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Fight 4 Us (Book 6): Keeper

Page 12

by Grenda, Brian

  “I’m glad you are okay. Felix said you made out well on your trip to St. Pete. You got a lot of medication and prescriptions from a hospital,” says William.

  “Yeah. We cleared out several medication cabinets in a hospital. I would like to go back out again and search for more things. All these people here make me uneasy,” says James.

  William looks at James and says, “Thank you for your hard work on the trip to St. Petersburg. Would you like to go back out with Felix again?”

  James replies, “Yeah. He was okay. He knows how to handle himself and we worked well together. Hector is pretty cool also.”

  “Very well. You, Hector, and Felix will have another run in the near future together. If you need anything else from me James, don’t hesitate to ask,” says William.

  James replies, “I will, thank you. Let me know when you want Felix and I to go back out again.”

  William stands up from the table and says, “I will James. I will but rest up and relax. You are home now.”

  James smiles as William walks away from the table.

  Bruce and a couple of other Warriors are hard at work at securing the fencing around the East wall of The Haven.

  Reggie has cleaned the green spray paint off the wall and repainted the wall.

  Reggie looks at Bruce and asks, “Do you need any help Bruce?”

  Bruce says, “Sure. We are placing some barbed wire on top of this fence. We could use a hand securing the last piece to the fence near the pole.”

  Reggie helps Bruce and the other Warriors secure the last piece of barbed wire to the top of the metal fence.

  “That should do it. We now have barbed wire on top of this fence, and I also put in motion lights and sirens if someone can get by the barbed wire. I will set the motion lights and sirens when we are all finished, so we don’t accidently set them off,” says Bruce.

  Reggie grabs his cleaning supplies and painting materials and exits the area with the other Warriors.

  Two Warriors help Reggie put away his materials.

  Bruce sets the sirens and motion detectors and then exits the area.

  It’s getting dark and William has called a meeting for everyone to gather in the center of The Haven’s outdoor courtyard.

  “Thank you all for joining me tonight. I won’t keep you long as I think we have some fun activities tonight. Just try to keep the noise down a little. We don’t want to attract the wrong attention at night,” says William as he stands on a raised platform overlooking his group of Warriors.

  Bruce joins the meeting and sits down in a chair next to Li.

  Li whispers to Bruce, “Where have you been?”

  Bruce whispers to Li, “I was making the East fence more secure for us.”

  Li grabs Bruce’s right hand and interlocks her fingers with Bruce’s.

  “I have heard people calling this place The Haven. I can’t take credit for the name, but I do like it,” says William.

  Everyone smiles at William.

  “Things are going well for us lately. We have had a little problem with some teenagers outside of here but hopefully we have some new security measures in place now along the East fence and wall,” says William.

  Reggie shouts, “Freaking teenagers!”

  “Yes. Reginald. Freaking teenagers indeed. Luckily, they have only wanted to paint messages on our walls and nothing more. We need to keep an eye out for any more trouble areas that could be a weakness to our haven,” says William.

  “Tomorrow, I want to do a perimeter check of our entire home. Every square inch needs to be checked and rechecked. I want this place to be locked down and safe for us. This is our home, our haven,” says William.

  The meeting with William ends and people enjoy the night together. They are playing music, dancing, and just enjoying being alive in The Haven.

  Night comes.

  Everyone goes to bed except the guards keeping watch at the main entrance and parking lot.

  There are two guards at the front entrance inside the fence and two guards walking through the parking lot.

  A rock comes flying towards a parked car in The Haven parking lot.

  The rock hits the car windshield.

  The car windshield cracks and the car alarm horns start to make noise.

  The guards run to the car and aren’t sure how to shut the alarm off without the car keys.

  One of the guards runs back inside to get the car keys to shut the car alarm off.

  The guards at the front entrance look at the parking lot that faces West.

  There is a commotion heard near the East metal fence.

  “Come on. Don’t be a pussy,” whispers someone.

