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Relics- The Chronicles of Solomon Drake

Page 18

by Robert York

  Bart glared incredulously in my direction. He was probably used to oaths and insults from just about everyone when it came to his kind and my answer wouldn’t be believed. After all I was nothing more than a dirty human with magical abilities, two very disgusting things in Bart’s prejudiced eyes.

  “Well said,” Adrianna said through an approving smile.

  Barnabas exited the bathroom placing the first aid kit back onto the cart, four butterfly strip band-aids visible on his cheek to help keep his cut closed. He walked over to Adrianna’s desk.

  “Ms. Thorne I wish to thank you for your hospitality and understanding, I think we all have much to discuss and time is growing short.”

  Adrianna tossed the packet back onto her desk leaning back in her chair.

  “Yes Barnabas, you were about to say something before we were rudely interrupted in the conference room,” Adrianna replied.

  Barnabas nodded, turning he walked a few paces away from her then turned back.

  “What is said here cannot go any further than the five of us in this room, is that understood Ms. Thorne?” Barnabas said gravely.

  I moved over to stand behind Barnabas; Race came to stand next to me. Adrianna studied all three of us for a minute or two then glanced up to Bart regarding him. It seemed that something passed between them because he inclined his head; they both turned their attention back to us.

  “I can give you my assurances that what is said here will not be disclosed to anyone else, but can you be sure of your associate?” She said looking into Races eyes. I noticed his hair was standing up perceptibly.

  “I too can give my assurances that none will utter anything that is discussed here and I will personally take anyone to task that believes otherwise,” Barnabas replied looking squarely at Bart. It was sad, but at that moment I had the urge to start yelling Fight! Fight!

  “Proceed,” Adrianna said with a satisfied nod of her head.

  “Within the last twenty four hours events have led me to believe that someone is trying to destabilize the tenuous peace between our people. It is also my belief that a small group of Wizards and Vampires are working together to achieve this end,” Barnabas said gravely.

  “And what evidence do you present to support your suspicions?” Adrianna asked skepticism woven in her tone.

  “I have yet to confer with the Elder Council if there have been any other recent casualties other than the two that I can confirm independently, because frankly I am not certain whom I can trust with this information.”

  “You say that there are two Wizards that have been killed by Vampires. How do you know this?” Asked Adrianna.

  Barnabas hedged. I knew he didn’t want to reveal the inner workings of the Octagon to a Vampire, but he’d have to tell her something if he wanted information from her in return.

  “Eyewitness testimony from a Cob Elf named Tillander Duggins, and my own. I saw the body of my friend Orm and evidence at his home pointed to Vampires,”

  Adrianna sat in thought thinking on Barnabas’s words. He continued.

  “They were killed not just by Vampires Ms. Thorne, but with the help of Wizards. There was no other way anyone could’ve gotten into their protected places,”

  “What lies! You mean to stand before my Mistress trying to make her believe your false words! No Vampire would ever help a Wizard!” Bart said cutting Barnabas off.

  “Bartholomew brings up a good point Barnabas, what would the motivation be for Vampires and Wizards to work together?” She paused then added. “Recent events notwithstanding.”

  Barnabas took a deep breath considering his next words. I was just as interested as everyone else in the room to learn the motivation behind this possible dark alliance. What Barnabas was saying if true was a frightening prospect for the entire magical world. Few if any would be able to withstand the might of our two worlds united in a common goal.

  “As of this moment I cannot devise the motivation of these rogues, what can be obviously seen is their blatant attempt to begin a war. What’s more, there is also evidence that Dark Elves might be involved in all this somehow and that’s a far more frightening prospect than all out war between the Vampire families and the magical world,” Barnabas said.

  “Dark Elves? That’s absurd! Dark Elves haven’t made an appearance in decades! You’ll have to come up with a better lie than that,” Bart spat in a raised voice.

  “It’s true,” I chimed in. “Earlier today Race and I fought with one.”

