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Quagmire's Revenge

Page 5

by Alisa Guttadauro

  Serena blushed, and laughed, “Well, we better get started then, and thank you.” Serena took off her amulet, and quickly opened the back. She had Herald lie still as she held the tiny bottle over his arm and as she released the contents she repeated the words, “Healing powers, come to light, save Herald from this plight, successfully mend his broken arm, restore him, I ask, of this charm, as I will so mote it be!” There was a small pop of purple smoke and Herald opened his eyes and sat up. He smiled, “You did it, good as new!” He waved his arm about, and pulled Serena into a hug. She looked up at him, and their lips touched. He kissed her tenderly, and suddenly, they both heard loud footsteps. “Get ready,” the young wizard hissed, “This is it.”

  Raven was in back of the potions shop practicing telekinesis defense against attacks, with Stark. “That’s great Raven!” complemented the elder, “Now try the….” he was interrupted by Willow who was pacing the floor and threw up her hands, “Oh, what is taking them so long to get those supplies!” Raven walked over to her mother and wrapped her arms around her in a hug, “Mom, I’m worried about Ruby too.” Stark was about to say something when Kerina walked in with a few of her wicket guards. “Finally,” Willow whispered under her breath. Kerina and the other wickets placed the supplies on the wobbly wooden table that was damaged during the kidnapping. Stark took a big cauldron from the stock of pots in the back and started a fire in the hearth. While they waited for the cauldron to heat up, they discussed what their next move would be. Raven, making a face, picked up what appeared to be dried up shoe leather.

  “What is this?” she questioned. “Bright Beetle Dung,” replied Kerina, with a smirk. “Eww!” exclaimed Raven, “We don’t have to drink this concoction, do we?” Willow laughed, “No dear, it’s not for drinking.” Raven wrinkled her nose, “Thank goodness!” Kerina guffawed, “Aw, you should have kept her going for a while!” Stark smirked, Okay ladies, I believe this cauldron is hot enough. Willow and Kerina placed the bright beetle dung, tree sap, azurite crystals, (used for insight), and mushroom oil in the pot. Kerina started the incantation, “The full moon is bright, and we need the sight, make it clear for us to see those who are dear, we need the sight to make things right, we ask this with pure hearts, please give us your light.” Raven jumped back as a huge puff of smoke erupted from the cauldron. Then she giggled nervously. Willow gave her a stern look, “Shhhh!’ she admonished. Suddenly the liquid in the big pot turned clear, and they could see a big black bird soaring in the sky, then, Raven gasped. Serena was being carried by the tremendous bird! Stark became angry and stamped his foot down hard. Kerina put her hand up, “Stop it, all of you!” she scolded, “She is not harmed, that is no ordinary bird, he’s half human. I’m certain he’s a wizard.” “Oh?” questioned Stark, “and who might he be? How do we know if he is on our side or if he sides with our enemies?” “Quiet!” scolded Kerina again, “There’s something else showing!” The liquid went dark gray, and even Kerina gasped at what they saw next. Emerging from a deep, mountain like cave emerged the head of a dragon; its flaring nostrils snorting and its orange eyes flashing angrily around. A deafening roar spewed from his hideous mouth. Everyone in the room covered their ears at the dreadful sound as the cauldron shook. Stark pushed the women back from the hearth as the big pot started cracking, and then exploded, leaving nothing but a pile of black dust. Kerina fell to her knees, “A warning,” she frowned, he’s back, and he’s coming for us.”

  When they awoke, Gregor said, “Mmmm, I smell food!” “I’m pretty hungry myself,” yawned Ruby, “Hey, where is everybody?” Adorna appeared out of nowhere, and said, “Good morning,” I assume you both slept well?” “Yes, and I’m starved!” both teenagers replied in unison. Adorna laughed, “Well go and refresh yourselves at the brook behind that plum tree, and then get yourselves some breakfast, we have a long journey ahead. Oh, and do not attempt to pick any of those plums, the tree is enchanted, not ripe yet, and you do not want to perturb it!” Ruby and Gregor looked at each other and shrugged, and then they ran off to wash up. After a hearty breakfast, the group packed up, and Radkiel took out an old looking map, from his backpack.

