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Bride of the Frontier (The Prophecy of Sisters Book 3)

Page 19

by Hayley Faiman

  That does surprise me. I jerk back slightly, my eyes widening. “In your old world, or here?”

  “My world, Colt. I can hear her as she worries about us, she’s trying to find out where we are, she’s scared, but I can’t communicate back to her.”

  “This is what Florence wished you to learn, to communicate back?” I ask.

  She nods her head a couple of times. “She said that I could be useful to you, to your position, and we were trying, but I can’t figure it out and then something happened today. There were sparks and I felt like she was literally draining my body, then my knees gave out and I went down.”

  Wrapping my hand around the back of her neck, I dip my chin and touch my mouth to hers. “It will be okay, Birdie. We’ll figure it out, whatever it is.”

  She could be useful, especially if she could get into the heads of the Assembly members, if she could get into the head of the men who are trying to come after me. She could solve so many of the world’s problems with her abilities.

  Maybe this is what the gods wanted. They’re giving her the power of knowledge, of all-knowing, and that could seriously help all of our countries come together and live in harmony, or at least most of them.

  There would be no more senseless deaths. If someone committed a crime, she would know before they were sentenced to death if they were innocent or not. She would know if someone harmed children. She would know everything.

  Then it hits me, it slams through me. What a burden that will be for her. To know the evils of this world, to have to hear in the person’s own voice, I don’t know that I can ask that of her. As wonderful as it would be, it is a burden too heavy for a woman.


  He’s watching me, but the expression on his face is odd, then it changes to a deep frown. Lifting my hand, I extend my finger and slide it across his lips, touching them and feeling their softness beneath my skin.

  “Colt?” I chance asking.

  His eyes are sparkling as he watches me, then something unreadable crosses his expression. He leans forward, his lips brushing mine.

  “Let’s just get you home,” he mutters against my mouth. “I need to check every inch of you, make sure you’re indeed alright.”

  My entire body shivers against his and I press my mouth even harder against his. “Please do, honey.”

  He jerks his head back slightly, his gaze searching mine. “Honey?”

  “Yeah, you’re sweet when you want to be.”

  “When I’m not?”

  I wrinkle my nose, scrunching it as I look into his eyes. He lets out a low chuckle and shakes his head a couple of times as if he thinks that I’m cute, or he doesn’t quite believe what I’m saying to him.

  “I’m a bear, or maybe a few other choice words?” he asks.

  My lips twitch up into a smile and I can’t help but let out a little laugh. “Several choice words.”

  “Let me try to get ahold of Lonesable.”

  Nodding my head, I watch in amazement as he reaches out to his horse and has a conversation completely in his own head.

  As I watch him, I wonder what it would be like to actually be able to communicate with Drucilla back at home. Would she freak the fuck out? I know that I would if I were her. Then I think about Sybilla and Liv, if I could reach out to them, then I could find out where they are.

  “Drat,” Colt hisses, tearing me from my thoughts.

  Lifting my gaze, I tilt my head to the side, but he doesn’t speak right away. Instead, he picks me up, and stands behind me. I’m a bit wobbly on my legs, but I nod my head and brush my skirt off from the dirty floor.

  “Won’t you tell me?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “We have a visitor. A messenger from your sister, Sybilla. The entire camp is panicked.”

  “Why would they be panicked?” I ask.

  He arches a brow. “Your sister’s messenger came on a flying horse.”

  “A flying horse?” I breathe.

  He dips his chin. “A. Flying. Horse.”

  “Wow,” I breathe. “When can we head back? I gotta see this thing,” I demand.

  Colt’s eyes widen and then his lips turn up and he laughs. “You may be excited, my men were not. They’re convinced there is witchcraft afoot. They have never seen one, they do not exist in our country, and were thought to be lore.”

  I lean forward slightly. “Honey, there is witchcraft afoot, plus, you talk to horses and lions. I think this isn’t too farfetched.”

  “It is, if you’ve never seen it before.”

