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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 19

by D E Boske

  “And the Gor Li’ Khan don’t know?”

  “Kelindril may suspect, but he hasn’t said anything. We’ve been very discreet.”

  “What about Kyler, Darian? What are you going to tell him when he returns?” asked Sigorna.

  “Nothing, of course. He cannot know what’s happened. I will take her memory as I’ve done before. She will recall nothing of the past few days.”

  “Won’t she still be tormented with her need for you?”

  “I cannot speak to that, as I have no idea. When I take away her memory this time, I will look deeper to see if I can find out where this desire stems from.”

  “Does the Crebellan know?”

  “I don’t think so. He hasn’t said anything to me, which leads me to believe that he knows

  nothing. The last time, he became irate and verbally abusive.”

  “Gee, I wonder why?”

  “Very funny,” retorted the Mage.

  “How long before Kyler returns?” asked Sigorna. The demon wanted to see if there would be any visual response from Darian and was rewarded when the Mage gave away nothing. He was a Mage of The Order after all. They traded in secrets and lies and spoke them by default.

  “A few more days and we can be on our way,” said Darian.

  Sigorna couldn’t tell if the Mage was anxious or relieved to finally begin the most important part of their journey. The demon wanted to be free to kill as the Mage had promised he could. So far, Darian had kept his word and Sigorna had no reason to believe that Darian wouldn’t follow through. Unless death finds him before he’s able to uphold his end of the bargain, mused the demon darkly.

  Kelindril and Nymdal stood watch outside the Mage’s chambers, the sun was warm and bright, but something felt wrong to the Gor Li’ Khan leader. Everything seemed peaceful and serene, and yet, he felt evil undertones. He looked to Nymdal to see if he felt it as well and it was obvious that he did. Nymdal had come stiffly alert, his eyes sweeping the forest for the imminent threat. They could not see anything, but they both felt the creeping darkness slithering through the forest. Their attention was quickly diverted when Gavil materialized before them with a look of pure horror on his fair face.

  “What is it, Gavil?” asked Kelindril.

  “I must speak with him, Kel, it’s urgent,” replied the elven assassin. Gavil was one of Kelindril’s own who’d made the journey from Kaleika Bay with him. Kelindril didn’t doubt what Gavil was saying and knocked on the door. Darian opened it to find the three Gor Li’ Khan staring at him as if he’d miraculously sprouted a third eye.

  “What is it?” asked the Mage, as he motioned them all inside.

  “It’s Raylan, Darian. She’s with child,” announced Gavil.

  “What?” exclaimed Darian, as his blood ran cold. “That conniving bitch! Gavil, thank you for bringing this to my attention. Leave us,” the Mage commanded. Gavil looked to Kelindril before ducking out the door.

  “You will accompany me. I must see her, now.” Darian’s voice was hard, cold, and angry.

  “How could she do this? What do you intend to do, Darian?” asked Kelindril.

  “I will do as The Order commands. She was going to try to manipulate me. She purposely got pregnant to force me to be with her. That stupid whore! Does she think I can be so easily won? I will kill her for this!”

  Kelindril saw something move in the shadows and wasn’t surprised when he saw the demon materialize from the darkness.

  “I will go with you, Darian,” said the demon, telling rather than asking.

  Darian led the way to Raylan’s, seething every step they took. It unnerved Kelindril because he’d never seen the Mage so angry. It dwarfed what he’d seen after his meeting with the dragon. Darian was on the verge of trembling, his rage all consuming. His face, normally so open and relaxed, was tight and pinched, his eyes so cold.

  Darian did not even bother knocking on her door, he cast a quick spell to release the lock and stormed into her chamber. She jumped up from the chair she’d been sitting in and Darian reached out with his power. He did not hesitate; he didn’t second guess his judgment. Kelindril wasn’t sure if it was something to praise or condemn.

  “Raylan, you’ve been a very bad girl,” said the Mage, voice cold as ice and dark as night.

  “Do I know you? You’re the Mage, right? Kyler’s friend?”

  “Yes, that’s me,” said the Mage with a tight smile that did not touch his eyes.

