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South Coast Brothers Part 1

Page 21

by Kacey Hamford

  “I want that too, but I can’t. Not yet.”

  “Why?” She stepped back and pulled her top off over her head and undid her bra, letting it fall down her arms. “What are those? Who did that? Who had their hands on my woman’s breasts?” I growled, trying not to shout. I didn’t want to wake up Liam and Tegan.

  “You can’t touch them. They’re still healing. I have to wear a bra to bed so I don’t get them caught in the bed sheets,” she explained, pulling her bra back on.

  “Fine, but you’re only wearing a bra,” I told her. She nodded. “Holes?”

  “Yes, Mason did them, and this?” She stuck her tongue out and I lunged for her, causing us to collapse on the bed. I kissed her hard and she forced her tongue into my mouth, I couldn’t wait to feel that all over my cock.

  “I’m not happy that he got to touch you.”

  “He’s seen it all before,” she said, like it was no big deal.

  “Not helping, sugar,” I grumbled. “Besides, you were a girl then. Now you’re a woman. My woman.”

  “Yes, I am. All yours.” She kissed me again and we crawled into bed.

  “I love you, sugar.”

  “I love you too.”


  “WHY THE FUCK are we up so early?” Solar complained as we all walked into the room that church was held in. We all sat around the large glass table, I held back and let the guys all take their usual seats and I sat where there was an empty one.

  “Right, Blade called this meeting, so go ahead, son, tell us what’s going on.” Prez said.

  “My family were invaded by the Satan MC last night, the Devon Destroyers clubhouse was also targeted.” I didn’t know how much these guys knew.

  “We haven’t had any trouble with them before.” Holes said.

  “They have a problem with me, they killed my wife and daughter a couple of years ago and I got my revenge by killing their Prez and VP.”

  “Holy shit!” Solar exclaimed.

  “They started a feud with Devon Destroyers, a turf war, and all hell broke loose when they took something that was ours… I don’t wanna bring you guys danger, but it’s not safe for Heather or Cammie to be out there.”

  “Lockdown?” Tat asked, looking at the Prez.

  “Blade?” Prez asked me.

  “I think for safety, it might be a good idea.”

  “Ok, all families are to be here within the hour. Anything else?”

  “Prez.” Toes said, looking up from his laptop. “I got it, the location of the building the pigs are looking for.”

  “Well?” VP asked.

  “It’s not far from here.” He began explaining where it was and why they needed to go there.

  “Blade, you wanna ride with us?” Prez asked.

  “What about the girls?” Who were going to protect them if we were out on a run?

  “We’ll leave Drake and Jase here with them. They’re good prospects.” I nodded my head in agreement. “We’ll leave tonight.” He slammed the gavel down and everyone stood up and left the room. I headed back towards Heather’s room, I left her fast asleep this morning but wanted to get back as Tegan was an early riser. As I walked back into the room, I heard Tegan fussing. I scooped her out of the cot and ran my hand over the top of Liam’s head to lure him back to sleep.

  “Kade?” I heard Heather mumble sleepily. I looked towards her as she sat herself up in bed.

  “Morning, sugar.” I walked towards her and dipped my head to give her a kiss. She held out her arms and I passed Tegan over to her.

  “How old is she?”

  “Eight weeks.”

  “Oh God and so young to lose a mum. Did you get there in time, to say goodbye?” I nodded my head as I sat on the bed beside them and looked into Tegan’s bright eyes. “What are we going to do? Where are we going?”

  “We’re staying put here for a minute, sugar… There’s a lockdown.”

  “Oh, are we in danger?” She looked panicked.

  “Sugar, I will never let anything happen to you and our kids. You’re safe.” She nodded and we sat there quietly while Tegan was content playing with her own hands.

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  “Uncle Kade!” Kelsey called out, not waiting for an answer and pushing the door open. I threw a t-shirt at Heather before she bounded in, curls bouncing around her shoulders and she jumped up onto the bed in front of us.

  “Morning, sweetheart.” I leant forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek and she climbed into my lap, leaning over and kissing Tegan on the head. She looked at Heather as if she wanted to say something.

