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Havoc: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 19

by Grayson, Alivia

  “Closer than brothers,” Trey says with a smile in his voice. I nod my head without looking at him.

  “What I’m saying is that Scott is always looking down on us. He knows what’s going on, and he’s keeping us all safe.”

  “I miss him,” I couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out of my mouth.

  Trey wraps his arm around my shoulder, and Fallon entwines her fingers with mine. “We all miss him, Havoc.”

  I nod my head at Trey while trying to stop the tears from falling. The three of us will always miss Scott every day for the rest of our lives. Days like today, however, I wish more than anything Scott were here. It’s not even a bad day, shit, I’ve had much worse.

  Wynter has her family back in her life, and I should be happy about that. Hell, I am happy about it. Seeing Wynter smile is what I live for, so what the fuck is wrong with me?

  Childishly feeling pushed aside, Havoc?

  I’d laugh if I thought that was funny.

  I press a kiss to my fingertips, and then to Scott’s grave. “Love you always, brother.”

  * * *

  I drop a small package on Jett’s desk, and he raises an eyebrow in confusion. “What’s this?” He asks.

  “What’s it look like?”

  Jett sits back in his seat and stares me down. “You weren’t on collections today, Havoc.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “Had nothing better to do.”

  Jett leans forward with his arms on the desk. “You had nothing better to do?” I shake my head. “You don’t think you should be at home, supporting your wife?”

  “I couldn’t get near her if I tried. Look,” I fold my arms around my chest. “Wynter is fine with her family. I don’t do too well when I have nothing to fill my time. You know that, Jett.”

  Jett nods while picking up the package. “Wanna tell me where you collected from?”

  “Same place I always do at the end of the week.” The local museum. They don’t usually give me any problems with collections. However, today was a different story. Ralph, the man in charge, tried to tell me that Jett had given him an extra day to pay. I’m not the man to fuck with, so I had to show Ralph why you pay when I damn well say so!

  Almost every business in town pays the Snakes for protection, that’s common knowledge. Protection rackets are illegal, but the sheriff turns a blind eye for a small cut. No one in town would report what Snakes Henchmen do because nothing legal would be done about it, though we’d break your damn neck for going against us!

  The Snakes have rules, and everyone else abides by them. You ignore the rules or try to change them; then, Snakes Henchmen will make you pay.

  Of course, Ralph promptly paid when I grabbed one of his display baseball bats and smashed a costly vase to pieces. That’ll cost, but I was in no mind for games today.

  I made sure to take the CCTV footage with me. Never leave without the CCTV, that an amateurs trick, and I am no amateur.

  “I gave Ralph and extra day to pay as you wouldn’t be around today, Havoc.” It looks like Ralph was telling the truth. Pity, I don’t give a shit. “Did Ralph give you any problems?”

  “Nothing I couldn’t handle.” I nod toward the package. “Paid, didn’t he?”

  “As if he wouldn’t, with you on his case.” Jett chuckles under his breath. “Look, this aside,” He nods to the chair in front of his desk. I take a seat. “Is everything okay with you, Havoc? You haven’t been yourself since Wynter came back into your life.”

  I sit back in my seat and bite my tongue for a moment. I’ll admit that things have been different since I brought Wynter home. I’ve pushed my club to the back in order to make Wynter feel safe with me enough so she’d stay.

  It’s not wrong of me to put my wife first. However, it was wrong of me to neglect my club the way I have.

  “I’m sorry, Prez. I let things with Wynter take precedence over the club.” I scrub my hands over my face. “She has her family back, and there are no men out there wanting to hurt her.”

  “And that’s a good thing, Havoc,”

  I nod my head in agreement. “It is, but it won’t be over until I find out why Wynter and Spring were parted, Jett. Wynter, Spring, and Julianne have spent twelve years thinking each other was dead thanks to someone’s fuck up!”

  “You’re not going to stop until you find out who fucked up, are you?”

  I shake my head. “Someone out there knows something, Jett.”

  “Why can’t you let this go, Havoc? What difference will finding out make?”

  Good question.