  Thaddeus looked over his shoulder at the map, and remarked, “Here,” as he waved his wand over the map, “Now it’s updated.” Radkiel raise his eyebrows, “Nice trick.” Thaddeus tilted his head back and chortled, “It’s not that simple, look.” “Whoa, what is that?” Adorna exclaimed as she pointed to a big dark space on the map. Everyone looked at the map, perplexed. “All is not being revealed,’ said Thaddeus,”Ah, and there’s ruins at the bottom. We have to find someone to translate these ruins, and decipher the rest of the map, it’s like there is a shadow over it.”

  “Come,” said Radkiel, I only know of one being who can decode this diagram.” “Following Radkiel, the group started up the side of the mountain. There were little homes here and there, and they were careful not to intrude on someone’s property. People nodded greetings to them, but kept to themselves. Once they came to a clearing near a grand tree with cherry blossoms, Radkiel announced, “Here we are!” Everyone looked around in confusion, and Ruby said, “Um, there’s nothing here but a big tree and some bushes.” Then she screamed in surprised, “Aaaah!” “Who is trespassing on my village?” came a voice, and then to the visitor’s surprise, a head popped out of the ground. “Pappa gnome, greetings!” saluted Radkiel. “Ah, young Radkiel!” bellowed the gnome, as the rest of him popped up from the ground. “Radkiel rifled his hand through his hair which was starting to gray at the temples, “Not so young anymore,” he joked. The elder gnome guffawed loudly then said, “I see you’ve brought visitors.” “We need your help sir,” Adorna spoke up, “There is unspeakable evil upon us, and…. The wise gnome put up his hand, “I know why you are here, and there have been whispers up and down the mountain.” “Of course we will help you, follow me, first we feast.” Gregor was about to say they had already eaten when Radkiel stepped on his foot and shot him a look. “Ow!” Gregor bellowed. Everyone looked at him, “Sorry, I stepped on a stone.” Radkiel smirked as they followed the elder gnome into the gnome village. As they started walking, the village and everything in it became visible to them. Ruby looked around in amazement at the quaint little gnome homes, and whimsical creatures. The village was beautifully maintained with lush green meadows, and colorful flowers. There were gnomes everywhere; some selling wares, others wheeling flowers in big wheelbarrows to be planted, and some tending to vegetable gardens.

  When they arrived to Pappas’s house, he yodeled and a pretty female gnome popped her head out of an upstairs window in the enormous tree house. “Doodley doo!” giggled the cheery gnome. “Gerlinda, we have guests,” and some business to discuss. Seeing the serious look on all of their faces, Gerlinda quickly came down to greet and welcome the guests. “Oh,” said Ruby, it’s a lot bigger in here than it looks outside.” Gerlinda led them to a huge table and told them to make themselves at home. After she brought out some delicious looking dishes, she sat next to the elder gnome who then spoke, “For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Buckram, but my friends call me pappa, this is my bride, Gerlinda. Gerlinda nodded and blushed. She was the same age as Buckram, but looked more youthful, as her counterpart had a long bushy beard; most of the older male gnomes did. Introductions were made all around, and then they enjoyed the luscious food, and talked about the chaos that was going on. When the table was cleared everyone sat back down, Radkiel took out the map. Gerlinda gave pappa his special, but peculiar looking spectacles; they had little wipers on them. “I invented them myself,” Pappa said when he noticed the quizzical looks on their faces. Then the wise gnome murmured some unintelligible words and rainbow colored lights exuded from the strange looking glasses. He gave a start, “Oh my,” and he clucked his tongue, “This isn’t good at all, no no no, not good at all!” Thaddeus cupped his face in his hands. “What is it?” demanded Radkiel, as Gregor grabbed Ruby’s hand under the table. “It’s Quagmire,” replied pap
pa. “He’s growing stronger by the minute and about these ruins, there is a missing stone, an onyx. It belongs on Prince Edrikal’s trident. It shows that the onyx completes the trident and is the only weapon that can defeat Quagmire.” Ruby stood up, “Wait! Prince Edrickal? My father was a prince?”

