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Capone's Chaos: Royal Bastards MC Los Angeles Chapter book #2

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by J. Lynn Lombard

  I shove Rose off me and she falls on her ass with a thud and a cry. I don’t even bother to check if she’s all right. My boots eat up the distance of the room until I’m in Danyella’s space. Her breath catches in her throat but she doesn’t break eye contact. I’m done being the nice guy and holding back.

  “Belle,” I whisper. My breath carrying across her face. “If you’re ready for me, be prepared. I won’t stop until I have your full submission.”

  A flush spreads across her porcelain skin. The music fades away, voices disappear as I stare into Danyella’s eyes, willing her to give me the green light. Begging her to give in to this attraction we have towards each other.

  One word. That’s all I need. One word from her plump red lips to put us both out of this misery. Only, that word never comes. Shots ring out through my clubhouse destroying everything in their path. I yank Danyella down and cover her body with my own, shielding her from the bullets ripping through the clubhouse. Screams and cries echo around me as I protect my woman.

  I pop my head up and pull my .40 caliber out of the inside of my cut. I can’t see who’s doing the shooting, but from the sounds, several automatics are spraying around us.

  “Stay here and keep covered,” I command Danyella. She nods her head, tears streaming down her face.

  “Derek, wait.” Danyella grabs my cut and pulls me in for a heated kiss. One I want to keep going, but I can’t. “Stay safe.”

  I nod my head, speechless, and crawl my way to Blayze, Torch, Bear and Tiny. They flipped a pool table over and are using it for shelter from the onslaught. Monica and Daisy are nowhere in sight. I raise an eyebrow to Blayze and he points toward the bar. Monica is helping Danyella and the three of them are crawling behind it for safety. I exhale a sigh of relief.

  “Let’s end these motherfuckers.” I growl. Adrenaline is pouring through my blood, itching to attack. Shots still ring out, destroying my commons room. “Cover me.”

  Blayze peeks around the left side of the pool table, Tiny does the same on the right. They both begin firing in the area the shots are coming from. The brutal onslaught to my clubhouse slows down as one of their bullets hits its mark. I stand and run from my spot to the couch and slide across the concrete floor. My feet slip in blood but I don’t have time to figure out who’s it is right now. Shots ring out over my head and another bullet hits the intended target. I fire into the hallway leading to our bikes and the return bullets suddenly stop.

  My ears are ringing and the smell of acid and copper heavy in the air. Moans and whimpers are heavy in the air but I don’t see who’s hit. Not yet. I stalk my way toward the area the unknown men were and Blayze, Torch and Bear are hot on my heels. One man is slouched against the wall, streaks of blood behind him. He’s not moving. I check for a pulse anyway with a shaky hand and confirm he’s dead. Behind him is another man. His brains are scattered along the wall behind him. No need to check for a pulse. A grunt and a thud further down the hallway draw my attention and I follow the blood trail. Whoever this belongs too isn’t dead yet, but that will change once I get my hands on him. Fading sunlight filters into the garage from the rolling doors and there’s no sign of the injured shooter anywhere.

  Squealing of tires on asphalt draws my attention and I hurry over to the open doors just as taillights disappear. I fire my gun at the van, running in their direction, but they’re too far away to hit. The gates leading into my clubhouse are off the track and a prospect’s body is slumped forward. I check his pulse, he’s dead.

  “What now, Prez?” Tiny asks.

  “Now we figure out who these dick suckers are.” I stomp back into the garage leading into the clubhouse. Fury replaces the adrenaline and the need to hurt someone is radiating off me in waves. “Fix those fucking gates and put two people on them asap. This will not happen again!” I slam my fist into the concrete wall. The pain penetrating through the fury, helping me think straight.

  Tiny and Dagger disappear with their prospects hot on their heels. Each member, besides myself and Blayze, has a prospect they’re vouching for to gain a spot into our club. If these two can hold their own and prove their worth in the club, they’ll be patched in. It might be sooner rather than later with the destruction that just happened.

