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Blackmailed by the Mafia Boss

Page 2

by Sam Crescent


  “Good. I suggest you enjoy the ride. You’re going to be a very busy girl.”

  He watched her as she began to process his words. Avery tried to keep her facial features blank, but she was so easy to read. She was scared, and he liked that.

  Scared people did stupid things.

  He saw the way her chest rose and fell. Her nipples were hard beads, as the car did have a little chill. That was more than fine with him.

  To some men, Avery wasn’t a prize, but for Gino, he was going to enjoy her.

  Chapter Two

  The moment they entered Gino’s home, Avery was escorted up to one of the bedrooms. They went up so many floors, and she knew there would be no escape. She was pushed into a room, the bindings at her hands and feet removed, and they left her there.

  They’d also locked the door.

  One glance around the room, and well, this wasn’t a dungeon.

  The room was large, exquisite, designed for someone of wealth. Not a woman who’d just sold her body so her father didn’t have to experience any more pain.

  She got to her feet, reaching out to touch the bed. The sheets were so soft against her fingertips.

  Moving toward the window, she tried to open it, but it was locked. Looking down at the gardens below, she realized she was on the top floor.

  Almost as if Gino, the beast of a man, had put her in a fucking tower.

  She was so angry. When he’d given her the deal, she hadn’t thought of the ramifications of what that exactly meant.

  Being Gino’s plaything was so far out of her league. There’s no possible way she would ever be able to capture his attention, much less keep it. But for as long as she had him, her father was safe.

  Stepping away from the window, she checked out the room. There was a full walk-in closet that was huge and empty. She closed the door before finding the bathroom. There were no shampoos or razors. Each surface was empty, not anything to help her wash or clean herself up.

  No towels either.

  She moved back to the bed and perched on the edge. The last thing she wanted to do was to make the bed dirty. She’d been working all day and had looked forward to a nice, relaxing shower. This was anything but.

  Folding her arms, she tried to come up with a plan on how to deal with Gino. Nothing came to mind. She wasn’t some simpering virgin, but she didn’t want to sell her body either. Yet with the deal she’d made, she had done exactly that.

  Exhaustion swept over her, and rather than fight anymore, she went back into the bathroom and ran a bath. Even if she couldn’t use a washcloth or soap, she could at least let the warm water soak away the entire day.

  She wished she could bleach her mind from what had happened in the last hour, but that wasn’t possible.

  With the bath run, she closed the door and stripped out of her clothes. She was careful as she put them in a neat pile.

  She would have to put them back on, but at least she’d be clean. Stepping into the water, she leaned back and tried to hold in the moan of pleasure that flooded her body. The bath felt incredible. Better than even she imagined it could be. The water covered her body, and she dunked her head under the water, basking in the feeling of weightlessness that overcame her.

  Lifting her head out of the water, she ran her hands across her face and gasped.

  Gino was inside the door.

  “I’m pleased to see you’re not trying to hang yourself or slit your wrists.”

  “I’m not going to kill myself. Besides, there’s nothing here to use.”

  “You looked?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest, trying for modesty. “Only to see if there was something to wash with.”

  “Stand up.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Do we need to continue this power struggle? I’ve got it all. You’ve got none.”

  She gritted her teeth.

  Gripping the edge of the tub, she stood up. Keeping her hands at her sides, she waited. As she stared him in the eye, Gino smirked, and his gaze traveled down her body before moving back up to her face.

  “You’ll do.”

  He put down a towel. Much to her surprise, he began to strip out of his clothes.

  “What are you doing?”

  “That bath looks too good to pass up.” The jacket was gone, and she saw the gun inside. Next, his shoes were gone.

  He was stripping fast, and she couldn’t think.

  “I will be done soon.”

  “And I want to join you.”

  She sank down into the water, scrambling her brain to think of what to say to stop him from trying to join her. Nothing came out. Her mind was a complete blank. There was nothing to say, and as he removed his boxer briefs, she couldn’t believe the size of him.

  The only experience she had was one lover. That was it.

  The night she lost her virginity was the one and only time. That alone didn’t prepare her for this.

  Gino wasn’t a small man. He was all man and then some.

  This was so far out of her comfort zone.

  He climbed into the tub, and she curled her legs against her chest, trying to get as much distance between them as possible. Gino didn’t seem to care. He spread his legs down either side of her, his feet touching her.

  She stared past his shoulder, trying to think of a million other things than what was going on at this moment.

  “You can ignore me all you want.”

  “Will I be able to go home? Grab some of my things?”

  “No. The life you had before is gone. You’re not going to get it back. I’ll have some things brought to you.”

  “I’m to stay locked up here?”

  “You’re to stay here for as long as it amuses me. You’re my plaything and consider this room your shelf.”

  She wanted to claw his eyes out. She didn’t believe in violence though, and she stayed perfectly still.

  “How about we make a deal?” he said.

  “A deal?”

  “You can earn certain privileges.”

