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The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I

Page 199

by Thomas Stearns Eliot, Christopher Ricks

  Brise Marine 911;

  Cantique de saint Jean 1038;

  Hérodiade 623;

  Le Tombeau d’Edgar Poe 1021–22;

  M’introduire dans ton histoire 936

  Malory, Thomas: 663; Morte d’Arthur 588, 698

  Man in White Spats, the: II 53–54

  Manning, Frederic: 591; The Middle Parts of Fortune 473, 1219

  Mantegna, Andrea: St. Sebastian 488; The Agony in the Garden 1132

  Mardersteig, Giovanni: edition of Four Quartets II 298; edition of The Waste Land II 298;

  emends quotation from Dante II 300

  Marivaux, Pierre de: 637; La Vie de Marianne 608

  Marlowe, Christopher: 457; Amores 492;

  Dido, Queen of Carthage 543, 544;

  Dr. Faustus 1201, II 66, 142, 219;

  Hero and Leander 623, 648;

  The Jew of Malta 402, 472, 536, 543;

  The Passionate Shepherd to His Love 1190;

  Tamburlaine 1187

  Marshall, John: 367

  Marston, John: 488, 714–15; Antonio’s Revenge 492;

  Entertainment of Alice 404, 488–89;

  What You Will 496

  Marvell, Andrew: A Dialogue between the Soul and Body 1085; The Garden 398, 524;

  An Horatian Ode 1101;

  The Mower to the Glowworms 880, 1125;

  The Nymph Complaining for the death of her Faun II 223;

  To his Coy Mistress 73, 381, 392, 471, 653, 842, 1186–87;

  Upon Appleton House 1196, 1199

  Mary Queen of Scots: 928

  Marx, Groucho: II 203

  Masefield, John: 859, 1195

  Mason, A. E. W.: The Four Feathers 485

  Massinger, Philip: The Roman Actor 833

  Masterman, C. F. G.: From the Abyss 1077–78, 1090

  Masters, Edgar Lee: praised by Pound 366; The Conversation 749;

  John Horace Burleson 433;

  O Glorious France 470, 914, 936;

  Thomas Trevelyan 919

  Maurras, Charles: L’Avenir de l’Intelligence 828

  Mayne Reid, Thomas: 689, 777

  Menasce, Jean de: translates The Waste Land 572, 589; translates parts of Ash-Wednesday II 421–23

  Mencken, H. L.: Prejudices 941

  Menninger, Karl: II 222

  Meredith, George: 430–31, 600, 1152; A Ballad of Fair Ladies in Revolt 1104–1105;

  To Colonel Charles 538;

  France.—December 1870 1197;

  Hymn to Colour 609;

  Love in the Valley 473;

  Lucifer in Starlight 433, II 60;

  Modern Love 1122, 1146;

  The Night-Walk 1125;

  The Woods of Westermain 442

  Merrill, Stuart: 444, 460; Pastels in Prose 382, 385, 404, 444, 451, 823, 946, 949, 1087, 1108, 1110, 1149–50, 1178

  Meynell, Alice: 778

  Michelangelo: “wilfully lived in sadness” 380

  Middleton, Thomas: 457; disputed authorship of The Revenger’s Tragedy 476;

  (with William Rowley) The Changeling 481;

  A Game at Chesse 621, 786;

  Michaelmas Term 678, 872;

  Women Beware Women 73, 630, 636;

  Your Five Gallants 694

  Migne, J. P.: Patrologica Latina et Graeca 858

  Mill, John Stuart: 533

  Milton Academy: II 68

  Milton, John: “master of free verse” 362; L’Allegro 604;

  Areopagitica 1096, II 288;

  Comus 1003, 1077, 1096, 1106, 1126, 1154, 1171;

  Letter to a Friend 1038;

  Lycidas 969, 1107, II 52;

  On the Lord General Fairfax II 226;

  On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity 491, 934–35, 1154;

  Paradise Regained 752, 1092, 1120, 1166, II 63;

  Il Penseroso 539, 918, 1082;

  Samson Agonistes 390, 767, 806, 940;

  Sonnet 1 (“O nightingale, that on yon bloomy spray”) 545–46;

  Sonnet 8 (When the assault was intended to the City) II 227;

  Sonnet 10 (To the Lady Margaret Ley) 665;

  Sonnet 12 (“I did but prompt”) 1140;

