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Havoc: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 18

by Grayson, Alivia

  Spring managed to get through school and then went to work for our grandfather’s business. Spring is now a successful accountant, and she worked extremely hard to become so. My sister is headstrong, and won’t let any man push her about. She reminds me of Phoenix in the way she takes no shit from any man.

  Spring goes on to tell me how she met James and how they quickly fell in love. They have a wonderful life together, and they’ve even traveled halfway around the world in the years they’ve been together, at least until Spring found out that she was pregnant with Matthew.

  I have to admit that I’m a little jealous of Spring traveling all over the place. I’ve never been out of state, never mind the country.

  “Maybe you and I could take a little trip one day? Any country in the world, your choice.” Spring smiles at me, hopefully.

  “I’ll have to speak with Havoc,” Not that I need his permission for anything, but I can’t go making promises without consulting him first.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to throw it at you like that. Of course, you’d need to speak with your husband first.”

  I laugh and squeeze her hand. “It’s fine, Spring. I just meant that I need to talk to Havoc about it, but I’d love to go on vacation with you.” Spring squeals happily and wraps her arms around my neck. I hug her tightly.

  When Spring pulls away, I turn to Julianne. “Why don’t you tell me about your man?”

  Julianne giggles shyly. I listen to Julianne’s story of how the boy, who was her friend in school, became the love of her life.

  The more I hear about Neil, the more I like him, and I haven’t even met him yet. The way Julianne talks about him, with that twinkle in her eye, I can see that he is everything to her. I can tell from the way she’s talking that Neil treats her like a queen. Shouldn’t every man treat the woman he loves that way?

  Julianne tells me all about her wedding day, and how she cried because I wasn’t there beside her the way Spring was. That brings tears to my eyes because I felt the same way when I got married.

  “It was a big shock to the system when I found out that I was pregnant.”

  “I’ll say,” Spring laughs.

  I hold Julianne’s hand in mine and stroke my thumb over her knuckles. Spring pours a glass of water from the jug and hands it to Julianne. She takes a huge gulp and then hands the glass back to Spring. “Thank you, darling.”

  “What did Neil say when you told him about the baby?”

  Julianne takes a deep breath. “I’ll be honest with you, Wynter, I was terrified. I had no reason to be,” She smiles as if to reassure me of something. “The past got inside my head, and I couldn’t shake the reaction John had when he found out about the two of you.”

  I don’t have a clue how that man reacted, but I’m guessing it wasn’t good. Hell, I don’t remember one good thing about John Anderson. Why on this earth would he have been happy about knocking up his teenage prisoner? Unless that’s what he wanted. Maybe John’s reaction was that of elation, while Julianne was terrified out of her mind. I’ll never know because I won’t ask.

  “I told my brother the news first. I know I shouldn’t have, but I needed someone to talk some sense into me. Julian asked me why I hadn’t told Neil about the baby, and I told him the truth. I told him how John had been over the moon and how he kept a tighter hold on me after that. Well,” She smiles slightly. “You don’t need the gory details.”

  I close my eyes and shake away the thoughts of John and what he might have done to my mother. I didn’t want to know anything at all, but I guess Julianne needed to let it out.

  Julianne smiles and carries on with her story. “Julian held me close, and he told me that he understood how I was feeling. However, he knew Neil would be happy about the baby. Then Julian asked if I was happy, and did I want the baby.”

  I squeeze her hand gently. “And did you?”

  Julianne smiles while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “I can’t even begin to explain how much I wanted the baby, Wynter. When I left Julian’s office, I called Neil and asked him to collect me from my parent’s house. When he arrived, I opened the door, and the words just tumbled out of my mouth.” She laughs and shakes her head.

  I smile at Spring, and she winks at me. “How did he react?” I ask because I’m curious.

  “Well, first of all, his eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open in shock. My heart was racing horribly, and my mouth was so dry. I thought Neil was angry, but he scooped me up and told me how much he loved me. I held onto Neil so tightly at that moment, because apart from you two,” She looks at Spring and then back to me. “I realized he was the best thing to have ever happened to me.”

  Julianne smiles to herself, and I can’t help smiling with her. “When Neil set me on my feet, he had tears in his eyes. He dropped to his knees and kissed my stomach. I ran my hands through his hair as he told our baby how much Daddy loved him or her.”

  I don’t know why I feel so emotional right now, but I do. I’m not sad; these emotions are happy ones. Knowing my mother is loved the way she always should have been settles something within me.

  “When Brody was born, it was one of the happiest days of my life. Neil and I were so happy, but when I looked at that little boy, all I could think about was never seeing you again.” She sobs, and it hurts my heart.

  “It’s okay, Mom,” Spring wraps her arm around Julianne’s shoulders. “I never really understood the pain; Mom was going through until I had Matthew. I can’t imagine ever losing him.”

  I don’t know the pain of losing a child, and I never want to find out.

  “Brody is a sweet boy,” Julianne smiles. “He’s his father’s son through and through. Did Spring tell you that Neil and I are expecting another baby?”

  “No,” I shake my head with a shocked smile on my face. “How far along are you?”

