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Quagmire's Revenge

Page 4

by Alisa Guttadauro

  Adorna started coughing and took a drink of water. “Allow me,” Thaddeus said, “It will help keep me awake.” What happened to my father? Blurted Ruby, was he hurt?” Gregor sat up taller. “He was not hurt,” replied Thaddeus, “The army would make a different camp every few days, in case the enemy was close by. They wanted to be a step ahead of the game. Your father was the captain of the army, but he did not have his full powers yet. Being Sagacity had fully recovered from his attack by the Murk brothers, the king had allowed him to go with the soldiers. It was always good to have a wizard and a feeler with the army or at least one or the other. One day, when they found a hidden cave, which they thought might be a gateway to The Island of Murk, the army all ascended into the cave. Suddenly, as half of the soldiers got into the cave, there was an intense clap of thunder. There before them appeared a diabolical sorceress by the name of Iniquitous. She was thought to have been the Murk brother’s aunt, and became guardian of the baby dragon, whom they named, “Quagmire!” Ruby and Gregor both shouted at once. This time it was Radkiel who was startled after nodding off. At hearing the name, ‘Quagmire,’ he jumped up, and drew his sword. The others laughed for a moment, and Radkiel rolled his eyes, and sat back down. “Now that I have everyone’s attention, I’ll continue,” smirked Thaddeus. After Iniquitous appeared, the army tried to retreat from the cave, but the evil witch cast her wand toward the ground, and the ground began to split in half. The army would have been swallowed up except Iniquitous didn’t realize there was a wizard amongst the soldiers. Sagacity was disguised in soldier’s armor, not his usual wizard robes.

