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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 20

by D E Boske

  Darian felt the communication from his god and froze as he listened to the words in his head. Delvishan had never spoken to him while awake, it was always in his dreams.

  Why leave my heart open? Since coming to the elven forest, I have been hurt more than I ever thought possible. I despise the feeling; it makes me weak. I am done with it! I will go to the Breeders and give The Order their Mage spawn. Replied Darian.

  No! The Breeders shall never know you! You are to rebuild the alliance between the elves and the Mages and you cannot do so while rutting whores. You are better than that and I demand you find a consort here in Kiri A’ Nouell. I have not asked much of you Darian, but this I command. I see how irreverent you are. I see all. And yet, you are my chosen. Why do you think that is? Asked Delvishan.

  Because you’re out of options. I’m the only one dumb enough to try and do this thing. But

  I have no choice, as I am infected with Dark Magic. If I don’t do something, the Dark Magic will

  consume me and I will be perverted and defiled. Even as Darian spoke those words to his god, a lightning strike ripped through his brain.

  You let the Dark Mage infect me so that I had no choice, didn’t you? Darian accused his god. How dare you! What if I die before I can complete this quest to retrieve the Morgannate? What about your precious Order then? Darian was livid. That his god would manipulate him so! He understood his god’s vision for The Order, but was it worth risking his life for it? Apparently, Delvishan thought so.

  I did not let the Dark Mage infect you, Darian. Let go of your paranoia. Had you remained outside Mogan Dar like I commanded, you would not now be infected. But you thought you were smarter than me. You got what you deserved. Your just desserts. Delvishan replied mercilessly.

  Take it from me, I beg of you. It consumes me at an alarming rate. Soon, I will no longer care for anyone or anything. I lose myself, sometimes for days or weeks at a time. When I come to, I have no recollection of what I’ve done or where I’ve been. Take this from me! Darian begged uncharacteristically.

  No. You will live with it and rid yourself of it. Or you won’t. If you fail, then you will prove yourself unworthy and will tumble into Oblivion. Now get up and do as I have commanded Darian! I know you will not fail me. It’s why I chose you. And then he was gone.

  “Son of a bitch!” shouted Darian.

  “What’s wrong, Darian?” asked Sigorna.

  “Get out!” yelled the Mage, banishing Sigorna with a thought. He opened a portal and went to the seer’s room. He wanted to make love to her in her own bed. He sealed and warded the room as his own was and went to find her. She was standing in her wardrobe, naked and fresh from a bath.

  “My lady, you need no clothes right now,” he whispered huskily.

  “Oh!” she squealed in fright. “Darian, you scared me,” she said, blushing. A look he definitely liked on her. He went to her without any hesitation or guilt and took her in his arms. His lips found hers in a heated kiss that stole her breath. His hands were warm as they cupped her ass, pulling her closer. Her fingers began undoing his shirt as his tongue explored her mouth. She pushed the shirt off his shoulders and began her work on his breeches. He kicked his boots off, helping her minutely. He was too busy working on her breasts with his lips. When she had him fully unclothed, he lifted her easily and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He gave her a devilish smile and placed her against the wall.

  She cried out when he entered her, the feeling of fullness he gave her was undeniably excruciating. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him possessively. He moved within her and with each thrust, she came closer to ecstasy. He felt her tighten around him and gave her what she wanted until she collapsed against his chest. He kissed her tenderly and brought her to the bed.

  He kissed her breasts, his lips fondling them lovingly. She opened herself to him and he took what she offered. He made love to her slowly, gently, his need building.

  Kyler and Asa went to find Darian because they thought he should be present when they went to speak with Galavad. Darian was a Mage of The Order and probably had valuable insight into what they had seen. He wasn’t in his chamber. Kelindril was angry and told them that as of late, the Mage came and went and they were never the wiser. Kyler wanted to stop and see Nephraete, he’d missed her.

  Darian felt Nephraete tighten around him again and it sent him into a blissful explosion.

