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South Coast Brothers Part 1

Page 22

by Kacey Hamford

  “It’s coming. Sit at the breakfast bar with auntie Cammie while I finish it,” I told her and Cammie helped her sit on the stool.

  “Kelsey!” Blade barked as he walked into the room with Liam in his arms. “What have I told you about running away from me?”

  “Not to do it,” she quietly said as her head dipped and her bottom lip trembled. “But I…”

  “No buts,” he cut her off.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I won’t do it again, Daddy,” she smiled at him and I saw him soften before my very eyes. He couldn’t be mad at her when she looked so cute and when she called him daddy.

  “Us guys have got to stick together,” he said to Liam as I passed him a bottle and he walked out of the room.

  WE HAD AN UNEVENTFUL DAY, I tried my best to keep Kelsey entertained. It was difficult trying to explain to her why we couldn’t just leave and go to the park or the beach. Blade said it wasn’t safe for her to even play outside for the minute, not until they knew what was going on, of course I asked what he meant and got the usual reply of ‘Club business’.

  We had put the babies to bed and I was reading Kelsey a story while Blade showered. Considering we didn’t have an overly active day, she was out like a light. I walked in to the bathroom hoping that Blade hadn’t finished yet so I could join him. I was surprised when I walked in and he was sitting on the closed toilet seat, his head in his hands.

  “You ok?” I asked as I walked closer towards him. He couldn’t have heard me walk in as he jumped when I spoke.

  “Oh, yeah. Just thinking.” He rubbed his hand over his face, stood up and slipped off his jacket then pulled his t-shirt over his head.

  “Oh yeah, about what?” I asked. He lowered his head so his lips were touching my ear.

  “Club business, sugar.” He kissed that spot below my ear and my body trembled. We had only been back together officially for two days and apart from that one time in the club a week ago, we hadn’t had much contact apart from kisses. My body needed him, every time he was near, my skin heated and my core pulsed. He pulled my t-shirt off over my head and unsnapped my bra. As it fell away his hands were kneading my breasts and his head dipped and he ran his tongue over one of my piercings. I stepped back and shook my head, they weren’t fully healed yet and I didn’t want them to get infected.

  “You can do an additional solution treatment on them later. I’m not keeping my tongue and lips away from them any longer.” He pulled at my leggings until they were around my ankles. He grabbed my hips and placed me onto the sink, I balanced on the edge as he pulled my leggings and flip flops off my feet. I stretched out with my foot and placed it on the bath tub directly opposite us so I wouldn’t fall. I opened my legs the best I could when Blade stood in between them.

  “You are so fucking sexy,” he whispered into my ear. My body trembled, my nipples hardened and my skin was covered in goose bumps. He lowered his head and I raised mine ready to kiss him when he bypassed my lips and went straight for my nipples. He brushed his lips over the tips and I loved the sensation of feeling his soft lips and then the roughness of stubble on them. His tongue darted out of his mouth and he licked and nibbled on them, my head fell back from the pleasure and I moaned. He chuckled and the vibration shot straight through my core. While he was distracted, I pulled at his belt until it loosened and flicked the button open on his jeans. I pushed my hand inside and grabbed hold of him, he moaned which caused another vibration to shoot over my body. I used my leg that wasn’t holding me up to push his jeans down.

  “Can you be quiet, sugar?” he asked, looking at me and I frantically nodded. I’d bite a hole in my lip if I had to, all I wanted was for him to be inside of me. He pulled at my legs so I would wrap them around him as he picked me up and walked towards the wall next to the bathroom door. He always favoured a wall over everything else.

  “Babe, we can’t,” I panted. He pulled back to look at me, confusion on his face. “The wall will be too noisy. Kelsey will definitely wake up.” He groaned and moved me. He shuffled towards the side unit, his jeans still around his ankles. Once I was sitting on the unit he kicked his jeans off and pulled my hips so I was hanging off the edge and he dropped to his knees. He pushed my legs further apart and he looked at me, eyes full of hunger and desire. I rose my hips in the air slightly telling him to stop teasing me. He scratched the inside of my thighs with his whiskers and I felt myself dampen even more.

