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Slow Hands

Page 13

by Faye Avalon

  He pressed a kiss to her temple. ‘Stay the night.’

  She didn’t know if wild horses could have dragged her away from him right then, so her answer came swift and steady.


  * * *

  The sound of gulls screeching overhead and the early-morning light filtering through the gauzy drapes woke Logan from a deep and dreamless sleep. Surprising, considering the nature of their conversation last night.

  He hadn’t thought directly about his parents for God knew how long—certainly hadn’t given any mind to reliving that painful part of his life. Yet being with April had somehow drawn those memories from the depths of his being, as if he needed a final cleansing of the past in order to step into the future.

  Before he could dwell further on that April moved against him, her low and contented purr filling the space. Her skin felt warm, pliant, and she smelled so good that he breathed her in. She felt good against him, too, her plump breasts squashed into his side, her leg flung carelessly across his body and her warm centre pressed against his hip.

  Pushing his nose into her hair, he breathed her in again. He really couldn’t get enough...

  It hit him full-on that he was in trouble.

  It wasn’t often that he asked women to stay the night, but now he couldn’t imagine wanting to wake up without the warmth of April pressed against him. Nor could he imagine letting her go any time soon. Certainly not so that she could fall into the arms of another man.

  The thought of her doing all the things they’d done with anyone else sent his pulse thumping, his chest banging, and his blood storming through his veins like a tsunami. He didn’t think he would be responsible for his actions if he found out that another man had touched her the same way he had done.

  He thought back to when she’d told him she wasn’t interested in finding herself a man, that her total focus was on saving and building her business. She wanted to put her business first, and he couldn’t blame her for that. He felt the same.

  Or he had done.

  Now he couldn’t imagine not having both.

  His business and April.

  And there was no rule he knew of that said they couldn’t both focus on their business and enjoy each other on the side.

  ‘You’re all warm and shaggable,’ April mumbled against his chest.

  He had already been at full-mast, but her sleepy, sexy voice gave him the final push to send all those unexpected thoughts packing and get back to what he really wanted to do.

  ‘What are you planning to do about that?’ he asked, rubbing his hand up and down her hip before cupping her tight ass.


  ‘On what?’

  ‘Whether you make good morning coffee.’

  ‘I’ve got a great coffee machine.’

  She stretched lazily, and then, before he knew what she’d planned, she rolled over to straddle him.

  ‘That’ll work.’

  She looked all rumpled and sexy, her eyes alight with wicked intent.

  ‘And just what do you think you’re doing?’ Logan asked, in mock censure.

  She wriggled against him, her knees on either side of his hips, his erection sliding against her wet centre.

  ‘You’re an intelligent man. Work it out.’

  When he grinned, she flicked her hair back over one shoulder, then placed her palms on his chest. There was a quality in her eyes that unsettled him for an instant. Thoughtful and serious. Disconcerted, he tried to shift their positions.

  But she leaned down, her hands pressing harder against his chest. ‘You’re not going to be the one in control this time, Logan.’

  Still her gaze unnerved him, making him feel as if her words meant more than a simple shift in sexual power.

  He waggled his eyebrows and gripped his fingers around her hips. ‘Well, since I don’t like to disappoint a hot woman with early-morning sex on the brain, I say go for it.’

  She watched him, and then she leaned down and ran the tip of her tongue from the notch of his collarbone all the way to his navel. His stomach muscles jerked, his cock joining in the fun.

  She flattened both palms to his chest again, then rose up over him, all that soft, warm, pliable flesh just begging for his possession. He thought to try and get her on her back again, but she shook her head slowly, as if she knew.

  Keeping one hand on his chest, she reached across for a condom, then sat back and brought the packet to her mouth. With her eyes on his, she used her teeth to tear it open. Taking the condom out, she smiled.

  ‘Tequila flavour.’

  He was hard and throbbing, which was not helped by the feel of her curvy ass pressing against his thighs and her slick heat mere inches from where he wanted it.

  ‘Just put the damn thing on.’

  She snatched her hand back as he reached for it, holding the condom out of reach. ‘Have a little patience. Maybe I want to play first.’

  ‘Screw first,’ he growled. ‘Play after.’

  ‘My rules apply this morning. You’re not the one in control, remember?’

  She slid the condom on slowly, rocking her hips in subtle movements as she worked.

  Logan was damn near set to blow. ‘For fuck’s sake, April. Just get me covered so I can have you.’

  He was now covered, so she rocked back and looked at him. ‘You don’t seem to get it, Logan. This time I’m having you.’

  She said it with such determination, her eyes fierce arrows of steel, that he didn’t even consider contradicting her. Besides, she was rising up onto her knees, her hands sliding down his torso to cup his erection. Then slowly, achingly bloody slowly, she lowered herself down. She felt amazing. Hot, wet, tight. He wasn’t sure he’d last too long—especially with her rocking over him as if he were some kind of erotic mount.

  He kept his eyes on hers, his breath tight in his lungs as she tilted her pelvis for one final push of her hips. Then she rode him, her body swaying loose and limber, her hair flowing over her shoulders, her breasts full, those rosy nipples hard.

