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Fight 4 Us (Book 6): Keeper

Page 11

by Grenda, Brian

  “We will tell our people and spread the word the best that we can,” says TJ.

  TJ stands up from his chair.

  Rich says, “That’s not all son. Please sit down.”

  TJ looks at Rich but keeps standing.

  “The government is sending more troops, vehicles, and people this way. They are in various parts of Florida, but I’m not sure when they will be here in Tampa Bay and at MacDill,” says Rich.

  “Where are they now? What are their orders? Are we in danger?” asks TJ.

  Rich looks at his notes on his desk and says, “The government is still away from here. Most of them anyway. We have the Coast Guard in St. Pete and Clearwater. There is a small carrier in the Gulf that may be moving away from us depending on the direction of the storm. There aren’t any specific orders just yet from the higher ups, but I’m sure they are coming.”

  “Are we in danger?” asks Janet.

  “No danger just yet, but the military and decontamination groups will be coming to Tampa Bay. The latest location of the deployed units was in Tallahassee, Jacksonville, Miami, Key West, and Fort Lauderdale,” says Rich.

  TJ looks at Janet and says, “My sister was at school in Tallahassee. She could be in danger.”

  “That’s why I’m telling you about this son. I was hoping that you could go check it out or at least try. I know how close you were with Alice,” says Rich.

  TJ says, “Well, let’s get going then. Time is wasting with this conversation.”

  Rich says, “Hold on a minute. I want you to go check on your sister, but I want you safe and the trip done right. Let me get you some supplies for your trip.”

  Janet says, “That would be great. We will need a lot of gas for the trip to Tallahassee from here.”

  Rich stands up and says, “Oh, and one more thing.”

  TJ and Janet look at Rich.

  “I know the zoo is safe and there is a group of people living in there,” says Rich.

  TJ nervously looks at Rich but doesn’t know what to say.

  “But don’t worry. I won’t send in a team to go take over the place or anything. I can get around that now, since I sent in Armstrong and his men. Shame they didn’t make it out. I will report that they were K.I.A. and the zoo is unsafe for our troops,” says Rich.

  TJ smiles and says, “Thank you. They’re good people in the zoo and they want to be left alone.”

  Rich opens his office door and says, “But we can’t have them shooting at our choppers. If they keep attacking our helicopters, then the military will want answers and will get them by attacking the zoo.”

  Janet says, “We will talk with them. I’m sure they were just trying to protect the zoo walls and community.”

  Rich says, “Let’s get over to the armory and supply building.”

  Janet, TJ, and Rich exit Rich’s office.

  Rich locks his office door.

  Janet, TJ, and Rich walk down the steps to the lobby of the office building.

  The phone rings.

  The secretary answers the satellite phone.

  TJ and Janet walk out the front entrance door.

  Rich is called to the front desk by the secretary.

  “It’s for you. It’s General Godfrey,” says the secretary to Rich.

  “Thank you, Rebecca,” says Rich.

  Rich answers the phone and talks with the General.

  TJ sees that Rich is on the phone.

  “I wonder who my father is talking with,” says TJ.

  Janet says, “I’m not sure, but it looks like your father isn’t saying much.”

  “I understand sir. I will call you back with my satellite phone. I know it’s important. I’m just finishing an important meeting right now. I will call you back in 20 minutes,” says Rich.

  Rich hands Rebecca the phone and says, “Hold all my calls until I get back. I will be back in about 20 minutes.”

  Rebecca replies, “Yes sir. Captain Bailey.”

  Rich exits the building and walks over to his sedan.

  TJ, Janet, and Rich get into Rich’s car.

  Rich drives to the armory and supply building.

  “This place is getting a lot busier. Every time we come back here. I see knew people and more vehicles,” says Janet.

  “As the world continues to fall apart. More people are looking for a safe zone. The streets of Tampa are not safe by any means, but it looks to be safer than other cities and states, like New York, Atlanta, Richmond, D.C., and Philadelphia,” says Rich as he parks his car.

