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Deceitfully Damaged

Page 14

by Abigail Cole

  “Wyatt,” his hand falls onto my shoulder, every part of me screaming to remove it. “I believe Avery’s identify has been discovered, but Meg is still safe hidden in plain sight. Promise me you’ll help to keep her safe. We’ll have time to sort out our issues one day soon, but I really need you to do this for me right now.”

  “Don’t worry, I will handle everything.” I manage to grind out evenly, his hand patting me before he moves away. An evil sneer takes up residence on my face, the image of dragging Avery and Meg into the Perelli household by their hair filling my head. I can practically feel the silky strands wrapped tightly in my clenched fists and hear their screams. The handle twisting snaps me out of my daydream.

  “Wait, what’s the plan then? Are we just going to wait here for you to return or shall I bring Avery back to Brookhaven when you deem it safe?” I spin around as he steps from the room, jogging to stay hot of his heels. Further down the corridor, my father opens the door at the far end. A black suitcase is sitting by the bed, seemingly ready to leave right now. Lifting his bag, I stand firmly in the way with my arms crossed so he can’t pass without answering me.

  “I don’t have those answers yet, Wyatt. There’s no signal at the safehouse but the closest town is 40 miles away, drive down every few days to check your emails. I’ll update you when I have more information.” He barges past me, obviously finished with this conversation but I’m not. I can’t stay in a house in the middle of nowhere with my enemy for god knows how long.

  “What about College? Or my birthday, am I meant to just sit here-”

  “This isn’t about you Wyatt!” He turns to shout in my face, despite having to look up slightly. No, nothing ever is. Letting him leave, I scowl at his back with the anger I’ve been hiding. A few days or weeks here will be nothing compared to the warm welcome I’ll receive in Chicago once Ray’s retribution has been delivered to him. Nixon, Avery and even Meg will pay for the mockery they’ve made of my life, only then can I reinvent myself surrounded by people who appreciate me. Want me.

  Trotting down the staircase, the open front door gives me a view of my father slamming the trunk of his Rolls Royce shut and sliding into the driver’s seat. A brunette is sitting in the passenger seat although I can’t get a good enough look to see who it is as the engine roars to life. Leaning against the sofa, footsteps on the stairs distract me from thoughts of how Ray’s revenge is interlinked with my own. Looking over my shoulder, my blood turns to ice in my veins.

  I’d anticipated seeing Avery for the first time being difficult, but nothing could have prepared me for this. My stomach plummets and my heart stops beating in my chest as I gape at the pair standing on the bottom step. Two sets of blue eyes land on me, varying in shade beneath perfectly arched eyebrows. Their button noses smeared with light freckles above full lips they are both biting subconsciously. Wearing matching hoodies and leggings, only the colours differing like the long hair upon their oval shaped heads, the truth of their genetics is so clear I can’t believe I’ve never seen it before.

  My eyes zero in on Meg, confusion at her presence fogging my brain. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I half-shout, looking between the two of them and the car driving into the forest, out of view. Shit.


  Leaning my head on Avery’s shoulder, I watch the vehicle carrying my mom be swallowed by the forest, the backlights fading as night falls. We’ve spent more quality time together these past few days than we have in years, rebuilding our relationship in light of the truth. Snuggled under a blanket in front of the living room fireplace, swimming in the sea, endless hours of board games. Even though I hadn’t known of the lurking secrets, I feel more connected to her than ever. A part of me thinks I lucked out, having a parent who was always around to give me her full time and attention. My mom raised me with more love than the Hughes’ money could ever buy.

  Avery and I have sat on my bed all day, sifting through the information we held to piece our lives back together. A part of me still can’t believe I have a twin but being with her feels too natural to deny it. Tears filled her eyes as I repeated every detail of our origin story I could recall, whether from grief for Sydney or the realisation someone is in fact trying to kill her, I’m not sure. By the time Nixon had come to see us both, she flung herself into his arms and cried, finally reunited with her father.