  The door to the seer’s chamber opened and Kyler stepped in, looking around. He heard Darian’s voice, talking softly, and he heard Nephraete giggle. It sounded like it was coming from the bedroom. All at once, the words of the Mage he’d seen in the forest came back to him now. Darian would never do that! He berated himself. He walked stealthily, keeping his footsteps unheard. He could hear them talking, but could not make out the words. Why was he feeling so betrayed? He came upon them and he froze where he stood.

  “When do you think Kyler will be back? I miss him so,” said Nephraete.

  “He’ll be back soon, little seer, not to worry,” replied Darian with a grin.

  “Thank you for taking such good care of me in his absence. I’ve felt safe with you so near,


  “You’re welcome,” said the Mage with a knowing grin. He knew Kyler was just inside the doors, he could sense him. “Kyler is my friend. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t see to his girl’s safety?” Darian responded and Kyler heaved a silent sigh of relief. Why had he thought that he would catch them making love? He shook his head to dispel the unwanted emotions and images and stepped onto the overlook where they were having lunch.

  “Kyler!” Nephraete cried, as she jumped up from the table. She leaped into his waiting arms and he held her close. He noticed that they were not even sitting close together. They were across the table from each other and the mood was not intimate. Kyler kissed her, letting it turn into a deeper kiss.

  “Mage, we have to talk,” said the elf, breaking off the kiss.

  “Of course,” replied Darian.

  “Asa and I overheard a very strange conversation and one that I know you will be eager

  to hear,” Kyler began. Darian nodded; his curiosity piqued.

  “Mordinian and Alvos are plotting against you.”

  “What?” exclaimed the Mage. “You must be mistaken, Kyler. There is no way Alvos would plot against me. Delvishan assured they are all loyal.” Kyler looked at his friend like he was mad. Since when did Darian trust anyone?

  “I know what I heard,” said the elf seriously.

  “Please elaborate,” encouraged Darian. So, Kyler told him everything he’d seen and heard that night. When Kyler finished, Darian looked contemplative.

  “So, you see, they are plotting against you. Who else could they be speaking of? You are the only one who has bound a Falahari demon. You’ve never trusted the thief and now I know why. And you hate Alvos. With good reason, it seems,” said Kyler.

  “You’ve got to be misreading something, Kyler,” said the Mage.

  “What?” asked the elf. Now it was his turn to be confused. “How can you say that, Darian? I laid out all the facts and they are clear.”

  “I’d have to agree, Darian. Kyler’s right. It sounds like Alvos and Mordinian are going to try to kill you,” Nephraete chimed in. “We have to do something.”

  “I’ll speak to Kelindril when I return and I am sure between him and myself, they will never get close.”

  “You better check all your food and drink, Darian. It sounds like they plan to poison you or at least add something to it. And I’m guessing the side effects are unwanted,” advised the seer.

  “Yes ma’am,” drawled the Mage and she laughed.

  “That’s not all, Darian,” said Kyler.

  “What is it?” asked the Mage. He could see that something troubled the elf.

  “While we were at the outpost, we sensed an evil sweeping through the forest. We could not see it, but we could see its passage by the rippling
leaves. We followed it all the way back here. We were going to tell father, but felt it better to come to you first. As a Mage of The Order, you may have some insight to this thing. Let’s get Asa and speak to the Monarch.”

  They picked up Asa and Gayla was in the doorway, kissing him goodbye. Darian smiled at her and she waved at him.

  “How are you and Gayla? She looks happy, Asa,” commented the Mage without rancor.

  “Everything is good, Darian. And we have you to thank for that,” remarked Asa.

  “Nonsense, I didn’t do anything,” the Mage replied.

  “If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be together.”

  “Is she happy?” asked Darian, his thoughts turning inward.

  “I think so,” said Asa.

  “I wish you the best, truly I do, Asa,” said Darian as they approached the Monarch’s chamber.

  Kralkor and Malchyr stood guard outside Galavad’s chambers. They materialized when Kyler was still a good distance away. “Kyler, you’re back early,” remarked Kralkor as they drew near.

