Death of a Nation

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Death of a Nation Page 94

by Stephen R A'Barrow


  Germania and the Early Germans:

  Arens, P. Sturm über Europa, Berlin, 2002.

  Clauss, M. Die römischen Kaiser, Munich, 2000.

  Cole, R. Germany, London, 2005.

  Decimus Maximus Ausonius – Mosella and Opera, H. Scheckle.

  Gibbon, E. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, London, 2001.

  Green, J.A. The Aristocracy of Norman England, Cambridge, 1997.

  Heather, P. The Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome and the Barbarians, OUP, Oxford, 2006.

  Humble, R. The Saxon Kings, London, 1980.

  McKitterich, R. The Frankish Kingdoms Under the Carolingians, London, 1983.

  Potter, D. The Emperors of Rome – The Story of Imperial Rome from Julius Caesar to the Last Emperor, London, 2007.

  Rolf, H.U. and Oswalt, V. Taschen Atlas, Gotha, 2006.

  Steffahn, H. Die Deutschen: Eine Skizze ihrer elfhunderjährigen Geschichte, Giessen, 1984.

  Schulze, F. Deutsche Erinnerungsorte, Munich, 2001.

  Tacitus, Germania, Ed. J.B. Rives, Oxford, 1999.

  Todd, M. The Early Germans, Oxford, 2004.

  The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation:

  Bell, D.A. The First Total War: Napoleon’s Europe and the Birth of Modern Warfare, London, 2007.

  Edward, J. The Franks, London, 1988.

  Herbers, K. and Neuhaus, H. Das Heilige Römische Reich, Schauplätze einer tausendjährigen Geschichte, Cologne, 2005.

  Israel J. The Dutch Republic: Its Rise, Greatness and Fall 1477–1806, Oxford, 1995.

  Klessmann, E. Napoleon und die Deutschen, Berlin, 2007.

  Langer, U. Heinrich von Treitschke, Düsseldorf, 1998.

  Levi, A. Cardinal Richlieu and the Making of France, New York, 2000.

  Lynn, J.A. The Wars of Louis XIV 1667–1714, London, 1999.

  Mackay, D. and Scott, H.M. The Rise of the Great Powers 1615–1815, London, 1984.

  Shama, S. A History of Britain, London, 2003.

  Schneidmüller, B. Die Kaiser des Mittelalters von Karl dem Großen bis Maximilian I, Munich, 2006.

  Schom, A. Napoleon Bonapart: A Biography, New York, 1997.

  Steinbach, G. Deutschland: Europas unruhiges Herz, Vienna, 2003.

  Stollberg-Rilinger, B. Das Heilige Römische Reich Deutscher Nation Vom Ende des Mittelalters bis 1806, Munich, 2006.

  Weir, A. Lancashire and York: The War of the Roses, London, 1998.

  Wheatcroft, A. Infidels: The Conflict between Christendom and Islam 638–2002, London, 2003.

  History of Bohemia:

  Bäcker, A. Der Völkermord an den Sudetendeutschen, Vienna, 2006.

  Botting, D. In the Ruins of the Reich, Hemel Hempstead, 1985.

  Cornej, P. and Pokorny, J. A Brief History of the Czech Lands, Prague, 2004.

  Demetz, P. Prague In Black and Gold: The History of a City, London, 1997.

  Englund, T.B. The Czechs in a Nutshell, Prague, 2004.

  Glotz, P. Die Vertreibung. Böhmen als Lehrstück, Cologne, 2004.

  Grulich, Prof. Dr R. Ethnische Saueberung und Vertreibung – als Mittel der Politik in 20 Jahrhundert, Munich, 2002.

  Grulich, Prof. Dr R. Hampel, A. and Janovic, Dr S. Mit den Beneš-Dekreten in die EU? Anmerkungen zum Verhaeltnis von Sudetendeutschen und Tschechen, Ulm, 2000.

  Heimann, M. Czechoslovakia: The State That Failed, YUP, London, 2009.

  MacDonogh, G. After the Reich: From the Liberation of Vienna to the Berlin Airlift, London, 2007.

  MacMillan, M. Peacemakers: Six Months that Changed the World, London, 2003.

  Moorhouse, R. and Davies, N. Microcosm: Portrait of a Central European City, London, 2002.