  “I’m not a pussy. Shut up Dolan. There is just something on top of this fence now,” whispers another male voice.

  A male teenager is trying to get over the fence where Bruce put the barbed wire on.

  The car alarm is still going off in the West parking lot of The Haven.

  “I can’t get over the fence without cutting myself,” says a male teenager to Dolan.

  Dolan says, “Greg, you are up. Tanner here can’t do it now because of the barbed wire.”

  Three other male teenagers and three female teenagers stand behind Dolan now.

  Greg tries to climb the fence and he stops at the barbed wire.

  Greg looks down at Dolan and says, “Tanner is right. We can’t get in now this way. They put a long piece of barbed wire along the fence now.”

  Dolan looks at Greg and Tanner and says, “You are both useless. You either get over the fence or you both are on your own.”

  Greg tries to get over the fence and cuts his hand.

  Tanner climbs up the fence and stops next to Greg.

  Tanner looks at Greg and says, “We need Dolan’s protection. We won’t last a day without him and his football buddies.”

  Greg tries to get over the fence again but gets his pants stuck on the barbed wire.

  Tanner tries to help Greg but falls onto the barbed wire.

  Tanner’s jacket gets stuck in the barbed wire.

  Dolan looks up at Tanner and Greg and starts laughing.

  Dolan smacks the shoulder of a large teenager next to him and says, “Look at these two idiots Ox. They are too funny.”

  Two teenage girls laugh at Tanner and Greg as they are stuck in the barbed wire.

  A lone teenage female and teenage male look at each other.

  “Someone needs to help them. This isn’t right. I don’t like this,” says the lone teenage girl to the lone teenage boy as they stand away from Dolan and his group.

  The boy looks at the girl and asks, “What can we do, Madison?”

  Madison replies, “I don’t know Matthew, but I’m done with this group after this.”

  Dolan starts to get mad and shakes the metal fence violently.

  Dolan’s shaking of the fence loosens the barbed wire to Greg’s pants and Tanner’s jacket.

  Suddenly, Tanner and Greg fall onto the ground inside the fence of The Haven.

  Dolan cheers as Greg and Tanner fall onto the Warrior’s property.

  “Now hurry up!” shouts Dolan as he throws over the can of green spray paint.

  Greg stands up from the ground and the motion lights and sirens go off.

  The motion lights are bright and cast a bright light on Greg and Tanner as well as Dolan, Matthew, Madison, Ox, and the rest of the teenagers.

  “Scatter!” shouts Dolan.

  The teenagers outside of the fence run away from the fence and leave Greg and Tanner to fend for themselves.

  Greg and Tanner are frozen in fear as the motion light shines on them.

  Several Warriors come running over to Greg and Tanner.

  “Hands up!” shouts a male Warrior.

  Two different Warrior soldiers grab Greg and Tanner.

  The Warriors move Tanner and Greg inside to a classroom.

  Greg and Tanner each sit in a chair and are terrified.

armed Warriors point their weapons at Greg and Tanner as they are sitting in desks.

  William and Bruce enter the room.

  Bruce says, “Search them for weapons.”

  The Warriors stand Greg and Tanner up and search them for weapons.

  Tanner starts to cry.

  Greg doesn’t have any weapons on him.

  Tanner has a small knife on him.

  A Warrior gives the knife to Bruce.

  “Sit down!” shouts William to Greg and Tanner.

  Greg and Tanner slowly sit back down in the chairs they were sitting in before.

  “Look at me! Both of you!” shouts William.

  Greg looks up at William.

  Tanner wipes tears away from his eyes and slowly looks up at William.

  “What were you trying to do? What was the point of your actions!” shouts William.

  Greg and Tanner don’t say anything.

  Bruce walks over to Greg and Tanner.

  “When our leader asks you a question, you answer him,” says Bruce.

  William shouts, “Again! What were you trying to do here?”

  Greg says, “I’m sorry sir. It wasn’t our idea.”

  Tanner doesn’t say anything.

