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Bride of the Frontier (The Prophecy of Sisters Book 3)

Page 20

by Hayley Faiman

  Also, if I can tap into her, maybe I can transport myself to her and get the fuck outta dodge. As much as I don’t want to leave Colt, because I do love him, I’m also not a masochist and I know that a lifetime with him this way would be a lifetime of pain for me.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Florence is brought to me, Jeremiah arches a brow as soon as I dismiss him. I also ask him to grab Thatcher and Markus before heading up to guard Birdie’s door. Not that it would keep her there at this point, she can transport and materialize herself in other places, which is beyond anything I’ve ever seen before, it’s actually quite terrifying.

  I expect Florence to start speaking immediately, but she doesn’t. Instead, she walks over to a chair across from my desk and slowly sinks down, her gaze flicking from me to Ernest, then back to me.

  “I was only going to absorb her powers for a short time, see if I could teach her how to control a smaller amount of magic.”

  “She has more than just a small amount,” I point out.

  Florence nods her head once. “She does. More than I’ve ever witnessed. Her power grows day by day, probably minute by minute.”

  “She cannot control it,” I snap. “Taking someone’s power, this does not seem like something you or anyone else should be doing.”

  Ernest growls beneath his breath, but doesn’t say anything. I’m sure since he’s started some kind of affair with Florence, he doesn’t want me to be angry with her, but I can’t help it. This is not only the woman I love, but it’s my country at stake.

  “How did she transport us to a place she’s never been to before. What if she isn’t truly Birdie who is meant for me, what if she is a mirage?”

  Florence’s eyes widen, then she shakes her head once. “What if it is a devil come up to play with the gods’ plan?”

  I think about her suggestion and I would be lying if I said that I haven’t thought it possible myself more than once since this whole situation came to light, but I cannot know if it is true and there is no way to test the theory, not without harming her in some way.

  “Are there any witches stronger than you?” I ask.

  She presses her lips together, then focuses her gaze on my own. “There are.”

  “In my country?” I ask, clarifying.

  She shakes her head, inhaling a deep breath. She lets it out on an exhale. “Just one, but I hesitate, Colton.”

  “Why?” I demand, growing angry that she has not told me of this woman before.

  I am the ruler of this entire country, I should know who resides within it and the powers they yield. I should know everything.

  “She deals with the darker side, Colt. As far as I know, she keeps to herself, but to ask her for anything, it comes at a price.”

  “A price?” I ask. “I’m the leader. This is my country, there will be a nice price,” I growl, slamming my palms down on the desk and slowly rising to my feet.

  Florence doesn’t even flinch. She arches a brow toward me and tilts her head to the side. “This you are not in control of, Colton. This is magic and there is no place for leadership and control when it comes to magic. You will have a price to pay and it will likely be hefty.”

  “Bring her to me,” I snap.

  She shakes her head once. “You will not like the process, nor will you like the outcome. I would not challenge dark magic, Colton. Perhaps the witches of Bunafi can offer aid. You have a messenger here.”

  “They will take too long,” I grunt. “I need to know now, before this goes much farther between us.”

  Florence stands to her feet, her gaze searching my own. “You are wading in waters where you do not belong, Colton. Black magic is not for you to dabble with, nor is it for you to attempt to control or use at your whim. You are risking much, unnecessarily. Whatever this woman does, I cannot combat and I cannot undo, remember that.”

  Without another word, she turns around and I watch her walk out of the room. Ernest is quiet for another moment, just long enough for me to wonder if he’s still standing behind me before he speaks.

  “Florence is a good woman. She is a good witch and she would not steer you wrong, sir.”

  “Is there a but there?” I ask.

  He doesn’t say anything immediately, which always drives me batty and right now is no different. He clears his throat, then finally graces me with his opinion and if I didn’t value his opinion so much, I wouldn’t even hear him out right now. I’m that irritated about the entire situation.

  “Not necessarily, I just want to remind you that inviting unnecessary people and ideas into your life is not always wise.”

  I dip my chin in a quick nod, then clear my throat and take out a sheet of paper to pen a letter to the King of Bunafi, the man that tomorrow, will supposedly be my brother-in-law. My mind does not stop thinking about the situation with Birdie.

  This woman, this stranger that practices what I assume is black magic, I’m not sure that I should invite her in, and yet, it feels like I must. My entire body jolts as I think back to the book in my library, the one I read long ago.

  The women are tempted by the Devil himself. They fall from the gods’ graces and they put the entire world and their children in jeopardy. The husbands have to take the boys into hiding.

  And it hits me, if I bring this woman here, will she be the devil that tempts Birdie? Is this something that I can be okay with? Or does knowing if she is indeed a mirage or a reality mean more to me than the safety of my country, of her?

  I excuse Ernest and decide that I must think on this long and hard before I make any major decisions. I must weigh all of the options and decide what is worth it, and what is not. My life does not matter and my happiness does not weigh into any of this.

  I need to do what is best for this entire country—for this world.


  My plan is shoddy at best. But it’s a plan nonetheless. I wasn’t able to tap into Dru during my bath and now that I’ve been dressed in my nightgown and had a little food without the restriction of my corset, I am all settled into bed and feel almost cozy.