  “Are you going to be my new mummy now? Uncle Kade is going to be my daddy, as we live with him, I’ve never had a daddy before. My mummy is with the angels now.” She pointed towards the sky as she told us that. Heather looked at me, unsure what to tell her, I shrugged my shoulders, I didn’t know much about kids either.

  “I’m not going to be your new mummy, I’ll be an extra mummy, as your mummy still loves you very much and she’s watching over you every day.” Liam let out a small wail and Heather looked over to him.

  “I’ll get him,” I walked over and picked Liam up. I held him against my chest and he calmed down. Kelsey was watching my every movement.

  “Is that baby ours too?” She looked happy at the thought.

  “Yes, sweetheart. This is Liam.” She looked at him and gave him a kiss on the head like she did with Tegan.

  “I’m a big sister to two babies?” She asked holding up two fingers.

  “Yes, sweetheart.” She nodded her head and looked between them.

  “I’m hungry.”

  “Let’s go and get you some food. Where’s Ashlyn?” I asked her as I balanced both babies in my arms so Heather could get herself ready.


  We all made our way into the clubhouse dining room and the Prez’s wife, Carla, was already up and cooking. She made some toast for Kelsey and I watched over her with Liam as Heather made the bottles up for the babies.

  THE PREZ MADE a few of his guys do a swap of rooms, so we were now in a large room with a double bed and a single one and still had plenty of room for the cot. We were keeping the babies in together until we had some time to go and buy new ones. We would never fit two cots in this room.

  “You gonna be ok, sugar?” I asked her as she was sitting on the bed with Tegan and Liam laid out in front of her, she was tickling them, trying to get them both to smile. It was easy with Liam, he was always happy. “Cammie and Ashlyn are here to help.”

  “I don’t need help. I can do this. I want to be able to look after them, I don’t want someone always with us.”

  “Just call if they get too much.” She nodded. I kissed her on the lips briefly before looking at Kelsey who was sitting on her bed playing with her dolls. Holes and I made a trip to where we were staying, grabbing as much stuff as we could, mainly clothes and toys. If it was in fact the Satan MC that invaded my home they sure did a good job, they completely trashed the place.

  “Bye, sweetheart,” I said to Kelsey, giving her a kiss on the top of her head.

  “Bye, Daddy,” she said not looking up at me. My head snapped to look at Heather and she was smiling at me. I wasn’t going to make a big deal out of it. I kissed Liam and Tegan on their heads and Heather once more before I turned around and met up with everyone else to check out this warehouse that Toes had found.

  PREZ, VP, Tat, Toes, Solar and myself all left our bikes at the top of the hill, we could see the warehouse but we didn’t want to alert anyone that we were here. We were here mainly to find out who was behind this sex trafficking business that the police were unable to find.

  Once we were closer to the building we hid in groups of two, Prez and Toes were behind a large van, Tat and Solar were behind a shed and me and VP were tucked away behind some large bins.

  “The door’s opening.” VP said as he made a hand signal telling everyone not to move. We all stayed quiet until we could see wh
o it was.

  “Shit,” I cursed.

  “What is it?” VP whispered.

  “That’s the Satan MC.”


  “They’re the ones that kidnapped your girl.”

  “What the fuck?” he growled. Maybe that wasn’t the best time to tell him that, would he be on a revenge mission now? “She was kidnapped? When did this happen?”

  “Fuck, did you not know?” He shook his head, “Sorry, man.”

  “Let’s get these fuckers.” He pulled the safety off his gun and I grabbed his arm.

  “These guys mean business, they will kill us all,” I told him.

  “They will get what’s coming to them, no one takes my girl and gets away with it.” VP motioned his hand to let them all know he was going in. I followed him closely behind, Heather would never forgive me if I let anything happen to him. It was strangely quiet and it had me thinking we were walking into a trap. As we walked closer to the main doors I heard movement and pulled Holes so we weren’t directly in front of the door. One man walked out alone and I grabbed him by the head, covered his mouth and threatened him with my knife at his throat. I walked back so he was against the house and I was in his personal space.