  Quickly, he threw off his helmet, and cast his wand toward the dark witch, temporarily knocking her down. Her wand fell, and Sagacity was able to whisk the army to Dragoness through a portal he rapidly devised by using what he had left of a potion he brought with him that contained sap from the dotted elm. When they landed in Dragoness, the soldiers were very weary. Some were injured from the journey, having to fight small battles along the way with various creatures the brothers had placed their way. Sagacity looked upon various homes to shelter the warriors until they could make their way back to Beauteous. A lot of time had passed from when they started the journey to find The Island of Murk. The brother’s with the help of Iniquitous had cast several protective charms around the Island to shield it from intruders, making it practically impenetrable. Thaddeus looked at Ruby, and cleared his throat, “Your mother was in Serena’s potions shop one day, purchasing ingredients for a healing potion, when your father walked into the shop. He had heard of the healing herbs and salves that were sold at the shop and was inquiring about them to Serena as your mother walked in from the back room. Edrical locked eyes with her and they both smiled. When Willow found out Edrical was a royal soldier, and of the army’s plight, she asked him if he and the men had a place to stay until their journey back to the castle. He said they were going to stay at a farmer’s barnyard. Willow would not hear of it and she offered them to stay at the cottage on your grandparent’s property, which now is your mother’s, as you already know. When your mother inherited the cottage after your grandparents had passed on, she always kept it in order in honor of them. Edrical accepted the kind offer and Sagacity was happy to know the warriors would get a good rest. Sagacity also felt it was time to educate Edrical on his wizard studies, and he began his lessons at the potions shop a week later. Edrical, not remembering much about Isoldina because he had thought she had forgotten him, fell deeply in love with Willow. When he stopped receiving letters from Isoldina, he felt ignored and tried to put his heartbreak in the back of his mind. Neither Isoldina nor Edrical had realized at the time that their letters were intercepted by a minion of Iniquitous. She figured that if the goddess and the captains of the king’s army were both suffering from heart ache, they would both be vulnerable, not having their wits about them.” “Aunty,” Ruby spoke up, “I really need to sleep, I think we all do.” “I know Red, we are all exhausted, but, try to hold on a little longer, I promise I’m almost finished, and I’ll even let you sleep a little later in the morning than we intended.” “Okay, “Ruby and Gregor both agreed warily. “I’ll try to shorten up the rest,” replied Adorna. Gregor snorted, “Now she says that.” Radkiel gave him a dirty look, and Adorna continued, “Okay, in a nutshell, Willow and Edrical married. Once the warriors were well rested and strong again, Edrical sent them back to the castle with a note for the king and queen explaining his marriage to Willow and how he would now reside with her in Dragoness. Sagacity officiated the wedding of Willow and Edrical in the forest behind the potions shop. It was a beautiful ceremony, and all of the magical creatures were in attendance. “Ahem,” Coughed Radkiel. Adorna laughed, “Oops, sorry, I forgot, no more details! Anyway, the king and queen were very fond of Edrical, so they were not upset with his decision to marry Willow. Her parents were great courtiers to them at one time, and deeply respected in Dragoness. What they feared was Isoldina’s reaction when she found out, so they didn’t tell her. A few years went by, and Raven was born. Everything seemed to be fine in the kingdom. Another few years later, you were born, Ruby. Again, everything seemed quiet and everyone went about their daily business until one day, while Edrical was outside with Raven, teaching her some wizardly tricks he learned from Sagacity, darkness appeared over the sun. The whole land became cloaked in darkness. Then everything started shaking like an earth quake. Edrical grabbed Raven and ran inside. He and Willow took Ruby and Raven to the potions shop. I happened to be there at the time training some of the young wizards in sword fighting, in the training room. I had already been at the front of the shop when Willow and Edrical came in with you children. We hid you and your sister at The Spotted Elm with the fairies, and then came back to Serena’s. We all went outside, and Serena screamed and pointed to the sky. Flying down was Iniquitous on a now full grown Quagmire. He was breathing fire, and we could feel the heat as they came closer. Abruptly, one of the young wizards whom I was just training cried out in searing pain, as one of the Murk brothers, Querd, struck him with a blow from his wand. I whipped around and clipped him with my dagger which infuriated Iniquitous. An immense fight ensued and just as we thought we were going to defeat the invaders, Iniquitous pulled out her wand. Surprised at this turn of events, Edrical was not prepared when Iniquitous blocked his wand cast, and zapped back at him with her intricate wand. None of us had seen anything like it before. Edrical tried to conjure his trident, but the missing onyx that belonged in the handle of the trident rendered it powerless against the sorceress’ black magic. Thaddeus tried to intervene but was knocked unconscious. After he was weakened by Iniquitous’ bolt, Edrical bravely trying to protect us, threw Willow to the ground, and leapt up at Quagmire hoping to gouge his throat with his sword. His wizarding powers were weak, and he didn’t count on the strength of the wicked dragon. That’s when Quagmire struck him down.” Ruby put her head into Gregor’s shoulder, and he held her. “I’m so, so sorry Ruby,” Adorna whispered. “Why, why are you telling us all of this!” the girl shouted. Adorna choked on a sob, and Radkiel put his arm around her. Thaddeus spoke up, “Because, you need to know that this is why we have to make this journey. Our purpose is to trek up this mountain to ask for the goddess’ help. When your father died, Isoldina felt it; she felt a searing pain go through her body. When she found out your father had been betrothed to your mother, and then he was killed by Quagmire, she vowed to never come down from the mountain, and that she would never love another. She also claimed she would never forgive any of us for what happened. She still hasn’t, after all these years, spoken to the king or queen. “Then why should we seek her help? Why should we have to grovel if she hates us so much?” Adorna replied softly, “Because there is evidence that Quagmire is still alive. When your father was killed, your mother went into a rage. With the help of the feelers, she was able to vanquish Iniquitous, and hide the trident, but, Quagmire and the brother’s are still out there somewhere waiting for the right time to attac
k us again, and we need Isoldina’s help. She had placed a sleeping spell on the land after the attack because it was so devastating to our people, and she didn’t want them to remember the ugliness of the battle. Even though she was angry, she has a good heart, even if it was broken. “How come you all remember what happened?” asked Gregor. “Because we were the ones in the battle, replied Thaddeus, and maybe because she wanted us to remember the pain.” Radkiel’s eyes searched Adorna’s, “If only I had gotten there in time…” his voice cracked. “Shhh,” Adorna soothed, “You couldn’t have known, you were at a training retreat, now is not the time for blame.” “It’s time we get some sleep,” said Thaddeus. “I don’t think I’ll get any sleep now, after hearing all of this.” declared Ruby. “Neither will I,” stated Gregor.

  Thaddeus winked at Adorna and Radkiel as he secretly pointed his wand at the youngsters and murmured, “Slumberous.” Ruby and Gregor fell fast asleep, as the elders made plans for the adventure ahead.