  “I’d never seen this world before, Colt, and here I am. As scared as I was, as different as this is, I’m glad that I didn’t fight it. Your men shouldn’t either. Talk to them,” I urge.

  He smiles, leaning forward and brushing his lips across mine. “Our way home is here.”

  He turns and looks over his shoulder at the lion who is sitting behind us. He nods his head a couple of times, then the lion does as well. I don’t ask him what they’re discussing, I’m still in awe that they can do that, even though I can kind of do the same thing.

  I think what has me in awe is the fact that they can respond to one another, while I am just an eavesdropper. I feel like a fraud, my magic is uncontrollable and I virtually serve no purpose, but as a spy. I have a hard time believing these gods would bring me here just so I can spy for my man.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Guiding Birdie out of the lion’s den, I can’t help but continue to think about what is to come. There is something brewing, and the fact that this beast is here from Bunafi has me a bit concerned, not to mention the wedding tomorrow, the Assembly that is on their way, and whatever the men who are staging a revolt have planned.

  The lion assures me that he and his pride will stage their base a bit closer to the house, but far enough away that they will not be detected by any enemies. I thank him for his hospitality and guide Birdie out of the den and toward the gigantic white horse that awaits us.

  King Elias sends his regards to you and his sister-in-law.

  Clearing my throat, I ask the beast his name.


  “Birdie, this is Arion, he was sent by your sister and her husband.”

  She squeals and runs up to the horse as if she doesn’t have a single care in the world, or an ounce of self-preservation. I watch as she wraps her arms around the beast’s neck, at least as much as she can.

  She whispers to him, then gasps, taking a few steps backward before she turns to face me, a huge smile on her lips.

  “I can hear him. I can’t talk back, but I can hear him and I didn’t even have to try,” she cries.

  I can’t help but return her smile. She is amazing and beautiful always, but like this? Like this, she is out of this world. Taking a few steps toward her, I lift one of my hands and cup her cheek. Dipping my chin, I touch my mouth to hers, sliding my tongue across her bottom lip.

  “Let’s go home, darlin’,” I murmur against her mouth. “There is a messenger who has a missive from your sister and her husband.”

  She spins around and walks over to Arion, touching the white hair on his neck in a gentle pet. “He says it’s Sybilla that he knows. He also said that he’s seen Liv. They’re both here and they’re healthy.”

  “I’m glad, Birdie,” I mutter as I make my way toward them.

  Arion bends his front legs while I climb onto his back. Reaching down, I wrap my hands around Birdie’s waist and haul her up onto the beast, then tug her against my front to keep her close. Inhaling a deep breath, I close my eyes as the horse’s wings extend and he leaps up into the air.

  I’ve never ridden on a Pegasus before, I thought they were a myth and I’m sure that my soldiers didn’t even know they existed, myth or not. I can only imagine what it will be like when I return on his back.

  This sister, she is well? I chance asking.

  He doesn’t answer me immediately, but when he does, I can’t help but feel relief. She is we
ll, but she is also kind and loved not just by her husband, but by her people.

  He swoops down in the middle of the men’s camp and I can’t help but chuckle as I watch all of the men scatter around. Jumping off of him, I reach up and tug Birdie down, setting her feet flat on the hard ground.

  “Sir?” a voice calls out.

  Lifting my head, I notice that it’s Jeremiah. He is running toward me, his eyes wide. His gaze flicks to Birdie, then to me, and I can’t help but notice the sense of relief that crosses his features at the sight of her.

  “We are well, Jeremiah,” I announce. “Florence?” I ask.

  He looks from Arion to Birdie, then to me before he answers. “She rests. Is all well?” he asks me nervously.

  “Arion will be resting here for as long as he needs. Make sure he is stabled beside Lonesable,” I instruct.

  Jeremiah turns toward one of the men at his side and repeats my orders. I reach out to Lonesable and tell him that Arion will be residing next to him until further notice.

  He snorts, but says that he will ensure his safety and comforts while he’s in residence. Lonesable is much like me, he likes his space, he prefers that space being quiet and being alone.

