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Masking the Fae King: Bramble's Edge Academy Year 2 (Reverse Harem Romance)

Page 15

by Brenda Trim

  “Put him on the table,” said the same voice as last time.

  “There’s no need for all of this. We will tell you anything we can,” Maurelle informed them.

  “I’d believe that if we hadn’t already heard your lies about not knowing the king’s identity. I’m afraid you have forced our hand,” said the female that spoke earlier.

  “As the council of the Fae people we only want to put him where he belongs. On the throne,” the male informed them. Maurelle just couldn’t believe a word out of their mouths.

  “Then there’s no reason to ask us anything,” Brokk declared. “Neither of us have any information we can give to you.” Maurelle was nodding her head then shrieked when one of the enforcers slammed his fist down onto Brokk’s face. Brokk grunted and blood started pouring from his nose.

  “You want to try that again?” the female barked.

  “No…” Brokk didn’t manage to get another word out of his mouth before another fist was battering his face. Someone in a brown mask that looked like a hob nodded his head and another enforcer joined in hitting Brokk. Maurelle screamed.

  “Are you ready to tell us?’ the male barked. Based on the clenched fists and the head movement, Maurelle thought it was the hob speaking.

  Brokk shook his head. “I don’t know anything.”

  This time an individual with a hellhound mask on picked up a bottle of tallow liquid then poured it over Brokk’s shirt. He muttered an incantation and the fabric started sizzling before holes appeared. Brokk’s chest started bubbling as the hellhound masked Fae ripped the fabric from his body.

  The male’s eyes widened when Brokk’s mark was revealed. “What’s this?”

  “Tattoo,” Brokk told them.

  “Is that the mark of the king?” the hellhound asked.

  “No. That was a sun with the four elements surrounding it. This is some type of flying creature like a dragon or phoenix.”

  “it may not be a royal mark, but it won’t remain on your chest,” the hellhound replied as he handed over a large knife.

  “No, please don’t,” Maurelle begged.

  “Tell us who the king is and I can make this stop,” the hob promised.

  “There is nothing for either of us to tell you,” Maurelle informed them. The strap around her neck tightened, cutting off her air, and a fist slammed into her cheek. A crack echoed through her skull an instant before pain exploded from that spot.

  “Don’t touch her,” Brokk choked out.

  “So protective,” the female cooed. “You can stop the pain by giving us the information we want.”

  “I told you,” Maurelle said as she kept her eyes glued to Brokk’s while the enforcers started hitting his torso and head, “we don’t have that information to give you.” There was no way either one of them was going to reveal Ryker’s identity. They would likely die here, but it would be worth it to protect him, and save Mag Mell.

  “You will change your tune soon enough,” the hob promised as one of them came at her with a potion. She braced herself for agony. The blistered skin was now broken open to reveal bone beneath. Blood seeped from various injuries on Brokk, and Maurelle knew she was next.

  “I can’t change my tune because I don’t know anything,” Maurelle shouted. She was so fucking tired of the corruption. No way would she go out quietly. She’d scream as long as her voice allowed.

  Red liquid dripped onto her shoulder and initially she thought the enforcers cut themselves. Then it felt like razor blades were simultaneously boiling and cutting her flesh. The fists didn’t slow as they pummeled her and more potions were added to the mix. Every inch of her body was in agony. No, she wasn’t going to make it out of this.

  I love you, Ryker she thought a second later before the blackness that was creeping in around the edges took her under. She wished she could communicate with Ryker telepathically and tell him how she felt. At least now she didn’t have to worry about where their relationship was heading anymore. The last thing she saw before she knew no more was Brokk reaching for her with a hand that was bent the wrong way.

  Chapter 16

  “Where the fuck were they taken?” Ryker demanded as he glared daggers at the headmaster. His heart had yet to stop pounding in his chest and an ache setup shop somewhere in his sternum.

  The worst part, and the reason he was out of his mind at the moment, was that a blanket seemed to smother his connection to both Maurelle and Brokk. It happened shortly after intense pain wracked his entire body.