  “Kade, please,” I begged.

  “That’s it, sugar. That’s all I wanted,” he chuckled before kissing the inside of my thighs and running his tongue over my wet lips. He focused on my clit, sucking and nipping until I was writhing in pleasure. My hands were behind me, keeping me in a sitting position, my head was slung back and my hair was tickling my bare skin. I bit down on my lip as Blade pushed two fingers inside of me and began rubbing against my g-spot. I wanted to cry out from the pleasure but knew that I couldn’t. Once by body stopped convulsing and my breathing was almost back to normal, I looked at Kade.

  “Did you lock the door?”

  “Yeah, the bathroom door is locked.” He fisted his cock and pumped it a couple of times.

  “I meant the bedroom door, in case Kelsey wakes up.”

  “Yes, sugar. It’s locked.” He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me closer, claiming my lips roughly. I let out a little yelp and he chuckled. I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and he pulled me off the side unit and straight onto his hard cock. I gasped in surprise as I wasn’t expecting it. “I want to be pounding you into a wall but, as I can’t, I’ll settle for impaling you onto my cock.”

  “Yes!” I called out. He positioned us so my thighs were resting on top of his forearms with his arms under my legs holding onto my bum. He pulled and pushed me with all of his strength and I couldn’t do anything but hold on for the ride. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed and nibbled at his skin that I could reach. I could feel my orgasm approaching and as my walls tightened I could feel him grow and knew I was about to scream. I dipped my head into his neck and bit down to muffle my cries of pleasure. He groaned and I wasn’t sure if it was his release making him groan or me biting him. Maybe it was both. After a couple minutes, he pulled me off him and placed me on my feet, my legs were like jelly and I flopped down onto the closed toilet seat.

  “You bit me,” he complained as he studied the mark in the mirror.

  “It wasn’t that hard. I didn’t draw blood.” I stood up and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, placed my head on his back and felt my eyes closing. When he tried to move my eyes snapped open.

  “Come on sugar, we need to shower.” I nodded and let him pick me up and carry me into the shower. I had a lot of restless night’s sleep while he was away from us and I felt like it was all of a sudden catching up on me.

  We showered quickly, washing our bodies. I tried to keep my hair as much out of the water as possible. I didn’t want to have to dry that now.

  “Don’t forget to clean those properly,” he said pointing at my breasts as he climbed out of the shower.

  “Can you pass me the solution?” I asked pointing to the bottle on the side of the sink. He nodded and passed it to me before wrapping a towel around his waist.

  “I’ll meet you in bed.” He winked at me. I smiled at him and blew him a kiss. I couldn’t erase the smile off my face even if I wanted to. I was happy, I had my man back and we were a family, a bigger family of five.


  THERE HAD BEEN no sign of trouble over the last several weeks, no news of sex trafficking, no invasions and no sign of the Satan MC. We had been patrolling constantly over the last few weeks, I had made the trip a couple of times with Drake up to the Satan clubhouse and it was still as burnt down as ever. If they had set up somewhere else we hadn’t heard of it. I had spoken to a few other MC’s and no one has seen any trace of them.

  “Hey, can you change her please?” Heather asked as she passed me Tegan along w
ith an outfit. I took her over to the changing table and started cleaning her up, I had to make sure I used the right size nappies as Liam was in bigger ones than her.

  “What is this?” I asked, holding up the pink frilly dress that Heather had given me.

  “It’s her outfit for today. Or until she makes a mess on it.”

  “I’d definitely throw up on this if I was you, little lady,” I whispered to her, which earnt me a gurgle and lots of arms and legs flying around.

  “Right, I need a shower…” Heather started telling me when there was a knock on the door, I checked to make sure she was covered up first before I opened it. I stood in the doorway with Tegan in my arms, Tat was standing in front of me and Tegan started crying. She was going through a stage of not liking other people at the minute. Heather took her out of my arms and passed me Liam instead.