  Read, A. The Devil’s Disciples: The Lives and Times of Hitler’s Inner Circle, London, 2003.

  Reichert, Dr G. Die Bedeutung der ‘8er-Jahre’ für das sudetendeutsch-tschechische Verhältnis: Chronik der Ereignisse, Munich, 2007.

  Reichling, G. Die deutschen Vertriebenen in Zahlen, Bonn, 1995.

  Salfelder, H. Kafka and Prague, Prague, 1998.

  Seibt, F. Deutschland und die Tschechen: Geschichte einer Nachbarschaft in der Mitte Europas, Munich, 1974.

  Taylor, A.J.P. The Origins of the Second World War, New York, 1961.

  History of Prussia and the Second Reich:

  Barclay, D. ‘Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Prussia 1840–50’ in Modern Prussian History 1830–1947, Ed. Philip G. Dwyer, Harlow, 2001.

  Clark, C. Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia 1600–1947, London, 2006.

  Clark, C. ‘Religion and Confessional Conflict’ in Imperial Germany 1871–1918, Ed. James Retallack, Oxford, 2008.

  Clay, C. King Kaiser Tsar: Three Royal Cousins Who Led the World to War, London, 2006.

  von Krockow, C.G. Kaiser Wilhelm II und seine Zeit, Berlin, 1999.

  Conrad, S. ‘Transnational Germany’ in Imperial Germany 1871–1918, Ed. James Retallack, Oxford, 2008.

  Dwyer, P.G. Modern Prussian History 1830–1947, Harlow, 2001.

  Evans, R.J. The Coming of the Third Reich, London, 2003.

  Fairburn, B. ‘Economic and Social Developments’ in Imperial Germany 1871–1918, Ed. James Retallack, Oxford, 2008.

  Ferguson, N. The War of the Worlds: History’s Age of Hatred, London, 2006.

  Frantzioch, M. Die Vertriebenen, Berlin, 1987.

  Gaines, J. Evening in the Palace of Reason, London, 2005.

  Haffner, S. Preußen ohne Legende, Hamburg, 1998.

  Hewitson, M. ‘Wilhelmine Germany’ in Imperial Germany 1871–1918, Ed. James Retallack, Oxford, 2008.

  Kroll, F.L. Preußens Herrscher, von den ersten Hohenzollern bis Wilhelm II, Munich, 2006.

  Lerman, K.A. ‘Bismarckian Germany’ in Imperial Germany 1871–1918, Ed. James Retallack, Oxford, 2008.

  Manthey, J. Königsberg: Geschichte einer Weltbürgerrepublik, Vienna, 2005.

  Nicolle, D. Teutonic Knights 1190–1561, Oxford, 2007.

  Seward, D. The Monks of War: The Military Religious Orders, London, 1995.

  Steinberg, J. Bismarck: A Life, Oxford, 2011.

  Straub, E. Eine Kleine Geschichte Prueßens, Berlin, 2001.

  Taylor, A.J.P. Struggle for the Mastery of Europe, Oxford, 1954.

  Taylor, A.J.P. Bismarck: The Man and the Statesman, New York, 1967.

  Verhey, J. ‘War and Revolution’ in Imperial Germany 1871–1918, Ed. James Retallack, Oxford, 2008.

  European Imperialism:

  Attwood, B. Telling the Truth about Aboriginal History, Melbourne, 2005.

  Borneman, W.R. 1812: The War that Forged a Nation, New York, 2005.

  Brinkley, A., Current, R.N., Friedel, F., Williams, T.H. American History Survey, 8th Edn. New York, 1991.

  Churchill, W. A Small Matter of Genocide: Holocaust and Denial in the Americas 1492 to the Present, San Francisco, 1997.

  Davies, N. Vanished Kingdoms: The History of Half Forgotten Europe, London, 2011.

  Diamond, J. Der dritte Schimpanze, New York, 1994.

  Diamond, J. Guns, Germs and Steel, New York, 2005.

  Dwyer, P.G. (ed.) Modern Prussian History 1830–1947, Harlow, 2001.

  Ehle, J. The Trail of Tears: The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation, New York, 1988.

