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Page 11

by Alexis Winter

  Dad walks in with a tray. “Here’s the steak.” He places it on the island next to everything else. “I don’t know why you wanted to fix all this. It’s going to take us a week to eat it all.”

  She shoos him away with the dish towel in her hands. “I wanted a BBQ. We’ll send a plate home with Vesper. Maybe she can take it to that man she’s been seeing.” She looks at me from the corner of her eyes as a small smile spreads across her lips.

  “Damn it, Amy,” I mumble. “How has she even had the time to tell you? I just left her at the animal shelter.” I move deeper into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of sweet tea.

  “She called me as she was walking out the door,” Mom says, taking some plates from the cabinets. “We just want you to be happy, dear. You work too hard.”

  I roll my eyes and grab the silverware, carrying it to the island. “I just wish you would all stay out of my personal life.”

  “Good luck,” Daddy says, fixing his plate.

  Mom ignores me and starts fixing her own plate. “I have the patio table set up out in the back. I thought it was too nice of a night to waste it in doors.”

  Everyone fixes their dinner and heads outside to sit at the patio table. The food is delicious, but I’m too lost in thought to engage in much conversation. I keep wondering if I should try harder with Liam or if I should stick to my original plan of keeping some distance between us outside of the bedroom. It seems like everyone is rooting for us, and his words still echo in my mind: I want you by my side every single day.

  Maybe I’ll just have fun while it lasts and see where it goes.


  Shortly after dinner, I’m pulling up at the ranch. The sky is dark, and tiny, bright stars speckle the blackness. A slight wind blows, giving the night a chill that cuts through me. I grab my purse from the passenger side seat and the plate my mom sent with me, and head for the door.

  Before I’ve even made it up the steps, he’s opening the door for me. He has a big smile on his face, and he looks dead sexy wearing a pair of basketball shorts and no shirt. His eyes darken the moment they lock on mine.

  “Hey, what’s this?” he asks, allowing me to pass him.

  I make my way toward the kitchen. “Since you’re preparing dessert, I brought dinner.” I place the plate on the table and grab a fork.

  “This looks delicious. Let me get us some wine.” He takes a step toward the wine fridge, but I shoo him back.

  “Go sit and eat while it’s still a little warm. I’ll get the wine.”

  He sits down, and I grab two glasses and a fresh bottle of wine. I take my place next to him and pour us both a glass. Lifting it to my lips, the sweet mixture spills into my mouth and I swallow it down quickly to kill the nerves that are coursing through my body.

  “How was your day? How’s Lucy?” I ask, leaning back in my seat.

  He takes a bite of potato salad. “She seems to be doing well. I spent the day mucking stalls with Tyler. I just got out of the shower when I heard you pull up.”

  “I spent the day at the animal shelter. I probably smell like a wet dog.” I laugh.

  “Upstairs, in my bathroom, there’s an old claw-foot bathtub, and you can fill it to your ears.” He smiles. “Go wash up, and when I’m done with dinner, I’ll be up with your dessert.” His eyes darken as his smile starts to fade away into a more serious look.

  “Okay, but don’t keep me waiting. I want that sundae you promised.” I stand with my glass of wine and head upstairs.

  I fill the tub to the brim, topping it off with a sweet- smelling bubble bath, and sink deep into it. The hot water soothes away the pain in my rigid muscles and the relaxing scent of lavender makes me forget all my worries. I lean back and close my eyes, breathing deeply.

  Only minutes later, Liam struts in. “You’re doing this all wrong,” he states.

  “What do you mean?”

  He turns around and pulls some candles from the cabinet, and lights them, scattering them around the room. He dims the lights, then pulls his basketball shorts down his sculpted hips. I can’t help but to lick my lips as he walks over and slides behind me in the deep tub.

  He pulls my back against his chest, and my head rests on his shoulder. His arms wrap around me, holding me close and I breathe his rich scent in deeply.

  “How many girls have you seduced this way?” I ask around a small smile.