  “Yeah, the little bastard was strong too, we barely managed to hold him down,” Race added.

  Bart lifted an accusing finger at Race and myself.

  “You see! Wizards and Werewolves working together creating this lie!”

  Adrianna reached out placing a hand on Bart’s arm. He jerked his head in her direction. After a moment he seemed to calm down as she gently lowered it for him.

  “You’ll have to forgive Bartholomew’s difficulty in believing your story, there’s been many centuries of bad blood between our peoples. I am inclined to at least believe there is more here than meets the eye. I’ve received reports that four high-ranking members of the Mordin family have been killed and there is evidence that a wielder of magic is to blame. You say that two Wizards that you know of are dead and that Vampires are to blame. Is that right Barnabas?”

  “Yes, however I don’t believe Vampires alone killed them. This very afternoon a Wizard accompanied by the twins we brought with us here, entered my shop and attempted to kill my apprentice,” Barnabas said gesturing to me.

  A sly smile crept onto Adrianna’s face. It was the kind of smile lawyers often get when they find a flaw in a witnesses testimony.

  “They attempted to kill him?” Adrianna asked skeptically, indicating me with a look. “Forgive me for being rather blunt, but your apprentice doesn’t strike me as being much of a Wizard. I doubt they mistook him for you,”

  “No offense to your abilities Sol,” She added quickly glancing in my direction.

  “None taken,” I replied.

  Barnabas was at a loss for words. I think this may have been a first; I wondered how he was going to talk his way out of this one. Adrianna let him ponder for a few moments before she continued.

  “You ask me to trust you, yet you don’t trust me… I know the mistrust between our people is not easy to get past, however let’s cut through all the pretenses shall we. You and I are far too old to be playing these games of deception,”

  Adrianna leaned back in her chair with a confident air about her.

  “Barnabas, I know you belong to a secret group of Wizards. I know there were eight of you in this group and I also know that you and the rest of your lot are protecting something. What I don’t know is exactly what you’re protecting, but from what you’ve told me it must be very valuable for two Vampires and a Wizard to show up at your shop attempting to recover it,” Adrianna said. “I also know that the Black Guard has added quite a few recruits of late and to me and my people that is rather alarming. Is there a threat to the Elder Council that has yet to be seen or are your people preparing for a possible conflict that may break out in the near future,” she asked.

  Barnabas surprised by her statement, grinned.

  “My compliments on your information gathering Ms. Thorne,” Barnabas remarked impressed.

  Adrianna inclined her head at the compliment.

  “Since we are dispelling with pretenses,” Barnabas said continuing, “I’ll concede that I do belong to such a group and I will also concede that what we protect is valuable and the Wizards that have been killed belonged to the very same group. It is also true that the Black Guard has been adding to their ranks of late. What I think you’ll find most interesting in our exchange of information is that we’ve noticed more blood farms than usual have been popping up in every major city around the world and that the Vampire population has increased approximately fifty percent in the last two years. Many on the Elder Council see this as a possible prelude t
o war, so you can see our concern regarding recent actions coming from the Vampire families. With people on both sides dying violently by each other’s hands it is only a matter of time before the powers that be decide to call for blood. If whoever is behind these turn of events obtains what we protect, many will die and the world will be plunged into chaos and darkness. You know very well that I don’t give in to hyperbole,”

  It was Adrianna’s turn to look stunned at the amount of information that Barnabas had on the Vampires as well as their movements. It appeared as though both sides took a close interest in the other. She thought for a long moment then sat up straight in her chair.

  “My God, we’re pawns on a chess board,” she said finally.

  “That’s precisely the conclusion that I’d arrived at, but we are a few moves behind in the game and will quite possibly lose if we don’t catch up. The Ashari were sent here to kill you Ms. Thorne,”

  Barnabas reached into the pocket of his cloak producing an Ash Dagger. He dropped it carelessly on her desk. The dagger made a tinny clatter of finality coming to rest in front of her.