  I kick a broken beer bottle out of my way and turn to Red who’s at the bar slamming back a shot. “Find out who those fuckers are and what club they’re affiliated with. Find out where their momma’s sleep and how they like to fuck. Leave nothing unturned.”

  “On it, Prez.” Red slams his glass down on the bar and disappears out of sight. He comes back a few minutes later with two fingers and a smirk, heading into the communications room he has set up.

  “Capone?” A quiet voice echoes around the room and I spot Danyella, Monica and Daisy huddled together in the hallway. They’re holding each other tight with tears streaming down their faces. I hurry over to them and scoop Danyella up into my arms. Fuck what anyone thinks. I almost lost her tonight and I’ll be damned if I let her go again. Blayze grabs Monica and Daisy looks uncomfortable.

  “Are you hurt?” I ask brushing Danyella’s long blonde hair out of her face. Her emerald eyes are red from her tears. She shakes her head no and releases a deep breath, resting her head on my chest. I stroke her hair, keeping her close.

  “Prez, we need to get this cleaned up.” Torch approaches us from behind and I take in the devastation surrounding me. Bullets destroyed the couches, TV, pool tables and walls. It’s going to take a lot of labor, but we can do it. A few patch whores are standing around, kicking broken things out of their way. Some are bleeding, others are stunned at what just happened.

  “I’ll help,” Daisy speaks up and disappears into the kitchen. She comes back out with garbage bags, gloves, buckets and cleaning products. Trigger hurries over and helps her with everything.

  “We’ll help too,” Monica gives Blayze a heated kiss and whispers something to him. He grunts and slaps her on her retreating ass.

  Danyella is still pressed against me, the feel of her soft curves has my cock wanting attention and I peer down at her. She looks up at me with hunger in her eyes. I brush her hair out of her face again and she licks her lips. My eyes follow the trail of her wet tongue and a groan escapes the back of my throat. This isn’t the time for my dick to do the talking but this woman is driving me crazy.

  “Are you OK?” Danyella quietly asks, her eyes watching mine.

  I cup her face with both hands and her breathing picks up. “I’m fine. A little pissed off that this happened. This isn’t how I imagined our night to go.”

  Danyella giggles and it’s music to my ears. “If Rose didn’t back off, it would’ve been worse.”

  “That I don’t doubt, Belle.” Fuck waiting. I waited for her to give me the word last time and look what happened. I lean in and press my lips against hers. All the doubts running through my head disappear with Danyella’s lips compliant against mine. Finally, my head and my cock are on the same page. Danyella sighs when I kiss her, opening her mouth for me to explore. I thread my fingers through her hair, swallowing up her moans. Her taste is on my tongue and I want more. I need more.

  Danyella digs her nails into my dark hair and a groan rumbles from deep within. It’s primal with need and hunger. Kissing my Belle is like heaven. Her soft lips against mine, her tongue moving with mine, battling back and forth. The whimpers and moans she produces drive me crazy.

  A throat clears behind me, loud and annoyed. I break the kiss with Danyella, panting and rest my forehead against hers. “We’ll continue this later, Belle. Club calls.” She nods her head. I’ve made her speechless and my chest swells with pride. Releasing the grip I have on her head, I turn to see Blayze staring at me with fire in his eyes. He should’ve known I wasn’t holding back any longer. Danyella is mine and I will do everything in my power to protect her.

  “You got a second, Prez?” The way he grits out my title brings a smirk to my lips pissing him off more. Take that asshole.
Now you know how I felt each time I watched you lust after my sister.

  “Yeah,” I turn to Danyella. The lust and longing in her eyes is my undoing. “Wait for me, please?” This time I ask instead of demand. I’ve discovered when you ask her to do something, she’ll be more compliant.

  “I’ll help the girls clean up. Come find me when you’re done.” She saunters off to help Monica, Daisy and the patch whores. I watch her ass sway the whole time until she’s out of sight.

  “What’d you need?” I play coy with Blayze to see where this is going.