  Julianne laughs and lays her hand on her stomach. It’s only now that I see the small baby bump. “Five months.”

  “It’s another boy.” Spring playfully rolls her eyes.

  “I am so happy for you, Mom.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart. We’re naming him Brady.”

  I have to hug my mother right now. I help her out of her seat and wrap my arms around her. I’m going to have another baby brother, and this time, I’ll be there when he enters the world.

  We retake our seats and talk a little more about Neil before Julianne asks me to tell them about my childhood. I don’t really want to talk about it, but I owe them the truth.

  Julianne cries to herself as I explain how I ended up in the system and what it was like for me in the care home. I tell them everything about Cassie and me, being on the street, and what I did to protect us. Spring’s eyes widen when I tell them about the man who bought my virginity. It’s not easy telling my mother and sister such a thing, but I don’t want to keep anything from them.

  I tell them how I met Havoc and about how we fell in love and got married. I even tell them how I left Havoc and why. Julianne and Spring listen when I explain how we reunited because of the men chasing me.

  Spring then explains to me about how Julian sent two men who work for his security company to find me. So, I tell her just why I ran from them. Julianne tells me that she understands why I would have thought those men meant to harm me. Though she doesn’t believe Julian would have wanted me to be so scared.

  None of that matters now, it’s all in the past, and it can’t be changed. All that matters is that I have my family back.

  “Do you have children?” Julianne asks, almost hopefully.

  I smile and shake my head. “Havoc and I spoke about children recently. We want to start a family when the time is right.”

  “Talking of family, are you ready to meet yours?”

  I look at my sister and swallow hard. The nerves are back, but I nod my head, regardless.

  “I think maybe just Dad and Brody first.”

  “Good idea,” Julianne takes out her cell and sends a
text message. “Spring, could you let them in?”

  “Of course,”

  I follow my sister with my eyes as she leaves the room. I feel a little bit sick. I really want to meet Neil and Brody, but I’m so nervous I’m fighting the urge to vomit.

  Julianne retakes my hand and smiles. “Don’t be scared, Wynter. Neil loves you as much as he loves Spring and Brody. He cried with me when Spring told us that you were alive.” I smile when she cups my face. “I still can’t believe you’re here, my beautiful little Wynter.”

  I laugh because I haven’t heard that in a long time. “I can’t believe you’re here either.”

  “Before Neil comes in, there’s something you should know about Brody.” Julianne looks toward the door, making sure we’re still alone.

  “Mom, is something wrong?”

  “No,” She shakes her head. “It’s just that when we told him that you hadn’t gone to heaven as we thought, he broke down. I’ve told Brody about you since the moment he was born. He loved listening to stories about you. Brody was sad that we didn’t have many pictures of you. The few John took of you and Spring; the police gave to me after they cleared out his house.”

  I know there were very few photographs of my sister and me because John would take just one a year, on our birthday. He never felt the need for more.

  “Brody maybe emotional when he sees you, but that’s only because he loves you so much.”

  I open my mouth to say something, but I’m cut off when the door opens. Spring walks in with a smile on her face, followed by a tall, handsome mad, and a small boy.

  Julianne gets out of her seat and makes her way over to Neil and Brody. She kisses her husband and then turns to look at me. I get out of my seat because I feel rude sitting down while everyone else is standing. “Isn’t she beautiful, Neil?”

  Neil looks at me with tears in his eyes and nods his head while wrapping his arm around Julianne’s waist. “I’m so happy to meet you, sweetheart.”

  “You too,” I whisper because the words won’t come out any louder.

  “I can’t believe how identical the two of you really are.” Neil laughs while looking at Spring.

  “I told you, Dad.”

  Neil looks at me again. “I know you don’t know me at all, Wynter, but I want you to know something. I want you to know what I told Spring when I came into her life because it applies to you too.”

  I nod my head to show that I’m listening.

  “I know you’ve not had the best life, but things can only get better. I love your mother more than anything in this world, and I extend that love to you. You are part of Julianne; therefore, you’re part of me, Wynter.”

  This man seems to be too good to be true. However, I have no reason to disbelieve what Spring told about him. I haven’t met many genuinely nice men in my life. However, I can see how much Neil loves Julianne, Spring, Brody, and even me, and that makes him very special.

  I’m not saying that I’m going to call him Dad anytime soon, but one day, maybe. Neil took care of my family because he loves them, what more could I ask for?

  “Thank you,” Is all I offer up.

  I watch as Brody wraps his arms around Julianne’s waist and rests his head on her stomach. She strokes his hair. “It’s okay, Brody.” Julianne crouches down in front of him and takes his hands in her own. “Don’t cry, baby.”

  Brody lets out a sob, and it breaks my heart. I don’t want to frighten him, but I can’t stop myself making my over to my little brother.

  I crouch down and gently touch his back. He sniffs while turning around and looking at me. Julianne gets to her feet as Brody rubs his left eye while sniffing again. I smile at him, and he smiles back. “Hi,”

  “Hi,” His little voice is so sweet.

  “I’ve been waiting to meet you.”