  “If they’d succeeded in removing you from the head of the largest Vampire family in North America our two people’s would be preparing for war this very moment. You know as well as I that the Ashari will try again to kill you, so the safest place for you to be is with me and my people as we attempt to get to the bottom of this,” Barnabas said.

  For those of you unfamiliar with Vampires, the Ashari are a group of highly trained assassins that drink the blood of other Vampires. Vampire blood makes the Ashari stronger and faster, but at a price. They live in almost complete darkness. Even the light from a common flashlight can blister their skin. After a moment of silence Adrianna asked.

  “Where will you be taking us Barnabas?”

  “Mistress I must protest this course of action...”

  Adrianna raised her hand cutting him off.

  “I’d suggest that you dress for a much cooler climate.” Barnabas replied.

  Adrianna looked in my direction, steepling her fingers, elbows resting on the chair arms. Our eyes met. I could see a slight upturn of the corners of her mouth.

  “Would you gentlemen be so kind as to give me a moment alone with Solomon,” she said.

  Bart looked mortified by her words. Perhaps they were having a difficult time penetrating the heavy bowling ball shine of his baldhead. He composed himself before the words poised on the tip of his tongue spilled out. He reluctantly obeyed her request bowing before following Race and Barnabas who’d already made their exit without any objections. When the doors to her office closed she said.

  “I am quite curious about something Sol,”

  “And what is that,” I asked.

  She let my words hang between us as her eyes appraised me. I was certain that she was able to peer into my body and see out the other side.

  “You could’ve let that dagger kill me and there would’ve been no shame or dishonor for you or Barnabas. So that leaves me with a very perplexing question as to why you Sol, a mortal Wizard would save a Vampire’s life,” she asked.

  It was my turn to let the words hang between us as I pondered her question. Why did I save her life? Yes, I came up with a few reasons while I was in the thick of battle to explain my actions at the time. Now as I stood before her I really didn’t know why I did it. Impulse perhaps. None of my reasons made sense now.

  Well, of course they did and yet they didn’t. Let’s be honest, a gazelle wouldn’t throw itself in front of a bullet to save a lion. The gazelle knows the lion is a danger and would never buddy up to one. The lion, being a lion, would just eat the well-meaning gazelle afterwards anyway. There would be no thank you, no mournful thought or even one shed tear as the poor gazelle’s life bled away. There’d be just a slight pause as the lion tucked a napkin under its chin, produced a knife and fork to begin eating its meal. Yes, I know I watched far too many cartoons when I was a kid.

  So sue me.

  Why did I save her life? Come on brain help me out. Finally I shrugged then said.

  “Your blouse was very pretty and looked expensive, I didn’t want to see it ruined,”

  Adrianna unsteepled her fingers, she stood making her way around the desk.

  “You are a coy man Solomon Drake,” she said. “There are not many men that can resist my charms. In point of fact you’re the first that’s done so. Most men react in one way or another just like your Werewolf friend,” she said glancing in the direction of her office door.

  “But we’re still left with my initial question as to why you saved my life,” she asked again curiosity laced in her words.

  She leaned against the edge of her glass desk. The movement quite possibly would’ve garnered an “R” rating had it been viewed by the Motion Picture Association of America.

  I shrugged again.

  “Even I don’t understand half the things I do at times,”

  She smiled at that.

  “Did you save me because you were trying to curry favor with me,”


  “Did you save me because you wanted me in your debt,”

  “No,” I said defensively.

  She pushed away from the desk stalking toward me. I stood my ground as not to look weak, praying that the sound of my quaking knees couldn’t be heard.

  “Did you step in front of that dagger because you’re a big strong man and you had to save weak defenseless little old me,” she said mockingly in a Scarlett O’Hara southern accent.

  “You’re not old… Technically,” I answered with a nervous shrug.

  She cocked her head arching a sexy eyebrow. The action gave a disbelieving aspect to her attitude.