  Sonnet 16 (On his Blindness) II 217

  PARADISE LOST: I – 388, 523, 879, 1125, (II) 227; II – 718, 1076, 1086, 1138, 1166, 1171, (II) 70;

  III – 747, 752, 880, 1113, 1139, 1147;

  IV – 73, 498, 628, 1077, 1118, 1134–35;

  V – 1096, 1150–51;

  VI – 1170;

  VII – 1094, 1118, 1140;

  VIII – 1104;

  IX – 939, 948, 1110, 1125, 1136, 1142, 1147, 1197;

  X – 664, 744, 1114;

  XI – 616, 935, 1023, 1094, 1138;

  XII – 663, 1166, 1187

  Mirrlees, Emily (Mappie): II 76, 174

  Mirrlees, Hope: 1036, 1196, 1209, II 75, 174, 198; Paris 548, 698, 718, 738, 748

  modernism: 663, 972; “aversion to” 1200;

  “foul word modernist” 432;

  “horrid term

  modernist” 1223

  Mond, Alfred: 509–10

  Monnier, Adrienne: French translation of Prufrock 399

  Monro, Harold: Strange Meetings 531, 1015; Trees 753

  Monroe, Harriet: publishes The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 364–65, 370, 373–74; The Ocean Liner 982;

  You and I 483

  Montaigne, Michel de: “scepticism to the utmost limit” 1126

  Monteith, Charles: 440, 783, 1215

  Moore, Marianne: My Apish Cousins 743, 967; Poetry 892, 1053;

  Spenser’s Island 1034

  More, Paul Elmer: 386, 731, 987, 1090; on The Waste Land 576–77;

  punctuating poetry 607;

  stages of his journey 945, 1017;

  comments on Hell 1166–67;

  Shelburne Essays 380, 386, 502;

  The Great Refusal 401, 415, 614, 685, 693, 1006–1107, 1015, 1017, 1020, 1029, 1111, 1156;

  Mr. Eliot’s Return 576, 731

  Moréas, Jean: 461

  Morley, F. V. (Frank): II 219; Bolovian Club 397;

  copy of Poems (1920) 708;

  editor at Saturday Review of Literature 727;

  as American publisher 763, 931;

  compiling the Criterion 798;

  proposes publication of Sweeney Agonistes as a book 798;

  and Hodgson 838;

  Scotland tour with TSE 853;

  bricklaying 864;

  US publication of Four Quartets 885–88, 896–97, 975, 994, II 483–84;

  “commentary on E. Coker” 927;

  conversations with TSE 960;

  son accepts The Country Walk for The Family News 1199, II 605;

  and Noctes Binanianæ II 207–209, 220, 268, 286–87;

  Pike’s Farm II 167;

  moves to Connecticut II 208;

  “push and initiative” II 219;

  Fable XIV 812;

  Literary Britain 926;

  The Mark of the Spider is 666 208;

  My One Contribution to Chess II 219

  Morley, Susanna: II 39

  Morrell, Ottoline: 396, 435–36, 459, 508, 817, 1115; Garsington Manor 368, 459;

  pacifism 485;

  recommends Dr. Vittoz 548;

  and The Hollow Men II 417;

  and Ash-Wednesday II 422

  Morris, William: The Æneids of Virgil 1007; The Blue Closet 738, 970;

  The Earthly Paradise 624, 736, 753–54;

  The Hollow Land 715;

  The Life and Death of Jason 625, 685, 1172

  Munich: 601, 604–605

  Murray, Gilbert: “fixed forms” of Greek tragedy 785

  Murry, John Middleton: 377, 574, 645, 1099

  Nerval, Gérard de: Aurélia 661, 1008; El Desdichado 398, 706, 1044;

  Le Rêve et la Vie 612;

  Vers dorés 719

  Newman, John Henry: The Dream of Gerontius 469, 481, 937; Sermon on Divine Calls 481

  Nichols, Robert: II 56; “reading of poets” II 253

>   Nietzsche, Friedrich: 405; Beyond Good and Evil 1139;

  The Birth of Tragedy 437, 609, 1078, 1080, 1094, 1139

  Nijinsky, Vaslav: 1035, 1156–57

  nonsense: nonsense words II 61

  Noyes, Alfred: II 180–81

  nursery rhymes: Mother Goose II 197; “Boys and girls come out to play” II 61, 163;

  “Four and twenty blackbirds” 1204;