  Pappa looked up at the faces around the table. Adorna’s was red, Gregor looked as shocked as Ruby, and both Radkiel and Thaddeus looked like they wanted to disappear. “You didn’t know, child?” Pappa asked Ruby. “No!” Ruby shouted, “I didn’t know, how could that be?” Adorna said gently, “Ruby please sit down, we are not home.” Realizing where she was, Ruby apologized for the outburst, and took her seat. Adorna covered Ruby’s hands with her own, sighed, and revealed, “Edrical was King Edgeworth’s brother.” Gregor made a weird sound in his throat, and Radkiel coughed. “You all knew this?” whispered Ruby in astonishment. “I…I didn’t know,” squeaked out Gregor. As Ruby’s eyes filled with tears, Gerlinda gave her a cloth to wipe her eyes, and she patted her back. Then pappa nodded at his wife, and she said, “Excuse me while I get us some tea. “Gregor,” said Thaddeus, why don’t you help Gerlinda with the tea.” Gregor nodded and followed the kind gnome into the kitchen. Radkiel looked at Ruby, “It was for Raven’s and your protection. Your father didn’t want you to know. Since he chose to become a wizard, he could never inherit the crown and he felt if you knew it would endanger your lives. “But he had no right,” frowned Ruby, he pretty much decided our lives for us, what if we wanted to go to court, and serve the king and queen?” Adorna said, “Is that what you would have wanted, to be a princess, and live at the castle?” Ruby spoke right up, “No,” that’s not for me, but I still should have had that choice!” “Ahem,” Pappa cleared his throat, “I am sorry you found out this way young lady, but we have to finish deciphering this map and get you all on your way.” Ruby looked into her Godmother’s eyes, “I’m okay, it was a shock.” Gerlinda and Gregor walked in with a pot of aromatic tea, and some appetizing looking biscuits. While they sipped the delicious tea, Pappa said, “Okay, I’m going to give you some things to take with you. You need to see the green goddess because she is the only one who might be able to help you locate the onyx, and I hope you have someone guarding that trident. This book is called a ‘Spellis Writ,’ and you will need it as you travel up the mountain. There are spells in here that you will be useful, especially to get past the mountain mums. “What are Mountain Mums?” asked Gregor. Gerlinda answered, “For the most part, they are humble creatures, and they resemble gophers, but they are introverts and pranksters. They do not like trespassers, and they keep to themselves. They will not purposely cause harm, but they may give you trouble, and there is no way around them.” Thaddeus asked, “Could I use a sleeping spell on them so we may sneak through their territory?” Pappa raised his eyebrows, “Excellent idea, that settles that! Next, you are going to need my mystical telescope.” Pappa took a big pouch out of a drawer in the wall, and laid it on the table. Almost immediately, a long sparkly object flew out of the bag and landed in front of Gregor. “What the…?” Gregor blinked and opened his mouth but nothing came out. Gerlinda giggled, “Well now, she certainly picked who she wants to be responsible for her!” A little giggle erupted from the enchanted telescope. Adorna smirked as Pappa waggled his finger at Gregor, “Young man, you take good care of Telli, I expect her back, in one piece! Do you have anything to give Isoldina, although I expect she will be a little tough to talk to, under the circumstances.” “I have some special candles I brought from the wickets,” said Ruby, “I’ve heard she enjoys the scent of lavender.” Gerlinda handed her a basket full of biscuits, “Take these to her also, she adores my raspberry jelly biscuits.” Ruby smiled and thanked Gerlinda. Then Gerlinda gave Adorna another basket filled with food, for their journey, and had their water canteens filled. “As you know,” said Pappa, “When Ralliant was taken over, by the Murk brothers, most of the survivors fled here, to Shimrock Mountain. It was just about the time that Isoldina inherited the mountain from King Edgeworth. For the most part, the people and creatures that inhabit the mountain are pure of heart, but, there could be unfriendly inhabitants we do not know about who have snuck in by some magic portal or such. The goddess normally keeps up well with the guards and we all have methods to protect our homes, but you can never be too careful, especially, with the recent turn of events, and everything you’ve told me. There is a protection enchantment on this village, since the gnome village is known for having and manufacturing the most magical articles on the mountain. That is why we were not visible to you when you first arrived, but, my friend Radkiel here remembered the tree, I’d told him about a while back. Even though this is part of the kingdom, you must still be cautious, and be aware of your surroundings. Now, enough of my lecture, we have supplied you with enough food and water for your journey. Go with caution and care. If you need anything else, just whisper it to Telli. She’ll get word back to me.” Gerlinda gave them a wagon to carry their supplies, and she kissed each one of them goodbye with a tear in her eye, “Be safe,” she said, gently. Pappa wished them luck, and they returned to the big blossom tree, where they left off, continuing up the mountain.