  I’m not stupid, and I know there’s a real chance that I’ll never find out what happened. I also know that nothing will change what’s already been and gone. However, it will bring my wife closure.

  How do you even know that’s what Wynter wants, Havoc?

  Have you spoken to her about it?

  If you haven’t, then you should. This isn’t your choice to make, Havoc, and you know it.

  Jett sighs and shakes his head when I fail to answer. “Do you what you gotta do, Havoc. The club will help you in any way we can. You know that.”

  I nod my head and get out of my seat. “Thanks.” I’m done here.

  “Just don’t do anything stupid, Havoc. You bring trouble to the club, and you know what that will mean.” Yeah, a shit ton of problems for me.

  I nod my head to let Jett know that I heard him. I don’t plan on killing anyone or getting myself killed, but a man can never be too careful.

  I’m exhausted by the time I get home. I’m also annoyed to see my driveway is still full of cars. I thought Wynter’s family would have left by now. Not that it’s a problem, but they’ve been here all day.

  I take a deep breath before making my way inside. The den door is open, and Wynter spots me the very second my eyes land on her. She shoots me a bright smile, and I can see just how happy she is right now.

  I can’t help smiling as Wynter makes her way over to me. She wraps her arms around my waist and leans up on her tiptoes to kiss me. I stroke her face with the back of my hand. She leans into my touch with a smile on her face. “Where have you been? You disappeared on me.”

  “Thought I’d give you some time alone with your family. I went to the cemetery.”

  Wynter smiles, understanding in her eyes. “Come meet everyone. I’ve told them all about you!” She giggles and takes my hand, leading me into the den. “Everyone, this is my husband, Havoc.”

  I tip my head at the hello’s coming from everyone.

  Wynter introduces me to her family one by one, telling me who they are to her, and I’ve forgotten half of their names before she’s even finished.

  Wynter lifts her little brother into her arms, and he looks at me shyly. “Don’t be afraid, Brody. I know Havoc looks big and scary, but he’s really a pussy cat.”

  I pull back the laughter, trying to escape me. I’m not a monster, but I’ve never been described as a pussy cat by anyone. I wrap my arm around Wynter’s shoulder and wink at her brother.

  “Do you have a motorcycle?” Brody asks in a small voice.

  “I do. It’s right outside. If it’s okay with your Mom and Dad, we can go take a look.”

  Brody looks to his Mom and Dad, and they both look at me. Julianne seems nervous, and I can’t say as I blame her for that. But she needs to learn to trust me. I’m her son-in-law, and I’m going to be in all of their lives from now on. “Please, Mommy?”

  “Your Mommy can come with you,” I tell Brody with another wink. Julianne smiles and nods her head.

  I lead Wynter and Brody outside. He doesn’t seem to want Wynter to put him down. Julianne and Neil follow.

  “Oh, wow!” Brody yells the second he sees my bike. “It’s so big!” I’m guessing he’s never seen a Harley up close.

  “He loves motorcycles.” Julianne smiles.

  “His bedroom is filled with everything motorcycle.” Neil laughs.

  Wynter sets Brody on his feet, and he walks toward m
y bike. The kid reminds me of myself when I was a small boy. The way Brody is awed by my motorcycle is the way I used to act whenever I saw my father’s bike.

  “Can I touch it, Havoc? Please?”

  “We can do better than that,” I lift him under the arms and sit him on my bike. Brody squeals happily.

  I watch him pretending to ride, and I smile as Wynter wraps her arms around my waist from behind. I turn my head and smile. “You made him so happy, Havoc,”

  “He’s a sweet kid. I remember being his age and wanting to ride my Dad’s motorcycle.”

  I chuckle as Brody makes Broom Broom noises while his mother and father watch with smiles on their faces.

  Wynter kisses my cheek. “You’re going to be a wonderful father one day, Havoc.”

  “You think so?”

  She kisses my cheek again. “I know so.”

  I take Wynter’s hand in mine and bring her around to face me. “Are you happy, baby?”

  She turns her head to look at her brother, mother, and step-father. She looks at me again and smiles. “Yeah, I’m happy.”