  “I’m not a child.”

  He didn’t say anything.

  “How can I earn them?” she asked. She couldn’t even believe she was contemplating this. It was ridiculous to her. She was a grown woman. There’s no way she should be entertaining this man. Of all the people her father could have gone to, Gino Mazza should have been the last person.

  She wasn’t going to cry, even though her tears were so close to spilling. The only way to survive this was to do as this man wanted and to not cry.

  She wasn’t weak and hadn’t been for some time. Her father always said she was a strong woman and only the right kind of man would ever be good enough for her. This man wasn’t it, and just because he’d caught her unawares, didn’t mean he had all the power here.

  So long as she held her own, kept him entertained, her father would be fine. She had to believe that.

  Lifting her head, she met his gaze head-on. Slowly, she lowered her legs, leaning back. She wanted to cover her chest from his gaze, but that wouldn’t do.

  This was a risk. What was Gino looking for in a toy?

  She had to play each interaction with him to capture and to keep his attention. There were more experienced women, more beautiful, more everything. Either way, she wasn’t going to change who she was.

  He smiled.

  “Good behavior, orgasms, pleasure, and even pain, will get you the passes you need. You won’t ever be allowed to wander my home freely. I’ll be your guide.”

  “Will you starve me?” she asked.

  “Food will be brought to you.”

  She nodded. “May I have books or a television?” She hoped so, as otherwise boredom would sink in.

  “Yes, to both. Again, depending on your behavior you may keep them all the time, or you’re going to lose them.”

  She had been a good student all of her life. She knew what was required of her, and she was willing to do whatever it took to
make this part of her life bearable. There was no way she couldn’t make this work.

  Her father’s life and her own depended on it.

  “Do you have any other questions?” he asked. “You may as well get them out of the way.”

  “I don’t want to end up pregnant,” she said. “I’d like everything we do to be safe.”

  “You’ll be getting on the pill. When I play with my toy, I don’t want anything to come between us. I’ll have a doctor here to take your blood work.”

  “What about you? I don’t want any diseases.” She sank her teeth into her lip, hating that she kept on talking. This man could kill her and then her father would be alone.

  Pick your battles wisely.

  Stop trying to make him lash out.

  He can hurt you, kill you.

  Be sensible.

  “Come here,” he said. She couldn’t argue. Was he angry?

  With her head pounding, she moved toward him.


  Gino couldn’t make up his mind if Avery had a death wish or was just stupid. One look at her and he knew she was out of her depth and scared. She wasn’t saying shit to try to piss him off. They were just blurting out of her mouth without a second’s control. It was rather refreshing to have a woman who spoke clearly without worrying about every little word or action.

  He didn’t have any diseases and took his health seriously. His dick was always wrapped, and only when he was sure Avery was clean, would he use her without a condom. No other woman had ever been given the chance of taking him bareback. The women he fucked knew the score and took what he could give them.

  With Avery, everything seemed different.

  She moved toward him, kneeling in the bath. Her tits shook with her indrawn breaths, and she looked so nervous. It was tantalizing to see. He liked making her so.

  Reaching out, he stroked a finger down one plump breast, teasing the tip of her nipple. She had nice, large, red-tipped nipples. They were designed to be sucked on.

  Sliding the fingers down her body, he touched her hip. For a split second he imagined her full with a kid, and the thought didn’t repulse him. He pushed it aside, focusing on her body.

  Taking hold of both of her hips, he moved her over him, so that her legs were on either side, straddling him.

  This way, she was open to him, exposed and vulnerable.

  Staring up into her face, he smiled. She wasn’t expecting him to do this. He made her nervous, but she didn’t cower away. Her strength was an addiction.

  “You know you insult me,” he said.

  “By asking you to provide me with the same paperwork you’re going to expect from me.”

  “I don’t know if you’re clean.”

  “I’ve had one sexual partner, and we used a condom. I’m clean. Can I say the same about you?”

  Her admission shocked him.

  “Only one?”


  “How very … virginal.”

  “I’m not a virgin.”

  “No. Are you experienced, Avery? Will you blow my mind? This one person, did he show you how to suck a man’s cock, to take it deep in your mouth so you’re swallowing him?” He wrapped his fingers around her neck, much like he had at her father’s shop. “Did he teach you to swallow his cum? To milk him of every single drop? To fill your mouth, to show him?” Her face was flushed. He moved his hands down to her tits, pushing them together. “How about your tits? Did he fuck you between them? Show you want a real man does to a woman?” No answer. Rounding to her ass, he spread her cheeks wide. “How about filling that asshole with cum? Or your pussy? Did he make you lick him afterward?”

  “You’re going to be sorely upset.”


  “I’ve not done any of those things,” she said.

  There was a sparkle in her eyes. She was interested. His little toy was horny.

  “The one time I had sex, and it was the only time, was when I lost my virginity.”



  He leaned back.

  Avery was like a blank canvas. No one had marred her flesh or body with his whims or desires. She was truly a thing of beauty.