  “Only you. Is it working?” He lets out a short laugh.

  I turn around to face him, climbing up on his lap and wrapping my arms around his neck. “It is,” I whisper, leaning in for a kiss.

  Our soft kiss turns hard, and his hands latch onto my hips, pulling me downward where his hard cock slides between my folds, rubbing against my sensitive nub. He sits up, leaning me back, as his lips leave mine and travel down my neck. His hands move up my sides to my breasts where he massages them, before gently pinching my nipple. I let out a loud breath as my head falls backward, exposing my throat to him.

  “I don’t know what it is about you, Ves, but when I’m around you, all I can think about is sinking deep inside you.” Suddenly, he grabs my hips and stands, lifting me up with him.

  I let out a squeal as he carries me from the bathroom and into his room where we fall, soaking wet, onto the bed. The bright moon is shining through the window, giving just enough light to see him in the darkness.

  His lips start on mine, but they quickly descend lower, covering my neck, breasts, stomach, down to the junction between my legs. He runs his tongue between my folds, causing an electric current to run through me, the moment he brushes against my bundle of nerves. My thighs want to close but his hands hold them back as he sucks, flicks, and nibbles in the perfect combination, to have me withering away in pleasure. My eyes close, unable to stay open as he continues his much-wanted assault on my body.

  My release builds as he doubles his speed, working me over the edge with every flick of his tongue.

  “Liam,” I breathlessly call out, unable to move to stop the flood of passion running through my veins.

  His hands are up my ass, squeezing, as he pushes me over the edge. My orgasm rises to its peak and explodes, raining down on me like a flood of hot lava. I can’t move. I can’t stop it. I have no choice but to let it claim me.

  When he pulls away, his face is glistening with my arousal, and his blue eyes are so dark, they appear black. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, eyes trained on mine. My chest is rising and falling quickly, and I want nothing more than to push him down and slide down his hard length.

  He leans forward, pulling a condom out of the bedside table, and he slides it on, never speaking a word or looking away from my body that’s naked and sprawled out before him.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” I whisper.

  “Because I’ve never wanted a woman as badly as I want you right now.” He reaches down between us, wrapping his big hand around his cock, stroking it as his eyes greedily take me in. “You’re so fucking beautiful. Just looking at you right now makes me want to cum.” He presses his thumb against my nub and applies pressure while rubbing circles around it, all the while, stroking himself.

  My hands fist the sheets of the bed as my eyes fall close and my hips lift upward, needing to feel his touch, needing him to slide deep inside me and claim me as his. My lips part and a gasp leaves them.

  “Liam, please,” I moan, releasing the bedsheet and tangling my hand into his hair, gently pulling. “I need you. I’m going to explode.”

  He lets out a deep growl as he jerks his hand away and positions himself at my entrance. Thrusting forward, he slides inside faster and harder than I can process. The moment we connect, we both let out a relieving sigh, but neither of us move, needing a moment to gather ourselves.

  I can feel his heart beating wildly against my chest, and his hot breath is quickly blowing against my neck.

  “You feel so fucking good, Ves.” He slowly slides out. “You’re so tight, I want to cum already
.” He pushes back inside just as teasingly slow. “I’m taking my time with you tonight, Ves.” He rolls his hips and hits that perfect spot inside of me that causes me to call out. “I’m not pulling out of you until you’re begging me to.” He pulls out and slams back into me hard and fast.

  I wake in the morning, and my body feels sore and drained of energy. We stayed up all night, making love and taking our turns with each other’s bodies. Just thinking back on last night, brings goosebumps to my skin.

  I roll over and instead of finding Liam lying next to me, there’s a note.


  Sleep in and rest. When you wake, take a long hot shower and put on the dress that’s hanging in the corner. You should have everything you need. I’ll be back this evening. I hope you’ll be waiting.


