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UnWreck Me (Savage Beast MC Book 7)

Page 28

by Hayley Faiman

  I never really thought I would get married, but thinking about the big white dress, the party, the cake, I can’t help but want that. I shouldn’t though. Those kinds of things were never meant for me.

  “Honey,” Hawk grunts.

  Blinking, I look into his eyes. He grins down at me, but it’s not the humorous laugh that he had just a few moments before. It’s a soft gaze, almost something too soft for the likes of me. He dips his chin, his nose sliding alongside my own.

  “Baby,” he rasps. “You want the wedding.”

  “I don’t need it.”

  He hums. “Shoulda known,” he mumbles. “Should have fuckin’ known.”

  The words are harsh, but the way he says them, his tone is so soft and almost sweet as the water beats down around us.

  “Orson,” I breathe.

  “You’ll have your fuckin’ wedding, baby. Whatever you want, it’s yours. Just sooner before later, yeah? Want my babies planted inside of you.”

  Lifting my hand, I place my palm against his chest as I lick the water droplets from my lips. “Orson, it’s okay, I don’t need it.”

  “Avah,” he snaps before he leans in closer, lips touching mine. “You fuckin’ do. Giving you everything, honey, and that includes a fuckin’ party.”

  His hands wrap around my waist and he picks me up, pressing my back against the shower wall. I moan the instant he shifts closer and I feel his hard length against my pussy. His lips press against mine, hard and owning.

  Without a word, his mouth still on mine, he thrusts his hips and fills me in one quick move. Ripping my mouth from his, I let my head fall back against the hard tile behind me with a moan. He pulls out of me, his fingers gripping my waist tightly before he slams back inside of me.

  “Next weekend,” I whimper.

  He hums, his head tipped down as he watches us, watching the way he moves in and out of me. Then he buries himself deep to the root, before he lifts his head, his gaze connecting to mine. His lips turn up into a smile as his eyes search my own.

  “Next weekend?” he asks.

  Nodding my head, I sink my teeth into my bottom lip. “Next weekend.”

  I need to do a million things, even for a small wedding, but seeing how badly he wanted to do it today, hearing him tell me it needed to be soon because he wanted his babies inside of me, it does something, it makes my entire body practically sing.

  “Money is no object. Absolutely fuckin’ none.”

  Grinning, I grip his shoulders harder, digging my nails into his skin as I nod. “Wasn’t planning on it being an object,” I say with a laugh.

  He grunts, pulling almost completely out of me before he slams back inside. “Of course, you weren’t.” He chuckles.

  No more words are spoken, none are needed. We watch one another, our eyes glued to each other’s as he moves in and out of me, over and over. His pelvis grinds against my clit with each downstroke of his cock. His eyes are glued, they’re unmoving and I’m completely frozen by him—by everything about him.

  “I love you,” I breathe and I mean it.

  I mean those three words in a way that I know nobody else could ever take his place. He is mine and I am his. This is what was meant to be. We both fought it, but it was inevitable and the future will be as well—our future.

  He growls, his hips moving harder and faster with each thrust until I am on the edge, until I tip over that edge, until my pussy clamps down around him and I come. I can’t hold back, can’t hold anything in, I come hard and loud, crying out with my release.

  Hawk isn’t much different. He slams into me with three more hard thrusts until he buries himself deep and I feel him twitch as he fills me with his release. He buries his face in my neck as he cries out with his own climax.

  We stay in the shower, the hot water pouring against us until we both catch our breath. Only then does he lift his head, his gaze finding mine and a lazy smile appearing on his lips.

  “Whatever you want, baby.”

  Laughing softly, I lean forward and touch my lips to his, but don’t deepen the kiss. “Maybe we can go away for a little bit afterward?”

  “Where?” he asks.

  “Anywhere, a resort in Mexico?”

  “We plannin’ on making those babies there?”

  “Whatever you want,” I breathe, repeating his words.

