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The Poems of T. S. Eliot Volume I

Page 200

by Thomas Stearns Eliot, Christopher Ricks

  A Stray Document 1183;

  Sub Mare 968;

  Three Cantos 851, 1188;

  The Tree 1157

  INDIVIDUAL CANTOS: I (first version) – 779; II (first version) – 619;

  III – 931;

  VIII – 706;

  XIV – 941–42, 1080;

  XV – 941–42;

  LII – 487;

  LXXVII – 665, 956;

  LXXX – 633;

  LXXXI – 629

  practical jokes: II 38–39; Auden on TSE as practical joker II 29

  prayer: Agnus Dei 767; Anima Christi sanctifica me 756, 991–92, 1037;

  Gloria 724;

  Lord’s Prayer 723, 1016;

  Salve Regina 750

  Prince, F. T.: 466, 602, 616

  Pringle, Alan: II 46

  prohibition: 506, 597, 638, 815, 1074–75

  Prokosch, Frederick: 985; “seems a very amiable person” II 463;

  Butterfly Books (and fakes): 835,

  A Duck in the Park II 459;

  Eyes that last I saw in tears 835;

  Lines to a Persian Cat (decorated manuscript) II 458;

  Old Man’s Song 855, II 467;

  Rannoch, by Glencoe II 466;

  Two Poems 848, II 463–64;

  Words for Music 847, II 463

  prostitution: 378, 382, 386, 423, 606, 635, 645, 597–98, 1146, 1176; “son âme de petite

  putain” 412;

  “odeur de” 423;

  “nightingales” 541;

  Metropole Hotel 659;

  “un caprice” 1116

  Proust, Marcel: 478; À la recherche du temps perdu 428, 913–14

  publishing: “sordidly corrupt activity” II 216; Jonathan Cape II 226;

  Victor Gollancz II 226;

  Penguin II 63, 197, 228, 297;

  Publishers’ Association II 226;

  Swan Sonnenschein II 286.

  See also Faber & Faber; Liveright, Horace

  Pusey, E. B.: Private Prayers 738

  Quinn, John: 366, 584, 408–409; offers to fund publication of Prufrock and Other Observations 368–69;

  advocacy of TSE 386–87;

  contract for Poems (1920) 465–66, 547;

  presented with drafts of The Waste Land 554–55, 582–84;

  Q typescript 557, II 363;

  negotiates publication of The Waste Land 557–63;

  brokers deal between Liveright and Dial 562;

  fate of papers 585;

  sends Ezra Pound: His Metric and Poetry to Conrad 716

  Raleigh, Walter: 1027

  Rascoe, Burton: 563; review of The Waste Land 567

  Read, Herbert: 435, 448, 747, 960, 1036, 1069, 1177;

  Collected Poems 1913–1925 371–72;

  “Education for Peace” 1036;

  The Green Child II 47;

  Naked Warriors 367;

  Reason and Romanticism 453;

  Selected Writings 432;

  Surrealism II 47;

  The Knapsack (ed.) 66;

  To a Conscript of 1940 1008

  Reckitt, Maurice B.: II 183

  Reed, Henry: Chard Whitlow 889; The Naming of Parts 762

  Richards, I. A.: 462, 488, 729, 818, 920, 932, 1093, 1203; “severance” between poetry and belief 575;

  Basic English 953;

  Principles of Literary Criticism 417, 603, 703

  Richardson, Samuel: 642–43

  Ridler, Anne (née Bradby): II 45; TSE’s secretary 521, 884;

  revises The Faber Book of Modern Verse 899;

  types Noctes Binanianæ II 208, 210;

  selection of poems in TSE’s Sesame volume II 296;

  A Little Book of Modern Verse (ed.) 887

  Rimbaud, Arthur: Accroupissements 1109; Le Bateau ivre 441, 916;

  Le Cœur volé 528;

  La Forgeron 519;

  Mauvais Sang 410;

  Sensation 1090;

  Vénus Anadyomène 643, 646

  Rivière, Jacques: 952

  Roberts, Adam: II 39

  Roberts, Lynette: 475

  Roberts, Michael: 572, 809; Critique of Poetry 763.

