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Rescuing Gabriella (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Bravo Series Book 3)

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by Anna Blakely

  Despite the obvious looks she was receiving from most of the men she passed—and some of the women—she kept her expression casual, almost disinterested. The crowd around her moved to the beat of the loud Latin music, and she had to fend off a couple of wannabe suitors as she crossed the final few feet separating her from the bar.

  After giving her order to the busy, almost frazzled waitress, Gabby reached back and pulled her long hair over one shoulder. She hoped the move would grab Andino’s attention, and he’d notice her.

  Letting her body move to the music while she waited, Gabby did her best to act bored as she turned her head and glanced around. Her heart thumped against her ribs when she saw Hector Andino staring back at her, and it took every ounce of strength she had not to glare at the sick jerk.

  Instead she gave him a slight tilt of her full, red lips before checking out the dancers on the floor behind her.


  Gabby spun her head back around when she realized the waitress was trying to get her attention. The young woman slid the glass her direction.

  “Thank you,” she told the woman loudly. “Keep the change.”

  With a half-hearted, “Gracias,” the woman grabbed the bills from Gabby’s hand and went about taking care of her other customers.

  She wanted so badly to turn and see if Hector was looking at her again, but Gabby forced herself to focus instead on the strawberry margarita in her hand. Stirring the pink drink with her finger, she quickly swiped up a bit of the salt from the rim, licked it off her fingertip, and took a drink.

  The big toe on her right foot bounced up and down in nervous concealment until finally she couldn’t take it anymore. With another, what she hoped to be casual glance, Gabby looked to her right. Her heart dropped into her stomach.

  He’s gone.

  Cover forgotten, she spun around, her eyes doing a thorough sweep of the dance floor and tables behind. She didn’t bother looking to her right, toward the hallway housing the men’s room, because he would’ve had to walk past her to get there. There was no way she would’ve missed that.

  Gabby wanted to scream with frustration. Hector Andino and his goons had already left the club, and she hadn’t said a single, solitary word to the man.

  With her funds running low, she only had another night, maybe two before she’d run out of money and have to go back home. If that happened, Gabby knew in her gut she’d lose her chance at finding Sam forever.

  No. She would not give up. Not when she’d come this close.

  With her small clutch in her hand, Gabby squared her shoulders and headed for the door. She’d come back tomorrow night, and when she did, she wouldn’t wait for Andino to make the first move.

  When she saw him again, and she prayed she would, Gabby was going to approach him. Approach him, come on to him…she’d do whatever it took to gain his trust.

  Swallowing back bile from the thought of what that could possibly mean, she knew it would be hard. But at least it would be her choice.

  Gabby kept telling herself that. She was choosing to do this.

  For Sam.

  For Anna and Everett.

  For the only family she’d ever known.

  Sam and her parents had saved Gabby all those years ago, and she’d go to Hell and back for them. She looked at her reflection in the bar’s large mirror.

  Welcome to Hell.

  Her stomach churned at what the next step in her plan most likely entailed, but time was running out for Sam. Gabby knew it. Could feel it deep inside her bones.

  But she was ready and willing to pay any price to get Sam back, and prayed what she had to offer would be enough.

  Chapter 3

  “How can Ryker be so sure Andino will be here?”

  Zade studied the club’s entrance through their SUV’s tinted windows. They could see out, but no one could see in. The glass was also bullet resistant.

  Essential upgrades when traveling to one of the continent’s most dangerous cities.

  “According to Ryker’s asset,” Gabe began explaining while scanning the area for threats, “Hector is planning to stop by here tonight. Guy claims Andino spotted some chick he wanted to hook up with but got a text and had to leave to take care of a sudden business matter before he could talk to her. Rumor has it, he’s making an encore appearance tonight to see if she’s there again.”

  “See, that’s what I don’t get,” Kole stated from his spot between Nate and Matt. His tone was laced with skepticism.

  Shifting in the front, passenger seat, Zade looked at his teammate from over his shoulder. “What?”