  Fischer, F. Der Griff Nach Weltmacht/Germany’s Aims in the First World War, London, 1967.

  Hemming, J. The Conquest of the Incas, London, 1993.

  Hitchins, C. Jefferson: Author of America, New York, 2005.

  James, L. Warrior Race, London, 2004.

  Judd–Empire, D. The British Imperial Experience from 1765 to the Present, London, 1997.

  Leustig, J. 500 Nations documentary series.

  Milton, R. The Best of Enemies: Britain and Germany, 100 years of Truth and Lies, London, 2007.

  Nuhn, W. Sturm über Südwest: Der Hereroaufstand von 1904, Koblenz, 1989.

  Pakenham, T. The Boer War, London, 1991.

  Pearce, R. and Stearn, R. (Ac
cess to History) Government and Reform: Britain 1815–1918, London, 2000.

  Robson, L. and Roe, M. A Short History of Tasmania, Melbourne, 1997.

  Secchin, C. Ilha Grande Sea Project, Rio de Janeiro, 1997.

  Singh Sarila, N. The Shadow of the Great Game, London, 2005.

  Stamm-Kuhlmann, T. ‘Restoration Prussia’ in Modern Prussian History 1830–1947, Ed. Philip G. Dwyer, Harlow, 2001.

  Taylor, A.J.P. The First World War, London, 1966.

  General German history and histories of First and Second World War:

  Balfour, M.L.G. Withstanding Hitler, London, 1988.

  Beevor, A. Stalingrad, London, 1998.

  Blackadder Goes Forth, Richard Curtis and Ben Elton.

  Buttar, P. Battleground Prussia: The Assault on Germany’s Eastern Front 1944–45, Oxford, 2010.

  Carr, W. A History of Germany 1815–1990, London, 1991.

  Chang, J. and Halliday, J. Mao: The Unknown Story, London, 2005.

  Clark, C. The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914, London, 2013.

  Davies, N. Europe at War 1939–45: No Simple Victory, London, 2006.

  Deighton, L. Blood, Tears and Folly, London, 1995.

  Emden, R. van. Meeting the Enemy: The Human Face of the Great War, London, 2014.

  Fest, J. Der Untergang, Berlin, 2002.

  Evans, R.J. New Nationalism and Old History, London, 1988.

  Evans, R.J. The Third Reich in Power, London, 2005.

  Ferguson, N. The Pity of War, London, 1999.

  Ferguson, N. The War of the Worlds: History’s Age of Hatred, London, 2006.

  Fulbrook, M. A Concise History of Germany, Cambridge, 2008.

  Guillebaud, The Economic Recovery, London, 1939.

  Hagen, W. Germans, Poles and Jews, London, 1980.

  Heffer, S. Great British Speeches, London, 2007.

  Hoffmann, J. Stalin’s War of Extermination 1941–45: Planning, Realisation and Documentation, Capshaw, 2001.

  Hitler, A. Mein Kampf, London, 2007.

  Holmes, R. The World at War, London, 2007.

  Irving, D. The War Path, Vol I, London, 1983.

  Irving, D. Hitler’s War 1939–42, Vol II, London, 1977.

  Irving, D. Hitler’s War 1942–45, Vol III, London, 1983.

  Irving, D. Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich, London, 1996.

  Jäckel, E. Hitler’s Weltanschauung, Stuttgart, 1972.

  Jünger, E. Storm of Steel, London, 2004.

  Kershaw, I. The Nazi Dictatorship, London, 1989.

  Kershaw, I. Hitler 1936–45: Nemesis, London, 2000.

  Kershaw, I. Fateful Choices: Ten Decisions That Changed the World 1940–41, London, 2007.

  Lee, S.J. The Weimar Republic, Abingdon, 2007.

  Milward, A. The War Economy and Society, London, 1977.

  Moorhouse, R. and Davies, N. Microcosm: Portrait of a Central European City, London, 2002.

  Moorhouse, R. Killing Hitler: The Third Reich and Plots Against the Führer, London, 2007.

  Noakes and Pridham, Nazism Vol I: The Rise to Power 1919–34, Exeter, 1987.

  Noakes and Pridham, Nazism Vol II: State, Economy and Society 1933–39, Exeter, 1988.