  See also anthologies, The Faber Book of Modern Verse

  Rockefeller, John D.: 1131

  Rodker, John: publication of Ara Vos Prec 463–64, Bel Esprit 558;

  Fear 632

  Rogers, Samuel: The Sleeping Beauty 1087

  Ronsard, Pierre de: Sonnet à Marie 621

  Roosevelt, Theodore: 1131

  Rosenberg, Isaac: 1051–52

  Rossetti, Christina G.: Brother Bruin 1135; The Convent Threshold 380;

  Later Life 1134;

  A Martyr 1136;

  Passing and Glassing 717

  Rossetti, Dante Gabriel: 355, 1123; The Blessed Damozel 427, 452, 510;

  Villon translation 513;

  Notebook Fragments 593;

  Dante at Verona 1137;

  The Early Italian Poets 635, 700, 704, 733, 741, 744, 836, 1019–20, 1086, 1134;

  The House of Life 743;

  “I saw the Sibyl at Cumae” 593;

  Jenny 645–46, 1146

  Rostand, Edmond: Cyrano de Bergerac 517, 1109; Chantecler 698

  Roughton, Roger: 1200

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Confessions 652; “Emphasis on feeling rather than thought” 1152

  Rowse, A. L.: 964, 969, 988, 1052, 1149, II 159; Poems of Deliverance 1046

  Royce, Josiah: 511; “doyen of American philosophers” 449

  Rubinstein, Artur: 403

  Ruskin, John: 509; The Ethics of the Dust 534;

  The Stones of Venice 490, 497, 501;

  Unto This Last 1192

  Russell, Bertrand: 440, 507, 533, 613; “did not have a classical education” 438;

  original of Mr. Apollinax 440;

  “unbalanced ” 443;

  “no good influence on Vivienne” 436;

  pacifism 485;

  The Free Man’s Worship 1126, 1151;

  Principles of Mathematics 437, 999;

  The World of Physics and the World of Sense 919

  Sacher-Masoch, Leopold: Venus in Furs 489

  Sadler, Michael: drafts of Marina II 437

  Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin: 428, 576, 778

  Saintsbury, George: 564; dedication of Homage to John Dryden 371;

  Dullness 641;

  Minor Caroline Poets (ed.) 884

  Salem witch trials: 472, 681

  Salmon, André: Anvers 472–73, 747; Le Calumet 472–73;

  Le Festin sous la lune 1104;

  La flûte brisée 1130;

  Odelette Chinoise 1150

  Salter, Arthur: II 159

  Santayana, George: on William James 952; Three Philosophical Poets 484, 725–26, 1112

  Sappho: 75, 663; Lyra Graeca 608

  Sautoy, Peter du: II 67, 355

  Savage, Walter: 509

  Sayers, Dorothy L.: II 197

  Schofield, William Henry: Professor Channing-Cheetah 440

  Schopenhauer, Arthur: 976, 1070, 1078, 1079

  Schubert, Franz: Death and the Maiden 543

  Scott, Walter: Bonnie Dundee 1034, II 200; Breathes there the man with soul so dead 1110;

  The Lay of the Last Minstrel II 70;

  Marmion 1116;

  Paul’s Letters to his Kinsfolk 753;

  Proud Maisie II 173;

  When the BlueBonnets Came Over the Border II 65

  Scottish literature: II 172–73

  Seeger, Alan: Paris 532, 543, 648–49

  Seldes, Gilbert: 788, 789; publication of The Waste Land 561–64, 569

  Seneca: 797, Hercules Furens 490, 774–76;

  Hercules Œteus 491, 500

  Seton-Thompson, Ernest: 691

  Shackleton, Ernest: South 682, 684, 690, 692–93, 1107

  Shakespeare, William: 360, 445, 457, 512, 772–73, 890, 1222; “supreme greatness can hardly influence” 457;

  The Phoenix and the Turtle 489

  PLAYS: Antony and Cleopatra 73, 445
, 479, 489–90, 493, 621–22, 627, 1027, 1039, 1135, 1162, II 267; As You Like It 481, 845, 1000, II 227, 265;

  Coriolanus 479, 703, 819–20, 823, 824, 826, 831, 832–33, 851, 976, 1096, 1123, II 228, 290;

  Cymbeline 622, 625, 777, 841, II 61, 195;

  Hamlet 379, 380, 390, 392, 395–96, 479, 492, 496, 525, 546, 551, 603, 633, 634, 640, 649, 654, 656, 657, 698, 707, 771, 801, 842, 847, 942, 956, 975, 1005, 1015–16, 1027, 1033, 1084, 1087, 1095, 1097–98, 1102, 1105, 1121, 1136, 1168, 1202, 1219, II 69, 71, 143, 181;