  That’s all I’ve ever wanted for Wynter, but I have to know if she wants to find out the truth. “Do you want to find out why all of this happened, Wynter?”

  She sighs. “I don’t know. Part of me longs to know why we were all lied to, and part of me doesn’t.”

  “If you want the truth, I’ll find it. If you don’t, we can leave this well alone.” I tuck her hair behind her ear. “Whatever you decide, I’ll support you, Wynter.”

  She nods her head. “Thank you,”

  Wynter never has to thank me for a damn thing as long as she lives.

  Don’t let finding out the truth become more your hang-up than Wynter’s, Havoc. If she decides that she doesn’t want to know, then drop it and move on.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “I’m so nervous. What if Cormack has changed his mind? What if he doesn’t turn up, Wynter?”

  I chuckle and take Cassie’s hands in mine. “Sweetheart, it’s normal to be nervous, it’s your wedding day.” Cassie sighs dramatically. “I think you know deep down that Cormack is out there right now, waiting for you.” I bring her hand to my lips and kiss her knuckles.

  Cassie looks stunning. The dress, her hair, even her makeup is perfect. I’ve never seen a more beautiful bride.

  Cassie and I are waiting in the priest’s private room for her cue to walk down the aisle. Everyone else here today is waiting inside the church for Cassie to arrive.

  Cassie has always dreamed of a big white wedding. It’s all she spoke about when we were children: that and the perfect man she invented inside her head. I’m not sure Cormack is whom she envisioned when she talked about her dream man, but he’s perfect for Cassie in every way.

  Cormack loves Cassie so much that he would give her anything, including a church wedding over the traditional biker ceremony most Snakes Henchmen have.

  Cassie thinks Cormack is wearing his cut today, but she’s in for a big surprise. I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she sees her man in his gray wedding suit and tie. Hell, the whole MC is wearing suits on Cormack’s orders, including Havoc. My God, does he look handsome in a suit.

  I have so much love for the man who loves and adores my best friend. Cormack has proven ten times over how much Cassie means to him with the things he’s willing to do for her. What more could I have asked for?

  “Everything is going to be perfect, Cassie. Trust me,”

  “I trust you more than anyone, Wynter. I always have.”

  “I know that,” I wink just as the door knocks.

  It opens before either Cassie or I have the chance to yell for whomever it is to enter. Gunner pokes his head through and smiles widely. He opens the door and enters, closing it behind him. “Princess, you look beautiful.”

  “Daddy, you’re in a suit!”

  Gunner laughs and looks down at himself. “Scrub up pretty well, don’t I?”

  Cassie’s mouth hangs open in shock. She wasn’t told anyone would be wearing a suit today, not even her father. “You look great,” She smiles out.

  Gunner winks and then takes Cassie’s hands in his own. “Are you ready, baby girl?”

  “There’s something I’d like to say first,” I move to leave, but Cassie stops me. “Don’t go anywhere,” She snaps with a laugh. I really should leave them to talk, but Cassie doesn’t want me to leave, so I won’t.

  I smile and move to the back of the room to give them some space.

  “I know you weren’t expecting me to come into your life,” I watch Cassie lovingly stroking Gunner’s thumbs with her own. “And I never believed that I would find you, but I did.” She smiles. “The moment I first saw you, I never expected the reaction I got.”

  Gunner laughs. “Cassie, the moment I looked at you, I knew you were my daughter. You didn’t have to tell me your mother’s name, and I knew.” Cassie nods. “You looked just like my sister when she was your age. I didn’t need a DNA test to know you were mine.”

  He touches Cassie’s face, and she smiles. “I’m so sorry that I missed so much of your life, Cassie. If I’d known about you from the moment you were born, I would have moved heaven and earth to bring you to live with me.”

  I feel emotional watching father and daughter exchanging words of love. I’ve never been happier for Cassie than I am at this moment.

