to the car. He waited a couple of minutes, allowing them the chance to tie her hands and feet. She would likely attack him in the car, and even as that would hold a lot of fun for him, he still wasn’t willing to risk their lives for it.

  Gino glanced around the family shop. He’d been here a couple of times, even as a kid. His mother liked to cook for his father. Before she died, his father had been a normal man. After her death nearly thirty years ago, Gino Mazza, Senior had become a monster, and even he had learned a great deal.

  Never allow a woman to become your weakness as others will always exploit it. Their enemies knew his mother was the love of the Capo’s life. They had ended her coldly. Gino remembered being in the middle of the street. The bag of groceries she’d bought to make an anniversary dinner spread out across the pavement. He’d held her head in his hands, blood smearing his clothes. A single bullet to the head.

  It was how his father had found him.

  In all of his life it was the only time Gino had seen his father cry, and then lose his shit. He had gone on a rampage unlike anything this city had seen. No one had replaced his mother, and his father had been colder than a block of ice.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, he made his way out to the waiting car. Sliding in, he saw his men had also placed a band of tape across her face.

  He smiled and sat back. Her hands were bound in front of her, as were her legs. She looked like a sacrifice. The way her arms pressed her tits together, he rather liked the view. The shirt she wore had been torn, and some of her bra was showing. It was a nice white, which had seen better days.

  “If you promise not to scream, I’ll take the tape off. Scream, and I’ll choke you.”

  She nodded.

  He leaned over and tore the tape from her lips. She let out a gasp. He saw the tears spring to her eyes, and waited.

  No sound came

  Satisfied, he sat back.

  “So, what is it you do, Avery?” he asked.

  “Don’t you know?”

  “I do. I know everything there is to know about you, but I’m attempting to make small talk. I suggest you keep my interest for as long as possible.”


  “Or your father’s going to be in a great deal of pain. While you entertain me, he’s safe and ready to work off his debt.”

  “He can’t work right now.”

  “He could if he got out of the hospital. I’ve seen men return to me with hands broken and still able to do something. Now, tell me about yourself.”

  She pre
ssed her lips together, and he raised a brow. He had all of the power here, and she knew it.

  “I work at a day care center for children whose parents work full-time and can’t afford regular day care. We do charge a small fee, but not the cost of full-time care.”

  “Do you like kids?”

  “Yes. They’re not cruel monsters.”

  “Be careful. Some children are already being created to be so.”

  She shook her head. “You don’t know anything.”

  “I know every single child is born innocent, and monsters are created.”

  “Are you trying to justify yourself?” she asked.

  “No. I’m simply stating fact.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about. No one knows what breeds a monster. It’s not always an abusive upbringing either.”

  “That I know. I happen to have been brought up in a stable home for a time.” Before his father liked to slaughter men in front of him, all in the name of revenge.

  “I don’t want to talk about this. What kind of terms and conditions does this deal have?”


  “Can’t I negotiate?”

  “You promised to be mine. You now belong to me, at my beck and call.”

  “What work do you want me to do?” she asked.

  He laughed. “Nothing. You’re a bright girl.”


  “That’s one of them. You offered to be my plaything, and well, I rather like the idea of having a woman who can’t say no. Your body, every single hole, is not off limits to me. I’m going to own them all.”

  He saw her cheeks flush.

  “Are you a virgin, Avery?”


  “Then whatever I’m going to do to you, you’ll be ready for. Anything less, and your dad is in pain. I can keep on repeating myself if you’d like.”

  “No, you don’t need to keep on doing that.”


  “Where are you taking me?”

  “To my home. It’s just outside of the city, and it’s secure. You cannot leave unless you are with me. Everything you do will be at my order. You will sleep when I tell you to, fuck me when I tell you to, and entertain me all at my whim.” He stared at her. “Any questions?”


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