  1 Henry IV 396, 732, 970;

  2 Henry IV 383, 396, 396, 599, 638;

  Henry V 949, 1201;

  Henry VIII II 227;

  Julius Caesar 715, 793, 832, 1180;

  King John 1121;

  King Lear 389, 410, 629, 634, 645, 678, 679, 737, 777–78, 836, 1151, 1179–80, II 71;

  Love’s Labour’s Lost 1201;

  Macbeth 482, 747, 815, 826, 1015, 1121, 1170, 1180, 1201, II 141, 227, 313;

  Measure for Measure 423, 469, 483, 805, II 449;

  The Merchant of Venice 480, 482, 494, 525, 1096, 1188;

  A Midsummer Night’s Dream 398, 410, 934, 944, 998;

  Othello 487–89, 496, 633, 734, 764, 814, 1088, 1108, 1144, 1189, 1201

  Pericles 629, 695, 773–79, 1096;

  Richard II 943, 1000;

  Richard III 384, 441, 529, 611, 832, 977, 1137, II 227;

  Romeo and Juliet 402, 413, 479, 496, 720, 753, 778, 1077, 1135;

  Two Gentlemen of Verona 737, 1120;

  The Tempest 389, 411, 441, 502, 611, 652–53, 668, 698, 778–79, 1187–89;

  Titus Andronicus 627, 779;

  Troilus and Cressida 484, 495–96, 743, 1096, 1140;

  Twelfth Night 383;

  The Winter’s Tale 418, 441, 801

  SONNETS: Sonnet 28 (“How can I then return in happy plight”) 1170; Sonnet 29 (“When, in disgrace with fortune and man’s eyes”) 736;

  Sonnet 73 (“That time of year thou mayst in me behold”) 978;

  Sonnet 90 (“Then hate me when thou wilt”) 419;

  Sonnet 126 (“O thou, my lovely boy, who in thy power”) II 289

  APOCRYPHA: The Raigne of K. Edward the Third 542

  Shaw, George Bernard: 1102

  Shaw, Martin: 863–68, 879, 1191, II 37–38; The Builders II 598

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe: “dislike Shelley” 503; Adonais 479;

  Alastor 1101, 1158;

  The Boat on the Serchio 1121;

  The Cenci 1076;

  Epipsychidion 1091, 1097, 1133, 1139;

  Hellas 1106–1107;

  Letter to Maria Gisborne 427, 839, 1121, 1172;

  Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills 1154;

  Kissing Helena 1144;

  Ode to the West Wind 975, 1007, 1086, 1123;

  One word is too often profaned 1133;

  Peter Bell the Third 615;

  Prometheus Unbound 637, 686, 737, 1020, 1094, 1106, 1138, 1141, 1153;

  The Public Sty 1193;

  Queen Mab 502, 1151;

  The Question 1122, 1172;

  The Revolt of Islam 1007, 1134, 1141, 1144;

  Rosalind and Helen 1088, 1097, 1133, 1149;

  The Sensitive Plant 504;

  Stanzas.—April 1814 454;

  Swellfoot the Tyrant 823, 1193;

  To — 909;

  To a Skylark 924;

  To Stella 1140;

  The Triumph of Life 411, 502–503, 611, 614, 623, 695, 998, 1007, 1013, 1026, 1110, 1115

  Sheppard, Samuel: 509

  Shirley, James: 420

  Sidney, Philip: 509, 647

  Signet, The: II 72; manuscript of Marina II 433

  Simonides: Anthologia Palatina 1050

  Sitwell, Edith: 758, 1221, 1223, II 253

  Sitwell, Sacheverell: 477, 486, 737, II 253; shown Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar and another poem 1180

  Smart, Christopher: “real feeling for cats” II 57

  Smith, Alexander: 1039

  Socrates: 540; “I know that I know nothing” 946

  Sophocles: Oedipus at Colonus 545; Oedipus Tyrannos 663

  Southey, Robert: After Blenheim 1056

  Spencer, Theodore: 596

  Spender, Stephen: II 198–99, 216; on The Waste Land 578, 686;

  “wise to avoid mountains” 688;

  on “three white leopards” 742;

  Ariel Poems 758, 762;

  TSE and Auden 808;

  on war poetry 891, 927;

  TSE and Beethoven 895, 927

  Spenser, Edmund: “sensitiveness to words” 651;

  The Faerie Queen 470;

  Prothalamion 73, 650, 673, 680, 1172;