  I’m allowing this place to feel too much like a home. Pressing my lips together, I close my eyes and will myself to be sent to Arion in the barn. I think about his white coat, how soft it was, I recall his voice in my head, and envision myself in front of him hoping that’s all it takes to send me there.

  A door slams and I jerk, opening my eyes to see that I’m still in the bedroom, and Colt is standing in front of me. His arms crossed over his chest, his gaze focused on me and nowhere else.

  “Did you eat?” he asks, unmoving.

  Licking my lips, I’m not sure whether I feel disappointed at not being able to transfer myself or not. Because to be honest, I am loving the way Colt is watching me right now. He looks like he’s a hungry predator searching for his prey.

  My breathing starts coming in pants as I watch him slowly stalk across the room toward me. His mouth turns up into a shit-eating grin and he slides his tongue along his bottom lip before his teeth sink into the skin.

  “I did,” I exhale.

  He nods his head once, as he stands at the side of the bed, his gaze focused on mine. “I was angry when you read Adelaide’s journal. I walked away so that I did not take that anger out on you. I realize that we have been thrust into a situation that is strange, something neither of us ever anticipated.”

  “But?” I ask when he doesn’t continue.

  “There is no but, darlin’. We’re in this together and you have to realize that, you have to accept that so that we can live in harmony.”

  I think about throwing a fit, because let’s face it, it’s not me who has not accepted any of this. It’s not me who hasn’t been living in harmony. It’s not me who has been a downright bear. And it’s not me who ran away like a coward.

  Clearing my throat, I decide not to say any of what I’m actually thinking. Because I am thinking quite a bit right about now.r />
  Instead, I only nod my head, my eyes never leaving his. He must find that my response is good enough for him and my breath hitches when he begins to strip out of his clothes.

  “Don’t you want to wait until tomorrow, our wedding night?”

  He snorts, shaking his head as he continues to take all of his clothes off until he’s completely bared to me. I try not to be affected by his body, but I fail completely. I feel hot, my blood warming beneath the surface of my skin, slowly getting hotter and hotter with each passing second.

  “Colt,” I breathe.

  “No, darlin’, I don’t want to wait. I want you right now.”

  With those words, he wraps his hand around his length and begins to stroke himself. Rising to my knees, I hike my nightgown up as I crawl toward the edge of the bed, closer to him, almost close enough to touch him.

  Colt lifts his hand, cupping my cheek, his eyes focus on mine as his thumb slides across my bottom lip.

  “There is no waiting when it comes to us, Birdie. Whatever comes our way, we’ll overcome.”

  I don’t know if his words are for me or if he’s trying to convince himself. It doesn’t matter. I lift my hand, wrapping my fingers around his wrist and tug on his hand. Pressing his palm against my chest, I allow him to feel my rapidly beating heart.

  “I wish my heart didn’t beat like this for you. Life would be a lot easier if it didn’t,” I whisper.

  He nods his head, his chin staying tipped down as he looks into my eyes. “I know, darlin’.”

  He says the words with true conviction. He means them. It would be easier if we weren’t drawn to one another, if we didn’t feel love for one another, love that neither of us can explain. I’ve never believed in love at first sight before, only lust, and yet here I am, feeling what I can only describe as love for him.

  I don’t understand any of it, the only explanation that I can even fathom is the story of all of this being some kind of spell or fate cast by his gods, and even then, it’s not really a true explanation to me.

  Without another word, he reaches for the hem of my nightgown and slowly peels it from my body, throwing the oversized gauzy white fabric to the side. He doesn’t pounce on me the way I anticipate, reaching for his wrist again, I press his palm against the center of my bare chest, between my breasts.

  He grins as his gaze holds mine, then he shakes off my hand and glides his fingers over to my breast, cupping me and feeling the weight of my flesh in his palm, then he slides his thumb across my pebbled nipple. Slowly, he lifts his other hand and does the same against my opposite breast.

  My breathing comes out in pants as I silently beg for him to touch me everywhere, to relieve the ache between my legs and put out the fire that has started to burn beneath my skin. Whimpering, I slide my knees apart with a silent plea for more.

  “Birdie,” he rasps.

  A shiver rolls throughout my entire body at his single word. One of his hands slides around my waist, his palm applying pressure against the middle of my back, his other hand slips between my legs and I let out a small cry as soon as his fingers make contact with my aching clit.

  “The gods have made it clear what they want for us and I am not going to fight it, fight them, or myself for another moment.”

  I want to yell at him, to scream that this isn’t the way life is supposed to be. He should want me because he just does, not because he feels obligated. But the way his fingers feel between my legs has rendered me speechless and no matter how much I want to protest, I can’t.

  I don’t want him to stop.

  My blood boils, my body begs for release and I know he’s the only one who can give it to me—the only want I want to give it to me. Because even if he has reservations about me, my heart knows without a doubt that he is the one for me, even if it hurts like hell.

  Chapter Thirty


  Staring at a sleeping Colt, I wonder if I should try and run now. Then again, do I want to test the fates and the gods by leaving before the wedding?