  TJ asks, “How is the rest of the U.S. doing?”

  Rich, Janet, and TJ exit Rich’s car.

  “It’s not looking good son. The major cities have fallen. Smaller cities with smaller populations are still fighting, but most big cities are overrun and are being reset,” says Rich.

  “Reset? What does that mean?” asks Janet.

  Rich walks into the armory.

  Janet looks at TJ and asks, “What does reset mean?”

  Rich stands in the entrance of the huge armory.

  The armory doors close behind TJ and Janet as they enter the building.

  “What does reset mean?” asks TJ.

  Rich says, “It’s not good. If a city is placed under the Reset protocol, the city is cleared out. They try to keep as much structure, buildings, power grids, and property as they can but most of the buildings will be destroyed by the EMPs, bombs, and charges being set off.”

  “How do we stop that from happening here?” asks TJ.

  Rich says, “I’m not sure that we can if the order is given, but we can hopefully prevent the order from being put through. If we keep the Tampa Bay area from being a total loss, then we can prevent it from being blown up and reset.”

  Janet looks at TJ and says, “I don’t like that at all. We can’t let Tampa Bay fall.”

  Rich says, “We aren’t there yet. We will know more when the government officials come to Tampa Bay to evaluate the city and what they decide.”

  TJ says, “We need to get going then. I need to find Alice and get back here.”

  Rich says, “I will do my best to stall any orders like project Reset to Tampa Bay, but I can only do so much. If the people above me order to blow this place up, then there isn’t much I can do.”

  “Okay. Enough of this terrible news. Let’s get these supplies so Janet and I can get moving,” says TJ.

  Rich points to a large tank in the back of the armory and says, “That tank is full of gasoline. Grab too large gas cans and fill them up. I’ll grab a couple of things for you guys.”

  Janet and TJ walk to the very back of the armory and to the large gasoline container.

  TJ sees two large empty gas cans and grabs them.

  TJ gives a gas can to Janet and Janet starts filling the can with gasoline.

  Janet looks at TJ and says, “That’s pretty scary that the government can just blow up a city without any hesitation. What gives them the right to make the decision that a city is lost and should just be destroyed?”

  Janet finishes filling the gas can and turns off the valve that is releasing the gasoline from the tank.

  TJ takes the full gas can and gives Janet the empty one.

  Janet starts to fill the empty gas can.

  TJ says, “I don’t know, but I’m glad we know that information. If it’s time to leave, then we will get the hell out of here. My father doesn’t want to see Tampa Bay blown up. I know that, and I doubt the government would blew up this functioning Air Force base.”

  “Good point. The government needs a base of operations and MacDill is in good shape. They could still blow up parts of Tampa Bay without hesitation,” says Janet.

  “Let’s not think about that for now. We will be informed by my father if anything is happening. Right now, we need to worry about the storm coming towards Tampa Bay and finding my sister,” says TJ.

  Janet finishes filling the last gas can and turns of the valve to the gasoline tank.

  TJ put
s the filled gas cans on a flatbed cart and walks over to his father.

  Rich has loaded up two boxes for Janet and TJ to take with them.

  Janet asks, “What do you got there?”

  Rich says, “Let’s go load up my car and I’ll show ya.”

  TJ, Janet, and Rich exit the armory and supply building. They load up the items into Rich’s sedan and Rich drives them over to TJ’s jeep.

  TJ and Rich load up the items into TJ’s jeep.

  “You got us some good stuff dad. We appreciate it. Thank you for the water, ready to eat meals, body armor, helmets, vests, flashlights, and long-range radios,” says TJ.

  Rich says, “No problem. If you need anything else from me. Let me know. Come to me first. Keep me in the loop.”

  TJ asks, “Do we have time to make it to Tallahassee and back before the storm, or should we wait for the storm to pass by first?”

  Rich says, “I don’t know. I would recommend waiting as the storm could come right on top of you as your driving along the West Coast of Florida, but I don’t like waiting any longer than necessary.”