  “Here we go round the mulberry bush” 722–724;

  “Little boy blue” 1201;

  “London Bridge is broken down” 704;

  “Mary had a little lamb”, II 72;

  “Michael Finigan” II 264;

  “One finger one thumb” II 62;

  “Robin and Richard were

  two pretty men”, II 201;

  “Sing a song of sixpence” 657, II 277;

  “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” 720;

  “When the wind blows the cradle will rock” 398;

  “With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes” II 169

  Oesterley, W. O. E.: 719

  Orage, A. R.: 1148; The New Age 516;

  mysticism 1036

  originality: “deplored as a fault” 356; John Butler Yeats on 369;

  “one test of a man’s originality is the success of his borrowing” 431;

  “saturation which sometimes combusts spontaneously into originality” 491;

  “the most original thing that I have done” 799;

  Wilfred Owen 914;

  “arriving at originality” 967;

  Laforgue 1108;

  “Novelty of form or idiom is not something that we should seek” 1227

  Orwell, George: Prufrock and Other Observations as “starting-point of modern literature” 369

  Osgood, Samuel: 383

  Ovid: Heroides 500; Metamorphoses 73, 74–75, 501, 503, 627–28, 662–63, 738, 1156

  Owen, Wilfred: 1053; The Parable of the Old Man and the Young 470–71;

  Strange Meeting 914, 1008

  Oxford University: lack of female society 378; “not quite alive” 1133

  Paderewski, Ignace: 403

  Page, Patricia Shaw: II 165

  Paris: 603, 1175–76; “ce n’est pas un accident” 457;

  Bastille Day 822;

  “full spring” 1129

  Pascal, Blaise: 912, 927, 1024–25; fragmentary 707;

  ennui 739;

  on humility 939;

  “Le silence éternel de ces espaces infinis” 1093;

  Pensées 939, 946, 1138, 1140

  Patañjali: The Yoga-Darsana 907

  Pater, Walter: 646, 910; influence on TSE 386;

  Appreciations 395;

  Marius the Epicurean 386–87, 511, 622, 705, 769, 949, 1152;

  Studies in the History of the Renaissance 612, 689–90, 703, 921, 945–46, 981, 998, 1082, 1112, 1134

  Patmore, Brigit: My Friends When Young 396

  Peacock, Thomas Love: The War Song of Dinas Vawr 1071; Melincourt 501

  Peele, George: The Old Wives’ Tale 852–53

  Péguy, Charles: 457; À nos amis, à nos abonnés 513, 914

  Perse, St.-John: 414, 418, 634, 708, 742, 913; “poetry in what is called prose” 445–46;

  translation of Part I of The Hollow Men 711;

  influence on TSE 763;

  St. Léger Léger 1014

  Pervigilium Veneris: 385, 422, 628, 705

  Petrarch: Seven Penitential Psalms 915; Triumphs 1115

  Petronius: Satyricon 591–94, 621

  Philippe, Charles-Louis: Bubu de Montparnasse 378–79, 382, 387, 412–16, 420, 423, 520, 603, 1116, 1209; Marie Donadieu 413, 416, 423

  Phillips, Percival: 821

  Piper, John: II 221

  Plato: “oyster” 968; Philebus 540, 839;

  The Republic 660

  Plutarch: Life of Mark Antony 445, 474, 490, 617;

  Life of Paulus Æmilius 821

  Poe, Edgar Allen: TSE reads at the dentist 486, 1186; The Assignation 482, 486, 496, 608, 625–26;

  The Bells 933;

  The City in the Sea 482, 697, 1003;

  The Conqueror Worm 380, 943, 1097;

  For Annie 840–41;

  Ligeia 624, 1186–87;

  Israfel 915;

  The Murders in the Rue Morgue 494, 501–502, 504, 544, 667, 697;

  The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym 684;

  The Raven 842, 1135;

  Shadow—A Parable 625, 1012;

  The Sleeper 692, 696–97;

  To Helen 608, II 228;

  Ulalume 827

  Poetry Bookshop: 364, 368, 380, 727

  Poincaré, Henri: 435, 1069–70

  Pope, Alexander: II 368, 385; “better not to try to compete with” 581;

  “cannot improve on” 642;

  gardening 1214;

  The Dunciad 473, 623, 641, 1171–72, II 213, 288;

  Epistle to Bathurst 1164, 1171;

  Epistle to Cobham 606;

  Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot 647, 649, II 227;