  He laughs softly, nipping my bottom lip before he pulls out of me and helps me to my feet. We wash ourselves, and one another, in silence as we stay in the shower together. By the time we’re finished, we dry off and only then do I stop in front of him.

  Lifting my hand, I wrap my fingers around the side of his neck, my gaze holding his.

  “You make me happy, Orson.”

  “Didn’t know this feeling existed, Avah. Not sure what it is, but I’ll never let you go, ain’t losin’ you, never losin’ this.”


  I ignored Dragon when I came in yesterday, we all did. Now there’s been a call to church and there’s no more ignoring the situation at hand. I went against what he wanted, but I am not sorry, not in the least.

  Dragon has been dicking around and I’m done taking his shit, unless he’s going to explain to all of us what the fuck is going on, he’s going to have to make some goddamn decisions about this shit.

  “I want them dead. Every fucking one of them. That little pansy-assed bomb was a warning and mainly because I knew the Punchers who were doing the damage were right here and not up there. I am not fucking waiting, I want this shit done,” I growl.

  Dragon lifts his, his gaze finding mine. “Well, you brought some fucking girl here for me to do what with exactly? You attacked them, even if it was pansy-assed, against my direct orders which were to leave them the fuck alone. What is your goddamn plan, Hawk? Since apparently you’re the goddamn president now?”

  Lifting my hands, I slam them down on the table and turn my head to look him straight in the eye.

  “I don’t give a fuck what you do to her. Nobody will be looking for her, she doesn’t fucking matter. That’s the cost of war and we’re in the middle of one, brother. As much fun as it is to watch you sit on your ass and do nothing, I’m not going to let that shit happen, not when my family is getting hurt in the process.”

  There are mutterings and I jerk my chin toward Silver who has his arm in a sling because he was shot in the middle of this shit, not to mention the brothers of ours that lost their fucking lives, funerals that we have to attend in a couple days.

  “What would you all have me do, then?” Dragon demands. “I want to retaliate, but I want to do it smartly.”

  “No, you want to suck Jaguar’s dick and wait for his little jailbait to turn eighteen. That has nothing to do with any of us,” I snap.

  The entire room goes completely silent and Silver is the one who clears his throat. “Dragon, love you, but something has to give. They came to our house, they killed our men. We can’t just sit back and wait on this one.”

  “What would you all have me do?” Dragon asks, his voice low and menacing.

  “End it, and end it quickly,” Mountain announces. “It’s gone on long enough, it has affected us all long enough. Jaguar wants to come back and get his shit together, that’s cool, but we can’t wait because some bitch isn’t legal age.”

  “But what they’re going to do to her…” Dragon begins.

  Leaning forward, I can’t stop myself, I practically see red as I speak. “It doesn’t matter. She is not one of ours. You of all people should really fucking understand that shit. She is not ours. She. Is. Not. Ours.”

  Dragon presses his lips together, he looks down, then lifts his head again, his eyes dark and angry as he looks around the room. “Do you all agree?” he asks, hoping that everyone will say no, they don’t, but that’s not what he finds.

  “Yes,” everyone in the entire room says in unison.

  He curses under his breath, his gaze flicking around to each of us. “Fine,” he grinds out. “Plans to attack
begin in the morning.”

  “What kind of attack?” Worm asks.

  “Financial, physical, deadly.”

  “Good,” I grunt.

  His gaze finds mine. “I hope you can live with yourself once this is all said and done.”

  “Is it marriage or your age?” I ask.

  He arches a brow.

  “That has suddenly made you a fucking pussy. Marriage or your age?” I ask again.

  “Watch how you fucking talk to me,” he grinds out.

  “I killed my ex-Old Lady for this club. We all have sacrificed, and right now you’re acting as though we should have some sort of fucking conscience about a goddamn club who started this war against us.”

  Dragon’s gaze narrows as anger slides throughout his body, I can practically see it flowing through him. He stands slowly, obviously over my back-talking and second-guessing. Good. Maybe it’ll make his fucking balls grow a little between his legs.