  “Why are you barging into my home? What do you want?” she asked, fear creeping into her voice. Darian had taken every precaution though. No one had seen them come here, he hid their steps and movements with almost no thought. He’d already warded her home, Kelindril felt the magic slide into place as soon as they stepped through the door.

  “You have something of mine,” Darian said quietly, approaching her like the prey that she was. He looked like a calculated killer and Kelindril would know, as he was one himself. The Mage moved gracefully, quietly, and stalked Raylan, who absently took three steps away from the Mage. There was no recognition or memory in her eyes. Only fear. Fear of what the powerful Mage would do.

  He approached her slowly, drawing on her fear and using it against her. The demon was close on his right side and the Gor Li’ Khan were to Darian’s left.

  “I have nothing of yours. I’ve never even met you!”

  “Oh, yes you have,” he replied, voice soft, cold, and detached.

  He was close to her now, but she ran, trying to reach the relative safety of her bedroom. Darian froze her where she stood. “Kelindril, Nymdal, hold her tightly. I need to release the spell so that I may remedy this situation.” Kelindril knew how Darian would remedy this, and he wasn’t sure that the Mage had it in him. Kelindril grabbed Raylan roughly and Nymdal took her other arm, holding her firmly in place.

  Darian released the spell on her and immediately, she began to fight and scream. Darian only laughed, “Scream all you want, no one will hear you, and fighting only turns me on, darlin’.”

  “Pig!” she spat at the Mage and he slapped her.

  Kelindril had never seen Darian strike a woman before and knew that this went against

  the Mage’s beliefs. His visage was baleful and the Gor Li’ Khan began to understand his dark

  intent even as Raylan struggled.

  Darian closed his eyes, concentrating on Raylan and the life growing within her. “Whose

  child do you carry?” asked Darian.

  A look of shock froze her face. “W-w-what? I-I’m n-not pregnant,” she argued.

  “Oh, yes you are. I can feel the life growing within you, you whore. Did you think that you could trick me? Force me into taking you as my consort?”

  “What are you talking about?” she asked, terrified.

  Darian placed his right hand on her head and began to chant. He gave her back her memories and she began to tremble. She knew she was in trouble and began to cry.

  “I’m sorry, Darian. I’m so sorry. I never meant anything by it. I just wanted to be with you and I thought that if I were pregnant…” she trailed off, but Darian did not show mercy.

  “You stupid, filthy bitch! Have you any idea what you’ve done?” Darian placed his hand on her belly.

  “Please, no! Don’t let him do this!” she cried, looking to Kelindril and Nymdal. She didn’t know that she would find no mercy there, but she found out soon enough. They tightened their grip on her and held her firmly, their eyes gleaming with what could only be described as rapture.

  Darian began to chant, his hand never leaving Raylan’s stomach. He could feel the magic growing within the child in her womb. She sickened him and he couldn’t believe he’d been inside her. She began to wail in pain as Darian’s chanting reached the climax. Blood poured out of her onto the floor as he took from her that which she stole from The Order.

  Sigorna watched Darian carefully for any sign. The Mage was strong, angry, and vengeful. And he had every right to these emotions.
The elf went behind the Mage’s back and purposely got pregnant without asking the Mage for permission and that was inexcusable. The only way this should occur is if Darian took a consort. Only with an elven consort or the breeders should The Order be blessed with a child. Cursed is more like it, thought the demon.

  Darian did not relent until the sack that held the fetus lay on the floor. Blood was everywhere. The darkness that lit Darian’s silvery grey eyes, once so full of life and promise, was a terrifying sight. He ground the heel of his boot into the sack, crushing whatever life remained in the thing. The Mage shoved Raylan hard. Weak with the loss of blood and life, too stunned to speak, she flew backward like a scarecrow caught in a whirlwind. Sigorna grinned, looking thoughtful.