  Epistle to Miss Blount 383;

  An Essay on Criticism 524, 1059, 1098;

  An Essay on Man 1128, 1214;

  The First Book of Statius His Thebais II 60;

  The First Epistle of the First Book of Horace Imitated 511;

  Iliad 492, 1171–72;

  Imitations of Horace 646;

  Let Newton Be! 1216;

  Moral Essays 472;

  Odyssey 501, 1049, 1101, 1108, 1137, 1151;

  Of the Characters of Women 645, 1060;

  The Rape of the Lock 394, 612, 625–26, 649–50, 770, 1026, 1126, 1146;

  Thebais 1119;

  To a Lady 644;

  To Mr. Murray 1190

  popular song: The Ballad of Casey Jones 796; By the Watermelon Vine (with My Evaline) 598;

  The Cubanola Glide 1112;

  “I want someone to treat me rough” 598, 635;

  “O the moon shines bright on Mrs. Porter” 655;

  The Reconstructed Rebel 960;

  “There is a sausage gun” 828;

  The Subway Express 1112;

  Under the Bamboo Tree 812–15

  Possum: “feigning death” II 37; “very unpleasant odour” II 37;

  possible title for Criterion II 37;

  “Old Possum’s Book of ‘Flowers shown to the Children’” II 38

  Pound, Dorothy: 553, 580, 673, II 37

  Pound, Ezra: meets TSE 360; scout for Poetry (Chicago) 365;

  TSE submissions to Poetry beginning with The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 365–66, 1155–56;

  Catholic Anthology 366, 373, 427, 1156, 1168;

  advocacy of TSE 367, 374, 400–401, 426;

  publication of Prufrock and Other Observations 367–69;

  censorship 440, 1114–15;

  Little Review 455–56, 516;

  French and Italian poetry 458–65, 499, 522, 532;

  TSE’s Poems (1920) 465–66, 509–11, 537; 529, 540, 544, 546;

  translation of Dans Le Restaurant 526;

  The Cantos compared to The Waste Land 580;

  TSE sends The Hollow Men 713;

  assists Binyon with translation of Dante 995;

  walking tour in France (1919) 1017;

  “cadence reproduction” in TSE’s early poems 1183;

  annotation of Song to the Opherian 1183–84;

  Improper Verses II 253–56;

  “Podesta” II 256

  AND THE WASTE LAND: reads drafts in Paris 549; correspondence and “surgery” 550–56, 579–82;

  advocacy 557–63;

  comments on 541, 569–70, 579;

  despair: 582, 585–86;

  last words on TSE 586;

  re-discovery of

  the drafts 586; “il miglior fabbro” 594–95;

  annotation of the drafts 608–706, II 359–62;

  annotation of possible “Interludes” 1183–90

  WRITINGS: “Blandula, Tenulla, Vagula” 769; Cantico del Sole 768;

The Cantos 398, 546, 550, 578, 968

  (for individual cantos, see below);

  Canzon 537;

  Cathay 470;

  Cavalcanti 487;

  A Draft of XI Cantos 706;

  A Draft of XXX Cantos 580, 942;

  Et Faim Sallir le Loup des Boys 673;

  Exile’s Letter 763;

  La Fraisne 939;

  The Gipsy 534;

  Heather 741;

  Homage to Sextus Propertius 532, 546, 580;

  Hugh Selwyn Mauberley 458, 546, 678, 877, 940;

  Literary Essays (ed. TSE) 487, 594, 681;

  The Natural Philosophy of Love (tr. from Remy de Gourmont) 644, 667, 1127;

  Near Perigord 482, 594;

  Notes on Elizabethan Classicists 741;

  A Pact 1040;

  Personae 476

  Pervigilium Veneris 385, 422;

  The Pisan Cantos 956;

  The Plunge 765;

  Provença 426;

  The Return 753, 1041;

  Ripostes 402, 470, 734;

  Sage Homme 551–52, 555;

  Salutation the Second 516, 741;

  The Seafarer 470, 485;

  Selected Poems (ed. TSE) 516, 532, 741, 1221;

  Sestina: Altaforte 619;

  Silet 734;

  Social Credit 956;

  Sonnets and Ballate of Guido Cavalcanti 733, 743, 836, 1020;

  Speech for Psyche in the Golden Book of Apuleius 778;

  The Spirit of Romance 385, 422, 465, 595, 622, 1011;


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