  I lift my head and look at the corner of the room. On the closet door hangs a black dress. On the floor beneath it, there is a pair of high heels. Smiling, I push myself from the bed and walk over to the corner. The dress is beautiful. It’s sleeveless and looks form fitting. It has a small amount of beadwork along the bodice that the sun reflects off. I bend down and pick up the shoes that will match the dress perfectly. My mouth drops open when I flip it over to see the red bottom. These shoes cost more than my yearly rent payments are worth.

  I place it softly back in its place, afraid to even touch something so expensive. When I stand, my eyes catch a glimpse of a black box sitting on the dresser. I slowly move toward it and pick it up, opening the lid to see a pair of diamond earrings, a silver necklace with a single diamond charm, and diamond bracelet. The sun that’s streaming in through the window catches the diamonds, forming prisms around the room.

  I close the box with a loud pop, putting it back on the dresser and making my way back to bed. Laying down and pulling the blankets up my naked body, I’m completely speechless. I know Liam has a lot of money, but I don’t want fancy, expensive gifts. I’m not with him for his money and I hope he realizes that. In fact, I’m not with him at all. We’re close, yes. But together? Does he think we’re together? Surely, he wouldn’t buy all this for every girl he dates.

  Then I remember something: the movie Pretty Woman, and the way Richard Gere borrowed the expensive jewelry for the fancy event he took Julia Roberts to. Maybe that’s what Liam did? He has tons of money and probably friends in high places. He probably just borrowed the jewelry. It’s not a gift.

  That thought helps me settle my racing heart. I can handle the dress and the shoes that cost more than my life is worth, but not the diamonds. We’ve only just become close. We barely know one another.

  I take a deep breath and tell myself that the jewelry isn’t to keep. As I feel my heart slow down and my head stops spinning, I stand up and push myself toward the shower.

  I walk down the stairs, wearing everything that was laid out for me, and Liam walks in wearing a suit. He looks up at the stairs and when his eyes land on me, he freezes, his eyes following me down the stairs.

  I come to a stop directly in front of him. “You look…” He shakes his head. “Beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” I smile. “Where are we going that we have to be so dressed up?”

  He takes my arm and leads me out the door where a black limo is waiting in the drive. “We’re going to fly to L.A. My company is hosting a big event where we will dance, drink, and have a fancy dinner that’ll leave you hungry.” He laughs. “The event is held at a hotel, so I hope it’s okay for you to stay gone over night.”

  “I will need to call Amy, but I’m sure it will be fine,” I say, sliding into the backseat and pulling out my phone to ask Amy to move any appointments that may be set up.

  A few hours later, we are exiting the plane in LA, loading up into another limo. I’m in awe as we drive down the busy roads, unable to keep my eyes off the sites.

  “Everything moves so fast here. I don’t know how you can go from this to home. There is a world of difference between the two places.”

  He shrugs. “This is mandatory. The ranch, that’s home. That’s where I want to be.” He picks up my hand and presses a kiss to the top.

  When we walk into the hotel, I’m stunned by everything. It’s all so big and fancy. There are waiters wearing suits and they walk around holding trays of champagne and Hors d’oeuvres. Everyone is dressed in their best suits and dresses, and I see more diamonds on the bodies of women than I’ve ever seen in my whole life. I’m a country girl. All of this is new. I feel like I’m dreaming or watching a movie. Now I know how Pretty Woman felt: lost, confused, and out of her element.

  Liam stays busy talking to every single person that walks up to him, but he’s sure to always keep a hand on me and to introduce me to everyone we meet. Classical music plays as people dance in the center of the floor. I wish we were out there dancing, but it seems like everyone wants a piece of him.

  While he’s engaged in conversation, I walk away, unnoticed, and get myself a drink. As I’m sitting at the bar alone, a man with dark hair and eyes sits beside me. “I thought you were here with Liam O’Connor?”

  I offer a polite grin. “I am. Why do you ask?”

  He shrugs his shoulder, raising his glass to his lips. “When Liam marches women into these things, they don’t leave his side. You’re different.” He points at me with his index finger, even though it’s still wrapped around his glass.