  Raylan was sobbing. She was in pain, she was weak, but more than that, she was utterly terrified of the man who’d shared her bed. She hadn’t thought he could be so cruel and calculating. She never thought he’d hurt her. And the baby… Her sobs turned to wracking fits of crying, but none in the room showed her any mercy. She deserved none. Darian wanted to kill her outright and he would have had he been anywhere but the elven forest. Galavad would not take too kindly to the murder, he was sure. Normally, he wouldn’t even give the Monarch a second thought. But with the upcoming journey, he needed the elves because without them, he very likely would never return. They would have to act as a shield to the terrors that lay waiting in the Haunted Lands.

  The Haunted Lands… The very idea of having to travel there was disturbing. He’d lied when asked about what they would encounter there. If he’d told them, they wouldn’t accompany him and this would not do. He needed them because as much as it grated him to admit, he could not do this alone.

  “Darian, please,” whispered Raylan, her voice raw from screaming. “I’m sorry. I never should have done what I did. Please, heal me. Please,” she cried and he laughed.

  “The pain you feel is the least that you deserve, you treacherous whore. Did you think that you could keep it a secret? Did you think I was too dumb to figure it out? What would have happened once the bastard was born? How were you going to explain that, Raylan?” asked Darian, his voice soft, cold, and heartless.

  “I don’t know what I was thinking,” she cried.

  “Obviously, you weren’t,” he said scathingly.

  “Am I going to die?”

  “Unfortunately, no, Raylan. I only took the life within and now I will take your memories once more. It would not do to have you rambling on about me. I have done what I needed to do to protect The Order.”

  “Why do you protect them when they hunt you?” she asked softly.

  “Because I am a Mage of The Order, you witless idiot.” His words cut her deeply and she cried anew. She had fantasized about how they would be together, but now she saw how wrong she’d been. No woman could hold him. No woman could claim him as her own.

  The Mage crouched down beside her and lay his hand on her head. In spite of everything, she moaned softly at his touch, remembering their intimacy. He smirked at her and began to chant softly to himself. She felt warm and sleepy listening to his words, so rhythmic and foreign to her. Pain sliced through her brain as his chant reached its climax.

  When he was done, he shoved her again and her head crashed against the wall, knocking her unconscious. He stood and cast a quick spell to clean them all because they were covered in her blood. Then he cast another spell to clean the room and erase any trace of their passing.

  As he made his way to the door, Kelindril asked, “Are you going to just leave her like that?”

  “Absolutely,” replied Darian, as he exited the elf’s home.


  Kyler and Asa looked out over the forest. They were high up on the farthest outpost. Everything was quiet and serene. The forest was ancient, beautiful, and alive. Primeval elven magic protected their paradise. The brothers were concentrating on the barrier, trying to find any weak spots, if indeed there were any. The outpost afforded them a far-reaching view of the surrounding countryside. To the east, lay the Wilderness and to the North, Mogan Dar, city of Mages.

  “I don’t feel anything, Asa, do you?” asked Kyler, reaching out with his heritage.

  “No, nothing,” Asa replied.

  Suddenly, they both became stiffly alert and watchful. They could feel a darkness creeping through the forest, slow and insidious.

  “Bey An’ Gino?” asked Asa in elvish and Kyler shook his head. He had no idea what was moving through the forest, but he knew that they must get back and warn Galavad. They jumped down the ladder from the outpost, landing lightly on their feet and kept running.

  “Dan Ti’ Loda,” exclaimed Kyler, pointing.

  “Lo Mah?” asked Asa, unable to pinpoint the location.

  “Dan!” shouted Kyler, pointing. They could see something moving through the trees, leaves rippling at its passing. But whatever it was, it remained invisible.

  Darian returned to his chamber and locked the Gor Li’ Khan out so he could finish his conversation with Sigorna. The Mage had not spoken since leaving Raylan. The Falahari wanted to know if he was quietly contemplative or troubled by what he had done? Darian would soon alleviate his curiosity.

  “Did you see the look on her face?” asked the Mage, laughing softly. “I think she felt assured that I wouldn’t hurt her because we were intimate. That’s the problem. She felt safe, secure in her pregnancy. She had no idea that I would, or could, do what I did. She never knew me or understood me,” The Mage seemed amused, not at all troubled.

  “Darian, you do understand what you did, don’t you?”