  “Hey, little dude.” Tat said to him, which earnt him a big smile. I passed Liam to Tat, he was a sociable little baby and all the guys loved him.

  “What’s up?” I asked him, leaning on the doorframe.

  “Oh, I got distracted. The pigs are here, they wanna see you, man.”

  “What do the police want with me?” I asked quietly so Heather didn’t hear.

  “Don’t know. Come on.” He nodded his head and began walking away, still carrying Liam.

  “Sugar, I got a meeting. Won’t be long.” I blew her a kiss and winked at Kelsey who was watching cartoons.

  “Kade, you’re meant to be helping me. Where’s Liam?” she asked, placing her hands on her curvy hips. I wanted to place my hands on her hips and pull her up close to my body. I shook my head and cleared my throat.

  “Tat’s got him. I gotta go. Club…”

  “Business, yeah I know. Go on, go.” She shooed me away and I blew her a kiss and told her that I loved her.

  I walked down the brightly lit hallway and into the bar area where I saw Prez, VP and the rest of the members sitting and standing, along with a policeman.

  “Blade.” Prez said, nodding his head to a seat.

  “Boss.” I nodded my head at him and sat down, looking around for Tat, he was sitting on the sofa bouncing Liam on his knee. “Sorry, I didn’t realise you were waiting for me, you could have started, I would have caught up.”

  “This is about you, son,” Prez said to me. “This is Brett. He’s a good guy, we can trust him.”

  I looked at the guy, he was well built, clean shaven, with brown hair and brown eyes. He was watching me and I wondered what the hell was going on.

  “Blade, we need your help.” Brett said.

  “Who does? The police? What the hell do they need me for?” I was sitting casually in my chair looking at him. He wasn’t intimidated by any of us not like most people were.

  “Yeah, we need you to go back to the Devon Destroyers. We need info…”

  “You want me to rat? No way, man. No way, I ain’t no rat.” I pushed my chair out and stood to my feet.

  “Blade.” Prez said in a warning tone. I didn’t leave, I started pacing in front of where Brett was sitting. I ran my hands over my short hair and down my face.

  “Something fishy is going on, we need to know what.” Brett told me.

  “Why do you need to know? Surely it’s Devon police that deal with them?” I asked.

  “Usually, but they have been here a few times doing business. I think they have another warehouse set up here, in Cornwall, and I need to find it.”

  “And what makes you think I can help?” I stopped moving and looked him in the eye.

  “We know you got a visit from one of them.” He was calm and collected as he sat there with his hands linked on top of the table.

  “You been spying on me?” I asked.

  “We like to call it surveillance,” he smirked.

  “Did you see the Satan’s go in and trash my house? While my family was there?” I shouted.

  “We saw.”

  “You could have had them then. Breaking and entering. Why didn’t you? They could have hurt one of my girls,” I yelled, slamming my hand down on the table where he sat.

  “We have our reasons. Now, are you going to help us?”

  “Why would I help you?” I growled, taking a step back away from him. I kept chanting in my head ‘Don’t hit a police officer, don’t hit a police officer, don’t hit a police officer’.

  “Because if you don’t, you are going away for a very long time…” he paused, taking a sip of his coffee as we all stayed silent and waited for him to finish what he was saying. “We’ve been tailing you for some time now, Blade. We’ve seen what you get up to. Who you work for, the runs you do. We need your help to take down the Devon Destroyers MC.”

  “And what happens to me?” I asked through gritted teeth.

  “You’ll get a pass, slate wiped clean for helping us.”

  “FUCK!” I yelled. “And if I don’t help?”

  “Then you’ll be coming with us right now, down to the station.”

  “Brett, what the hell man?” VP said to him. “You’ve been like one of us just without the patch. We’ve always helped each other out and now you go and do this?”

  “It’s my job. The Devon Destroyers are up to something and we need to get a handle on it.”

  “Do you know what will happen to him if they find out?” Solar asked him. Brett shrugged his shoulders. “They’ll kill him, man.”

  “Then make sure they don’t find out, simple.”

  “Simple?” I roared, throwing my hands up in the air.