  The Ruins of Time 497

  Spinoza: 824

  Squire, J. C.: unfavourable reviews of TSE 740, 1169–70;

  deplored by TSE 1169

  St. Louis: 380, 597, 733, 963–95; fur trade 495;

  postwar music scene 635;

  Metropole Hotel 659; 1904

  World’s Fair 1071;

  “urban imagery” 1077

  Starbuck, Edwin Diller: 391, 986

  Stead, William Force: 568, 731; discovers Smart’s Jubilate Agno II 57;

  Ash-Wednesday typescript II 422;

  The Shadow of Mount Carmel 807;

  The House on the Wold 848

  Stein, Gertrude: and “the mechanical complication of life” 484; “kinship with the saxophone” 789

  Stevenson, Robert Louis: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 702; The Ebb Tide 722;

  Happy Thought 1116;

  Memories and Portraits 513;

  Requiem 663

  Stewart, Geraldine: 417

  Stoker, Bram: Dracula 696, 698

  Strachey, John St. Loe: 516

  Strachey, Lytton: “new sensations from history” 1090; “picayune destructiveness” 1223

  Stravinsky, Igor: friendship with TSE 538; “motor horn” 654;

  Pétrouchka 717;

  The Rite of Spring 591, 789

  Strindberg, August: “poetic vision” 647

  Studley, John: 484–85 submarine world 434, 441–42, 625, 880, 967–68;

  Phlebas 685;

  “pavement of bonebed” 1049

  Suetonius: Life of Tiberius 833; Life of Vespasian 825

  Sweeney: 504–506; euphony of name 376;

  “intensely serious” 466–67;

  “an amalgam” 497–98;

  “Sweeney the driver” 539;

  Eliot family reaction to poems 540;

  in The Waste Land 655

  Swift, Jonathan: 1022, 1024, 1211, II 218; “greatest ironist” 467;

  “familiar compound ghost” 1012–13;

  Description of a City Shower 1171;

  Gulliver’s Travels II 273;

  The Humble Petition of Frances Harris 1211, II 186;

  A Letter to a Young Gentleman, Lately Entered into Holy Orders 1040;

  The Tale of a Tub 496

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles: 456, 701; “where do we go from Swinburne?” 355;

  After Death 1003;

  Anima Anceps 1154;

  The Armada 399;

  Atalanta in Calydon 749, 836, 930, 1003, 1140;

  A Ballad of François Villon 551;

  Dolores 836, 1136, 1209;

  Félise 717–8;

  Hermaphroditus 1038;

  Hertha 422;

  Hymn to Proserpine 538, 604, 747, 826;

  Ilicet 836;

  Itylus 705;

  Laus Veneris 384, 388, 442, 452, 717, 748, 851, 1140, 1153;

  The Leper 416;

  The Queen’s Pleasance 1104;

  A Song in Time of Order 500;

  Thalassius 770;

  Tiresias 663, 667, 1006;

  To Victor Hugo 603

  Symonds, John Addington: 646; In the Key of Blue 1103

  Symons, Arthur: influence on TSE 358–59, 361, 952; “fog of the ’nineties” 661;

  “entranced” 827;

  Alla Passeretta B
runa 1144;

  The Armenian Dancer 1136–37;

  Bal Masqué 452;

  The Barrel-Organ 1076;

  In Bohemia 1144;

  The Chopin Player 403, 1153;

  The Dance of Seven Sins 1154;

  Faint Love 1023;

  Fête Champêtre 1146;

  From Catullus 1081;

  From Paul Verlaine: Fêtes Galantes 391, 407, 935, 1109;

  Giovanni Malatesta 1135;

  Modern Beauty 1133;

  Nerves 395;

  Plays, Acting, and Music 477, 1105;

  Prologue: In the Stalls 1023;

  Soleils Couchants 404;

  Spleen 1084;

  Studies in Seven Arts 1082;

  Studies in Two Literatures 416;

  Summer in Spring 1153;

  The Symbolist Movement in Literature 388, 417, 468, 487, 648, 719, 1080, 1088, 1091, 1092, 1097, 1106, 1125, 1138–39 (on Laforgue 383, 393, 407, 419, 668, 1074–75, 1100, 1103, 1114);

  Time and Memory 390;

  To Muriel 1144;

  Wasted Beauty 1153

  Tailhade, Laurent: 361, II 243; poet of “permanent value” 430;

  and the Dreyfus affair 787;

  Barcarolle 1106;

  Candidats á l’immortalité 440;

  Gendelettres 542;

  Odelette 1176;


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