  “What kind of stupid question is that? Of course, I know what I did! And the implications

  of doing it. I had no choice. She got what she had coming. Please, don’t ask me to feel sorry for


  “I’m not. What she did was wrong and I do not argue against that.”

  “Then what?” asked the Mage, confused.

  “I worry about you, Darian. You just killed your child. You may not feel it now, but in the morning, when the shock wears off, it very likely will hurt.”

  “What’s wrong with you?” asked Darian. “You cannot be serious, Falahari. After everything I’ve been witness to, you think I will break over that? If I did, I would not deserve to be a Mage of The Order.”

  It was the demon’s turn to be shocked. With Darian’s background and his love of women, the demon had thought it would affect the Mage differently. But he was so coldly calculating right now. He had no emotion in the depth of his icy grey orbs.

  “How did Gavil know?” asked Sigorna, changing tactic.

  “That’s what I pay them for, demon. They are everywhere and they cannot be seen unless they want to be.”

  “Blah, blah, blah. You’re beginning to bore me, Mage.”

  “Then leave. I have others matters to attend,” said the Mage, waving his hand.

  “No, I think I’ll stay. I’d like to see what you have planned.” The demon knew that Darian always turned to sex to relieve stress, tension, and any other reason the Mage could think of. Sigorna wanted to get in the way of the Mage and the seer. If for no other reason than to irritate Darian. He honestly didn’t care that he was boinking her. He’d boink her too if he didn’t think he’d split her in two.

  “As you wish,” said Darian emotionlessly.

  Damn! That’s not what I was going for. Thought the demon.

  Darian took off his Shryvven, hung it on a peg by the door and went into his office, sitting at his desk to resume his work on the spells needed. He’d come so far already and now he had several more powerful spells at his disposal. If the Gor Li’ Khan had any understanding of how magic worked, they would have known he lied when asked what they would likely face.

  He could not create a spell unless he knew what it was for. That’s where the components came in. A Shadow Demon does not like light, therefore he would use light crystals to create a spell to weaken a Shadow Demon. The compon
ents were the costly part of spell creation. Depending on the ingredients, a Mage could spend more than several thousand gold on components. The actual words came from the Shivvendar tongue; the Tongue of Mages.

  Darian tried to keep stock of everything he used and when he noticed he was running low, he bought more. Gold was never a problem for the young Mage. He’d saved most of his earnings from his time in Mogan Dar. The Order provided everything they needed and only if a Mage went outside Mogan Dar, would he need to spend his own gold. It was a cushy life and one that Darian had loved at the time. Who wouldn’t? Sex whenever he wanted it, which was often to be sure, a weekly salary that would rival a king’s treasury, and power. What more could a young Mage desire? At the time, Darian did not want or need anything else. It wasn’t until he came to Kiri A’ Nouell that he realized how hollow his life had been.

  Unbidden came memories of Tynuviel and her smile, the sounds she made as she snuggled against him, his lips devouring hers. She was beautiful and perfect in every way. How had he allowed her to slip through his fingers? Delvishan must have a cruel sense of humor. His god had promised Ty’s love to him, but instead, took it away. No amount of sex, no matter how great, could lessen his love for her nor make him forget her.

  He thought of Renlyss. He’d been sure about her becoming his consort. She left him too. Maybe he wasn’t fit to be with anyone. He had never been confined to one woman. Why should he be now? And yet, he yearned for it and he couldn’t understand why. To be tied to one woman for all their days… He couldn’t comprehend such an insult. The only one he would have done it for was Tynuviel and maybe Renlyss. For Tynuviel, he would have sacrificed anything, given her anything she wanted, for her happiness was everything to him.

  I did not take Tynuviel’s love from you, Darian. She has lost her way and if you are to be with her, she must find her way back by breaking the barrier within. You must make them pay for that treachery! That was never meant to be! I have never required such a devious device to be installed in my Mages. Never! You must teach those with you how to shatter the barricade within so they may be whole once more. I admire your caution and intellect; I always have, my son. I have always known it would be you to remake The Order into what it once was. I chose you at your birth. You will know love, Darian, soon. Do not harden your heart, I beg. Leave the way to your heart open.


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