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Capone's Chaos: Royal Bastards MC Los Angeles Chapter book #2

Page 6

by J. Lynn Lombard

  Only a few of them remained here after the Royal Bastards rescued them from Bloody Scorpions. We still haven’t been able to track Aerial’s mom or dad down yet so she’s been staying in Daisy’s room with her. Once in a while, she will stay with me, but at night, I’m in no shape to have a child with me. My anxiety and stress reach all time high’s when night falls and the Clubhouse is quiet. Half the time I’m lucky I make it through the night without clawing my skin off or ripping my hair out. I hope something gives soon because I can’t keep going on like this.

  A few hours later, the Brother’s bellies are full and peace has washed over all of us. Capone stands, gaining the attention of everyone around. His eyes are full of anguish and sorrow, breaking my heart with the pain he’s feeling.

  “Brothers, we lost a prospect tonight by the hands of the Salazar Cartel.” Capone closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. As he opens them, the expression on his face changes from mournful to revenge. His grip tightens on his beer bottle turning his knuckles white. “We will get payback. We will honor Alex’s death by killing every single one of those motherfuckers. Some of you know my past with the Salazar Cartel. It’s time the rest of you know. You know why this happened and how we’ll end this.” Fists bang on the tables making the dishes rattle. Several yay’s ring out into the clubhouse, echoing across the room. “But first we need to honor a fallen brother.”

  After Tiny and Dagger fixed the gates, they took care of Alex’s body and brought his prospect cut inside and laid it on the bar. Alex had no family that we are aware of, so no one was contacted about his death. Capone walks across the room and grabs Alex’s bloody cut. After he brings it back to the table, he rips the prospect patch off with his knife. “Alex, you will always be a part of this club. You sacrificed your life to protect us and in return, we are making you a full-time brother in the afterlife. We’ll seek revenge on your death and will not stop until they all suffer. Rest in peace and watch down upon us.” Capone holds up Alex’s cut with both hands and all the members of RBMC shout Amen. Capone walks over to the wall where there are previous member's cuts hung up and places Alex’s on the end.

  “Ride hard and give ‘em hell, brother.” Capone bangs his fist on the wall in three rapid successions. He heads back over and sits in his seat. I bring a fresh beer and place it in front of him. “Thank you.” He offers me a panty melting smile before taking a long pull.

  “You’re welcome.” I turn to head back to my seat when Capone’s strong fingers wrap around my wrist. I peer into his dark eyes, looking for a sign he is unsure. Once I take this step, there is no going back. Either he’s made up his mind and wants to be with me or this is some cruel joke the world is playing on me. Capone tugs me toward him and pulls me down onto his lap. My small frame doesn’t take up much space to his large one. His chin rests on my shoulder, his arms around my waist. A shiver races down my spine as his hot breath fans across my skin. He’s making a statement in front of everyone and my greedy body is soaking up the meaning of his gesture. I should make him wallow and wait, but damn it, he does things to me where my brain doesn’t function and the last thing I want to do is deny him anything. Capone gently kisses my shoulder before his deep voice echoes around the room.

  “Back before Chains was dethroned and I took over as President, I found out some information. Only a few of you know about this because it was safer for all involved. Now that the threat has reached our doors, it’s time you all know the whole story.

  “My mother, as you all know, was born and raised in Mexico. My grandmother was married to Joaquin Salazar, the head of the Salazar Cartel. She too was forced into an arranged marriage. She met my grandfather, Miguel Garcia and became pregnant with my mother. Miguel kept her secret even after the fateful day my grandmother took her last breath. For 20 years, they kept up the affair in secret. Miguel smuggled my mother to the US and arranged for her to marry Chains. It was an arranged marriage to give her safety from the Salazar Cartel. They wanted her back and my grandfather did everything he could to keep her out of their grasp. He even sacrificed his life for her safety. Chains on the other hand had different ideas.

  “When my mother became pregnant with me, Chains used that to his advantage to get in with the Salazar Cartel. Thinking he was the father to the prince of the Salazar Cartel. Little did he know, I wasn’t. He took our club into the drug running for them. One night in Mexico, we were on a run for them. With the secrets both my grandmother and mother carried, no one knew what was going to happen.”