  “I need to know what the fuck you’re doing. Are you sure you want to play this game?” The gruffness in Blayze’s voice draws my attention to him. He’s staring at me with trepidation in his eyes.

  “I get you’re worried about your sister. But I have no intention of hurting her.” I rest my hands on my hips and exhale a deep breath. “Do you remember when she was missing?”

  “Yeah,” Blayze looks at me with confusion all over his face.

  “Well, do you remember how pissed the fuck off I was and how no one could calm me down?” Blayze nods his head and I continue. “That’s because she wasn’t here. I found my other half the moment the two of you walked into these doors. She didn’t want to accept it then, but she’s ready to accept it now. Danyella is mine. Always has been. Always will be.”

  “What about the whores you’ve fucked when she was missing?”

  “I didn’t fuck any of them. I couldn’t.” I confess.

  Blayze holds up a hand, “Wait. Let me get this straight. The one time I went to your office, it smelled like sex and a half-naked patch whore ran out. You’re telling me you didn’t fuck her?”

  “Nope,” I answer popping the p. “She fucked herself on my couch, trying to get me to do it. She was mortified when she realized it wasn’t working.” I stare at Blayze, “Listen, I’m not telling you this for pity or anything else. You all think I’m a man-whore and I let you think that way. If our enemies know what Danyella means to me, she’ll be in danger. Which is why I’ve kept her at arm’s length. But I’m done pretending. And after what happened tonight? There’s no way in hell I’m letting these moments I can have with her disappear. They almost did twice. I’m done pretending.”

  “It’s about fucking time.” Blayze slaps a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it tight. “It’s about fucking time.” He releases my shoulder, “Tiny and Dagger are almost done fixing the gates. When do you want to call Church?”

  “Let’s see what Red’s up to and go from there. I want answers before the rest of the Club asks questions. We also need to discuss Mexico.”

  “Have you told Monica about your mom?”

  “Not yet. I don’t want to put any more stress on her until I can give her clear answers.”

  “Don’t wait too long, Derek. You know how she gets when something like this is hidden from her.”

  “I know. Trust me, I know. C’mon, let’s go see what Red’s figured out and then get all the brothers together for Church.”

  Blayze and I walk into Red’s communication room. His big body is hunched over and he has all his computers on and his fingers are flying over the keyboards. The screens all have a bunch of numbers on them scrolling faster than his fingers are typing.

  Another screen off to the right is flipping through images. I’m guessing it’s to find whoever in the fuck these guys were. A screen to the left has the images of all the girls we rescued. Most of them have returned home, others stayed here hoping to find a home. The ones that were held captive the longest are the ones who’ve had a hard time integrating into the real world and we’ve done what we can to help them. The little girl, Aerial, who was with Danyella and Daisy is still here. We still haven’t located her mother yet. But there’s something about her that seems so familiar and I can’t figure out why.

  “What do you have, Red?” I ask.

  Red pulls his head up and his fingers pause over the keys. His eyes are flickering back and forth between each monitor. “I’m running a check on the fingerprints from those two dick fuckers out there. I’m also running facial recognition on the one who got away. Our security cameras picked them up entering the clubhouse. Here, let me show you.”

  Red presses a button on a keyboard and the screen directly in front of us lights up and plays like a silent movie. The nondescript van backs up to the gate and the rear doors open. The prospect is perched on the roof holding his AR15 shouting at the people in the van. They open fire on the prospect and he slumps forward before diving head first off the roof. Dead before he hit the ground.

  Rage is consuming my every pore as I continue watching. The back of the van smashes into the gates a few times before they knock it off the rollers and they back in. Turning around, they drive fast toward the entrance to our clubhouse. Three men climb out of the van with their faces covered and AK47’s at their hips. The first guy picks the lock on the door and then the garage door opens. The van backs up to the doors and the three men come inside. We know what happens after that and Red stops the tape.

  “Anything on who they are?” I ask through clenched teeth.