  “Okay. Janet and I will decide tonight on what to do. Thank you for your help. We have to get going home now. I miss my boy Odin and Janet misses her cats,” says TJ.

  TJ hugs Rich.

  Rich says, “Stay safe out there. Your sister is smart. She would try to stay along I-75 and would either come to your house or mine if she made it home.”

  Janet says goodbye to Rich and gets into TJ’s jeep.

  Rich says goodbye to TJ and Janet.

  TJ exits MacDill and starts his drive to Citrus Oaks.

  TJ and Janet make it to Citrus Oaks and drive through the South entrance.

  TJ sees Odin with Shaun in Shaun’s front yard.

  TJ drives to Shaun’s house and parks his jeep.

  Janet and TJ exit TJ’s jeep.

  “Where’s my boy?” shouts TJ.

  Odin barks and runs directly over to TJ.

  “Hey TJ. Hey Janet,” says Shaun as he waves to TJ and Janet.

  TJ pets Odin.

  Janet asks, “Hey O. Did you miss us?”

  Odin barks and wags his tail.

  Shaun walks over to TJ and Janet.

  “What’s going on guys? How was the trip to the zoo?” asks Shaun.

  “It was good. We found Bo’s brother and another group of people,” says Janet.

  “I see you ran into some trouble. I’d hate to see what the other guy looks like,” jokes Shaun to TJ as he looks at TJ’s face.

  “Yeah. I had a problem with another soldier on the trip. I’m okay though,” says TJ.

  “Glad to hear it,” says Shaun.

  TJ looks around and sees that my SUV is missing in my driveway.

  “Is Ryan or Phil here?” asks TJ.

  “No, they still aren’t back from their trip to The Grove. What’s up?” asks Shaun.

  “I have some big news about some problems coming this way. I need to talk to everyone about the news I just heard, and we need to prepare,” says TJ as he looks up into the sky.



  “Dude! I can’t believe I had to cut that guys arm off!” shouts Felix to James as James parks his car in the parking lot of Warrior High.

  Felix and James get out of James’ car and get their belongings from the trunk.

  James asks, “You got everything out of the trunk?”

  Felix checks his belongings and says, “Yeah.”

  James closes the trunk.

  Jeremy walks over to Felix and James.

  “Hey guys. What’s up? How was the trip to St. Pete?” asks Jeremy.

  James walks away from Felix and Jeremy.

  Felix watches James walk inside the high school.

  “You know, he only said like ten words to me the entire trip! We were gone for a week! Ten words!” shouts Felix to Jeremy.

  Jeremy replies, “He has been through a lot. That was his first run since he came here. It will take time for him to open up after what happened to his group.”

  Felix says, “I know, and I feel bad for the guy. The Conquerors killed his entire family and group.”

  Jeremy says, “It has to be tough being the lone survivor of your entire group. I wonder if he feels survivors guilt?”

  “I don’t know what’s going on in his head as he barely talks to me. He did talk with Hector though,” says Felix.

  Jeremy sees Felix’s retractable double-sided sword and grabs it.

  “This thing is awesome. I feel like I could do some damage with this thing,” says Jeremy as he extends both blades from the center handle.

  “Careful with that thing. It has been through a lot on this trip. I need to sharpen the blades,” says Felix.

  Felix and Jeremy walk into the school from the parking lot.

  “What’s going on around here?” asks Felix.

  Jeremy says, “Nothing much. We have had some trouble with the teenagers around here again. They keep tagging up the walls near the East fence.”

  “Who is doing it in here? Your father is just letting them do that?” asks Felix.

  “No one in here dummy. My dad would cut their hands off for doing that in here. It’s the group of kids outside of here. I think their leader is some punk named Dolan. He’s a pain in the ass,” says Jeremy.

  William sees Jeremy and Felix walking towards the center of the high school property.

  “Hello Felix. How are you? How was your trip?” asks William.