  “We need to see the Monarch immediately, Kralkor. It’s urgent,” said the elf prince, sparing no informalities this time.

  “Of course,” said Kralkor, picking up on the group’s mood. “Go right in, he instructed us to let you pass as soon as you returned,” explained the Gor Li’ Khan.

  “Thank you, Kralkor,” said Kyler, as he opened the door.

  “Kyler, you’re back early. What is it son?” asked Galavad, as he searched their faces. He too, had picked up on their mood and didn’t like it. It was a portend to great evil.

  “While we were checking the barrier, we felt a malignant, evil presence in the forest. We could see it moving through the trees, but it remained invisible. We came as soon as we could to report.”

  The Monarch looked to the Mage. “Do you have any idea what it could be, Darian?” asked Galavad.

  “Not without seeing it, I don’t. There is much evil in this world, as we all know too well. Kyler, take me back to the location where you and Asa witnessed it. I will know more then.” Darian did not want to let on that he had a pretty good damn idea what it was. If it was as he suspected, they would be of no help to him.

  “We’ll leave right away,” said the Mage.

  “Kyler, Asa, and Darian!” exclaimed Tiriel. “You weren’t leaving without seeing me, were you?” she asked, looking more than a bit hurt.

  “Of course not, Tiriel,” replied Darian, giving her his winning smile. He went to her and hugged her lightly.

  “Where are you off to now?” she asked them, as she hugged her sons. Asa briefed their mother on what had occurred.

  “What could it be?” she asked worriedly.

  “We’re not sure. That’s why we thought it best to return and acquire Darian’s help,” said


  “There is none better,” said Tiriel, looking directly at the Mage.

  “Are you flirting with me, Tiriel?” asked the Mage, and was rewarded as Tiriel’s cheeks turned bright red. Galavad cleared his throat as if to remind everyone that he was still in the room. A fact that the Mage and his wife seemed to have forgotten.

  “I do not appreciate you flirting with my wife in front of me, Darian,” rebuked the Monarch, but it did not have the desired effect.

  “Would you prefer I do it once you leave the room?” asked the Mage with a smile and Tiriel choked on her laughter.

  “Darian,” warned the Monarch, his voice steely.

  “Yes?” replied the Mage.

  “This isn’t funny,” said Galavad.

  “Oh, relax. Tiriel isn’t interested in me. She would never stray from her love for you,” reassured Darian.

  “Oh yes, I would! But only for you, Darian.” He heard Tiriel’s voice in his head and the look he turned on her spoke volumes. That was one woman he would never lay his hands on. And it wasn’t that he didn’t find her attractive. On the contrary, but he would never touch the Monarch’s consort. Which made him think of Nephraete. He knew he should feel guilty and damn it, he wanted to, but he didn’t.

  “What’s going on with you and my mother, Darian?” asked Kyler, rounding on the Mage once they were on their way back to the Mage’s chamber.

  “What are you talking about?” asked Darian.

  “You couldn’t keep your eyes off one another. The Monarch was clearly upset,” reprimanded the elf prince and Asa wisely remained silent.

  “I have done nothing wrong, Kyler. I never laid a hand on your mother, nor would I. We were only bantering back and forth. C’mon, you can’t take everything so seriously. Next, you’ll

  be accusing me of going after Nephraete again,” said the Mage, a hint of anger to his voice.

  “I’m sorry, Darian. I’ve never seen my mother act like that before and it bothered me more than a little, I guess.”

  “Kyler, I’ve been with a lot of women since I came here. But you have got to give me more credit than that. Do you honestly think I’m that stupid? To go after the Monarch’s consort? Seriously?” asked the Mage, more than a bit amused.

  “You’re right as usual. I’m sorry, Darian. I know you would never do anything to jeopardize our friendship or your safety.”

  Mordinian interrupted their whole conversation as he ran up to them. “Darian, I’ve got

  to speak to you right away!”

  “Be gone, assassin!” yelled Kyler and Asa backed up his brother. Mordinian ignored them both and directed his attention only to the Mage.

