Roman Empire ref1
Christians, relationship with Jews ref1 see also Catholic Church; Protestant church
Churchill, Winston
and bombing war ref1
on British imperialism ref1
and class ref1
and European integration ref1nxi
and First World War ref1ncli, ref2
and German survivors ref1, ref2
and Morgenthau Plan ref1, ref2
nationality of ref1
and negotiated settlement ref1nclxiv, ref2
and ‘Operation Unthinkable’ ref1
and Poland ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
population transfers ref1
and Potsdam Conference ref1
as Prime Minister ref1
and Prussia ref1
and rise of Nazism ref1nclxxi
on Royal Navy ref1
and second front ref1
Second World War biography ref1
and Soviet expansion ref1, ref2
Tehran meeting (1943) ref1
United States visit (1943) ref1
on Wilhelm II ref1
and Yalta Conference ref1nclxiv, ref2, ref3
Cimbri tribe ref1
City of War: The Story of John Rabe (film) ref1
civil wars ref1, ref2
China ref1
England ref1nlxxxii European ref2, ref3
German ref1nliii, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
‘German’ ref1
Incas ref1
Ireland ref1, ref2
Poland ref1, ref2
Russia ref1, ref2, ref3
United States ref1ncxxxii, ref2
Yugoslavia ref1, ref2nclxii
civilians, treatment of, post-Second World War ref1 see also expellees
Clair, Louis ref1
Clark, Christopher ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Clauberg, Carl ref1ncclxxvi
Clausewitz, Carl von ref1
On War ref1, ref2
Clay, General Lucius ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Clayton, William L. ref1
Clemenceau, Georges Eugène Benjamin ref1, ref2
Clement VII, Pope ref1xxvii
climate change initiatives ref1
Clinton, Bill ref1nxi
Clovis, King of the Franks ref1, ref2
Cluj-Napoca see Klausenburg
Cochlaeus, Johannes ref1
Cold War ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
Cole, Robert, A Traveller’s History of Germany ref1
‘collective guilt’ ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5nlxv, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
Colmar ref1, ref2, ref3
bombing of, Second World War ref1, ref2
Jews ref1, ref2
Reichstag ref1
Roman occupation of ref1, ref2
Cologne Cathedral ref1
colonies ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Africa ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Australia ref1
North America ref1
Columbus, Christopher ref1
Commodus, Emperor ref1
Czechoslovakia ref1
expansion of ref1, ref2, ref3
Germany ref1, ref2, ref3
Hungary ref1
propaganda ref1, ref2
Weimar Republic ref1, ref2
see also Spartacist movement
Communist Party (KPD) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
concentration camps
Boer War ref1
discovery of ref1
German civilians ref1, ref2, ref3
Poland ref1
post-Second World War ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
school visits to ref1nccxcix
South West Africa ref1
see also Auschwitz; Dachau; Theresienstadt
Concert of Europe ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Constantine, Emperor ref1
Constantinople ref1, ref2, ref3nlxix
Cook, Captain James ref1
Cortés, Hernán ref1
Cosmas of Prague, Chronicle of Bohemians ref1
Counter-Enlightenment ref1
Counter-Reformation ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Courland ref1
courtly love ref1
Coventry ref1
Crawshaw, Steve, Easier Fatherland ref1
crime, post-Second World War ref1 see also war crimes
Crimea ref1
Crimean War (1854-56) ref1
Croatia ref1nclxxx
Croats ref1nclxii
crusaders ref1, ref2 see also Teutonic Order
crusades ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5nlxix, ref6, ref7, ref8
cultural heritage ref1, ref2
Czech Republic ref1
destruction of ref1, ref2nccciii
looting of ref1
media and ref1
Silesia ref1
Strasbourg ref1
currency ref1, ref2, ref3
Curzon Line ref1
Czech culture ref1
Czech language ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6nlxii
Czech Legion ref1
Czech National Revolutionary Guard ref1
Czech Republic
European Union membership ref1nlxiii, ref2
and German cultural heritage ref1
and minority populations, post-Second World War ref1, ref2nlxv, ref3, ref4
strategic importance of ref1
see also Czechoslovakia
Czech Revolutionary Guard ref1
Czech Union of the Czech political parties ref1
anti-Semitism ref1, ref2
borders, post-Second World War ref1
Cold War ref1
Communism ref1, ref2
constitution ref1, ref2
creation of ref1
Czechs ref1
education ref1
ethnic cleansing ref1, ref2nlxv, ref3, ref4
as a failed state ref1
Homeland Front ref1
Hungarians ref1, ref2
industries ref1
intolerance ref1
Jews ref1
minority populations ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11
