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Capone's Chaos: Royal Bastards MC Los Angeles Chapter book #2

Page 4

by J. Lynn Lombard

  She leans into me and sniffs. “You need a shower. You smell really bad.”

  “So do you.” I counter with a laugh.

  She sniffs herself, “Oh my God, you’re right. Shower, dinner then we can relax with a movie. I don’t know about you but with Blayze gone, I really don’t want to be alone tonight.”

  “I don’t want to be alone either,” I confess. I have nightmares every night and sleep usually evades me. No one knows about my struggles and I don’t plan on telling anyone either. There’s only one way that I’ve been able to sleep since I’ve been back. One night a while back, I couldn’t sleep and my mind was overtaken with so much bad shit, I found myself in front of Derek’s door. He could have told me to leave, but he didn’t. Instead, he let me in and comforted me. Nothing happened that night, but I did manage to sleep all night long. Little things like that and the way he watches me when I’m near sets my skin on fire. Then he turns cold and it’s no wonder I’m confused about where we stand.

  “Good, I’ll meet you in the kitchen in twenty. I’ll go tell one of the patch whores to make us something.” Monica takes off into the clubhouse before I can say anything.

  I stay on the back porch and soak up the fading sun, relaxing and finding a little bit of peace. A breeze washes over my skin, bringing the salty sea air with it. I release a deep sigh and head inside to my room.

  I know I need to talk to someone about what happened, but I don’t know who I can trust. Who won’t judge me and look at me with pity. There is one person who I want to trust and talk to. With my mind made up, I grab my phone off my dresser. I have one voice mail and six text messages. I ignore the voicemail, not wanting to go down that road and begin scrolling through the messages with a smile on my face. All six are from Derek. I send a quick response, grab some clothes and head into the shower with an extra skip in my step. Maybe there is a chance for us.

  Chapter 5


  We touch down in NOLA airport and Jameson has a prospect waiting to take us back to his clubhouse deep in the swamp. The pickup we’re in is built for backroad bogging, which is what we’re currently doing.

  “How in the fuck do you bring a bike down these roads?” I grumble. The prospect, who’s name I didn’t bother with, hits another bump and my teeth rattle in my head.

  “We don’t. There’s another road built just for bikes. No cages allowed.” The prospect answers.

  “Fuck this dumbass backwoods shit,” Blayze mumbles from the backseat. The prospect hits anther fucking bump and Blayze hits his head on the roof of the pickup. “I swear to the motherfucking biker Gods, if I hit this roof one more time, I’m going to knock your teeth so far down your throat, you’ll be shoving a toothbrush up your ass to brush your teeth, prospect.”

  The prospect eases up on the gas and the rest of the ride is smoother. Once we reach the end of the road, a clearing comes into view with the National Chapter’s Clubhouse directly in front of me. A line of bikes is parked in front along with a few other beefed up trucks. We’re surrounded by trees and I can hear the critters in the bayou off in the distance. Jameson steps out of the clubhouse, slamming the door behind him.

  I climb out of the pickup and approach him, “Good to see you, brother.” We bro hug and slap each other on the back. Blayze and Jameson do the same thing.

  “Glad the two of you could make it. We have a surprise for all of you,” Jameson gestures for us to enter his Clubhouse.

  Once we make it inside, my jaw drops and a huge smile lights up my face. Every single President and V.P. are here, drinking, talking and shooting the shit. Demon and Drake from the Savannah Chapter, Mason and Carson from the Birmingham, AL Chapter, Murder from Charleston, WV, Petros and Helix from the Lincoln, NE chapter. Petros has had some issues with a woman but apparently, the new one he found is doing good for him. He looks better than what he did last time I saw him. Declan and Axel from the Flagstaff, AZ Chapter, Ghoul and Crow from the Cleveland Chapter are here. I see Crow texting on his phone with a shit eating grin in his face. Nycto and Void from our Tampa Chapter are here. The fuckers Koyn and Filter are here from Tulsa, OK, two of my favorite assholes. Crucifix and Rattler from the NYC Chapter are here. Crucifix gives me a nod of the head. We had some business a few months back and thanks to Blayze, their girl Nixx is bringing in a lot of money-making RB porn. Grim and Mammoth from Tonopah give me a nod and a slap on the back. They also helped us out when we had a lead on Bloody Scorpions in their area. We were a day late but got to catch up with them. Hornet and Silver from the Detroit Chapter are standing toward the back of the room. Dog and Burn from Idaho Springs and Edge from Santa Fe are here also.