  Noakes and Pridham, Nazism Vol III: Foreign Policy, War and Racial Extermination, Exeter, 1988.

  Overy, R. The Nazi Economy 1933–38, London, 1982.

  Overy, R. Misjudging Hitler, London, 1999.

  Overy, R. The Bombing War, Europe 1939–45, London, 2013.

  Ozment, S. A Mighty Fortress: A New History of the German People 100 BC to the 21st Century, London, 2004.

  Pipes, R. Communism: A History, London, 2001.

  Polish Census Stats 1921 and 1931.

  Ponting, C. Thirteen Days: Diplomacy and Disaster, the Countdown to the Great War, London, 2002.

  Ramsden, J. Don’t Mention the War: The British and the Germans since 1890, London, 2006.

  Rees, L. Behind Closed Doors: Stalin, the Nazis and the West, London, BBC Books, 2008.

  Schulze, H. Germany: A New History, HUP, Harvard, 1998.

  Speer, A. Inside the Third Reich, London, 1985.

  Speer und Er series, Hitler’s Architect und Ruestungsminister, incl. S. Haffner interview with Speer.

  Steinbach, G. Deutschland: Europas unruhiges Herz, Vienna, 2003.

  Strachan, H. The First World War, London, 2003.

  Suvorov, V. The Icebreaker: Who Started the Second World War? London, 1990.

  Suvorov, V. The Chief Culprit, Annapolis, 2008.

  The World At War, Disc 1, Part 1, ‘The Phoney War’.

  Trevor-Roper, Sir H. Hitler’s Table Talk, Oxford, 1988.

  Watson, P. The German Genius: Europe’s Third Renaissance, The Second Scientific Revolution and the Twentieth Century, London, 2010.

  Willmott, H.P. First World War, London, 2003.

  Winder, S. Germania: A Personal History of Germans Ancient and Modern, Oxford, 2010.

  Anti-Semitism and the ethnic cleansing of Central and Eastern Europe:

  Beevor, A. Berlin: The Downfall, 1945, London, 2002.

  Botting, D. In the Ruins of the Reich, Hemel Hempstead, 1985.

  Brodersen, I., Dammann, R., Rossbach, S., Kollmeier, K. Stories of an Exhibition: Two Millennia of German Jewish History, Jewish Museum Berlin, Berlin, 2005.

  Budurowycz, B.B. Polish Soviet Relations 1932–39, London, 1963.

  Buske, N. Das Kriegsende in Demmin 1945, Berichte, Erinnerungen and Dokumente, Schwerin, 1995. Das Ende des Krieges in Ratibor und im Ratiborer Land – nach quellen und erinnerungen der Zeitzeugen, Ratibor, 2007.

  Davies, N. Poland: Heart of Europe, London, 1987.

  Davies, N. Europe East and West, London, 2006.

  de Zayas, A.M. A Terrible Revenge, New York, 1994.

  Elon, A. The Pity Of It All: A Portrait of Jews in Germany 1743–1933, London, 2002.

  Figes, E. Journey to Nowhere, London, 2008.

  Fischer, F. Danzig: die zerbrochene Stadt, Berlin, 2006.

  Friedländer, S. Das Dritte Reich und die Juden, Munich, 2007.

  Friedrich, J. Der Brand: Deutschland im Bombenkrieg 1940–45, Munich, 2002.

  Goldhagen, D. Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust, London, 1996.

  Grayling, A.C. Among the Dead Cities: Was the Allied Bombing in WWII a Necessity or a Crime? London, 2006.

  Hastings, M. Armageddon: The Battle for Germany 1944–45, London, 2004.

  Hils-Brockhoff, E. and Picard, T. Frankfurt bomb am Main im Bombenkrieg, Maerz 1944, Kassel, 2004.

  Jacobs, I. Freiwild: Das Schiksal deutscher Frauen 1945, Berlin, 2008.

  Knopp, G. Die Grosse Flucht: das Schicksal der Vertriebenen, Munich, 2001.

  Kusnierz, B. Stalin and the Poles, London, 1949.

  Lieberman, B. Terrible Fate: Ethnic Cleansing in the Making of Modern Europe, Chicago, 2006.

  Lindqvist, S. A History of Bombing, New York, 2001, p207–12.