  “Guy as powerful as Hector Andino could have any woman around this place.” A muscle in Kole’s jaw twitched. “Whether they consented or not.”

  Sitting behind Gabe, Nate looked over at Kole. “Your point?”

  “Nothing, I guess.” Kole shrugged. “Other than there must be something special about this chick if Andino’s making plans to come here to look specifically for her.”

  Nate softened his expression a little too much as he patted Kole’s shoulder. “I guess it’s true what they say, Jameson. Everyone deserves a chance at love. Even a sick fuck like Hector Andino.”

  The guys all chuckled. Even Kole’s lips curved upward a bit as he rolled his eyes and shook Nate’s hand away. “Fuck off, Carter. You know what I meant.”

  “You know what I don’t get?” Zade spoke up again. “How is it Ryker’s asset can give us intel on Andino’s social life, but the guy doesn’t know squat about his business plans?” He looked at the others. “Does that seem strange to anyone else, or is it just me?”

  “Not strange at all,” Gabe answered from behind the wheel.

  Zade’s brows pushed inward as he glanced over at his team leader. “How do you figure?”

  Shrugging one of his wide shoulders, the big guy looked over at him. “From what Jason told me, the asset was new to Andino’s crew. Guy by the name of Manuel Rivera. He joined up with Andino less than two weeks ago.”

  “Shit,” Matt muttered from his seat behind Zade. “Homeland didn’t waste any time turning him.”

  Gabe’s eyes slid to the other man’s. “That’s the whole reason they were successful at making the guy an asset.”

  “Makes sense.” Zade nodded in agreement. “I mean, from what Ryker said they’ve spent the past two years trying to get convictable intel on Andino from deep inside.”

  Matt shook his head. “His men are too loyal.”

  “Or too scared,” Zade added. “Either way, those guys aren’t gonna roll on Andino easily. But a newbie’s a different story. Rivera hasn’t had enough time invested to be that loyal or scared…yet. Especially if Homeland’s offering him a good enough deal.”

  “Damn, King.” Matt’s lips curled into an impressed smirk. “When did you get so fucking smart?”

  “I’ve always been smart, asshole.” Zade raised a brow at his friend. “You’ve just been too busy runnin’ your mouth to listen.”

  Matt flipped him off even as his shoulders shook with silent laughter.

  “King’s right.” Gabe looked back at the club. “Jason’s asset was easy to turn because he’s green. Also explains why Rivera’s privy to general knowledge, such as Andino’s social schedule, but nothing pertaining to the asshole’s business. A guy like Hector Andino isn’t going to start spilling trade secrets to a newbie. That kind of trust takes time.”

  With a loud sigh, Nate sat back in his seat. “Which means this job could take us a while.”

  “Don’t care how long it takes.” Zade gritted his teeth as he thought about what a monster Andino was. “Just so we figure out the bastard’s next set-up so we can stop him from selling more innocent girls.”

  “Well.” Gabe pulled his keys from the ignition. “We sure as hell aren’t going to do that sitting out here.” He gave Zade a sly smile. “Is the groom ready to party?”

  Zade’s face went flat. “You’re seriously sticking with that shit?”
  Gabe smiled, but it was Nate who said, “Hell yeah, we are. Let’s go celebrate the end of your single days, brother.”

  Zade sighed. Fanfuckingtastic.

  The five men paid the cover charge and entered the club. They’d barely made it two feet inside when Zade felt two strong hands dig into his shoulders.

  “Remember, brother,” Matt spoke loudly enough for others around them to hear. “These are your last days as a single man. Time to let the good times roll!”

  Lips curling into a fake as shit smile, Zade looked at his friends and forced himself into character. “Bring it on, boys!”

  With several whoops and hollers, the group of men strolled to the bar and ordered their first round. Once their drinks were in hand, they made their way to a table located at the back in a dark corner. The perfect spot for people-watching.

  It was still fairly early, so the crowd wasn’t as dense as Zade assumed it would become. Still, the music was loud as fuck, and he was glad they were sitting far enough away from the speakers they could talk without having to shout.