atrocities against, post-Second World War ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
nationalism ref1nl, ref2
‘People’s Courts’ ref1
post-First World War ref1
as a ‘Reich protectorate’ ref1
religious intolerance ref1nl
reparations, post-Second World War ref1, ref2, ref3
resistance to Nazis ref1
‘Retribution Decrees’ ref1
self-determination ref1
Slavic homogeneity ref1
Slovaks ref1, ref2
Sudeten Germans ref1
unemployment ref1
Vojna prison labour camp ref1
cultural exchanges with ref1
Czechoslovakia ref1
and multiculturalism ref1
nationalism ref1
nationalisms ref1, ref2, ref3
radicalisation of ref1
split with Slovaks ref1nxlviii
Versailles Peace Conference ref1
Dachau ref1
Dadaism ref1
Daily Mail ref1, ref2
Daily Telegraph ref1
Daladier, Edouard ref1
Danzig ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13
Marienkirche ref1
Dark Ages ref1, ref2
Darmstadt ref1
Darwin, Charles ref1
Descent of Man ref1
Darwin, Major Leonard ref1
Davis, Norman ref1, ref2
The Isles ref1
Dawes Plan ref1, ref2
De Gaulle, Charles ref1, ref2
The Dearborn Independent ref1
Demetz, Peter ref1
Demmin ref1
nbsp; democracy
failure to develop ref1, ref2
Friedrich Wilhelm II on ref1
German states ref1
Imperial Germany ref1
post-First World War ref1, ref2
Prussia ref1, ref2ncxlvii
Switzerland ref1
Weimar Republic ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Democratic Nationalism ref1, ref2
post-Second World War ref1
and Prussia ref1, ref2
and Schleswig-Holstein ref1, ref2
Second World War ref1
and Thirty Years War ref1
Deutsche Arbeiter Partei (DAP) ref1
Deutsche Bank ref1
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles (Hoffmann von Fallersleben) ref1
Diamond, Jared, Guns, Germs and Steel ref1
Dientzenhofer, Christopher ref1
Dientzenhofer, Kilian ref1
Diesel, Rudolf ref1
Dietrich, Sepp ref1
diseases ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Disraeli, Benjamin ref1
Dmowski, Roman ref1, ref2
Doeblin, Alfred, Berlin Alexanderplatz ref1
Domažlice see Bischofteinitz
Domitian, Emperor ref1
Downfall (film) ref1ncci
Drayton, Richard ref1
Dresden ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Dreyfuss Affair ref1
Drtina, Prokop ref1
Drygalski, Erich von ref1
Dual Alliance ref1
dualism, Prusso-German ref1, ref2
Dubnice pod Ralskem see Hennersdorf
Dubrovský, Josef ref1
Dulles, Allen ref1nclxiv, ref2, ref3
Dunkirk ref1nclxxxviii, ref2
Dürer, Albrecht ref1
Dürnkrut, Battle of (1278) ref1
Dutkiewicz, Rafal ref1
Dvorackova, Helena ref1
Dvorák, Antonin ref1
East Prussia ref1
division of, post-Second World War ref1, ref2
Hohenzollern rule ref1, ref2
Junkers ref1
Memelland ref1
Napoleon I and ref1
peasants ref1
as a Polish territory ref1, ref2nlxxiv, ref3, ref4
possibilities for ref1
Protestant immigration to ref1, ref2
Red Army’s invasion of ref1
refugees from ref1
and Russian expansion ref1
Teutonic Order and ref1, ref2, ref3
Thirty Years War ref1
Eastern Question ref1
Ebert, Friedrich ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
The Economist ref1
economy ref1, ref2, ref3
Eden, Anthony ref1, ref2
Czechoslovakia ref1
Imperial Germany ref1, ref2
Prussia ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
see also Bildung; universities
Edward I, King of England ref1
Edward VII, King of Great Britain and Ireland ref1, ref2
Edward VIII, King of Great Britain and Ireland ref1nclxxi
Eger (Cheb) ref1nlx, ref2, ref3, ref4ncccxviii
Egypt ref1
Ehrenburg, Ilya ref1, ref2
Ehrlich, Paul ref1, ref2ncccxv
Eichborn, Wolfgang ref1
Einstein, Albert ref1, ref2, ref3
Eisenhower, Dwight D. ref1nccxxxiii, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5ncclxxvii
El Alamein ref1
Elbe, river ref1
Elbing ref1, ref2
Elbogen (Loket) ref1
Great Britain ref1
Hitler and ref1
Holy Roman Empire ref1
Imperial Germany ref1, ref2
Moravia ref1
Nazis and ref1, ref2nclxvii North German Federation ref3
post-Second World War ref1ncclv Prussia ref2
Schleswig ref1
Silesia ref1
Sudeten German areas, former ref1
Weimar Republic ref1, ref2, ref3
see also self-determination
Eley, Geoff ref1
Elisabeth (Eliska) of Bohemia, Princess ref1, ref2
Elisabeth Christina of Brunswick- Bevern, Princess ref1
elites xxvii see also Junkers; nobility
Elizabeth, Tsarina of Russia ref1
Elon, Amos ref1, ref2
Elsass see Alsace
emigration ref1
to Australia ref1
to Canada ref1
Great Britain ref1, ref2
to Palestine ref1, ref2, ref3nccxviii, ref4
to United States ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Engels, Friedrich ref1
Act of Settlement (1701) ref1nxxxiv, ref2
Anglican Church ref1
Convention of Westminster ref1
dynasties ref1
‘Glorious Revolution’ ref1, ref2nxliii
North American colonies ref3