  Avery kisses my forehead, jarring me from staring into the distance and refocusing on the room. Wyatt’s rigid posture stomps towards the kitchen, retrieving his backpack and reappearing in front of us. A vein is protruding from his temple, his jaw clenched tight enough to crack a tooth. The pure hatred swirling in his green eyes are directed solely at me for once. Leaning close, he comes nose to nose with me, despite being a step lower, speaking through his teeth. “You’d better watch your back.”

  I don’t know what he was expecting, maybe a curtsey or for me to scurry away in floods of tears, but the shock in his face says it definitely wasn’t the full powered shove to his chest making him take a step back. Even Avery gasps in shock and grabs my arms, knowing I’d take a swing if I felt like it. I understand his world has been flipped upside down and he’s no longer sitting above on his titanium pedestal, but I’m not meek and it’s best he realises that from the start. He can’t intimidate me.

  Dax materialises between us, holding Wyatt at bay as he tries to advance on me again. He rams his shoulder into his friend, those haunted irises glued to me the whole time. Something has changed with him. He’s always been a moody shitbag but physical violence has never been one of his spoilt brat traits. A hand wraps around my wrist, Axel’s arm gently tugging me out of the way. Wyatt growls like an animal, practically frothing at the mouth as I allow myself to be removed from his firing line, taking Avery by the hand and pulling her with me. As soon as we are clear, Wyatt twists to throw his fist into the nearest wall before shoving past Dax and storming upstairs on thunderous feet.

  “I can see he is going to be a barrel of laughs,” I deadpan. Realising Axel is still holding my wrist, I shake out of his grip and eye them all suspiciously. Huxley is standing in the threshold between the two rooms, his hands clasped in front of him like a warden overseeing his prisoners. His pale cheeks are surprisingly hollow, no hint of the smile he wore permanently when I saw him previously.

  Garrett, however, is the polar opposite, swinging his legs back and forth whilst sitting on the kitchen counter. A huge grin reaches from ear to ear, his hazel eyes sparkling with excitement. Beside him, brown paper bags cover every other surface in the kitchen, my heart leaping at the thought of food. Real food that doesn’t come in a tin and have years left on the expiry date. My stomach grumbles loudly, Avery laughs by my side and drags me over to the counter. Riffling through the bags, I find heaps of sugary snacks and fizzy drinks.

  “Oh, sorry Nutmeg, those are my provisions.” Garrett hops down, drawing over half of the bags into his arms and skipping from the room before I have a chance to tell him that nickname won’t be sticking. There’s only three bags left, making me frown as Avery starts to empty them. Once finished, we both stand staring at the fruit and veg while I resign myself to becoming vegan. Dax appears at Avery’s side with a duffle bag in his hand, bumping her playfully with his shoulder.

  “I snuck out last night to stock up. If we hide it all in the fridge behind the veg, he shouldn’t find them there.” I don’t miss the lingering gaze and smile they share, tucking it away to ask Avery later just how close she’s been getting to these guys. Placing the bag on the dining table and unzipping it, the three of us rush to fill the fridge and freezer, tucking blocks of cheese and packs of ham behind broccoli and cauliflower florets like we are stashing gold bars. I am starving by the time we’ve finished, my hands starting to shake.

  “Here,” Avery hands me a banana and ushers me into the living room. “Keep Huxley company while we make dinner for everyone.” I only now notice him sitting on the long sofa since he is unnervingly still, staring at the opposi
te wall. Crossing the room, I take the armchair on the far side so I can watch Avery and Dax’s dynamic. Looking over to my companion for the next half an hour, he doesn’t acknowledge me until I clear my throat.

  “Rough couple of weeks, huh?” is all I can think to say. His head turns slowly, like one of those creepy dolls in a horror movie, his eyes as equally vacant. Fidgeting under his stare, I continue talking like an idiot. “It’s been so boring here-”

  “Did you get shot?” My eyes widen and mind goes blank. “I didn’t think so.” He returns to facing forward, playing with his tongue piercing between his teeth. Sitting back against the cushions, I unpeel my banana and turn my attention to Avery instead. She is currently washing a lettuce while Dax’s hugely overgrown afro wobbles in time with his vigorous cheese grating. He flicks a strand of cheese at her, landing in her hair as she giggles and flicks water onto his face.