  “Waiting for the programs to pick something up.” As soon as Red says that, one of his computers beeps at him. “Bingo! Got you, you sorry piece of shit assholes.” Red mutters to himself. The printer spits out several pieces of paper and Red grabs them off the tray.

  He hands them to me and I read the print outs. My stomach sinks into my toes. “Jesus Matteo and Anton Garcia. Low ranking members of the Salazar Cartel. Both have been popped for kidnapping, breaking and entering and drug possession over the last few years.” Shit, this isn’t good. I have secrets that not even Blayze knows about and if these two fuckers are here, it means Salazar has figured out about Danyella.

  “Does this mean what I think it means?” Blayze asks.

  “Yeah. We’re definitely heading to Mexico. Handle business for Scorch, then our own. These motherfuckers just messed with the wrong Royal Bastard.”

  Chapter 7


  Helping the girls clean up the clubhouse, the taste of Capone is still on my tongue sending butterflies to roll through my stomach and my panties are damp. One kiss from him and I’m a pile of goo lost in my own little world. What I wouldn’t give to have his tongue and lips all over my body taking me places I’ve never gone before. I’m not innocent by any means, but no man has made my body sing the way Derek does. He makes me crave him in ways I’ve never lusted after a man before. He’s been patient, waiting for me to get my head on straight and he deserves all I can give him.

  Rose approaches me with hesitant steps and I stop sweeping up the debris watching her. “Danyella, can I have a word?”

  I set the broom aside and give her my attention. “Sure.”

  “I want to apologize for earlier. If I had known the two of you were a thing, I never would’ve hit on Capone.” Her eyes cast to the floor as her foot plays with a piece of the wall, rolling it back and forth. “Can I be honest with you?”

  “I’d rather you were honest than a snake.”

  “I’ve tried in the past to, you know, do things with him, but he’s never given me the time of day. I figured it was me and there was something wrong with me, but after watching what he did to protect you tonight, Capone has never done that with anyone before besides his sister.”

  “What are you getting at Rose? You’re rambling.” I’m confused as hell at what she’s trying to say. “Just spit it out already.”

  Rose releases a deep breath and squares her shoulders, her eyes finally meeting mine. “What I’m trying to ask is, can you forgive me for hitting on Capone all this time and not realizing where his head really is. The last thing I want or need is to have his Ol’ Lady kicking me out.”

  “Did you fuck him?”

  Rose shakes her head. “I’ve tried but he never had any interest in me. Now I know why.”

  “Then yes, I forgive you. But I’ll tell you this once. If it happe
ns again, I won’t hesitate to have you banned.” Rose grins from ear to ear and her shoulders sag with relief. “And for the record, I’m not his Ol’ Lady.”

  “Not yet anyway,” Monica says from behind me.

  I shake my head, “Don’t you have something to do?” I tease.

  “I have someone to do, but they just went into Church.” Monica nods her head and I look behind her. Sure enough, all the brothers are piling into Church. Capone is the last one in and his eyes connect with mine. He gives me a wink before disappearing and closing the door behind him.

  What I wouldn’t give to know what is going on. Capone will tell me when he has a chance if I need to know. My phone has been vibrating in my pocket and I know who it is. Instead of answering it, I turn it off. I have an idea why this happened here tonight and I don’t want to be right. I have a feeling it was a message to me for ignoring them. But I’m not going down that road. Not tonight and I hope not ever.

  “Monica?” I call out to her. She turns in my direction. “Did we lose anyone tonight?”

  Sadness etches in her eyes and she nods her head. “The prospect, Alex, guarding the gates.”

  “We need to do something for him and the boys before they come out of Church,” I suggest.

  “What’d you have in mind?”

  “A memorial in his honor and dinner ready for them when they come out. They need to eat and we need to feed them.”

  “I’ll help in the kitchen,” Rose speaks up.

  “So, can I and I’ll grab a few girls still here,” Daisy says from across the room. “Let me get Kensi and Aerial.” She quickly leaves, heading to the back of the Clubhouse where the girls are staying.


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