  Gaius held up his hand and shook his head. “You’d do well to remember you’re talking to your headmaster. I understand you are upset…”

  “You haven’t seen upset,” Ryker growled, cutting off his reply.

  “Tell us where they are and we will leave you alone,” Sol added after placing a hand on Ryker’s shoulder and squeezing. He knew he was being irrational and that wasn’t wise, but Maurelle was in danger.

  “There is no reason to get so angry. Your friends will be returned,” Gaius informed them as he nodded to someone behind him. Ryker felt the enforcer that had been hovering at his back retreat a few steps.

  “Why were they collected in the middle of the night?” Daine asked.

  “The council did a sweep after certain events came to light.”

  Ryker’s eyes narrowed on the headmaster. “What events? And, what does this have to do with Maurelle and Brokk?”

  “You probably haven’t felt anything, but someone is using royal magic to poison the land around us,’ Gaius explained. “And, it’s the council’s job to find out how that’s possible, and if a new king has been identified.”

  Sol chuckled, but the sound held no mirth. “You’ve got to fucking be kidding me. The king was killed decades ago. And, even if there was a new one why would he destroy the land that gave him powers?”

  “Yeah. That doesn’t make any sense. And if you believe that you’re an imbecile,” Daine snarked.

  Gaius’s face darkened and his lip lifted in a silent snarl. “What do mere children know? There is no doubt in anyone’s mind royal magic was used, but the rest isn’t as straightforward.”

  “That’s because it’s all bullshit,” Ryker interjected knowing he needed to say something to avoid suspicion. “I may not know as much as you or the other professors, but I know enough to understand whatever was done improved our realm. I’m more connected to my elements, and the dark aura surrounding me receded just a bit. That wouldn’t happen if someone was destroying the elements.”

  “This is getting us nowhere. Let’s continue looking,” Daine suggested. Ryker knew he was just as worried about Maurelle and Brokk. The five of them had become closer throughout this school year, and he knew that was only going to continue.

  “We will find them if we have to turn the entire realm upside down,” Sol agreed.

  Gaius held up his hands with the palms out. “There’s no need for any of that. The matter is being handled by the council. Go back to your dorms and focus on your studies. Your friends will be back before you know it.”

  “You’ll have to excuse us if we don’t trust assholes that don’t know their dicks from their thumbs,” Ryker barked and turned around only to come face to face with an enforcer.

  “You’re playing with fire and I’m going to enjoy being the one to make you burn,” the enforcer threatened.

  “I’d like to see you try.” Ryker moved around the male and headed for the quad with Sol and Daine right behind them.

  Nearly fifteen hours had passed since they’d been taken, and his mind kept conjuring the various ways they could be killed. “We will find them,” Sol promised as they got closer to the water league classroom.

  “We have to. I don’t think I will survive if I lose her,” Ryker admitted. “Let’s look below the water league classroom. That’s the only place we haven’t searched aside from Gullvieg’s dungeon.”

  “Do you know how to get in there?” Daine asked from his other side.

No idea. I plan on following the water once we get inside. It’s the one place I know is underground in here,” Ryker said in a low voice as they approached the entrance.

  Sol went through first with Daine behind Ryker. As soon as they were inside the building, Ryker opened his elements and called forth water. The nearby ocean was most prominent and made it difficult to sense anything else.

  Closing his eyes, he set his senses of the ocean aside and searched for anything else. Surprisingly, another body of water jumped out at him. “It’s this way,” he said when he opened his eyes.

  “The first-year Practical Applications classroom is this way,” Daine explained as they headed down the hall. “I don’t know if it is used for other years because we’ve been going to the woods for months now.”

  “How can an entrance to the underground lake be in there?” Sol asked as they entered the class.

  Ryker shrugged his shoulders. “No idea. I’m following my element, and I have no clue if it’s full of shit or not. You guys might not want to continue following me. I bring more danger than I’m worth.”