  A topless Axel hops down the stairs, following the smell emanating from a large frying pan only to find himself in the middle of a food fight. Grabbing her around the waist from behind, Avery squeals as Axel spins her in time for a handful of coriander to hit his bare back. Arming himself with a chopping board as a shield and a spatula as a sword, Axel advances on Dax who fails to dodge the spatula spank he receives on his backside. Huffing at the sound of Avery’s giggles, Huxley pushes himself to his feet and leaves swiftly.

  “It was nice talking to you,” I call after him, unable to resist. He doesn’t glance back like I expected, opening the front door and slamming it shut behind himself. “Well, fuck me I guess.” I mutter. Garrett jumps over the back of the sofa to land on his side, his hand beneath his head as he watches me take a bite of my banana.

  “If you insist,” he winks. I try not to smile back but the guy is an enigma I can’t figure out. Usually, he’s the type I’d steer clear off, my rational mind telling me he’s a self-centred jackoff. But for some reason, I like him. The others in the kitchen have returned to preparing a meal, the smell of onion wafting over making me groan. In record time, they are transferring plates to the dining table so I move over to the same chair I sat in when Nixon first arrived.

  A stack of wraps takes pride of place in the centre, surrounded by chopped lettuce, cucumber and peppers. Large serving bowls hold seasoned chicken strips and onion beside grated cheese mountains and a range of sauces. All of the men present take a seat like me while Avery remains standing, preparing a fajita and carrying it outside. Following her with my eyes, I watch her walk around the outside porch through the windows and hand the plate to Huxley who is now on the wooden swinging seat.

  Even though my fingers are inching to dive in, the guys wait for Avery to return so I fist my hands in my lap. Finally, her butt touches the chair opposite me and I feel guilt-free about taking the first wrap, filling it with a bit of everything. No one moves until I’m on my third bite which is when I realise I’m moaning and stuffing my face like an animal. Garrett looks impressed and Avery smirks, starting to build their own fajitas with much more restraint.

  “It’s a lovely surprise to have you here with us, Meg. Avery’s been so lost without you.” Dax smiles kindly from beside me just as I take the biggest bite yet. He glances across the table to Avery, clearing his throat uncomfortably. “But why exactly are you here?” Avery and I both start laughing at the same time, realising they haven’t got a clue what is going on around here. Just lost lambs following their blonde Bo Peep across the country for a vacation.

  “It’s super complicated but you’ll find out soon enough anyway. Wyatt was adopted by Nixon and Cathy, Meg and I are their biological twins.” Dax and Axel have matching looks of surprise, flicking their eyes back and forth between us looking for similarities. Garrett shrugs and keeps eating, not seeming bothered in the slightest by Avery’s revelation. The rest of the meal passes in a comfortable silence, everyone slowly computing the news in their own way.

  By the time I’m stuffed and lean back contentedly, Dax and Axel are already on their feet to wash up after having to pry a plate from Garrett’s fingers as he insists on licking it clean. I can definitely see the appeal for Avery, having lived with these three the past few weeks. No doubt each day was filled with fun and laughter, despite the other two being a mild inconvenience. Glancing at my watch, its nearing 10pm but I’m not tired in the slightest. Too much has happened today for my mind to rest anyway.

  “There’s a cupboard in the back of my room full of old boxes and board games. Shall I grab one?” I offer, Avery’s bright eyes lighting up. Taking that as a yes, I smile and rise from my chair, thankful I’m wearing a baggy sweatshirt to cover my bloated belly. Walking up the first staircase and turning to take the second to my private floor at the top of the house, a smash beyond the door at the end makes me flinch. I’d grown so accustomed to only having my mom around I had forgotten Wyatt was up here. Another crash follows down the hall as I tiptoe up the steps.