  We arrived in Salazar territory late into the night. My back was aching from riding all day but I pushed forward itching to get the job done. Blayze is riding next to me in the middle of the pack. Chains wanted to punish me for being smart with him earlier in the day when I challenged him on his decision for this run. I had a gut feeling it’s not what he says and I questioned him about it.

  So, instead of riding in my normal spot behind him, Chains felt I needed to be in the middle where I hate riding. It’s petty and annoying but I did what I was told after my mother begged me not to keep egging him on. Brake lights flash in front of me and we all slow down, turning into a seedy bar in the middle of nowhere. Three dust-covered pick-up trucks are parked haphazardly around the parking lot. Chains lead us to the front of the bar and parks his bike. The rest of us following suit shutting off our bikes. The surrounding night is deathly quiet.

  I pull down my neck gaiter and a sinking feeling rests in the pit of my stomach. “Blayze, something isn’t right,” I whisper to him swinging my leg off my bike.

  “I agree, but what are we going to do?” Blayze whispers back.

  “Stay alert and watch each other’s six. It’s all we can do until we know why we’re here.”

  “Capone, Blayze, you two done gossiping like little bitches so we can get this over with?” Chains grumbles near the front of the bar.

  “Yeah Chains, we’re right behind you,” I answer back. Chains’ eyes ping pong around like he’s expecting someone or something. Blayze and I walk across the dirt driveway and step onto the rundown porch leading into the bar. It reminds me of an old western movie where the horses are tied to the rail and a shootout could happen at any minute. Only our bikes are the horses and the way Chains is watching me, makes me feel like he’s going to shoot me any second.

  “C’mon, let’s not keep them waiting any longer.” Chains turns on his heels and walks in the door. I follow behind him with Blayze at my six. The rest of the Royal Bastards following behind him. Once we enter the bar, a barmaid is wiping down the counter with a dirty rag. She’s incredibly good looking with a tight blue tank top hugging her huge tits and her long black hair on top of her head in one of those messy bun things.

  Tables are scattered apart and six men are sitting in the far back watching us enter. Chains struts over to them and shakes each of their hands.

  “Sorry we’re late, Sir. It was a bitch passing through customs. Our guy on the inside was called in at the time we were rolling through.” Chains answers the unspoken question. Even though that’s not what happened at all. We’re late because he had to stop in Tijuana to get his dick sucked by one of his many side pieces.

  The man in the middle grunts and taps his cigar on the wooden table, even though an ashtray is right in front of him. He’s wearing a grey fitted suit that’s pressed to perfection. His grey hair is cropped close to his head without a strand out of place even in this heat. He reeks of money and power. He eyes me carefully before nodding to the man sitting next to him. The other guy stands up and motions with his head for Chains to follow.

  I start to follow too until Chains stops me. “You stay here. Shooter, with me.”

  “What the fuck, Chains? This isn’t protocol,” I growl.

  “You’ll do as I fucking say. Stay here, get a beer. Maybe take that hot little number in the back. We got this handled.”

  “Chains, this isn’t our protocol,” I argue.

  “Look kid,
I’m not doing this with you. Stay. The. Fuck. Here.” Chains punctuates every word pissed off.

  “Fine, but I’m not saving your ass when shit goes sideways. You know Shooter is as worthless as your dick in my mother.” I turn my back on Chains and walk to the bar with Blayze hot on my heels. Chains disappears in the back room with two of these men, Shooter and two of ours. I sit on the dusty barstool, ignoring everyone around me.

  “Give me a Corona,” I wink at the barmaid. She doesn’t deserve my pissed off attitude. I imagine she deals with enough from this Cartel. Things with Danyella are at a standstill. We’re better off as friends right now until she finds what she needs in her life. The barmaid slides my beer into my hands and I go to pay for it.

  “It’s on the house,” she shakes her head at the wad of pesos I pull out.

  “Thanks. What’s your name?” I ask taking a long pull of my Corona.