  The only one I notice missing is Gamble. She’s the only woman to hold a Prez spot in the Royal Bastards. I know Rancid did it intentionally to try and shame and humiliate her and our club. The only thing he didn’t count on was most of us backing her up and helping her when she needed it. Most of us will do anything for that woman. She’s been through hell and back no thanks to Rancid and his fucked-up pedophile dick. Which is why we’re all here gathered under one roof for the first time ever.

  Jameson enters the room and whistles loudly. “You fuckers know why all your ugly mugs are here today. We’re going to put an end to the one person who fooled so many of us throughout the years.” He nods to Knuckles and Knuckles leaves the room only to come back a few minutes later, dragging a kicking and screaming Rancid by his hair. My blood pressure rises at the sight of the motherfucker. “You’ll get your chance.” Jameson gives me a wink and a nod of his head.

  After what this asshole has done to me and my club, I’m going to enjoy every swing of the bat. Every drop of blood and I’ll finally get peace watching the life drain from his eyes. Rancid tried strong arming his way into my club and tried to take a few of my girls for his own sick pleasure right after I took over as Prez. Apparently, Chains had an agreement with him for years. Rancid would come in, take his pick, the younger the better and leave with her only to never be seen again. After I took over, that fucking shit stopped, pissing Rancid off in the process. I banned him from ever stepping foot in my territory again. I’ve been waiting for the day it’s my turn to get revenge on all the girls he took against their will.

  “Capone, you’re up,” Jameson hands me the bat and I take it in my hands. Already coated with blood from the other presidents getting their revenge, I hold the bat back and swing with everything I have. The satisfying crunch of bone against wood settles the beast resting inside my chest. I watch Rancid’s blood drip from his busted mouth and not a drop of remorse comes to me. This fucker deserves everything he’s getting. I hand the bat off to Jameson and stand to the back.

  The front door opens and the final piece of the puzzle comes into play. Gamble walks in with her swollen belly and heads right for Rancid. Taking pleasure of everything she does to him I watch as she exacts revenge on him for taking away Dog, the love of her life. She takes back the power Rancid held over her and now I understand why Danyella and Monica did what they did in Michigan. I understand everything as I watch Rancid take his last breath.


  Once everyone clears out and heads off to do their own thing, Blayze and I go to the hotel we’re staying at. He’s in the bathroom taking a shower and I’m pacing back and forth on the worn carpet, trying to figure out how to fix the situation with Danyella. Does she want some kind of grand gesture or would she rather I do subtle? Does she even want to pursue something with me or am I wasting my time?

  Throwing caution to the wind, I send her a text.

  Me: There are some things we need to talk about when I get back.

  I press send and wait. Then I wait some more. When she doesn’t answer right away, I send another one.

  Me: Look I know you’re still mad at me about last night. I would rather talk to you face to face about it.

  When she doesn’t answer me back, paranoia sets in. What the hell is she doing? Is she staring at her phone waiting for me t
o text her like I am right now or is she laughing at my attempt of an apology? What the fuck am I doing? I don’t chase anyone, I’m the motherfucking Prez for Christ sakes. No woman should have this much power over me.

  My phone rings in my hand and it’s Torch on the other end. I swipe the green button to answer, “Torch.”

  “Prez. Got a dilemma here.” I can hear echoing of feet in the background.

  “What’s up?”

  “Uh… not sure how to put it.” Torch exhales sending my blood pressure up, “Danyella asked me to teach her how to fight.” He blurts out. That’s the last thing I thought he’d say.

  I’m speechless. Images of Belle in a pair of tight shorts and a sports bra with sweat dripping down her luscious body has my cock hard. Her grunts and moans vibrating the air sends a wave of lust rolling through my body.

  “Prez, you there?” Torch sounds unsure of himself.

  I adjust my cock and clear my throat. “Yeah, I’m here. That’s all she wants is to learn how to defend herself?”