  A silent laugh leaves my lips—even this guy, a man I’ve never met before, can see the difference between me and the women Liam is usually with. If that doesn’t scream doomed, I don’t know what does.

  “I just have a mind of my own,” I tell him, picking up my glass and taking a sip.

  “I’ll sit and keep you company, if you’d like.” He winks at me.

  I want to roll my eyes, but refrain. “Thank you, but I’m sure Liam will be here for me soon.”

  He lets out a deep laugh. “I can tell you are new around here. If he didn’t notice you walk away, he hasn’t noticed you’re missing. Liam doesn’t care about the women he brings to these events. I’ve seen enough of them to know.”

  “So, what? You just come to these things to rescue his dates?”

  “No, usually I don’t care, but I can see you’re different. All the others would have just stood by his side, looking completely bored.”

  “Ves?” Liam says, walking up behind me and placing himself between me and the mystery man. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

  I stand up before him, holding my glass. “A little tip, if I suddenly disappear and a bar is near, I’m always at the bar.” I smile, and he laughs.

  “How about that dance now?”

  I finish off my wine and place the empty glass on the bar. “I’d love to,” I say, looking at the mystery man as a way to point out that I am different from those other women.


  Liam and I have been doing this thing we’re doing for several months now. The summer comes and go. Fall blew by. It’s now winter and thick blankets of snow cover the ground. As I’m sitting in my apartment with a glass of wine, I look out the window at the brightly lit town square that’s covered in strands of white lights. Puffy flakes of white snow begin to fall and cling to my windowsill, and a shiver runs through me. I pull the throw blanket tighter around my shoulders and take a sip of my wine.

  I hear the door open and seconds later, Liam walks in. “It’s getting cold out there.” He dusts the snow from his coat and hangs it from the hook on the wall before closing the distance between us.

  I set my wine glass down on the table and stand, pulling him in for a hug. I place my hands on either side of his face. “Wow, you’re freezing. What’s the matter, that fancy sports car no good in the snow?” I laugh, and he mockingly joins in.

  “No.” He rolls his eyes. “I think I’m going to have to get something with four-wheel drive. Want to go truck shopping with me?”


  “Tomorrow. No way can I keep driving that thing. I hit a
patch of black ice and spun out on my way here.” He looks out of the window. “It’s not bad here in the town, but the country roads between town and the ranch are crazy. I don’t want you driving on them.” He brings his eyes back to mine.

  I smile and roll my eyes. “I’ve lived here my entire life. I know how to drive in the snow. I didn’t have the luxury of growing up in Southern California during the cold months.” I press a kiss to his lips. “But, yes, I will go with you first thing in the morning.”

  “Thank you. I have a feeling you know more about four-wheel drive than I do,” he laughs out.

  I nod. “I probably do.” I pull away and pick up my wine glass, heading toward the kitchen. “Did you pick up dinner?” The answer is sitting on the kitchen table right in front of me.

  “I got all your favorites.” He smiles as he starts emptying the bags. “There’s Orange Chicken, Chicken Teriyaki, General Tso’s Chicken, and Sesame Chicken, plus all the sides.”

  “Yum!” I refill my wine glass and pour one for him.

  “With all the chicken you eat, I don’t know how you haven’t turned into one,” he jokes.

  I grab the plates from the cabinet and place them on the table. “There’s nothing wrong with eating chicken. It’s better than all that red meat you eat.”

  He smiles as he dumps out the whole container of steak and broccoli onto his plate.

  After dinner, we snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie. I end up falling asleep before the end, but when I wake up, I’m in bed next to Liam with the morning sun shining through the window.

  He rolls over to face me. “How’d you sleep?”

  I stretch. “Like a baby. I didn’t even wake up when you carried me to bed.”

  “You must have been worn out. Going back and forth between your clinic and the ranch must be wearing you out. You know, if you take the vet position full-time, you could just move into the house. It would cut out a lot of this traveling you’ve been doing.” He wags his brows at me as a big smile pulls across his face.


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