  “How many of you are there?” I demanded.

  “Fuck you,” he spat in my face. I dug the knife in harder and I heard him whimper when blood started oozing from him.

  “Wanna try again?” I asked. I looked over and saw Holes was keeping a constant look out, I didn’t know where the other brothers had gone.

  “Four… Only four,” he admitted.

  “Good.” I looked over and saw Holes watching us, I knew what he wanted so I stepped aside and let him deal with him. He didn’t hesitate, he shot him in the chest. “Fuck, they would have heard that,” I cursed.

  “Don’t care, I’m going in.” He turned around and kicked the door in, shooting as soon as he saw anyone. One guy was dead inside on the dirty concrete floor. I could hear a struggle going on further into the house, I stepped over the large bearded man and pushed a door open that led to an even dirtier kitchen area. Paint peeling off the walls, dirt and dried blood covering the floors. It was disgusting, I heard a gunshot and the roar of bikes. I ran outside and was shocked at what I saw. Riding away was two bikes, both in Devon Destroyers jackets.

  “Blade, we need to find the girls,” I looked over my shoulder and saw Toes looking at me. I nodded my head and followed him into the house. I saw a dead body at the bottom of the stairs. “There may be more. VP said there were four and we’ve only killed two.”

  “I saw two riding away,” I told him. He nodded but we kept our weapons out in case there were any more people about. We walked up the stairs, I followed behind Toes making sure no one could sneak up behind us. Once we reached the top of the stairs there were two doors, Toes opened the first one and it was an empty bathroom. We moved on to the next door and it was locked. He looked at me and I nodded my head in agreement that we should kick it in. He took a step back and slammed his foot into the door. Toes was a large guy, bulging muscles, covered in tattoos. Screams erupted in the room and we hurried in, I stopped dead in my tracks when I looked into the dark and damp room. The room was covered in mattresses and ten different aged women were all huddled together in one corner of the room.

  “Prez.” Toes shouted down the stairs and within a couple of minutes the rest of the guys were standing in the room too.

  “Get Drake here with the van.” Prez demanded.

  “What about the girls and families?” Solar asked.

  “You and Blade head back there and we’ll get this place cleared up. We don’t want anyone finding it, Brett told us this place existed, if he finds it like this he’ll know we had something to do with it,” he explained. I nodded and as me and Solar left the room I could hear Holes trying to talk to the girls, he was probably the least scary looking out of them all. I rushed to my bike, in a hurry to get back to my family. As I was about to pull my helmet on I saw Holes running towards his bike. He climbed on and took off with Solar and myself not far behind him.


  CARLA HAD BEEN A GREAT HELP, she had dug out all of her old stuff she used when her kids were little. She found a playpen the babies could sleep in and her daughter Olivia, who was four, kept Kelsey amused. They were sitting at a table with Danny who was two and they were finger painting. Ashlyn was trying to take a step back and let me care for them as I was going to be looking after them in the future. I didn’t want her to feel pushed out. She was staring into space, looking out the side window in the clubhouse.

  “You ok?” I asked as I moved to sit beside her on the worn out leather sofa.

  “Yeah,” she sighed.

  “You sure about that?” I didn’t want to pry but I didn’t want her feeling like she couldn’t talk to me either.

  “She was my best friend, you know?” She paused and I kept quiet. “She was always there for me and now I have no one. I hated that I was away from her for those couple of months. She went downhill fast.”

  “That must have been scary for you being at the Satan clubhouse?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I’ve never met a group of guys that are so scary and that liked to inflict pain.” She paused and took a deep breath. I saw something change in her eyes. “Anyway you don’t want to hear about that.”

  “I’m here if you ever need to talk. You’re not alone, not anymore.” She smiled and I wanted to give her a hug but hesitated.

  “Thank you.”

  “Mummy, look what I made.” I looked up and Kelsey was waving me over. I smiled at Ashlyn and walked over to inspect her art work. I was a bit overwhelmed that she had called me mummy, I knew kids adapted well but it still shocked me. I spoke to Carla and she explained that it could be a coping mechanism for her, as she wanted to be the same as the babies because we called me and Blade mummy and daddy in front of them.