  “Then do it. But, by all that is holy and sacred to you, I will cut off your dick if you touch her.” I growl.

  “How do I train her with no contact?”

  “I don’t give a fuck, figure it out. But if you lay a hand on her, I will cut it off and beat you with it.” I end the call and shove my phone in my cut. Now I know why she isn’t answering me and feel like an idiot for the self-doubt I’ve caused.

  Blayze comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and steam following close behind. “Shower’s yours if you want it.” He grabs his bag and drops his towel, changing into clean clothes.

  Looking down at my scarred knuckles from years of fighting, I think about Danyella and how I’ve screwed up so many times with her. I rub my right thumb over my left knuckles lost in thought. I’m still trying to figure out how to fix us, I grab my phone and send her another text. Not sure it’ll do what I want it to, I send 3 more, hoping it’ll bring a smile to her face and make her miss me as much as I miss her.

  I toss my phone onto the table and head into the bathroom. I need a shower and some food before we head to bed and take off in the morning. All this flying coast to coast is going to catch up with me if I don’t take care of myself. Finished with my shower, I leave the bathroom and get dressed. Blayze is talking on his phone with Monica and I roll my eyes with the vulgar shit he’s saying to her. I swear if they weren’t married and he wasn’t my best friend, I’d knock his teeth down his throat. Blayze hangs up his phone after several I love you’s and I miss you’s.

  “Where do you want to eat?” He asks.

  “I don’t give a fuck.” I answer. Yes, I’m jealous. I want what he has but Danyella still hasn’t answered my text yet.

  “Seen a bar down the street. Let’s go there.”

  I look down at my phone hoping she answered and disappointment fills me. “Yeah, whatever.” I put my phone in the inside of my cut and we leave the hotel room.

  The sweltering heat of Louisiana makes my clothes stick to me. We find the bar and settle into a booth in the corner. The waitress takes our orders and leaves after trying to flirt with us but failing. I might be single but I’m not on the market and she just doesn’t do it for me.

  “What’s going on Prez? You’ve been moody and quiet lately. Worse than normal.” Blayze asks. He has no clue how I feel about his sister and I don’t think he ever had. The waitress brings us our beer and appetizers and I take a long pull. “Is it Danyella?” Blayze asks.

  I choke on my beer and spit some of it back out in shock. “What?” I ask once I can talk again.

  Blayze grabs a mozzarella stick and chews before answering. His green eyes like his sisters assess me. “I’ve seen the way you watch her. How you know where she is at all times and don’t think I didn’t see you sneaking off at my wedding last night. You two were practically fucking on the dance floor.”

  Speechless, I take another drink and figure out a way to answer him. Blayze speaks before I do. “Look, I get it. She’s been through a lot of shit and you don’t want to drag her down with you.” He wipes his hands on a napkin, takes a pull of his beer before continuing. “But denying her what you each want isn’t good for either of you. She needs to heal and you need her light. Don’t wait too long before she decides you don’t want her anymore.” Blayze stands, “I need to piss.”

  He walks toward the bathroom and I know he’s right. I’m trying here. I know I’ll fuck up and make mistakes. But I won’t give up. Not yet. My phone buzzes in my cut and my heart skips a beat, fucking thing. I yank my phone out and see my Belle flash across the screen. I open the text she sent and a real smile lights up my face. It’s a picture of her in her tiny shorts and sports bra, sweat glistening off her body. Her text has my blood pumping and my cock instantly hard. Under the picture she wrote:

  My Belle: Don’t wait too long, Derek. I see you and I’m ready.

  I instantly write her back, my fingers flying over the keypad.

  Me: I’ll be home tomorrow. I want to see that little outfit in my room. We need to have a serious convo about where we’re heading.

  My Belle: Is that all?

  Me: For now. Think of me when you sleep tonight. When you’re touching yourself, think of my hands, lips and mouth all over that tight little body. Think about how I’ll ravish you with my tongue and make you scream my name as you come all over my face.

  My Belle: Hmm… I’m thinking of you right now while I’m taking a shower. Will that work?

  Me: Woman, I’m sitting in a bar trying to eat. You’re killing me here.

  My Belle: I have something else you can eat.