  “Shhhh, try not to move yet.” a voice whispered. Serena tried to sit up anyway, startled, as she groggily awoke. “Who…are…you?” she rasped in a hoarse voice. She was so thirsty, and her throat hurt. She felt a hand touch the side of her head and she shrunk back. “It’s okay,” the voice continued to whisper, “I’m not going to hurt you. Give me a minute to get this blindfold off of you.” Serena stayed still as she felt the blindfold being gently cut off. It took a few moments for her eyes to focus, and then she saw a man looking at her concernedly. He had kind eyes, but looked troubled and he seemed pained. She could tell under normal circumstances he was probably a very handsome man, but looked haggard and weak now. “Thank you sir,” Serena whispered gratefully. “Here,” he said kindly, “Drink this.” Serena looked at him. “I promise you it’s just water,” he said soothingly. Serena tried to smile and let him help her take a sip of water from the metal pitcher. He handed Serena a small knife, and she unbound her legs. Then she noticed the man’s right arm, and how it hung limp to his side. “Oh!” she exclaimed, as she went over to him, “You’re hurt!” “Shhh, my lady,” he warned, “Not so loud, that wretched creature could be back at any moment.” Serena nervously looked at the door, and then back at the injured man. “Who are you?” she asked, “Why are you here? We have to get out of here!” “Please calm yourself, my lady. My name is Herald, my uncle is a wizard named Sagacity….” Serena gasped. “You’ve heard of him?” asked Herald. “Why yes, of course,” replied Serena. I’ve never met him, but I’ve heard great things about him.” Herald smiled, “Thank you, he taught me everything I know.” “So, you’re a wizard?” asked Serena. “I’m a Rawk.” “Oh,” said Serena, “So you can turn into a raven or a hawk, you’re an avian wizard.”

  “Yes,” admitted Herald sadly, until I was kidnapped by the same awful creature that brought you here. I tried to fight him, and that’s when he broke my wing. I was in bird form when I tried to get away. I’ve been searching for my uncle, he has gone missing. When I was accosted, there were two of them. I had just left Wickardia, where I was learning some candle magic from the Wickets. When my lesson was finished, I assembled my pack for a journey to Beauteous, to visit the king and queen. The queen wanted some lavender candles, and I also was to take some herbal remedies to keep at the castle, as the supplies were running low. Soldiers were constantly getting nicked during sword fighting practice, and so on.” Serena smiled and nodded for him to go on. He took a sip of water and continued, “Just as I started on the path, the sky became extremely dark. Then I heard a loud popping sound and when I turned around there were these two wolf-like creatures staring at me. Not entirely wolf, half something else. They smelled foul, and I gagged, and grabbed for my wand. One of them knocked it out of my hand, and I morphed into a hawk, to try and fly away, but the other one flew up, they also have wings, and we started fighting. Serena shuddered, “Please, don’t tell me anymore, and that’s how you’re wing was broken?” “In a nutshell, yes, Herald replied, then I felt them lift me up, and before I knew it, I was here, but I was coming to before they descended, and didn’t let on. I heard them talking, and the kingdom is in danger. Quagmire is alive and has been in hiding. These evil wolf creatures are his minions. The Murk brothers have been protecting Quagmire, waiting for the chance to take over the kingdom. It’s not bad enough they destroyed Ralliant! They plan on keeping us here, just giving us bread and water, to keep us weak, until they have who they want here, and then they will torture us unless we give them our secrets. They’re planning on capturing every powerful witch and wizard in all four lands….” “Leaving the king and queen vulnerable, as well!” interrupted Serena. We have to get out of here! Do you have any magic at all, anything we can use to escape?” she asked him fervently. He smirked and reached into his boot, “My lady, being those two creatures aren’t too bright, and never checked to see if I had anything on me, I was able to hold onto this small bottle of fog blasts, but, since I am injured, I haven’t had much use for them. Just the bottle and the small dagger I gave you to cut your binds. Serena threw up her hands in despair. “My lady,”…Herald began, but Serena interrupted, “Please, call me Serena.” “Serena, he said, and then repeated, Serena, what a beautiful name.” Serena smiled, “I know what you are thinking, she said, I’m half human, I’m not that powerful, not that these dolts who captured us would know that. My magic works best at Dragoness, I’m still learning. Wait!”She almost yelled, and then looked worriedly at the door.

  She lowered her voice, “I just remembered, I have a healing potion in my amulet!” Herald sat up straighter, “Do you think?” She nodded, “If I can remember the correct spell, I may be able to heal your wing, I have used it before, so I know it works. I’m half feeler. I can heal, I’m not good at combat.” she looked down at her hands. My lad…Serena, look at me. “You can trust me, I promise you.” Serena looked into his deep green eyes, and instantly felt more at ease. The avian wizard went on, “If you heal my arm, when those two idiots come back, I can temporarily blind them with the fog blasts, and turn into a hawk. I’ll hold onto you, and we can fly out of here. We have to warn as many people as we can, and come up with a plan of attack. Serena looked worried, “But will you be strong enough to carry me, and fly.” With his left hand, he lifted Serena’s chin, “When I first saw your beautiful face, I immediately gained strength.”


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