  “That looks great, sweetie,” I said as I knelt down beside her and inspected her painting. There was a whole load of noise and I looked up to see a furious looking Mason walking in through the doors, his eyes scanned the room and once they settled on Cammie, they softened.

  “Cammie, bedroom. NOW!” he demanded. She nodded and made her way towards him, once she was close enough he reached for her hand and dragged her towards the bedrooms. My eyes kept looking at the door, waiting for Blade to come back. I hated the thought that something may happen to him. A few seconds later he walked in and I stood up and rushed towards him, throwing my arms around him and burying my head in his neck. He was taller than me so I had to stretch up on tip toes to reach him.

  “Hey, you ok?” he asked, rubbing my back. I nodded my head but didn’t break apart from him. I hated that we spent so many weeks apart, it was one of the worst times in my life and I never wanted to be separated from him again. I pulled back and cupped my hand around the back of his neck to pull his head towards me so I could claim his lips. Just as our lips barely touched, Liam let out a wail which woke Tegan up and she started crying too.

  “Mummy, the babies are crying!” Kelsey called out. I pulled away from Blade and walked over to the play pen and pulled Liam out. He was having a major tantrum, his face was red and his fists were clenched together tightly.

  “Sugar, give him here.” Blade said as he walked towards me.

  “Go to daddy,” I told Liam. Blade took him from me and walked over to the leather sofa where Ashlyn was sitting. He flicked the TV on and cradled Liam in his arms, rocking him gently. Within a couple of minutes he was quiet. I had managed to calm Tegan down as soon as I picked her up. I looked at the clock and saw that it was nearly noon.

  “I’ll get their bottles made,” I said to Blade and he nodded. “Kelsey you want a sandwich for lunch?” I asked her. She shook her head.

  “Crackers and cheese please,” she smiled at me.

  “I’ll see what I can find.” I ran my hand over her head and she swatted my hand away. As I walked towards the kitc
hen I saw Cammie leaving Mason’s room alone. She looked up at me and her eyes were watery. I stopped walking and waited for her to come closer. “You ok?”

  “Yes,” she smiled.

  “You’re smiling?” I asked confused.

  “Yeah,” she nodded.

  “Ok, I’m confused. You look like you’ve been crying.”

  “I have,” she hesitated, looking around. “Mason asked me to be his Old Lady,” she smiled.


  “Why do you looked so surprised? I know I’m not good enough for him. I mean, I’ve got baggage, I’m a club whore,” she looked down to the ground when she said that.

  “No,” I told her.

  “I do not want to hear you saying that again,” Mason bellowed behind us. We both spun around and he had his hands fisted at his sides, legs spread wide and an angry look on his face. He walked slowly towards us and once he reached Cammie he put his finger under her chin so she would look at him, “You are not a club whore. You are my Old Lady. Got it?”

  “I haven’t said yes yet,” she softly said which earnt a growl from Mason and a chuckle from me.

  “You will,” he pecked her on the lips before he walked away. We both waited until he was around the corner until we both burst into giggles.

  “Did you see the look on his face?” I said.

  “Yep, he is determined.” Cammie laughed.

  “Why didn’t you say yes? You want to be his Old Lady, I know you do,” I pushed the kitchen door open and once we were both inside I passed Tegan to Cammie and sorted out making some lunch.

  “Yeah, I do. It’s just…” She hesitated, “Don’t you think it’s a bit quick?”

  “Don’t talk to me about things being quick. I hadn’t known Kade for ten minutes before he was claiming me and yesterday morning I had one son and now I have two daughters as well.”

  “You were born to be a mum, Heather. Look at you, you practically have twins. One’s just five weeks older than the other,” she laughed.

  “Mummy!” Kelsey called out as she pushed the kitchen door open, “I’m hungry. You’re taking foreber,” she exclaimed, not pronouncing her words right and placing her hands on her hips.


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