  Turning toward the men, I know that I cannot leave them in suspense. “Arion is a guest, he hails from Bunafi and works for the king. He is the king’s trusted messenger and he will be treated with respect and kindness as I’m not in the mood to start a war with the King of Bunafi, now or ever. Not only that, tomorrow I marry Miss Birdie Collins, the King of Bunafi’s sister-in-law.”

  I don’t wait for the men to ask any questions. In fact, I slide my hand around Birdie’s waist and we walk away from the crowd of surprised men, Jeremiah at our backs. Birdie is trembling beside me with each step that she takes.

  Only when we’re inside, do I stop and turn toward her. Lifting my hands, I cup her cheeks and look into her eyes. I take in her beautiful gaze and dip my chin, touching my lips to hers in a hard kiss.

  “You will marry me tomorrow, this has changed nothing.”

  “Colt,” she breathes against my lips. “Honey.”

  “Call me honey. I enjoy that, darlin’.”

  She giggles, and it’s a sweet, sweet sound to my ears. I haven’t been in the presence of a woman’s giggle in years, and yet, this is different. Maybe it’s because I’m a different man now, but earning this sweet giggle from her after the weeks of uncertainty makes me feel victorious.

  “Okay, honey,” she sighs.

  I touch my lips to hers again, needing the taste of her. “Now, let us hear what this missive has to say. Then we must talk to Florence and find out what happened earlier. I must admit I’m a bit worried.”

  “Worried?” she asks.

  I snort. “Darlin’, you transported us to my lion’s den, a place I didn’t even know the location of. That is concerning.”

  Her eyes widen. “It is, isn’t it? I feel like there is too much happening. Your gods are giving me too much. They really need to slow their roll. I can only deal with one gigantic thing at a time.”

  My lips turn up in a wide smile. “I’m sorry to say this, darlin’, but the gods don’t really take requests.”

  She lets out a heavy sigh, then moans, “I know.”


  Transportation and mind reading. It’s weird. I feel as though I’m supposed to know how to control these things, but I don’t. In fact, I didn’t even know that I could do them. I’m completely lost, confused, and terrified.

  Sitting on the small sofa in Colt’s office, I wait for the missive to arrive. Colt is riffling through the paperwork on his desk. I’m not sure if he’s looking for something or just trying to keep his hands busy while we wait and wait.

  Wringing my fingers in my lap, I watch as my hands move back and forth nervously. This missive is supposedly from Sybilla and her husband. Husband. I can’t believe that she’s married, though it shouldn’t surprise me at all. Sybilla has been here for months. I’ve only been here for weeks and my wedding is tomorrow.

  The men in this world move really fucking fast.

  There is a knock on the door and I lift my head, turning to look toward the door. Colt’s voice booms as he tells the person to come inside. Ernest leads the way, with a man who resembles a medieval knight walking in behind him. He is even wearing tights and chainmail with a sword at his side.

  My lips part in awe. I don’t know why, but I expected this man to be dressed as a cowboy, like Colt, not like a knight. This is crazy, and it makes me wonder exactly what the rest of this world is like.

  “Mr. James,” he calls out, dipping his chin toward Colt.

  Either he doesn’t see me sitting behind him, or he is ignoring me. I don’t mind. I am here just to watch and listen. It’s very obvious to me that this is very much a man’s world, no matter what part of the country.

  “You’ve a message for me?”

  The man clears his throat, then lifts his head and looks straight ahead.

  “King Elias of Bunafi sent me to inform you that a woman could come here from a strange land. She is possibly sent by the gods and his wife’s sister from another world. If she has not come, can you send a missive to him when she has arrived, and if she has already shown herself, can you please let him know?”

  Colt’s gaze shifts behind the man’s shoulder and toward me. His lips slowly curve into a grin. “Turn around and tell me if this woman is indeed the one you seek?”

  The man slowly turns around, as I rise to my feet, his eyes move up and down my body then he turns to Colt. “She looks nothing like Queen Sybilla,” he states.