  He reached for her, cupping her breasts in his palms and squeezing them in time to the slow rhythm she set. Her hands covered his and she threw her head back, her throat a slim column of silky flesh just aching for his mouth.

  Logan found it hard to breathe as she brought her gaze back to his. She was taunting him, daring him, driving him out of his bloody mind. In that moment he knew he’d never wanted a woman as much, never ached for a woman as much. And, damn it to hell, he’d never needed a woman as much.

  A sense of power rushed to his chest, and a fullness swamped him. April squeezed him tight, her intimate muscles clenching around him as she lifted her body from his before plunging back down and taking the entire length of him inside her.

  Still she rocked, holding his hands tight to her breasts. Her nipples pushed hard against his palms, her breasts warm and full. With one needy cry she threw her head back and rocked...faster, faster...

  Logan climaxed, his shout of release melding with hers as they flew together.

  Spent, he tightened his fingers around her hips, not wanting her to withdraw from him just yet. As if she knew, she waited until their breathing settled, then collapsed over him, her legs sagging, her hands landing on his shoulders. Unable to resist he reached up and took one nipple into his mouth, before transferring his attention to the other.

  She leaned down, offering him her mouth. He took it, then folded her in his arms and eased her over his chest until she lay diagonally across him, her warm breasts crushed to his chest.

  He stroked her hair. ‘Thanks.’

  ‘You’re welcome.’

  He felt a wave of tenderness move through him as he continued to stroke the silky strands of her hair. ‘You’re so damned beautiful, April.’

  For a moment he felt her tense, and th
ought she was about to shift away from him. ‘Beauty isn’t everything.’

  Her tone was flat, devoid of emotion. Had he said the wrong thing? About her being beautiful?

  Then he remembered what her mother had said to her. That her brains wouldn’t get her very far. That she’d be wise to rely on her looks.

  A knot burned in his chest, the heat flaring down to his stomach. It was a callous thing to say to anyone, but to someone like April—who was not only beautiful but also smart, funny, strong and capable—it was not just cruel but a freaking lie.

  He wanted to press the issue, to make her see how wrong her mother’s comment had been, but since he sensed she’d pulled away from him and showed no desire to discuss it he kept his mouth shut.

  Wanting to bring the mood back to where it had been before, Logan squeezed her ass. ‘Want that coffee?’

  She didn’t reply immediately. Then, ‘Absolutely.’

  ‘And breakfast?’

  ‘Are we sending out again?’

  Logan grinned. ‘There’s an ace bakery around the corner. I’m a friend of the owner.’

  ‘I bet you are.’

  She turned, facing him, her expression amused. It settled something inside him after the whole ‘you’re beautiful’ thing.

  ‘There’d better be pain au chocolat or I’m going to mutiny.’

  Logan laughed as he got off the bed, pleased that things between them were back on an even keel.


  APRIL KNEW SHE had overreacted to Logan’s comment, and it annoyed her that she was unable to accept a compliment without getting all hot and bothered by it. Probably because it had hit a raw nerve, reminding her that she’d lived her whole life being told that the only thing she had going for her was her looks, and that the only possible way she could earn a good living was by using those looks. The subtext being that she didn’t have brains. That she was a vacuous creature who didn’t have the intelligence for anything other than looking good.

  Logan had told her she was hot, sexy and passionate, but he’d never told her outright that she was beautiful. Maybe it was the tender way he’d said it, or the admiration in his eyes, but it had highlighted her hang-up about being celebrated for her looks and not much else.

  However, she’d determined to deal with it privately—she certainly didn’t want it interfering with this amazing time with Logan. And in the weeks that followed, it had become less of an issue as they spent more time together and enjoyed many lively and heated discussions about a variety of topics that invariably led them to the bedroom, where they always called a truce.

  April had felt more relaxed than she had in ages. It might be because there’d been no sign of impending litigation, or maybe it was due to the adventurous and plentiful sex she’d been enjoying, but she knew it was more than that. It was Logan.

  As she loaded items into a small wheelie suitcase, to take to the party-plan gathering she had that evening, she tried not to think of Logan. That was impossible, of course. Especially considering they’d tried out pretty much everything she was packing.

  Catching her bottom lip between her teeth, she stroked her fingers fondly along the softly padded doggie-style strap—one of Logan’s particular favourites. She remembered how it felt around her hips. How Logan’s hands would tighten around the strap, pulling her pelvis up hard against his body so that he could drive deep inside her...

  He’d purchased one the day after they’d first tried it, and they’d certainly made good use of it since. During parties April struggled not to blush as she described the strap and how to use it, but her explanation was obviously spot-on, because the strap was fast becoming one of her bestsellers.

  While April was happy to use samples of each toy they tested, Logan insisted on purchasing items from her stock. Which reminded her—she’d had a delivery that morning which included his latest purchase: a light bondage set, featuring a blindfold and handcuffs. April grinned as she retrieved the set from the delivery box, fantasising about when and how they would use it.

  The ‘how’ didn’t take much thought, but as for ‘when’...well, that would likely be tomorrow, after they’d had dinner at a new by-invitation-only West End restaurant.