  “They’re done, Hawk. And I would watch how you fucking talk to me. I’m not soft, I’m just not as hot-headed as I used to be. I think before I act or react. It’s a good goddamn trait to have, and maybe you should consider looking into it. This meeting is adjourned.”

  He slams his gavel down, then jerks his chin toward me. “Figure out what you’re going to do with the girl. I don’t want her here.”

  I don’t bother saying a fucking word, turning away from him, I walk out of the room. The girl in question is locked away in one of the guest rooms. Marching toward her, my anger filling my body and attempting to spill out of me, I rip the door open and look at the girl.

  She’s sitting on the edge of the bed and slowly she turns her head, her eyes finding mine. She looks terrified, and she should be. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I send a text to someone that I am going to meet up with in about an hour.

  “What happens now?” she asks softly, the first time I’ve heard her speak since Jaguar handed her off.

  “Now?” I ask.

  She nods her head.

  “Now you go to the Sinister Skulls. They’ll take care of you… just the way you deserve.”

  “I didn’t do anything,” she whispers.

  Shaking my head slowly, I arch a brow. “It doesn’t matter. Your father did, and that’s all that matters.”

  “I have to pay for my father’s sins?” she asks.

  Jerking my chin, I step to the side to let her walk past me. “Pretty fuckin’ much, babe.”

  Without another word, I load her up in one of the pickups and I drive her straight toward the Sinister Skulls clubhouse. Bones is already standing outside, his hands on his hips as I pull up, just as I asked in my text to him earlier.

  Climbing out of the truck, I walk around and yank open the passenger side door. Wrapping my hand around her bicep, I pull her out of the truck.

  “What’s her name?” he asks.

  “Not a fucking clue,” I grunt.

  “Maci,” she announces softly.

  “Maci Marshall?” I ask.

  She nods her head. Lifting my brows, I thrust her toward Bones. “She’s yours to deal with now,” I grunt.

  He shakes his head. “Seems I’m always getting your issues,” he rasps.

  “Better than what would happen to her at the clubhouse, yeah?” I ask.

  He looks down at her, then up at me. “Do what I can, but no promises it’ll be any better here.”

  “War can be ugly,” I say in response.

  Leaving her there, I know that I should be feeling guilty, but I just fucking don’t, not even slightly. Climbing back in the truck, I head back to the clubhouse, back to the only things I really care about right now. I head back to Avah and Trista—my girls.

  The club is my priority, it always will be, but my life is my girls. I live and breathe for them and from now on, protecting them is going to be at the top of my fucking list and if that means killing every single Donkey Puncher on this fucking earth, then I’ll goddamn do it—happily.




  Inhaling a deep breath, I look at my reflection in the mirror. How did this happen? How did I turn into this woman? Sliding my hands down the gray ombre dipped skirt, I sink my teeth into my bottom lip as I look at my top. All-lace, long-sleeve crop top with a bandeau strip of fabric that strains beneath it to hold my breasts in, it’s nothing like a traditional wedding dress.

  Then again, I’m not a traditional bride and Hawk is no traditional groom.

  My black hair is pulled up in a half updo, the rest is long and straight down my back. A few inches of my waist is on display and my makeup is flawless, if I do say so myself. This is my wedding day and although I don’t feel like a bride, I feel beautiful.

  “I know it should be gross or something, but can I say that I’m really happy you’re going to marry my dad?” Trista announces as she walks into the room.

  Turning my head, I look back over my shoulder at her. “I’m sure it should be, but I think this is how it was always meant to be,” I say.

  She nods her head once, taking a step closer to me. She’s my only attendant in the bridal party and she looks smoking in her charcoal fitted sheath dress that hits just below mid-thigh. The only groomsman is Taz, and that’s probably only because I insisted on just Trista being my matron of honor.

  “Are you ready?” she asks.

  Shifting back to look in the mirror, I take one last long look at myself. If you look hard enough, you can see the raised skin of my brand beneath the sheer lace of my top, but otherwise, I look like the same girl I was a year ago, albeit a bit heavier.