  “Darian, please. I know you don’t like me, but I have vital information that you need. Can

  we please talk in private?”

  “What do you want, Mordinian? Speak it plainly,” said the Mage, gritting his teeth in irritation.

  “I will not speak so openly. We must speak in private.”

  “So you can kill him?” blurted Kyler, a testament to how upset he was.

  “What?” said the thief. “You would do well to shut up, elf. The forest has ears,” he warned. Kyler was about to say something more, but Darian looked to Asa who held Kyler back. The Mage and the thief made their way back to Darian’s chamber alone.

  Once the wards were in place, Mordinian took out a small vial from his vest pocket and handed it over to the Mage without question.

  “You have a traitor in your midst, Darian,” announced the thief.

  “What are you talking about?” asked Darian, curious now and no longer angry. He was already putting the pieces together in his mind. He knew before the thief spoke what he would say.

  “Alvos is plotting against you. He hired me to help him kill you and I went along with it so that I could warn you. I am not a murderer, nor am I stupid enough to pit myself against a Mage of The Order. He requested me to obtain that vial so he could put a few drops in your food or drink, whichever he could get to safely. I had to warn you, but damn Kelindril would not let me near you.”

  “Thank you, Mordinian. You’ve done me a great service and I will not forget it,” said Darian.

  “Does this mean we can put all our differences aside?”

  “Don’t test me, thief,” said the Mage caustically.

  “Darian, I am not the enemy, nor have I ever been,” admitted Mordinian. “Believe me when I say that I was working for Mortin, but never fed him any information about you. I took this job because more than anything, I wanted to meet the Mage who singlehandedly turned The Order upside down. I knew the story that Mortin told me was a lie. I knew they wanted to find you for very different reasons, but it didn’t matter to me at the time. I never had any intention of doing their dirty work,” admitted the thief.

  “You already have, Mordinian. Don’t you see? The amulet that they gave you was created with Dark Magic and you didn’t need to tell them anything. The amulet told them everything they needed to know. Once you found me, it pinpointed my location and sent it directly to the enemy. My life is in danger because of you and yet you would have me trust you? Do you know how ridicu
lous you sound?”

  “I’m sorry, Darian. I didn’t know the amulet’s true power.”

  “It doesn’t matter anymore, thief. The amulet is gone,” said Darian, gritting his teeth again.

  “You will want to keep me close on the upcoming journey, Darian. I’m a thief. I gain access where others cannot. Nor do they ever see me until it is too late.”

  “Mission accomplished. You’re fired,” said Darian without a trace of humor.

  “You can’t fire me,” balked the thief.

  “I’m the Shangmarrum, idiot,” said Darian with that sarcastic wit of his. “I can do anything I want where the Mages are concerned. And unless I miss my guess, I’m a Mage, dumbass. You’ve met me, what else could you possibly want?”

  “I want to travel with you. I want to see this thing through,” replied Mordinian, unaffected by the Mage’s caustic responses. If anything, the thief would say he was getting used to it and it seemed that Darian used it to keep most at bay. It didn’t prove he was angry, which he didn’t seem to be at all. Darian appeared relaxed and at ease. He was in his element. The display may fool those who did not know him, but the more Mordinian was around the Mage, he began to see through the charade.

  “Doesn’t anyone like sex anymore?” the Mage muttered and the thief knew he was not meant to hear that last comment.

  “I’m packed and ready to go whenever you are. Please Darian, I can be of use to you and this company if you just give me a chance.”

  “Fine,” said the Mage, tired of arguing. It seemed he wasn’t to be rid of the thief any time soon.


  Later, after Mordinian finally left, Darian was alone. Blissfully alone. Now he had time to think. He needed to see Alvos and he needed to get past the Gor Li’ Khan. He went into his bedroom and locked the door. He knew they had not followed him in here, they rarely did. He knew the room that Alvos occupied. Without thinking, he opened a portal and stepped through to Alvos’s room. Darian brushed aside Alvos’s wards and protective spells as if they were but a mere inconvenience and was rewarded with a shout of surprise from the tall Mage.


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