  “Layla. What’s yours?” Layla leans on the bar, showing me her ample cleavage. My eyes drift down the V in her tank top before roaming back up. Her skin is glowing with a dark tan and her smoky eyes are full of lust and desire. It’s been a while since I’ve felt the underlying lust between us.

  “Capone.” There’s something about Layla that’s attractive. Maybe it’s because she’s unknown, working in a seedy bar in the middle of nowhere.

  “Well, Capone, I could use some help in the back getting some boxes down, if you’re strong enough to handle it.” Layla looks at me through hooded lashes. “It’s been a while since someone strong enough could handle the lift.”

  I glance at Blayze and he nods his head. He’ll watch my back while I’m occupied. “Lead the way, Layla.” I let her name roll off my tongue and follow her into the back room.

  She takes my hand and the moment we’re in the back room with the door closed, I lift her up and pin her against the wall. Layla spreads her legs, wrapping them around my waist, moaning into my ear. I lift her tank top over her head and her tits spring free. She isn’t wearing a bra and her nipples are hard. I lean down and capture one nipple into my mouth, sucking on it while my hand kneads the other.

  “Dios mio, Papi,” Layla pants, rubbing her pussy against my jean covered dick. “Fuck me like you want to.”

  I release her tit and suck on her neck, not kissing her. I have an unwritten rule I don’t kiss those I fuck. I reach down and pop the button of her shorts, my hand diving into her panties, seeing she’s soaking wet for me already. I pinch and rub her clit sending her into a fit of Spanish.

  I unbuckle and unzip my jeans releasing my hard and aching cock. I grab a condom and roll it on. Keeping Layla pinned against the wall, I surge forward into her hot, wet pussy, driving hard into her, making her scream my name over and over.

  Once we’re both finished, I dispose of the condom and leave the backroom, letting Layla get herself together. Sated and satisfied, I walk out the front door to get some fresh air. A twinge of remorse hits me and my thoughts immediately turn to Danyella. I shouldn’t feel guilty for having a quick fuck when we’re just friends. She’s the one that put me in that box and there’s nothing I can do about it right now. I light up a cigarette and inhale the smoke, calming my nerves. Once I finish my smoke, I head back inside. The man in the suit, which I’m assuming is the head of the Cartel is still sitting in his spot, now sipping on whiskey. His dark eyes are watching my every move. Layla is nowhere in sight. I breathe a sigh of relief.

  Chains comes out of the backroom, a wild look in his eyes. Well, motherfucker, he’s higher than a fucking kite. This’ll be a fun fucking ride home.

  “Capone,” Chains bellows across the room.

  I roll my eyes and head over to him with Blayze following. “Yeah, Prez?”

  “Product is good. I need you to load it up and find us a place for the night.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me, Chains? That’s a prospect's job. Not mine.” I growl.

  “You’ll do as I fucking say, boy. I’m the President of this Charter, not you. You’re my son and do what the fuck I tell you to do.” Chains raises his voice, causing everyone to turn in our direction.

  “And I’ve earned my fucking patch. There is no Prospect on my back.” I shout back.

  “There’s no Prospects here. Do as I fucking say now before you’ll regret it.”

  “Capone,” Blayze interrupts our argument with a hand on my shoulder. “Let’s just get the shit done and get the fuck out of here.”

  “Listen to your little follower, Capone.” Chains spits out.

  He really wants me to deck him in his cock sucking mouth. I can’t wait for the day I take that motherfucker to ground. “This isn’t over. Not by a long shot.” I turn on my heels and go outside. “Mother fucker is asking for it big time. I can’t wait for him to get what’s coming to him. Who in the fuck does he think he is?” I pace back and forth along the dirt driveway. The three pick up trucks that were parked around the bar have moved closer, caging our bikes in.

  “Boss said you’re the one in charge of this.” One man says dropping the tailgate. He slides the cover off and inside are several white and brown bricks. How in the fuck am I getting all of these on our bikes and past customs? Releasing a deep sigh, I slide on my riding gloves and load up the cargo. Putting two or three bricks in each saddlebag. We had custom saddlebags made for runs like these. There’s a drop down compartment hidden on each bike, but there is more product than what we have room for. Once each bike, including Chains’ bike, is loaded, Blayze and I head back inside.