  My other half-baked plan of transporting myself last night didn’t work at all. The only other thing I can think to do, without being detected, is slip out in the middle of the night when Colt is asleep.

  “You’re awake,” he mumbles next to me.

  He rolls onto his back, then opens one eye a crack and turns his head toward me. I watch as his lips turn up into a grin, then he rolls to his side and slings his arm around my middle, tugging me closer to his body.

  “I am,” I whisper.

  He touches his lips against the side of my neck, sucking on my skin before his tongue tastes me. “Today we’re to be married,” he murmurs.

  I hum, my eyes closing as my blood starts to heat again. God, I can’t handle the way I always feel with him. It’s almost too fucking much.

  I’m not sure if I can feel this way for a lifetime. It was weird at first, then it was hot as shit, and now I’m not sure, but it’s almost an annoyance to be so attracted to him that I have such a deep and intense need for him from just a look or simple kiss.

  “Martha will be in here soon. I’ll ensure you’re delivered breakfast, then the ceremony will be soon after. I have your gift being delivered today as well.”

  “Gift?” I breathe.

  He hums, lifting his head and looking down into my eyes. “Of course, darlin’. Every bride deserves a gift on their wedding day.”

  I don’t even know what he’s talking about. I’ve never been married before, so I don’t know any of the customs. I frown, pressing my lips together before I release them and my teeth sink into my bottom lip.

  “I didn’t get you anything,” I whisper.

  Colt’s lips curve up into a grin. “You’re my gift, Birdie. Your body devoted to me for a lifetime is gift enough.”

  “Then shouldn’t that go both ways?” I ask. “Your body devoted to me for a lifetime?”

  He chuckles as if he finds me cute. I am not trying to be cute. I’m serious. His body is mine just as much as mine is his. Forever. And if I have to throw the gods and our fates in his face, I will without a doubt.

  “Colt,” I whisper. He hums, dipping his chin and touching his mouth to mine, then kissing down my neck again. “There aren’t going to be any other women, are there?”

  He lifts his head, his eyes finding mine. I want to tell him that it’s hard enough sharing him with Adelaide, that I’m not sure I could share his body, his heart, or his soul with a living woman as well, but I decide against it.

  Colt stares at me for a moment and I can see the thoughts spinning in his head, but he doesn’t verbally answer me. Instead, he pushes off of me and rolls out of bed. I watch as he tugs his clothes on, never saying a single word.

  When he’s at the door, he stops and turns his head to look back at me. His eyes search my own and I hold my breath as I wait for him to say something—anything.

  “See you at the altar,” he announces before he opens the door and slips out of the room.

  The hurt, anger, and pain bubbles throughout my entire body. I can’t believe he didn’t respond to me. He didn’t say a single fucking word. Nothing. Just… nothing. I let out a low scream of frustration, then decide that it doesn’t matter.

  Marriage, then I’m gone.

  I am going to Sybilla and I won’t look back.

  No matter how badly my heart hurts.


  Something is amiss. Walking out of the house, I head toward the barn to see if it is Lonesable. The men are all just waking for the day, their camps beginning to smell of fires and food. I slip past them, not wishing to get involved in a conversation about anything at the moment.

  The stable is unchanged, except for the giant flying horse, Arion. Lonesable neighs as I make my way toward his stable. Lifting my hand, I touch his flank.

  The moment approaches. I can sense her apprehensiveness.

  I grunt, shaking my head a couple of times and trying to shake off that same feeling, knowing that I am
the reason for that. Arion neighs from the stable next to us and I lift my head, looking over to him.

  I sense her uneasiness. She will run.

  And if she does? I ask.

  He’s quiet for a moment, then he speaks to me. Then I will find her and take her where she belongs.

  I don’t miss the inference about not bringing her directly to me, but rather where she belongs. Arching a brow, I cross my arms over my chest and look down my nose at him. Arion does not seem bothered by the way I watch him. In fact, he is almost smug.

  We have the ceremony soon, would you both like to watch?

  They both jerk their heads in a nod of confirmation. Taking a step back, I turn to leave them alone in the barn. The ceremony is soon. Once I’m outside in the hot sun, I pause at the sight of Jeremiah coming my way.

  He is walking quickly, far too quickly and my entire body jerks to a halt. My heart starts to race at the thought of something happening to Birdie with me just feet away. I don’t know what could happen, but about a dozen scenarios race through my head in the seconds it takes him to make his way to me.

  “What is it?” I demand.

  “We’ve just received a missive from Whitecotton.”

  “Drat,” I curse.

  My feet carry me quickly toward the house and straight into my office. Ernest has the letter in his hand, holding it out, and I grasp it as I walk past him and straight for my desk. Sinking down in my chair, I rip open the envelope and begin to read.


  They advance. I hope that this letter makes it in enough time that you will be able to protect and have troops ready to defend your home and yourselves.

  I will be there as soon as I am able.

  Hold strong.


  They advance. I know who they is, but I’m not sure how he knows their position. I can’t deny the bit of suspicion that I feel about my old friend and his knowledge of the men who plot against me and my position.


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