  Feeling naughty, April popped the box into the front pocket of the case, along with details of the party-plan event. Since the gathering was in a five-star hotel close to Logan’s office, if she left a little earlier than planned she could stop by and present him with it before the party. She wanted to see his expression. Wanted to see his eyes gleam with wicked intent. Maybe they could even sneak a heated kiss to keep her going until tomorrow.

  As luck would have it, Logan’s PA was in the foyer when April arrived. She gave April a smile and came over to greet her.

  ‘Logan’s finishing off a meeting,’ she explained, ushering April towards the waiting area. ‘But I don’t think he’ll be much longer. Can I store that for you while you’re here?’ she asked, indicating the small wheelie suitcase.

  ‘That’d be great. Thanks.’

  With her usual brisk efficiency the woman stored the suitcase behind her desk and then went off to get April a cup of tea. While she waited, April picked up a magazine and thumbed absently through it—but the sound of a woman’s raised voice came from Logan’s office and hooked her attention.

  The familiar high-pitched tone sent an icy chill down April’s spine. Placing the magazine down, April leaned forward. She knew the owner of that voice. She’d suffered its strident tone too many times over the years not to know it, most usually when its owner wasn’t getting her way.

  Veronica Lebeck.

  As if on auto-pilot, April went to the door of Logan’s office and pressed her ear to it.

  ‘If you think I’m going to back off, you’re very much mistaken.’ Veronica stated. ‘That vibrator caused me considerable emotional distress, not to mention physical damage.’

  ‘Come off it. I’ve had the toy tested. There’s no indication of any potential malfunction.’

  That was news to April. Logan hadn’t mentioned having tests carried out on the vibrator.

  ‘Because it’s a different toy!’ Veronica shouted. ‘Not the actual one that caused me pain and humiliation.’

  ‘Which you conveniently seem to have misplaced.’

  In contrast to the higher pitch of Veronica’s voice, Logan’s only went lower, calmer.

  ‘I wasn’t going to keep the damn thing, was I? Not after what it did to me.’

  ‘Why the hell don’t you just accept my offer and move on?’


  The buzzing in April’s ears cut off the rest of what Logan said. All she could focus on was that he’d offered Veronica compensation. When the hell had that happened? And why hadn’t he thought to tell her?

  ‘I want all this over with,’ Logan said.

  His voice remained low, but April could hear the suppressed annoyance in his tone. It matched the anger currently ripping at her chest.

  ‘I’m up to my ears in more important things, and I don’t have time to waste on this ridiculous debacle. Just accept the damn offer and we can all move on.’

  He didn’t have time to waste on this ‘ridiculous debacle’? Was that how he really saw it? Saw her? He just wanted it over with?

  April’s instinct was to get out of the building, to escape from the cloying atmosphere. But she was damned if she’d let him get away with his flippant dismissal of her and her problem. As if it meant nothing. As if she hadn’t been worried out of her skull about her business imploding, about her growing reputation being ruined, about her need to prove to herself and everyone else that she really did have the skill and ability to run a successful business.

  Before she could question her actions, she grabbed the handle and flung open the door to Logan’s office.

  Logan stood behind his desk, his eyes me
eting April’s as she glared across the room at him. Long moments passed during which righteous anger thumped in her chest, but Logan’s expression gave nothing away.

  ‘What’s going on?’

  ‘Logan’s trying to fob me off—that’s what’s going on,’ Veronica hissed.

  As always, the woman looked stunning. Polished and groomed to within an inch of her life.

  ‘But I’ll tell you what I told him. No way am I accepting what he’s offering. I want a decent financial reward for what I’ve been through.’

  Logan was already moving towards April. ‘Let me finish off here,’ he said taking her arm and turning her towards the door without breaking stride. ‘I’ll call you later.’

  He squeezed her arm, as if in warning, but April was having none of it. She shrugged out of his hold. There was no way she was going to be brushed aside.

  ‘I’m not going anywhere. This involves me, and I’m staying put. I want to know exactly what’s going on.’

  ‘Does Haydon know about this?’ Veronica asked, whirling on Logan.


  While April looked from Veronica to Logan and back again, Veronica raised her perfectly groomed eyebrows. ‘He doesn’t know, does he? So not only did you refuse to drop her and represent me, now you’re trying to dupe me into accepting your ludicrous offer.’

  Logan had refused to represent Veronica? For what? And how come he’d never told her that he knew Veronica? And who the hell was Haydon?

  God. Her head was starting to spin.

  ‘Just a minute,’ April said, holding up her hands. ‘Who is Haydon? And what does he have to do with any of this?’

  ‘Nothing,’ Logan said, and grabbed her arm again.

  But before he could lead her, protesting, to the door, Veronica piped up.

  ‘Haydon’s my lover. And he won’t take kindly to this latest attempt by Logan to go against his wishes.’

  A knot was forming in April’s stomach, accompanying the one tightening in her chest. ‘What exactly are his wishes?’

  ‘To get me fair compensation for what you’ve put me through. Fair compensation—not the travesty I’ve just been offered.’


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