  “I know you would. You welcomed me into your family instantly. Your wife became a mother to me within days of meeting me.” Cassie sighs again. “I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you. Thank you for loving me, for protecting me, for giving me a family, and for being everything I imagined my Dad to be. I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you, too.” I wipe a tear from my cheek as I watch Gunner holding his eldest child. All Cassie ever wanted was to find her Dad and have him love her the way Gunner does. Dreams do come true for some. “Come on, sweetheart; let’s get you married.”

  Cassie nods her head in her father’s direction. She then looks at me, takes a deep breath, and smiles excitedly.

  “He best take care of you, or I’ll break his neck.” I hear Gunner mumble.

  I clasp my hand over my mouth to stifle the laugh, trying to escape me. I imagine most fathers say something along those lines when their daughters get married. Not that I would have heard such words from John. If he were still around, I doubt I’d be anywhere but his basement.

  Dead, Wynter, that’s what you’d be if John were still around. Don’t ever kid yourself otherwise.

  I walk in front of Cassie and Gunner and find my seat next to Havoc. We’re on the front row on the bride’s side because it’s what Cassie wanted.

  Havoc wraps his arm around my shoulder and shoots me a wink. I run my hand down the lapel of his jacket, and I bite my lower lip to stifle a groan. Havoc looks devastatingly handsome in that suit, and he knows it from the way he’s smirking at me.

  Everyone looks fantastic; even Phoenix is without her leather today. Granted, she’s not wearing a dress, but a silk pantsuit. The pants are tight; beneath her blazer, it looks as though she’s not wearing anything. The jacket itself is fastened by one large button at the stomach. She’s wearing two-inch, silk heels, her hair is thickly braided over her shoulder, meaning she’s extended it some today, and her makeup is so perfectly applied, the girl looks like a supermodel. Almost every man in the room has his eyes on my cousin, some of the women too.

  “Looks different, doesn’t she?”

  I drag my eyes away from Phoenix to look at Havoc. “How is it even possible for someone to be that beautiful?”

  It’s not that I’m jealous of my cousin; I’m genuinely curious. I’ve honestly never seen anyone as beautiful in my life. I know she’s family, and I guess that makes me a little bias.

  “I ask myself that every day about you.” Havoc laughs when I slap his chest and roll my eyes playfully. “She has good genes. Phoenix is the perfect mix of BlackJack and T
aylor. They’re still a handsome couple even in their sixties, but you should have seen them when they were younger. Every time they walked through a damn door, all eyes would turn to them.”

  I can see that in my mind, my aunt and uncle are handsome. Their sons and grandchildren are too, so it’s no wonder Phoenix is so beautiful.

  “The way Lynette tells it,” I don’t know Lynette as well as everyone else, but I do know she’s the previous president’s wife. Jett, Nova, Willow, and VJ’s mother. “BlackJack and Taylor had movie-star looks. Real classic stars of old, such as Tony Curtis and a black Grace Kelly.” He laughs to himself, and I can’t help laughing with him. I’ve never heard anyone refer to Taylor as a black version of anyone.

  You learn something new every day, Wynter.

  I clutch Havoc’s knee as the wedding march picks up. We get to our feet, and I clutch my hands to my chest as Cassie walks down the aisle. Her eyes widen in surprise to see Cormack in his suit, and she smiles at him. Cormack’s eyes are locked on his bride, and I swear I see tears in his eyes.

  Gunner finally places Cassie’s hand in Cormack’s, and I can barely contain my excitement. I brush my hands down my blue dress and retake my seat next to my husband.

  * * *

  Today has been amazing. The church ceremony went without a hitch, but there were a few happy tears. The sit-down dinner was delicious and provided by Don Draven Vidal’s catering company. I can see why they make so much money, the standard of food was out of this world!

  Being here to witness my best friend marry the man she loves has been everything. Watching Cassie right now, dancing with her husband, and seeing how they look at each other brings happy tears to my eyes.

  I no longer have to worry about Cassie, she’s safe, and that eases my mind and soul.

  I smile as Havoc slides his arms around me from behind. I lean back against him as he kisses my cheek, making me smile.

  “You okay, beautiful,” He says loudly enough for me to hear.


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