  Colt chuckles. “She isn’t supposed to, but this is indeed her sister. I will pen a letter to him, and send you on your way, after…”


  “After our nuptials tomorrow. Please, stay and enjoy the food and dance before you go back to Bunafi.”

  The man dips his chin, then turns and bows to me slightly. “Thank you very much, Mr. James. I would enjoy that,” he rasps.

  He excuses himself before Colt can and slips from the room, leaving me, Ernest, and Colt alone in silence. It’s true, then. Sybilla is here, and if she is, then the rumors of Liv must be true as well. She’s here somewhere. My sisters.

  “What happens now?” I ask when neither of the men says anything.

  Colt’s gaze flicks up to me, his eyes search my own, and I wait for what he’s going to say next. It isn’t what I expect. I don’t know what I thought he would say, but it isn’t exactly this.

  “We’re to be married, go and relax the rest of the day. I’ll come to you this evening.”

  I open my mouth to reply, but he doesn’t allow me. Instead, he jerks his chin, then stands and turns his back to me to look out the window. Ernest and his never wavering glower watches me. Standing, I brush my hands down my skirt and without a word I walk away.

  I’m not going to show weakness, not to this man who gives me an inch, then takes a mile. He shows me just enough to keep me complacent. He’s really pissing me off and I’m honestly not sure if I’ll be there tomorrow.

  Walking up to my room, I close the door and lock myself inside, then walk over to the window. I glance out at the huddles of men that are all talking and probably discussing the fact that a gigantic flying horse, that they didn’t even know was a thing, appeared then carried us on his back.

  Then a thought pops into my head. I shouldn’t even think it. I’m sure that Colt would be super angry, maybe it would even affect the prophecy, but Arion is just a few feet away in the barn. He could get me out of here, away from it all, and take me to Sybilla.

  Colt doesn’t really want me here, even if he’s falling for me, he’s fighting it. I don’t know that I want to be married to a man who I know loves me, but refuses to allow himself to show it or even truly feel it.

  I want more for my life.

  I want more for myself and I want more for my future children in a father.

  I just pl
ain want more.

  Licking my lips, I look around the room to see if there’s something I can use to lower myself from the second story of the house to the ground.

  Frowning, I realize that there isn’t anything but the sheets and as many times as I’ve seen that stunt on television, I’m assuming it isn’t as easy in real life.

  When I lift my eyes to the men all around, I decide that there is no way these guys will let me run to the barn, climb on Arion, and fly away without alerting Colt.

  I have to be smarter than my rush to flight instincts. I have to think this through. I have to be able to figure out when I can slip away undetected. I continue to watch out the window, even as I hear Martha come in with a bathtub.

  “Would you like a bath tomorrow morning as well?” she asks.

  I’m tempted to tell her no, but I decide that one last bath here would be pretty nice. Then, I smile to myself. Maybe Sybilla has running water? Wouldn’t that be out of this world amazing? But then, I remember the guy that came from her land, he looks medieval, so I highly doubt they have modern conveniences at all.

  “Sure,” I call out, just loud enough for her to hear.

  I don’t bother turning around. I already know the process of the tub and it’s going to be a few minutes before I need to strip and sink down in the lukewarm water.

  Sadness rushes through me at the thought of leaving Martha and my room here. I really like Martha, and the house is comfortable, so comfortable in fact, that it was starting to feel like a home, even if Colt is a dickhead.

  Shaking off my sadness, I plaster on a fake smile and turn toward Martha. She eyes me suspiciously, as she should, but doesn’t say anything as she helps me ready for my bath. I thank her and ask if I can be alone for a few minutes. Again, her gaze is suspicious, but she acquiesces.

  Closing my eyes, I inhale a deep breath, letting it out on a sigh, then try to tap into Dru again. I don’t know why, but I think that if I can tap into her, I will feel better about this situation. If she is still at home, then the prophecy has not been fulfilled yet and isn’t completely set into motion.


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