  “You have?” His smile widens when I nod my head. “I’ve been waiting to meet you, too. I didn’t believe you were really alive, Wynter.”

  I reach out and touch his soft cheek with my fingertip. “Do you believe now?” Brody nods his head and wraps his arms around my neck. I don’t hesitate to hold him against me while getting to my feet. My little brother has such a warm hug.

  He lifts his head from my shoulder and sighs contently. “I love you.”

  I can’t help smiling. “I love you, too.” I loved him the moment Spring showed me his picture. Holding him against me has that love growing tenfold.

  “Ready to meet everyone else?” Spring asks.

  I am in no way ready, but I nod my head, regardless.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I had to get out of that house. There were way too many people and too much noise for me to handle.

  It’s crazy, isn’t it? I spend almost every day in a packed out clubhouse and have since the day I was born. One house full of people, people I could count on both hands, and it’s too noisy for me.

  I brush my hand over the letters engraved on the headstone in front of me and smile. Scott ‘Thor’ Caldwell. There hasn’t a day gone by in almost fifteen years where I haven’t thought about Scott. I often wonder what he’d be like now. Scott would have been thirty-nine this year had he lived. I would have been ribbing him about almost being forty, and he would have laughed and told me to fuck myself. I imagine, anyway.

  I often wonder what it would have been like to ride the wind with my big brother beside me. Maybe it would have been the same as having Trey beside me, who knows?

  I don’t know what I’d do if I lost Trey or Cullen. I remember how it felt to lose Scott, and I know I can’t go through something like that again. It almost killed me, and I was so lost for a while there.

  However, I got through it; we all did. I swore to Scott that I would always take care of Fallon for him, and I hope that I’ve done enough to keep that promise.

  If I’m ever lucky enough to have a son, I’ll make damn sure he knows all about his uncle Scott and what he meant to me.

  Envy is a dreadful thing, but I envy Wynter. Twelve years of grieving, her mother and sister are over because they’re back from the dead.

  I could wish and pray until I have nothing left inside of me, but Scott will never come back to me. He’ll never sit with me and tell me about his day. He’ll never meet my wife, just as he never met Cullen.

  I’m happy for Wynter, of course, I am. Her heart is mended, and she no longer has anything to fear. She’s not in danger, and she never was. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, knowing Wynter is finally safe.

  “Fancy seeing you here.”

  I look up to see Trey standing beside me. I move my head slightly and see Fallon with him. I was so lost in thought that I didn’t hear anyone approaching. “What are you two doing here?”

  “Nice, Havoc,” Fallon laughs while getting to her knees on the left of me.

  “We thought,” I watch Trey get to his knees on the right of me. “That we’d come check on you.”

  I narrow my eyes. How the hell did they know I’d be here? I told my family that I’d be at the house with Wynter due to her family visiting.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” Trey laughs at my confusion.

  “I called your cell,” I look at Fallon. “You left it at home, and Wynter answered. She said you’d left without saying anything. I told her not to worry and that I’d find you.”

  “Where do you come into this?”

  Trey raises his eyebrow. “I was over at Fallon’s, planning Mom’s birthday. Fallon called you for your input. When she said that she’d be going to look for you, I knew you’d be here, so I tagged along.”

  That answers that.

  I turn to look at Scott’s headstone of black marble, in the shape of a book and smile.

  “Do you think he knows what’s going on down here with us?”

  I smile again without looking at my brother. I’ve thought the same thing once or twice before now.

  “Of course, he does,” I sense Fallon smiling
beside me. “I tell Scott everything that’s happening with us, and I know he hears me. Do you remember when Reed was five, and he was taken ill?”

  How could any of us forget?

  It was hog roast weekend, and everybody was at the clubhouse. It was a hot day, and the kids were all playing in the pool – all except Reed.

  Reed had refused to play with anyone, let alone go in the pool with the others. The kids sat by himself for ages before he walked up to Red and raised his arms. Of course, Red lifted Reed and held him until Reed spotted Roman. Once he had, he wanted his grandfather. Reed lay his head on Roman’s shoulder and mumbled how he wanted his Daddy. Trace took Reed from Roman and instantly realized something was wrong with his youngest son.

  Reed had fallen asleep, and Trace couldn’t wake him. Fallon was having a breakdown, thinking her youngest child was at death’s door, and Ava and Scotty were crying.

  I remember the whole family rushed to the hospital with Reed, and how we waited with baited breaths for news.

  It was over an hour before anyone came to talk to us. Fallon refused to leave her son, but Trace came to speak with us all and let us know that Reed had a viral infection. The infection wasn’t good and had spread through his small body.

  However, the infection would quickly be cleared up with antibiotics, but being out in the sun all day hit Reed with sunstroke. Reed went downhill so fast because of that fact.

  Naturally, with some fluids, sleep, and medication, Reed was back to his cheeky little self in no time.

  “I sat by my baby’s bed, holding his hand, and I asked Scott to take care of him for me.” I take Fallon’s hand in mine and squeeze gently. “The next thing I knew, Reed opened his eyes and asked me where Scotty was.” Fallon chuckles. “You know how close there are.”


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