persecution of Jews ref1
population ref1
religion ref1nlxxxii
Enlightenment ref1
Jewish ref1, ref2
Prussia ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4nci, ref5
see also Counter-Enlightenment Erlebnisgeneration ref1, ref2, ref3
ERM (European Exchange Rate Mechanism) ref1
Erzberger, Matthias ref1, ref2
Essen ref1
Estonia ref1
ethnic cleansing ref1
centre for discussions on (Warsaw) ref1, ref2
Czech Republic ref1ncccxviii, ref2
Czechoslovakia ref1, ref2nlxv, ref3, ref4
by Inquisition ref1nxxviii
Moravia ref2
Native Americans ref1
organisations against ref1
Poland ref1nccxxiv, ref2, ref3
post-Second World War ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
Second World War ref1
Soviet Union ref1
Etzlaub, Erhard
‘das Heilige Roemische Reich Teuscher Nation’ map ref1
Romweg ref1
eugenics ref1
Eupen ref1
Eupen Malmedy ref1, ref2
Euro (currency) ref1
Euro regions ref1, ref2
Alsace/Elsass ref1
Eupen Malmedy ref1, ref2
Hungary ref1
Memelland ref1
Schleswig ref1
Siebenbürger Sachsen ref1
South Tirol ref1
European Union (EU)
Czech/Slovak membership ref1nlxiii, ref2nlxv, ref3
German contribution to ref1, ref2nccxcix
and integration ref1
Polish membership ref1
European Union of Refugees and Expellees ref1
Evans, Richard J. ref1, ref2, ref3nclxviii, ref4nclxxiii, ref5, ref6
The Coming of the Third Reich ref1
expellees ref1nlvi, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10
Bund der Vertriebenen (German Expellees Association) ref1, ref2, ref3
Federal Ministry for Expellees, Refugees and War Victims, Bonn ref1, ref2
Sudeten German Expellees Association ref1
Falkenhayn, General Erich von ref1
Farr, Ian ref1
federalism ref1
Fehrbellin, Battle of (1675) ref1
Ferdinand II, Emperor ref1, ref2nxxv, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
Ferdinand III, Emperor ref1, ref2
Ferguson, Niall ref1
The Pity of War ref1
The War of the World — History’s Age of Hatred ref1
feudalism ref1, ref2, ref3nxl, ref4
Le Figaro ref1
film, 1920s ref1
‘Final Solution’ ref1, ref2, ref3nclxxiii
Finns/Finland ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5 see also Karelia
First Reich ref1, ref2
First Republic ref1nciiir />
First World War
Allies ref1
Armistice ref1, ref2, ref3
atrocities ref1, ref2
Austro-Hungarian Empire ref1
causes ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
death toll ref1
economic effects of ref1
Gallipoli ref1
Germanophobia ref1
great powers’ motives ref1
Loos offensive ref1
neutrality ref1, ref2
peace ref1, ref2
propaganda ref1, ref2
reparations for ref1
Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Treaty of ref1
Schlieffen Plan ref1ncl, ref2, ref3
trench warfare ref1
Versailles Peace Conference ref1, ref2, ref3ncclxxi
writing on ref1
Fischer, Fritz ref1
Griff nach der Weltmacht (Grab for World Power) ref1
Flanders ref1, ref2, ref3
Flandin, Pierre-Étienne ref1
Foch, Field Marshal Ferdinand ref1, ref2
Fontane, Theodor ref1
Ford, Henry ref1
Forester, Albert ref1
fortresses ref1, ref2, ref3
Foust, Hal ref1
African colonies ref1
and Allied Control Council ref1
and Alsace-Lorraine ref1
‘aristocratic values’ ref1
and Austria ref1, ref2
boundaries ref1, ref2
and Catholic Church ref1
colonies ref1
and Crimean War ref1
as enemy of Germany ref1
Entente Cordiale with Britain (1904) ref1
First World War ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Franco-Prussian War (1870) ref1, ref2
and French identity ref1
and German-Austrian customs union ref1
German language in ref1
German POWs ref1
Grande Armée ref1, ref2, ref3
and ‘Great Rapprochement’ ref1
Indian Wars (1756-63) ref1
internment camps ref1
Jews ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
liberation celebrations, post-Second World War ref1
and Madagascar Plan ref1, ref2, ref3nccxi
minority populations ref1ncxliv
Napoleon I’s ambitions for ref1
neutrality of ref1
occupation of the Ruhr ref1
occupations of Germany ref1
origins of ref1, ref2
political division, pre-First World War ref1
and Prussia ref1, ref2, ref3ncxiii
reform ref1
relationship with Germany post-Second World War ref1
reparations to, post-First World War ref1, ref2
revolutions ref1 see also French Revolution
Second World War ref1, ref2, ref3
and self-determination ref1
Seven Years War ref1, ref2
and Spanish succession ref1
territorial expansion ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10
and Thirty Years War ref1
and Treaty of Versailles ref1nclxxvii
unification of ref1
Versailles Peace Conference ref1
wars ref1
see also French language; French Revolution; Gaul; Normandy; Paris
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