  I’m not her anymore though. I am no longer Avah the call girl. She doesn’t exist. She died with Layne and I’m okay with that, in fact, I am more than okay with it. I am changed. I am loved, and I am in love not only with Orson, but with myself.

  “I am,” I whisper before I gather my bouquet of sterling silver roses and start to make my way toward Trista.

  “You’re beautiful,” she breathes.

  “I shouldn’t have demanded the wedding,” I murmur as a sense of guilt instantly slides throughout my entire body.

  I am high maintenance, but I’m trying really hard not to be. I shouldn’t have needed this. I should have been just fine with running off to the courthouse the way he wanted. Trista snorts, then reaches for my wrist and gives me a squeeze.

  “You should have, and I’m glad that you did. These men get away with too damn much. You know they’ve all gotten married recently and there haven’t been many actual weddings, I’m glad I get to dance and have a little cake,” she says with a smirk.

  “I still feel bad.”

  She shakes her head. “Don’t. I taste-tested that cake with you and it’s worth it just for that.”

  My lips curve up into a grin and I nod. “It really is. That cake is so good. You know I had them make extra, just so we could have as much as we wanted.”

  “This is why I love you, Avah. Amongst a million other reasons.”

  “Let’s do this,” Taz shouts from the doorway, causing both of us to jump.

  Shifting my gaze, I flick my eyes over Trista’s shoulder to see him standing there, black jeans, brand-new solid black button-up long sleeve shirt, and his cut. He’s handsome, and it sends a shiver of excitement down my spine just imagining how handsome Hawk is going to be in the same clothes.

  “Yes, let’s,” I exhale.

  Together we walk out of the room and make our way toward my future with this man. I love him and I’m going to be his happily and legally. I’m already his when it comes to the club, now we’ll be each other’s in the eyes of the state.

  The music begins, it’s not anything specific, I chose classical music just so that it would be something soft in the background. The ceremony is outside in the dirty, normally dusty parking area, but the guys really helped me turn it around.

  There are chairs that line the side from the main door to the archway. The arch isn’t a
nything special, but it’s beautiful. They built an arch with two pieces of wood on each side and one across the top, then there are sheets that hang down from the top to the ground with flowers on each corner that drape down.

  Taz and Trista walk out and as soon as the doors open I see the archway, but as gorgeous as it is, that isn’t what has my breath hitching. It’s the man standing there, he is the one who has my attention.

  The music begins and I grip my bouquet tightly as I begin to walk toward that man. He lifts his head when I’m about halfway down the aisle and his lips curve up into a grin. My heart almost beats out of my chest at the sight.

  He’s beautiful.

  Just as I imagined.

  Absolutely gorgeous.

  And in just a few moments, he’s going to be all mine—forever.

  Inhaling a deep breath, I let it out on an exhale as I arrive in front of him. I don’t even hear the officiant. I follow the lead of Hawk and do what I’m supposed to do, but I’m far too mesmerized by him, by the way he’s watching me. I’m lost in the way he’s looking at me, so gone that I cannot look away. I just can’t take my eyes off of him. He owns me, simple as that, he owns me.


  Fucking perfect.

  She’s fucking perfect.

  Go figure I would find someone my daughter’s age, I would find someone with a past as fucked as mine, but she has handled it a helluva lot better than I ever did. I watch her from across the room as she talks and laughs with her girls. Girls. Something that she said she’s never had before she met Trista, before she had the Beasts.

  “What are the plans for the transports?” Dragon asks. “You know, since you’re making decisions now.”

  Shaking my head, I spit on the ground before I turn to look over to him. “You gotta grow the fuck up, brother,” I snap.

  “Grow up? Seems you’re trying to slide right into my spot. I’m not fucking stupid,” he grinds out.

  “Dragon,” I warn. “You’re my president. I don’t want to take your place, I just want to make sure this shit is on point. Because some of the decisions seem to be personal here recently and not so much for the club.”


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