  “No,” I said finally.

  She halted her advance inches away from me looking up searchingly into my eyes. I stood five or six inches taller than her when she wasn’t wearing heels. She no longer possessed the confident presence she exhibited earlier, before events took an unforeseen turn. The delicate silk robe caressed her skin as her body made subtle movements. The sound was hypnotic, acting like a siren’s call to my libido. Her hair still had a damp sheen from the shower and I found myself longing to run my fingers through her thick locks. Taking a fist full of it, gently pulling back her head exposing her neck to rain soft kisses over it. I was either going mad with desire or she placed a powerful glamour on me, which I didn’t think was the case. This mind fog was all my own. The delicate fragrances of the soaps and lotions she used during and after the shower made it even more difficult to concentrate. Given her close proximity to me I had an excellent vantage point to peer down at her ample cleavage. There were advantages to being six foot four.

  “Did you step in front of that dagger because you fancied me,” she asked finally in an intimate whisper.

  I felt a stirring in my loins as my traitorous penis began to ache, pulsing to life. Blood emptied rapidly from my head. The seconds ticked by and I found the mind fog growing denser. Obviously my loins were throwing a party and my brain cells weren’t invited. She moved away from me glancing down at the now visible bulge in my pants. Adrianna looked back into my eyes now framed by an embarrassed hue of deep red.

  “I think I have my answer,” she said with a pleased smile.

  I remained silent. There was really nothing for me to say because my penis was doing all the talking. Adrianna moved closer rising up on the tips of her toes closing the distance between our lips. Hers brushed seductively against mine. Her breath, which came in long needful exhales was chilly against my lips. The sensation stoked the fire rising in my soul. I caught a whiff of her breath, the unmistakable scent of strawberries and cream.

  “I haven’t been with a man in such a long time,” she said in a passionate whisper.

  “Neither have I,” I replied then wanted to kick myself for saying such a boneheaded thing.

  Adrianna’s lips broadened into a smile. She pulled back a few inches to gaze into my eyes. I’d be lying i
f I said I hadn’t been mesmerized by the green hue of hers. I was frozen like a deer staring into the oncoming headlights of a car.

  “You have the bluest eyes that I have ever seen. Has a woman ever told you that,” she asked.

  “Not that I can remember,” I replied in an unsteady voice.

  “You seem nervous,”

  “I am,” I said and I was. My experience in the bedroom with a woman was woefully nonexistent. I didn’t want to, “disappoint” should this go any further. Sadly, I was hoping that it would. I needed sex badly like a drowning man needed a lifesaver, the flotation device, not the candy.

  “Do you like that I make you nervous,” she asked.

  “Yes,” I said.

  She bit her bottom lip through a sensual, pleased smile exposing her sharp canines. Her hands roved over my chest, down my stomach and around to my ass. Where they lingered for quite a long time.

  “Your ass is so firm,” she said happily surprised groping my cheeks with her soft probing hands.

  “Thanks,” I said self-consciously. “I do a lot of squats.”

  It was a lie of course. The closest thing I did that even resembled a squat was sitting at my desk to play computer games, but who was going to tell, right?

  The anticipation of tasting her lips was unbearable. She’d gotten me completely worked up and my libido was in overdrive. I couldn’t wait any longer I had to know what her lips felt like. What they tasted like. I leaned closer to her full luscious lips for a long overdue kiss. She didn’t pull away. She moved to meet mine. One of her hands, the left one I think, moved up cupping the back of my neck. Her fingers stroked the fine short-cropped hair on my head. Our lips were so close; I could feel the chill of her intoxicating Vampire lips against the smoldering passion of mine. Her tongue flicked out tracing my bottom lip ever so lightly, then her teeth nibbled it before drawing away a fraction of an inch. My eyes closed enjoying the sensations. Warm shivers flowed up my spine; goose flesh erupted over the length of my body. My tongue moved to meet her’s.


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