  Shaking off a shudder and rounding my room, I open the cupboard and sift through the board games boxes for one I haven’t played yet. Selecting one from the bottom, naturally, I wiggle the cardboard box free and return to the others downstairs. The table has been fully cleared, Avery and the boys are sitting around waiting for me. Garrett’s head is lying on Axel’s shoulder, who’s twiddling the brown strands between his fingers.

  “Whatcha got?” Avery asks, perking up to get a glimpse at the box.

  “Trivial Pursuit,” I beam, ready to play against opponents I may be able to beat – unlike my mom who is ruthless in every game on earth. Laying the board out, I automatically pass Avery the purple counter knowing it’s her favourite colour and keep the green for myself. Placing our chosen counters in the middle, we take turns to roll the dice for the highest number to go first. I end up with a six so I shift my empty pie holder onto a yellow space. Garrett flicks a question card from the holder and pretends to read it.

  “Megaroni, what’s your favourite flavour of ice cream?” I scrunch my nose up and point to the card he’s teasing in and out of his fingers.

  “That’s not the question, yellow is history.” Avery glances to him in confusion, which makes two of us.

  “Yeah but I figured since we will be living together for the foreseeable future, we should know a bit more about you.” I quirk a brow, trying to sense if this is a trick but he seems sincere for once.

  “Fine. Quick fire your questions and then we can play properly.” His lips slide up into a smile as we begin a back and forth of bio on me.

  “Favourite ice cream?”

  “Salted caramel.”



  “Who the fuck has maroon as their favourite colour?!” He scoffs. “Dream Job?”

  “High school sports coach.”

  “Sexual position?”

  “I’m not answering that.”

  “Worst fear?”

  “Slightly claustrophobic, especially in the dark.” His lips remained sealed, so I push my tongue into my cheek, his eyes tracking the movement. “You finished?” Garrett nods like an excited puppy, throwing me a yellow piece of pie and moving on with the game at last. The fridge closing behind me makes me turn to see Wyatt exiting the room, my eyes watching his back leave curiously. Shaking my head, I remind myself I should keep my guard up around him and the demons he’s failing to hide.


  Stretching my arms above my head, I twist my torso in a delicious stretch. I needed that sleep, not being cramped in the back seat of a car or in a stiff motel bed. Stuffing my hand beneath the pillow, I pull out my phone to see it’s just gone six and curse my body clock. Rolling onto my front, I bury my face into the pillow intending to drift back off when I hear a soft bang downstairs. Remaining still, my ears perk up and catch faint mumbling around outside. Too curious to go back to sleep now, I creep over to the window in just my boxer shorts and peer out of the blackout curtain.

  Day has just broken, a golden semi-circle peering over the sea. The sky
’s palette ranges from the palest yellows to the deepest reds, the porch and bushes below still hidden in darkness. Two figures walk across the beach in full Lycra with messy buns fixed upon their heads and their arms linked. Finding a level spot, Avery begins to lead the yoga routine I’ve seen her do multiple times at the mansion, Meg mimicking her actions. Stretching their arms in full circles, the pair push their palms together and bow towards the sea. From this distance, the two of them look identical, their hair colours masked by the shadows that cling to their backs, but I can tell which one is Avery from miles away.

  Her stance is straighter, radiating the type of confidence one can only get from walking through the flames of hell and back again. I’ve been catching feelings for a while now but in this moment, I yearn to hold her gently. To stroke away any doubts that she is unlovable and give her the future she thinks she doesn’t want. I should move away from the window to stop spying on her like a crazed stalker, but I know the second my foot moves I’ll be out that door and pushing her beneath me in the sand. So, instead, I stand frozen in this spot, watching them stretch and balance, becoming more and more torn between my heart expanding with Avery’s inner strength and my mouth watering at her flexibility.

  By the time the pair turn to bow to each other, the sun is much higher and the sky has lightened to its usual pale blue. My eyelids start to feel heavy, my feet dragging as I slump back onto bed. Sleep comes for me quickly this time, knowing I have smooth creamy curves and silky blonde hair to dream about.


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