  Things would end very badly for them if others overheard what they’d been discussing in regards to their target.

  For the next two hours, they continued to ‘party’. The men danced and flirted. Told dumbass jokes and laughed. Downed a few drinks to appear legit, but then took sporadic turns in the bathroom to empty their glasses, or inconspicuously dumped their drinks into a nearby trashcan as they walked by.

  Each guy on the team could hold their liquor with the best of them, but even someone with as high a tolerance as theirs could only hold out for so long before the alcohol started to affect their ability to think clearly.

  Speaking of…

  “I need to hit the head.” Zade stood.

  Gabe glance down at his half-filled glass. “Don’t forget your drink.”

  He shook his head. “Need to go for real, this time.”

  “Copy that.” The other man tipped his beer bottle to his lips and pretended to swallow.

  “Be right back.” Zade was halfway across the dance floor when someone grabbed both cheeks of his ass and squeezed.

  The hell?

  He spun around to see a sort-of pretty, very intoxicated woman smiling back at him.

  “Can I…help you?”

  The woman’s smile grew even wider. “You are American. Even better.” She leaned toward him, as though she intended to kiss him.

  “Yes.” Zade took a step back, just out of her reach. “I’m American.”

  “And muy hermoso.” She ran a long, red fingernail down the center of his chest.

  “Thanks, but I’m engaged.”

  “So?” She rose a thin, perfectly plucked brow.

  “So…I’m with someone.” He tried to turn away, but she dug those fucking nails into his bicep.

  “I have not seen any chicas with you tonight.”

  She’d been watching him? “That’s because this is my bachelor party.”

  Zade motioned behind her, to his friends sitting at the table. They were staring back at them, each one grinning from ear to ear. Matt and Kole both raised their drinks to him as though they were giving him their freaking blessing or something.

  Thanks a lot, assholes.

  “Your amigos seem eager to see us together.” She turned back to him.

  “My amigos are drunk as shit and have apparently forgotten I have a fiancée waiting for me back at the hotel.”

  As if the thought of him cheating turned her on even more, the stranger closed the distance between them and pressed her ample breasts against his chest. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she let her legs relax, her body half-hanging from her grasp.

  Speech slightly slurred, the pushy woman said, “What your fiancée doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”

  “I’m flattered.” Zade reached back and lifted her arms high enough to slide out of her hold. “Really, I am. But I don’t cheat.”

  It was a good excuse to go with his cover. It was also the truth.

  Finally free, he wasted no time removing himself from the incredibly uncomfortable situation. Zade’s Spanish was sub-par at best, but he had no problem understanding most of the words being thrown at him from the woman’s mouth.

  He definitely heard the word ‘burro’ loud and clear.

  The woman had called him a jackass because he didn’t want to cheat on the woman he was supposedly engaged to.

  Weren’t women supposed to think loyalty and commitment were good qualities in a man? Not that he knew anything about women, apparently.

  The image of a certain redhead filled his mind’s eye. He saw Gabby smiling up at him from the bed they’d shared. Could hear her laughing at one of his lame jokes.

  No. You cannot think of Gabby. Not now.

  With a shake of his head, Zade finally made his way into the men’s room. Relieved to find he was alone, he took a moment to clear his head of anything not pertinent to Bravo’s mission.

  That meant there could be no more thoughts of Gabby. Not while he was on the job, at least.

  When this assignment was completed and he and the team got back to Dallas, he’d pick back up with his search for the mystery woman. Until then, his focus needed to be on finding and stopping Hector Andino.

  After taking care of his business, Zade washed his hands and splashed some cold water on his face for extra clarity. Using a paper towel to quickly dry himself, he tossed it into the trash before exiting the small room and heading back to the guys.

  “What happened to your lady friend, King?” Kole taunted.

  Nate snickered. “Yeah, man. Saw her get a handful. Looked like she had a good grip.”