  “We’re done,” I state.

  “Good. And a place to stay for the night?” Chains asks.

  “I’ve got a place you can stay at.” The man sitting at the table says. He takes a sip of whiskey before nodding his head at Layla. “There is a house down the end of this road.” His gaze doesn’t leave mine.

  “Who are you and why would you offer us a place to stay. What’s the catch?” I ask skeptically.

  “Joaquin Salazar, head of the Salazar Cartel, Nieto.” He takes another sip of whiskey before continuing. “No catch for familia. Consider the offer a sign of what you call good faith. There is liquor and plenty of cono for all of you.” Joaquin answers in broken English.

  “Thank you, Senior Salazar. We’re grateful for your hospitality,” Chains speaks up, offering his hand for Joaquin to shake. I look at Chains with my eyebrows raised. He’s never been this polite to anyone. Joaquin shakes his hand and whispers something to Chains I can’t hear. Chains nods his head in an answer before turning to all of us. “Load up and ride out. We’ll stay here for the night and head out first thing in the morning.”

  Something else is going on but I haven’t figured out what it is yet. I don’t like this one bit and I won’t be sleeping at all, unlike the other brothers who have no clue something is about to go down.

  Chapter 8


  Retelling this part of my past is harder than I thought it would be. We haven’t even touched the extra runs I had to make on my own. Or how I was almost thrown in jail in Mexico for messing around with Layla. Or how I found out who Joaquin Salazar really was.

  “Capone?” Danyella shifts on my lap, rubbing her ass against my dick. I look down at her, ready to see the hate and confusion in her eyes. It’s not there. “I’m not mad or hurt. Continue or you’ll never heal.”

  “How’d you know?”

  “Derek, I’m not blind or stupid. I know you’ve been with other women. It’s my fault where our relationship was headed. We were both too young to commit to each other. It’s OK. Keep going.” Danyella encourages me.

  I look around the table and every member of the Royal Bastards MC are watching the two of us, waiting for me to continue. Some are nodding their heads, captivated by my story. I release a deep breath and continue.

  “That night, I didn’t sleep. Blayze and I stayed with the bikes the whole night, watching over them while Chains and the rest of his loyal members went inside to party and fuck. It made my stomach turn
how he disregarded his President position and I knew then something needed to be done. Questions on why we’re mixed up with the Cartel plagued me all night long. Answers I never got until the fourth run down there.”


  This is our fourth run down here and each time makes my skin crawl. Layla keeps coming around each time we pull into the bar and meet with Joaquin. Which has been fine with me because while Chains is in the back, she keeps me company in her backroom. Joaquin keeps giving me looks that I can’t decipher and I don’t like it one bit.

  This run is different than the last three. This time it’s just Blayze and me riding on the dusty road toward the bar we first went to. We pull up to the doors and park in our normal spot. I remove my Royal Bastards neck gaiter from my mouth and nose and take off my sunglasses. The dust is worse today than before. According to the weather before we left, it said there was a dust storm heading in our direction.

  “Let’s make this pick up quick and get out of here before the storm hits,” I tell Blayze.

  “Yeah, I don’t like how it’s just the two of us today. Stay alert and I’ll watch your six.” Blayze responds.

  “I’ll watch yours. Come on, brother. Let’s get this over with.” Blayze and I knuckle bump before dismounting our bikes and heading inside.

  The door slams shut behind us and it takes my eyes a few seconds to adjust to the darkness inside. Layla is at the bar again, wiping it down with the same rag. She doesn’t look up and smile at me like she normally does. In fact, she avoids my gaze and leaves the room. That’s weird.

  Joaquin Salazar is sitting in his normal spot in the booth in the back, sipping on a glass of whiskey. None of his men are around him either. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end and my gut is telling me something’s off.

  “Let’s do this. Get in and out. I’m not liking this.” I whisper to Blayze.

  “I agree. Something isn’t right.” Blayze whispers back.

  Together we walk across the dirty floor, our boots stomping along the way. I run my fingers through my hair before sitting across from Joaquin.


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