  He could train her. Show her everything she needed to know. Blow her mind with all kinds of pleasure and pain.

  “I will get tested,” he said.

  “You will?”

  “I keep my word.”

  “My father won’t get hurt?”

  He cupped her pussy, making her stop. “I’ve promised you so long as you keep me entertained, your father will not be hurt.” He stroked a finger between her folds to find her wet. He liked that.

  Sliding deep into her pussy, he felt how tight she was. Adding a second finger, he began to pump to his own pace.

  “Watch me,” he said. “Watch my hand.” He moved his hand out. “You’re so wet. You want a nice, hard dick, don’t you?”

  She didn’t answer as he pushed two fingers back into her cunt.

  He heard her gasp, and he didn’t stop as he worked his fingers, drawing them up to play with her clit, and moving back down to fuck her.

  Gino wanted to pound her pussy, and soon, he would. First, he wanted to play with her. By the time he sank his dick into her tight cunt, she was going to be begging for him to take her.

  He removed his fingers from her pussy and stood up.

  Taking her hand, he helped her out of the bathroom. This room was placed at the highest point within his home. He’d done it on purpose. She couldn’t leave, as the only escape was out of the window. There was no chance of her ever finding freedom unless he granted it, and he had no intention of doing that.

  As they sat on the edge of the bed, straight across from them, there was a mirror.

  “Come here.”

  He liked how she wanted to fight his instruction, but to do so would result in a punishment. Part of him hoped she tested him. The last thing he wanted was an empty toy. He wanted her to push, to fight, to show him he’d not made a fucking mistake.

  She moved toward him and he took her hand, spinning her around and sitting her on the edge of the bed, putting her legs on either side of his, spreading her open.

  “Look at yourself,” he said.

  He gripped her chin, forcing her to look at the two of them. She couldn’t avert her gaze as he held her.

  The lips of her pussy were open, and he saw her clit, swollen. She was so ready to be fucked.

  This woman was surprising him. He liked that as he could help control all of this.

  “This looks like a pussy that wants my dick, Avery.”

  She moaned as he stroked over her delicate flesh. Her arousal surprised and excited him. He slid two fingers in deep and added a third, pumping in and out.

  “You’re so tight.”

  “Please,” she said.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

  She didn’t answer.

  He attempted to pull his fingers from her, but she caught his wrist, halting him.

  “Please, don’t stop.”

  “You want to come?”


  Of course she did. Who wouldn’t want to? He smiled as he pulled his fingers out of her cunt and started to strum her clit.

  She tensed up, arching against his hand, wanting him.

  He loved to see her fall apart. When she looked to be close to coming, he moved down, finger-fucking her again, driving her wild.

  Each time he stopped, preventing her from coming, she’d release this little growl that was the cutest and sexiest sound in the world. It didn’t stop him from working her body though. With his free hand, he caressed her tits, teasing over each nipple before pinching the hard buds. She cried his name, and hearing as it echoed around the room took every ounce of strength he possessed not to throw her to the bed and fuck her.

  The time for taking her would come, but he wanted to anticipate each and every step. This was his first toy, and he meant to use her for hi
s own pleasure.

  She begged and pleaded with him. Only when he couldn’t take it anymore, did he let her come. When she did, it was a sight to behold. She gave him everything. Her body shook, and he watched her cunt as it tightened. He couldn’t wait to bring her to orgasm with his dick balls deep inside her.

  With the last few ripples of pleasure started to subside, he kissed her shoulder, removing his hands and putting her to the bed.

  She spread her legs a little wider, and he chuckled.

  “Have a good night, Avery.” He stepped away from the bed in all of his naked glory. His dick was impossibly hard. It was to the point of pain, but he didn’t give a shit. He wasn’t going to do anything tonight.

  His dick didn’t have control of him; he did.

  “But, what about you?” she asked.

  “My time will come.”

  With that, he left the bedroom, flicking the lock into place. He stood by the door, waiting, expecting something.

  When he took her out of the room, he’d need to get some cameras installed. Owning Avery had taken an interesting turn, and now he couldn’t wait to learn everything about her.

  Stepping away from the door, he made his way back to his room. No one said a word about his naked state. Why would they? He was the boss, and he’d killed a man for less. Having Avery in his home was going to be really fucking interesting. The last woman he lived with was his mother until she died. He’d never had a female in his home unless she worked for him, and to him, workers were off-limits.

  He went straight to his bathroom and took care of his aching member. Soon, Avery would be doing all the work, and she’d do it with a smile on her lips, crawling to him.

  Chapter Three

  The following day Avery woke to the bedroom door opening. An older woman with graying hair walked into the room. Avery got out of bed, wrapping the blanket around her body. She hadn’t left the bed since her orgasm.

  Staring at the other woman, she wondered if there was any chance of finding an ally in her. One look was all it took to know that wouldn’t be the case. The woman didn’t look down at her. It was more like looking through her.


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