  “She got two handfuls, asshole.” Zade scowled at his friend. “And thanks for helping me out, by the way. Really appreciate it.”

  “Are you kidding?” Nate laughed even harder. “No way in hell was I stopping that shit. Only thing that could’ve made it any better would’ve been some popcorn.”

  The others laughed. Zade did not.

  “Cheer up, King.” Kole smirked. “Hot chicks are supposed to paw you. It’s your bachelor party, remember?”

  Zade glared at his friend. “One, she was far from hot. And two, this isn’t a real party. Remember?” He picked up his glass and took a large gulp.

  Gabe leaned over so he didn’t have to yell. “Easy man. You know what happened last time you hit that stuff too hard.”

  “Christ.” He slammed the glass down. “First you want me to act like a bachelor, then you don’t. Which is it, Dawson?”

  Everyone at the table stopped laughing and swung their heads around. Gabe’s dark eyes widened slightly as they stared back at him, clearly not expecting such an asshole response from one of his guys.


  Zade hadn’t meant to say that so loudly. Shouldn’t have said it at all.

  “Wanna try that again?” Gabe’s voice had turned low, and a muscle in the former SEAL’s square jaw jumped.

  “Sorry.” Zade inhaled deeply before letting it out. He began tracing the rim of his glass. “Guess I’m not feeling like myself tonight.”

  “Just tonight?” Matt quipped.

  Zade scowled. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “He means you’ve been a grumpy-assed bastard ever since you got back from your little vacation.” Kole gave him an unapologetic shrug.

  “Have not.” Zade frowned.

  Have I?

  “Uh…yeah, you have.” Kole stared back at him. “Come on, Zade. Even you have to admit something’s been off with you, lately.”

  “They’re right,” Nate joined in. “You’re usually Mary Fucking Sunshine, but lately we’ve all been walking on eggshells around you because we never know what’s gonna set you off.”


  Zade sat back in his chair. He removed his black ball cap long enough to run a hand over his hair before replacing it. Pulling the bill until it was back in its rightful position, he sat up straight once more.<
br />
  Then Zade did something he almost never had to do. He swallowed his pride and apologized.

  “I’m…sorry.” He made sure his eyes met each of the other men’s, ending with Gabe’s. “I’ve been trying to work through some shit, but clearly I haven’t done a very good job of it.”

  “Not your fault, man.” Matt gave him that same guilt-ridden expression Zade was sick to death of seeing.

  “Not yours either, Turner. My…issues have nothing to do with what happened when Kat was taken.”

  Okay, well maybe that wasn’t completely accurate, but he sure as shit wasn’t going to tell Matt that.

  Gabe studied him more closely. “If not that, then what?”

  Zade’s hesitation lasted all of two seconds. It was all the time Nate needed.

  “It’s her, isn’t it?”

  His eyes narrowed as Zade glared at his friend. A biting retort was on the tip of his tongue, but he clamped his mouth shut.

  In the recent past, these guys had dealt with their own troubles when it came to their women. Some more than others.

  These were his friends. They’d listen and, most likely, understand.

  So why keep all that shit buried inside?

  The tiny voice in his head was right. It was time to come clean.

  “Yeah.” Zade nodded. “It’s her.”

  Kole took a swig of his beer. “Who is this mystery woman? Better yet, what the hell did she do to you?”

  The thought of admitting he’d been played for a fool suddenly didn’t seem like such a good idea.

  Chickening out, Zade responded with, “I thought we were supposed to be pretending to have a good time while we waited for Andino to show.”

  “We can talk and watch the door at the same time.”

  To prove his point, Kole’s eyes slid toward the door and back while he took what was supposed to look like another long draw from his beer.

  “Yeah, man.” Matt was still looking over at him. “Come on. Spill it.”

  Fuck it.

  Letting out a loud sigh, Zade finally gave in. “I met someone while I was at Grand Isle. We hit it off from the get-go. Spent that entire last weekend together, and even talked about her coming to see me in Dallas over the summer.”


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