  “Like fuck we’re abandoning you. You’re our King, and we are by your side no matter what,” Sol declared as he stood there with his hands clenched into fists.

  “Agreed,” Daine echoed. “Now let’s find our friends. There has to be a clue around here somewhere.” Daine started moving jars of water on the shelves lining one wall.

  Ryker was momentarily overcome with gratitude and disbelief. He wasn’t so sure he deserved their loyalty, but he’d take it without question. He needed them far more than they needed him.

  Shaking off the emotions, he joined Sol and Daine. The professor had a desk, but there was little else in the room. The bookshelves contained the clue that would lead them to the underground lake.

  “Shit. There’s nothing here,” Ryker cursed.

  “There are other places to search in the building,” Daine reminded him.

  Ryker couldn’t pull his gaze away from the shelves. “Let me try one more thing first.” His inner voice hadn’t been wrong yet. Calling on his water, Ryker added air and sent a few drops spinning around the room before they focused on the bookcase.

  A fine mist in the shape of a rectangle hovered in front of the wood before sinking into it. The second it did an aqua colored light burst from around the case. “It’s there,” Ryker said, excitement in his tone.

  They moved to the section and were pushing the bookcase to enter, but it wouldn’t budge. “Look,” Daine blurted as he pointed to a glowing jar on the top shelf. “That has to be how we get in.”

  Ryker nodded then reached for the jar and removed it from the shelf. The bookshelves slid aside immediately revealing an opening. The path behind it was narrow with a dirt floor and walls carved from rock which was odd.

  They were on the first floor of the water building. Not underground like it seemed looking into the opening. With a glance back at his friends, Ryker stepped through the portal and shivered.

  It felt as if he’d walked into a spider’s web. It was sticky but didn’t smother him entirely. The light dimmed as soon as he headed down the path. He called a flame to his hand anticipating it would go dark when he was further away from the entrance.

  “I’m glad we don’t have Practical Applications down here. This is creepy as fuck,” Daine blurted.

  “Yeah, but I’d guess professors use mage lights or something when class is in session. Plus, there’d be other students,” Ryker pointed out.

  “What I want to know is why they have this lake underground,” Sol added.

  “I imagine it’s to minimize distraction from the other elements. You get a strong sense of earth down here, but the air is stale and there’s not one hint of fire,” Ryker replied as he took stock of his surroundings. It was getting easier and becoming automatic for him to assess the elements surrounding him.

  They took a sharp left turn and the light from the doorway vanished entirely. Thanks to the fireball in his hand they weren’t plunged into darkness. They walked several more seconds before they were dumped into a large cavern.

  At first Ryker hadn’t realized they’d reached their destination. The sense he had of the water element surrounding him was choked off by the scent of ash and brimstone. Tossing the fireball into the air, he added more flames trying to illuminate as much of the area as he could.

  Ten feet ahead of them was a lake that was pitch black. “Is that water spelled?” Daine whispered.

  Ryker glanced over at his friend. “I’m fairly certain it’s what is poisoning the dragon shifters.”

  “The vegetation down here is dying, and the earth rotten,” Sol added.

  “I’d say this is the dark object is somewhere in here,” Ryker postulated as he looked around. “We need to cleanse the water and earth before we look for the source of the spell or another chamber that will lead us to Maurelle and Brokk.”

  Thankfully, it had been a couple weeks since he’d cleared the dragon’s lair and his energy had recovered. This time when he closed his eyes, he spread his hands out to his sides.

  Electricity unfurled in his body and encompassed him. Ryker sensed Sol and Daine accessing their magic as he was flooded with elemental energy that flowed from them to the dank air around them.

  As he’d come to expect, his heart raced and sweat beaded on his brow. Bright blue light burst from his body responding to his determination. This was the root of the threat to the campus and surrounding woods. He was going to take care of this here and now.