  “Why do you keep messing with our property?” asks William.

  Greg says, “We don’t want to. It’s Dolan. He keeps making us write these dumb messages on your walls.”

  “You can’t think for yourself? You let Dolan tell you what to do?” shouts William.

  “No sir. We are just trying to stay in his group. We don’t have anywhere else to go. Our parents are dead,” says Greg.

  William is taken back by what Greg just said.

  William takes a deep breath and tries to calm down.

  “I’m sorry for your loss gentlemen but that gives you no right to keep vandalizing our property,” says William.

  “You are right sir. I apologize for that,” says Greg.

  William sees the cut on Greg’s hand.

  William walks over to Greg and grabs his hand.

  Greg’s hand has a cut on it from the barbed wire.

  William orders one of his men to get a first aid kit and bandages for Greg’s hand.

  “What are your names?” asks William.

  Greg replies, “I’m Greg and he is Tanner.”

  “Well, Gregory and Tanner. I’m going to keep you safe and feed you before I get some information out of you. You will stay here, and I will see you in the morning,” says William.

  The Warrior comes back into the room with the first aid kit and bandages.

  “Let Lucas patch you up Gregory. Are you injured Tanner?” asks William.

  Tanner quietly says, “No. I’m okay.”

  Lucas looks at Greg’s hand and says, “You are lucky the cut wasn’t any deeper or larger. You won’t require stitches.”

  Lucas cleans Greg’s wound and bandages him up.

  William looks at Bruce and says, “Put them in separate rooms and make sure the rooms are empty. I will see them in a couple of hours.”

  Bruce grabs Greg and walks towards the door.

  Before Bruce walks through the doorway with Greg, William stops him.

  “Gregory, I will see you later. How you answer my questions, will decide on what I do with you and Tanner,” says William.

  Bruce takes Greg down the hall.

  A male warrior grabs Tanner and walks him towards William.

  “Tanner, sleep tight. I will see you in a couple of hours. You give me information, and I will take it easy on you,” says William.



  I drive into Citrus Oaks in my SUV with Lauren, Fran, and Keith.

  “I still don’t know why I couldn’t just drive my car back here,” says Keith to Fran.

  Lauren looks at Keith and says, “You can’t even lift your shoulder still. We will get your car another time.”

  Phil drives into Citrus Oaks and the guards close the South entrance gate.

  I drive into my driveway and park.

  Phil drives the truck he got from the Big Club and parks it in the street in front of Shaun’s house.

  Phil gets out of the truck and sees Shaun, Janet, Lisa, TJ, and Odin staring at him.

  “What’s up with the truck Phil?” asks Shaun.

  “It’s from the trip to The Grove. I’ll take it back to the Big Club later,” says Phil as he walks over to Shaun.

  I see TJ is back from his trip and I walk over to Shaun’s house.

  Lauren goes into our house with Fran and Keith.

  “No shit! When is it coming here?” asks Phil.

  “What? What is coming here?”

  TJ looks at me and says, “A hurricane. A hurricane or at least a bad tropical storm is coming to the West Coast of Florida.”


  “I don’t know exactly, but over the next two to three days. We will feel the strong winds and heavy rain over the next couple days,” says TJ.

  “Well that sucks. Should we board up our windows and prepare like a strong hurricane is coming right at us?”

  TJ says, “I am. I’m going to board up my house like a category 5 hurricane is coming. Someone needs to tell Bo and William as well.”

  Shaun says, “I will go tell both of them. I know how to get to William’s place, but I’m not sure about Bo’s ranch.”

  Janet says, “I’ll give Lisa the directions to Bo’s ranch.”

  Lisa and Janet go inside Shaun’s house.

  “How do you know a storm is coming? You psychic or something?” asks Phil.

  TJ jokes, “No, I just put on the weather channel and saw that storm guy talking about it.”

  “I wish it was that simple.”

  TJ says, “My father told me about a bad storm being picked up on their military radar.”