  “Are you in?” Brett asked, leaning forward so his elbows were on the table.

  “Do I have to decide right this minute?” I asked.

  “Yep and you have a month to figure it all out. I want the Devon Destroyers behind bars within one month.”

  “I need longer than that. Three months at least,” I tried bargaining with him.

  “I’ll give you two.”

  “Fine,” I agreed, against my better judgement. He held out his hand and I looked around at the other members, they subtly nodded and I shook his hand. Did I just make a deal with the devil? I needed to get out, I needed to ride. These guys knew me quite well now, especially Tat. I looked at him as he had Liam and he nodded his head, telling me to go. I knew Liam would be good with him and I knew they would all keep an eye on Heather, I wasn’t running away, I needed to ride to form a plan and I needed to find a way to convince Heather to move back to Devon with me. I didn’t want her at the clubhouse, I wanted her in our home.


  I WAS STARTING to get worried, Blade had been gone for hours. Tat had brought Liam back to me when he was getting fussy and all he told me was that Blade was on some ‘Club business’. I hated that I didn’t get to know any details. Kelsey was already fast asleep in bed and Liam and Tegan were being fussy. I had them both in my arms, one on each hip and their heads laid against my shoulders. I was pacing around the room trying to get them to sleep. Every time I stopped moving one would wake up and cry setting the other one off. This time they had woke Kelsey up too.

  “Mummy,” she said sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

  “Sorry, sweetie. Do you want to sleep in with Ashlyn?” I asked her. She nodded, sucking her thumb and grabbing her teddy. “Come on then, can you open the door?” she nodded again. “Good girl.” I found it difficult to do anything with two babies in my arms. “Knock on the door first,” I said as she was about to walk into Ashlyn’s room. We waited a few seconds before the door swung open.

  “Hello,” she smiled brightly, looking at us.

  “I want to sleep wiv you.” Kelsey said.

  “Sweetie, you’re meant to ask,” I laughed.

  “Oh, can I pwease sweep wiv you?” she asked.

  “Of course.” Ashlyn opened the door wider and Kelsey ran in and jumped on the bed.

  “You sure you don’t mind? These keep waking her up.”

  “Do you want some help?” She asked.

  “No, they’re just
being fussy,” I told her. “Thank you for looking after her.”

  “I’m happy to have her, anytime.” I smiled in thanks and walked back to my room, pacing again trying to lure the babies back to sleep.

  They were nearly asleep when I heard the bedroom door open, I turned around to see Blade walking in. He looked tired, emotionally and physically.

  “You ok?” I asked, walking towards him. I wanted to touch him but I couldn’t, my hands were full. Liam let out an almighty cry which woke Tegan again. I sighed and bounced them both around.

  “Here, give him to me.” Blade said as he reached over to take Liam off me.

  “He’s been unsettled all day,” I told him. As soon as Blade held him close he fell silent and I moved Tegan so she was laying in my arms, this was the position she liked to be in, but that was difficult when I had two babies to calm down. “You have the magic touch. He must have needed his daddy.” Blade gave me half a smile before putting Liam in his cot. Tegan was still awake and I wasn’t going to risk putting her down and waking Liam back up.

  “I need a shower.” Blade grumbled, walking past me.

  “Hey, you sure you’re ok?” He shrugged his shoulders and walked away in silence.

  Blade looked like he had something on his mind and I wanted to know what was bothering him, I knew that he wouldn’t tell me but I had to at least give it a shot. As I put Tegan down next to Liam the bathroom door opened and Blade walked out with just a towel wrapped around his waist. He walked to his drawer and grabbed a pair of boxers.

  “Wait, don’t put them on yet.” He glanced towards Kelsey’s bed and raised his eyebrows. “She’s with Ashlyn.” He put the boxers back away and I locked the bedroom door. “Are you gonna tell me what’s wrong?”

  “I can’t, you know that, sugar,” he sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. I climbed up behind him and began rubbing his shoulders.

  “You’re very tense. You need to relax…”

  “I know a way you can relax me,” he smiled.


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