  When Serena and her new friend returned to dragoness, she noticed a slight darkness to the sky, and how quiet it seemed. “I don’t like this,” she said aloud. They walked up to the potions shop and the door flew open. Herald stepped in front of Serena and pulled out his sword. Stark emerged, and seeing Herald, pulled out his sword and took a fighting stance. “No!” screamed Serena. Both men looked at her but neither one moved. Looking at the two of them, Serena burst out laughing. “Serena, has this…this, creature hurt you?”demanded Stark. Herald had forgotten his wings were still out and he retracted them. “This ‘creature,’ as you call him, saved my life.” “Sir, do stand down,” started Herald,” I mean no harm, I came here to help, and as you can see, the lady is exhausted.” At that, Serena fainted, and Herald caught her just as she was about to hit the ground. Stark ran over to help Herald and apologized for his rudeness. “It’s understandable under the circumstances,” replied Herald generously, “Let’s get her inside, and I’ll tell you about our captors, and our passage back here.

  After Serena had some tea, made by Daffilda, and she’d rested, she felt much better. She marveled at how well the shop looked, despite the attack and the damage that was done. She told everyone what happened after she was captured and how she and Herald escaped. “We’re so happy you are safe,” Ruby said, as she ran over and hugged Serena. Willow set down some fruit and cheese, and everyone gathered around to discuss the previous events and how to proceed, as they ate. “I sent for Callioth and Harmonia,” said Willow. I’m sure they will be able to sense how the others are doing.” Serena stood up, “I feel much better now, thank you all for what you’ve done to repair the shop.” She blinked back tears and Herald placed his hand gently on her shoulder. Willow’s eyebrows shot up, and she smiled. Stark looked annoyed as he said, “Well, what is the plan? We don’t want to get blindsided.” Just then, Callioth and Harmonia arrived with Phinnia, Kerina, and Crizal. Crizal brought elderberry wine from the Dotted Elm, and Kerina brought raspberry scones. Phinnia, not to come empty handed brought her soothing hot chocolate elixir, made with fresh ground cinnamon. When the newcomers were settled, Callioth spoke, “I received a telepathic message from Thaddeus.” Everyone sat up straighter in anticipation. “They are all safe, and on their way up the mountain. They received some mystical elements from the gnomes, to assist them through their travel. They also learned some disturbing information. They had the map of navitor with them, and Thaddeus updated it. There was ancient writing on it, ruins to be exact. Buckram, the elder gnome, was able to decipher it and…” Suddenly there was a loud crack of thunder, and Callioth grabbed his forehead as he felt a sharp pain. Everyone jumped up and looked around furtively, while Harmonia tended to Callioth. There was a loud crash outside and Stark ran out with Herald at his heels, to see what
the noise was, “Stay here!” Stark yelled to Willow and Raven. Raven started to go after him, but Willow stopped her. Then something crashed into the window and broke the glass. Raven screamed, and Phinnia flew out the door.

  “Shhhhh,” whispered Adorna as they crept along a winding stony path, “I think we are entering mountain mum territory.” They heard loud chuckling and singing. No one moved as they listened to merry sounding mums, who looked like groundhogs except for their purple eyes. “Ouch!” yelled Ruby. “Shhhhh!” admonished Radkiel. “Someone pulled my hair!” rasped Ruby in an annoyed tone. She shot Gregor a look. “Don’t look at me,” he replied, my hands are full,” he said as he gestured to all the loot he was carrying. “Yow!” complained Gregor, “Someone just kicked me!” “If you two don’t stop this…” started Radkiel as something kicked the back of his leg, and he stumbled forward. Adorna giggled and then gasped as she saw two purple eyes staring at her, with no body. “Ooh, she pretty.” came a voice out of nowhere. “Why you!” said Radkiel as he swiped out toward the voice. Pappa hadn’t told them the mums could turn invisible. Thaddeus chortled and said in a low voice, “We may as well attract them to us, and then I can start the spell.” He took out the ‘Spellis Writ,’ Pappa gave him and found the spell he needed. Ruby took one of Gerlinda’s raspberry jelly biscuits and waved it around in the air,” Mmmm, these raspberry jelly biscuits are so yummy!” Quick as a flash a horde of purple eyes appeared, and then their furry little bodies became visible. “They’re actually kind of cute,” whispered Ruby as she started tearing off pieces of biscuits to give to the mums. While they were busy munching, Thaddeus took out his wand. After he saw all of the little critters finished their snack, and were clamoring for more, Thaddeus pointed to the creatures and said, “Slumberous Allorous, no trouble comes before us!” and the mums all fell fast asleep in the grass. Ruby giggled as they snuck past, “For little ones, they sure snore loudly!”


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