  Me: Oh, I’ll be eating all right. As soon as my feet hit the Clubhouse floor you better be ready. I’m done waiting and trying to be good to you.

  My Belle: I don’t want you to be good, Derek. I want you. I want you as you are. The good, the bad and the dirty.

  Me: Then you’ll have me. Blayze is back. I’ve got to go and try to calm this raging hard-on I have before he sees it.

  My Belle: That’ll be a little awkward. Having a boner while eating dinner with my brother.

  Me: And putting that image in my head, it’s gone down.

  My Belle: Glad I could help. I’ll see you tomorrow.

  Me: Good night beautiful. I see you tomorrow.

  Blayze takes his seat and digs into his food, ignoring the smile on my face. He chews and swallows before speaking. “What did Scorch want earlier?”

  “We have to head South when we get back. I have a job for Torch while we’re there.” I answer.

  “Does this have anything to do with what you found on Chains in the rundown warehouse?”

  Back when we found out where the Bloody Scorpions were holding Danyella and all the other girls for trafficking, Chains, the old Prez of our Chapter, ended up being the one behind all of it. He was at the warehouse the night we rescued them and I ended his life. He had a photograph on him that turned my blood to ice. I knew as soon as I saw it, my mother was in danger. I made a few phone calls and have people I trust watching her home. So far, it’s been quiet but I won’t put anything past Chains and the Salazar Cartel to have another plan in place, even in death.

  “Everything to do with that. I’ll hold Church tomorrow and get everyone filled in. I know you and Monica just got married, but I need you with me, brother.”

  “I won’t miss it for the world. Those fuckers are going down for threatening the club and your mother like that.” The edge in Blayze’s voice settles the anxiety I have about protecting her. She really screwed everything up the night she told me Chains wasn’t my father, but I’m thankful I don’t have his blood running through my veins.

  We finish our dinner, pay for it and head back to the hotel. Tomorrow will be a long day of traveling and planning our next move. The longer we wait, the more danger my Club and family are in. Time is not on our side anymore.

  Chapter 6


  Our plane touched down at LAX later the next night and the ride back to the clubhouse was uneventful. That was until we hit the clubhouse doors. Now music is pumping through the speakers, everyone is partying and celebrating mine and Blayze’s return. Alcohol, weed and cigarette smoke is thick in the air. Patch whores are dancing on every available surface, hoping to gain the attention of a brother.

  I release an internal groan and I know Blayze feels the same. The last thing either of us wants to do is party. He wants to be buried balls deep in his Ol’ Lady before we head to Mexico and I want to find Danyella. After our heated texting last night, the urge to find her is strong. I don’t know how she’ll react to me face to face.

  A pair of warm hand run up and down my exposed arms, racking her nails along my skin. “You look like you can use a little reprieve, Capone.” The sultry voice of a patch whore, Rose, whispers in my ear. “Come with me and I’ll take the edge off.”

  I don’t respond and take a seat at the bar with Rose following behind me. She wedges herself between me and the bar top and tries sitting on my lap. I don’t make it easy on her but she’s like a bull who sees red. She won’t give up.

  “I’m not interested.” Red’s prospect, Bones is manning the bar again and slides a glass of whiskey in my direction.

  “You can’t mean that Prez. Use me to make yourself forget.” Rose’s tits press against my arm and she nibbles on my ear. Bile climbs its way up my throat. “I can make you feel wanted, unlike Danyella.”

  A few nights ago, Danyella walked away from me, angry and heartbroken and hasn’t looked in my direction since. We’ve exchanged heated text messages last night and the last thing she has done is make me feel unwanted. If anything, she’s driving me insane to find her. I finish my drink and spot her in the middle of the dance floor. She’s looking at me with lust and longing in her emerald eyes which are currently staring at me, taking my breath away. She hasn’t blessed me with her sweet smile or her light laughter in days and I’m like a drug addict, I need it all the time. I don’t blame her either. I was a dickhead and deserve it all taken away from me. But damn it, it hurt. I deserve this pain in my chest. All the bad shit I’ve done. All the blood spilled by my hands. All of it. I don’t deserve anything from someone created as an angel. But fuck me, I’m taking it anyways.


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