  Piotrowski, T. Poland’s Holocaust, London, 1998.

  Roskill, S.W. The War at Sea, Vol I-III, part II, HMSO, London, 1954–61.

  Rutsch, H.D. Als die Deutschen weg waren, was nach der Vertreibung geschah: Ost Preußen, Schlesien, Sudetenland- Eine Geschichte aus Oberschlesien, Berlin, 2005.

  Sebald, M.W. On the Natural History of Destruction, London, 1999.

  Schissler, H. The Miracle Years: A Cultural History of West Germany 1949–68, London, 2001.

  Stern, J. The Hidden Damage, London, 1990.

  Suss, P. 1945: Befreiung und Zusammenbruch, Erinnerungen aus sechs Jahrzehnten, Munich, 2005.

  Thum, G. Die Fremde Stadt, Breslau 1945, Berlin, 2003.

  Ungavary, K. The Siege of Budapest, London, 2005.

  Urban, T. Der Verlust, Die Vertriebung der Deutschen und Polen in 20 Jahrhundert, Munich, 2004.

  Völklein, U. ‘Mitleid war von niemand zu erwarten’: das Schicksal der deutschen Vertriebenen, Munich, 2005.

  von Lehndorff, H.G. Dokumentation der Vertreibung der Deutsch
en aus Ost und Mitteleuropa, Düsseldorf, 1960.

  Wheatcroft, A. Infidels: The Conflict between Christendom and Islam 638–2002, London, 2003.

  Wistrich, R.S. Hitler and the Holocaust, London, 2001.

  The Aftermath – the Occupation and Postscript:

  Albrecht, W. Kurt Schumacher: Reden – Schriften – Korrespondenzen, Berlin, 1985.

  Aulich, R. Keine Spur von Romantik: Das generationenübergreifende Schicksal der Rußlanddeutsche.

  Aust, S. & Burgdorff, S. Die Flucht – über die Vertreibung der Deutschen aus dem Osten jetzt kaufen, Munich, 2005, p.126–32.

  Bacque, J. Crimes and Mercies, Vancouver, 2007.

  Baedeker, Deutschland in einem Band, Leipzig, 1913.

  Balabkins, N. Germany Under Direct Controls: Economic Consequences of Industrial Disarmament 1945–48, RUP, 1964.

  Beschloss, M. The Conquerors, New York, 2002.

  Bessel, R. Germany 1945: From War to Peace, London, 2009.

  Brown, L.I. Refugee, A True Story of Steadfast Faith Amidst the Horror of Russian Occupation, Greenville, 1987.

  Clay, L. Decisions on Germany, New York, 1950.

  Clough, P. In langer Reihe über das Haff: Die Flucht der Trakehner aus Ostpreußen, Munich, 2004.

  Crawshaw, S. Easier Fatherland, London, 2004.

  Dalleck, R. FDR and American Foreign Policy 1932–45, Oxford, 1995.

  Danchev, A. and Todman, D. War Diaries 1939–45: Field Marshal Lord Alanbrooke, London, 2001.

  Davies, N. The Isles, London, 1999.

  Davies, N. Europe East & and West, London, 2006.

  Die Luftbrücke, SAT 1 Series, 2005.

  Dietrich, J. The Morgenthau Plan: Soviet Influence on American Post-War Policy, New York, 2002.

  Franzen, K.E. Die Vertriebenen: Hitler’s Letzte Opfer, Munich, 2002.

  Garton Ash, T. In Europe’s Name, London, 1993.

  Gehrke, R. Der polnische Westgedanke, Herder Institute.

  Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Flucht, Vertreibung und Integration, Heimat, Bonn, 2005.

  Häuser, A. and Maugg, G. Hungerwinter: Deutschlands humanitäre Katastrophe 1946/47, Berlin, 2009.

  Hupka, H. Schlesien Lebt: Offene Fragen – kritische Antworten, Munich, 2006.

  Jacobs, I. Freiwild: Das Schiksal deutscher Frauen 1945, Berlin, 2008.

  Judt, T. Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945, London, 2007.

  Keeling, R.F. Gruesome Harvest: The Costly Attempt to Exterminate the People of Germany, Chicago, 1947.

  Kettenacker, L. Ein Volk von Opfern? Berlin, 2003.


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