  He didn’t consider being caught this time. They’d discovered what he’d done before. He would escape before anyone came here looking. Calling on his air, water and earth, Ryker lifted his hands. He heard trees, shrubs, ground cover, dirt and water floating into the air. He kept his eyes closed and allowed it to hover there.

  To cleanse it, he then sent his fire racing through the collection. Water exploded in the cavern, drenching everything. He sagged as fatigue crashed over him. It wouldn’t overwhelm him, but it was highly taxing. Mixing his elemental energies, he sent them out of his core. Blue light flashed followed by thunder. Keeping his hands up to continue cleansing the dark energy from the elements while he searched the area.

  “Look over there,” he called out and nodded with his chin.

  “Where?” Daine and Sol said simultaneously.

  “Fuck. It’s got to be the dark object,” Daine observed.

  “Definitely,” Sol agreed. “It looks like it weighs a hundred pounds or more.”

  “Bring it over here before I restore everything so I can destroy it,” Ryker instructed. They nodded and ran across the dry lakebed to the black cement mushroom statue that was left on the dirt.

  The two of them strained but managed to lift it up and carried it back to Ryker’s side. By the time they made it they were both panting and exhausted. Their skin was pale as fuck and they had dark circles under their eyes.

  Ryker swirled his hands, making air fly around the cavern before everything fell back into place. Some of the water made it back, but not all of it. Using more of his water power Ryker brought as much back to the lake as possible.

  “Are you guys okay?”

  Sol coughed and shook his head. “Feel like I’m going to puke or pass out. Burn that shit to cinders before we get worse.”

  Nodding, Ryker called his fire forward. He was beyond tired at this point, but he had to finish this. “This is going to take some time. Did you see any sign of a door or another cavern?”

  “There isn’t a hint of anything else here,” Daine acknowledged while Ryker poured the hottest flames that he could into the mushroom that felt like it was sucking the life out of Ryker as he stood there.

  Panting, Ryker braced his hands on his knees and watched the flames consume the statue. By the time it was a pile of ash, he was breathing easier and able to stand upright.

  “Let’s get out of here before we pass out and someone finds us. There won‘t be any more hiding if
that happens,” Sol muttered as he headed for the exit.

  Ryker followed his friends, sticking close to them both as they walked on unsteady legs. They just needed to make it back to their dorm room and everything would be okay. After he rested, he would come up with another plan to find Maurelle and Brokk. He wasn’t going to leave them in the hands of the council.

  Maurelle rolled over and threw up over the side of the slab. Vomit was dripping off her mouth, but she couldn’t lift her hand to wipe it away. Covered in cuts and bruises, she opened her swollen eyes as much as possible to glance at Brokk in the next cell.

  “Please tell me you’re still here with me,” she croaked.

  “I’m not dead yet. I don’t think I can make it much longer though,” Brokk admitted.

  Tears welled in Maurelle’s eyes, making her cuts sting. They hadn’t caved into the demand for information, but she knew the council wasn’t done with them.

  She wasn’t certain if they were zealots or just plain assholes. She sensed all of those questioning them were Fae. It should have relieved her that no humans were involved, but she couldn’t shake the malicious energy surrounding them as a group.

  Oddly enough evil didn’t emanate from the ones questioning them. She thought the group was divided in their motivations for getting answers. No doubt some of them wanted the king to return so he could reclaim their realm while the others wanted to kill the king before he could make that happen.

  “You have to survive, B. I need you to help me get through this. Ryker needs us,” she pleaded with Brokk.

  “I want to be here for you both, but if they come back with spells to rip our knowledge from our minds then we have to do something. It’s our job to protect him.” She hated how defeated he looked and sounded. He truly didn’t believe they were going to make it out of this alive.

  A gasp escaped her when the answer popped into her mind a second later followed by a groan. That hurt like a bitch. “The memory spell Shineah gave us.”

  Brokk’s eyes went wide. Well, she was able to see the bloodshot white of one eye, anyway. “We have to use it. That’s the only way they won’t end up discovering his identity.”


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