  Phil asks, “What do we have to do about this hurricane coming?”

  “Go check your house, Matt’s house, and Jon’s house for hurricane shutters. If you don’t have them, then you have to board the windows up or stay with someone who has hurricane shutters.”

  Phil says, “I’m on it. I’m going to check Matt’s house first.”

  Phil runs over to Matt’s house.

  Shaun says, “I’m going to load up my jeep and get going. I’ll see you guys later.”

  Shaun walks towards his garage.

  I shout, “Can you also inform the Big Club and have the guards lock the store down and bring anything loose inside?”

  Shaun shouts, “Will do!”

  Shaun walks into his garage and then inside his house.

  TJ looks at me and says, “My father also said a couple of other interesting things.”

  “Hopefully good news.”

  TJ says, “Well, my sister might still be alive. Janet and I are leaving tomorrow morning for Tallahassee. My sister Alice is a junior in college up there.”

  “That’s great. I hope you find her.”

  “Thanks, my father also said that the government is in Tallahassee and Jacksonville right now. He isn’t sure when they are coming here to Tampa, but they will be coming here at some point,” says TJ.

  “I’m sure. It’s only a matter of time until the government comes around here. According to Jacob though, the government never left.”

  “Jacob’s probably right. The government is here at MacDill, St. Pete, Clearwater, and they have a carrier in the Gulf of Mexico,” says TJ.

  “How was the trip to the zoo? I’m guessing a little rough?”

  TJ replies, “It was pretty good. We found Bo’s brother and another community. They are doing okay at the zoo. I think they will need our help down the road though.”

  “Who is living at the zoo?”

  TJ replies, “Bo’s brother Barrett’s fiancé Darby and her group. Barrett calls them the Pride.”

  “Like the lion’s pride?”

  “Yeah, exactly like that. There are three lions left alive, a gorilla, some chimps, a
nd a couple of other animals at the zoo. Some of their animals got out, so keep an eye out for a cheetah or two if you are around downtown Tampa again,” says TJ.

  “You serious?”

  “Yeah. They said some cheetah’s and a couple other animals escaped from the zoo. The animals could be loose around Tampa Bay,” says TJ.

  “Great. Another thing to worry about.”

  Bobby G comes walking over to TJ and me.

  “Hey guys. Everything okay?” asks Bobby G.

  “Yeah. Everything is good right now, but a storm is coming. We need to secure the neighborhood. Take everything from your back patio that could fly away and put it inside. I will come by later to help you out.”

  Bobby G looks at me and isn’t sure if I’m joking or not.

  “Are you serious?” asks Bobby G.

  TJ says, “Yeah Bob. A storm is coming to the West Coast of Florida. We don’t know how Tampa will be affected but we need to prepare for the worst.”

  Bobby G says, “Okay then, I’m going to get started taking care of my house. I’ll see you later.”

  TJ says goodbye to Bobby G.

  “I’ll come by your house later dad!”

  Bobby G goes inside his house.

  “How was your trip to The Grove?” asks TJ.

  “It was interesting. The Grove is a decent place. They are trying to help people. I made some contacts with two nurses and a doctor.”

  Janet walks out of Shaun’s house and over to TJ.

  “Lisa knows how to get to Bo’s ranch now,” says Janet.

  “Very good. What’s that in your hand?” asks TJ.

  Janet hands TJ the bag and says, “It’s a survival kit. Shaun gave it to me when he heard me telling Lisa that we were leaving for Tallahassee tomorrow.”

  TJ puts the survival kit in the trunk of his jeep.

  Janet looks at me and says, “I think Shaun is upset that we are taking Odin with us.”

  “I’m sure he is. Shaun loves dogs. He grew up with a dog. I think he would love to have a dog of his own.”

  TJ says, “Thank you for everything Ryan. We will be back. Stay safe and take care.”

  I shake TJ’s hand and say, “Thank you. You have been awesome with everything. Good luck with your trip and your sister. I’ll see you guys later.”


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