  Felix says, “It was eventful. I am good. James and I made it safely back here.”

  Felix puts his heavy duffel bag down on the ground.

  William asks, “What else can you tell me?”

  “St. Pete is in rough shape. I was able to get some supplies from a hospital in St. Pete. We should be stocked on antibiotics and other medications for a while,” says Felix.

  Jeremy picks up Felix’s double-sided sword and says, “Father, I would like a weapon like this. Can you have someone make me one?”

  William grabs the weapon and looks at it.

  “It’s a fine weapon. Who made this for you Felix?” asks William.

  Felix replies, “I did. It’s custom. I have separate blades on each side of the handle. I can retract and extend the blades independently of each other. It comes in very handy against the dead.”

  William says, “Very well. I will have you make another one for Jeremy. Jeremy will help you with the build and get you the necessary supplies.”

  “Thank you, sir,” says Felix.

  “Go get some food and rest Felix. You look tired. I want to hear more about your trip and about James after you rest,” says William.

  Felix and Jeremy say goodbye to William as they walk towards Felix’s room.

  William walks around the property of the school and takes notes of what areas are doing well, what needs help, and what can be expanded on.

  A man walks over to William and says, “Sir, we have a problem with the graffiti on the wall again. This is the third time the East wall has been hit. I hate to see The Haven disrespected like this.”

  “William says, “Show me, Reginald.”

  Reggie takes William to the location and William examines the green spray paint.

  “I think we need to block this fence better and put barbed wire on top of the fence here. I know you don’t want The Haven to feel like a prison, but people won’t see the barbed wire as the fence is out of sight behind these buildings,” says Reggie.

  “That’s part of the problem. No one can see this part of the property. Someone keeps hopping the fence and doing this,” says William as he looks at the metal fence.

  William looks at the green spray paint message and it reads, “Die Rice Pickers!”

  William looks at Reggie and asks, “Why do you keep referring to our home as The Haven?”

  “That’s what people are calling it. I like the name, so I keep referring to our home as The Haven as in safe haven,”
says Reggie.

  “I understand the reference, and I like it,” says William.

  “I’ll start cleaning off the graffiti right now. I don’t want anyone else to see this,” says Reggie.

  William replies, “Thank you, Reginald. I will have some people look at what to do here to stop this from happening again. We clearly have some trouble makers messing with our home.”

  Reggie says, “Freaking teenagers. I’m pretty sure it was that group of annoying teenagers that keep coming around the school.”

  Reggie grabs two spray bottles and stays spraying the wall with cleaning solution.

  William leaves Reggie as he is cleaning the wall and walks to the center of the high school outdoor courtyard.

  Bruce walks over to William.

  “What can be done with the fence around the East buildings of the property?” asks William.

  Bruce asks, “The wall that keeps getting spray painted?”

  “Yeah. We need to stop people from getting over the fences. Luckily, it has only been some annoying teenagers and not someone trying to harm us. We need to correct the problem area with our fences,” says William.

  Bruce says, “I will get on it right away. It will be solved today.”

  “Thank you, Bruce,” says William.

  Bruce walks away from William and goes to check out the fencing.

  William walks into the cafeteria and sees James sitting at a table all by himself.

  There are other groups of people sitting in the cafeteria, but James decided to be alone.

  William walks over to James and asks, “May I sit down?”

  James quietly says, “Yes.”

  William sits down and looks at James.

  “How are you doing James? How was your trip to St. Petersburg with Felix?” asks William.

  James takes a bite from his apple.

  William looks at James and waits for his response.

  James says, “It was fine. We made out okay. St. Pete is not a very nice place right now. There are tons of dead ones there. We survived but were partially rescued by some bald guy and his group.”

  William becomes interested in what James’ just said.

  “What bald guy? Did you catch his name James?” asks William.

  “No sir. I didn’t catch his name and I haven’t seen him before. He had a lot of firepower with him though. He had several men with some big guns. They took care of a large group of dead ones in St. Pete,” says James.


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