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Black and the Ugliest

Page 12

by T. Styles

  Still, why would she think I would want her to use her body? Why would she think that I’d like my wife to sell herself for…I mean…just thinking about it got me wanting to spazz the fuck out.

  “Okay, this may go a little differently than we thought.” I said. “But I don’t want you to reach out to him anymore. From here on out let him call you because I don’t want him being suspicious.”

  “I can do that.”

  “But you can’t fall in love with him,” Danny said. “You can’t like him or have anything to do with him seriously. This nigga may die and—”

  “I could never fall for him,” Quinn said looking at me. “I’m only in love with one person.”

  Wayne side eyed her. “What does that mean?”

  Quinn looked at Wayne and then me. “I’ll clean up.” She got up and took my plate and hers off the table leaving Wayne and Danny’s.

  Wayne glared at me. “Can I talk to you?” He asked me. “In private?”

  Five minutes later we were in the backyard. “I know you don’t have us here with a girl who wants you?” Wayne asked.

  “What you expect me to do?” I paused. “Not use her? As far as I’m concerned she’s the only one who seeing a nigga associated with the dude who got my wife.”

  “That woman is in love with you.”

  “I get all that,” I paused. “But I’m not interested.” I sat down on a lawn chair. “Besides, my wife keep that body right.”

  He frowned and sat down. “What does that mean, Jay?”

  “Parade always made me proud,” I said honestly. “It’s like, whenever we stepped out she looked the part.”

  He looked at me and then the lawn. “It all makes sense now.”

  I glared at him. “What does that mean?”

  “I always wondered why my friend, after all this time, still felt the need to look or be something else. And now I see that it’s you.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Do you know how she keeps it so tight with running a popular salon for hours a day? Do you know how she keeps it tight with caring for three kids and making sure they get to school, do their homework and cook dinner for you when you get home?”

  I shrugged.

  “Plastic surgery, Jay.”

  I frowned and leaned back. “You playing right?”


  I stood up, walked a few feet out and then turned to look at him. “Parade was going to a surgeon?”

  “Yes and now I understand why. I only been out here with you for five minutes and already I got a complex.”

  “I never gave my wife a fucking complex!” I yelled pointing at him. “I let my wife know how sexy her body is everyday and—”

  “What if she wasn’t sexy?” He said standing up. “What if something happened to her face? Would you love her still?”

  “Don’t ask me no stupid shit like that.”

  “I’m asking!”

  “Yes I would!”

  “Well she didn’t know that, Jay.” He paused. “I’m her best friend and I’m telling you she didn’t know. At the very least she didn’t feel comfortable enough to believe it.”

  Hearing that I made my wife do anything to her body had me fucked up in the head. I was always against surgery so I’m not understanding why she would think I would think…I mean…

  “If you guys last after this, you gotta know that she takes everything you say or do to heart, Jay. And God only knows what mental state she’s gonna be in after this whole ordeal is over.” He put his hand on his forehead and sighed. “You have to be careful. She’s very fragile.” He looked at me once more and walked back into the house.



  Am’rak sat at a bar in Baltimore waiting on Mercer to come inside. When he finally got there, three hours late, Am’rak got into his shit. “Fuck took you so long, nigga?”

  “I was…I had some things to do.” He sat next to him and flagged the bartender. “But I’m here now.” The bartender walked over. “I’ll take a Corona.”

  “Did you meet with the dude?”

  “Yeah.” He took a large gulp of beer when the bartender brought it back.

  “Were the police still following you?”


  He smiled.

  “But, Am’rak, I mean, how you sure this shit gonna work?” Mercer continued. “I know you been working on her for a minute but, the amount of money you dropped and the amount of time you spending on ole girl, how you know they gonna buy it?”

  “Because they see what they want to see. And after Juicy from New York got caught last week, they ain’t looking for a nigga. She’s our way out.”

  Mercer nodded and Am’rak felt uncomfortable with his attitude.

  “She’s your aunt’s way out too right?” Mercer said.

  Am’rak frowned at him. “Are you still talking to that bitch you met? The one who knew the niggas who kicked in my front door?”

  “What?” Mercer frowned. “Nah! I’m not…” He took a large gulp of his beer. “Ain’t nobody thinking ‘bout that broad.”

  Am’rak pointed into his chest with a stiff finger. “Good, you better not. Ain’t no room for romance. We on some other shit now.”



  Am’rak sat on the bed with a bottle of champagne in one hand and a glass in the other. Every so often he would pour the liquid into the flute until he abandoned the glass all together by tossing it on the bed and drinking out the spout.

  Parade stood at the foot of the bed wearing a black long designer dress, with jewelry around her neck. Bags of clothes, similar in expense, sat on the floor awaiting her approval. After all, Am’rak spared no expense to make her look ‘the part’, whatever that meant.

  Parade on the other hand was in another world. Her eyes, now a regularly beet red due to constantly crying from missing her family, were a wreck. He smiled at her in awe and understanding. “I can see why every man in the room would want you.”

  “Why do you want me?”

  He laughed. “Didn’t I already tell you that I’ll let you know when the time is right?”

  She looked down at the diamond rings on her fingers. “I feel like you’re…you’re preparing me for slaughter.”

  He laughed and stood up. “Why would you say a thing like that?”

  “I don’t know,” she paused. “But is it, is it true?”

  He kissed her lips, placed his thumb on the lowest part of her chin and pushed downward. Her mouth opened and he poured champagne down her throat until she almost choked.

  Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand she looked up at him. “I would do anything, anything at all for a date.”

  He guzzled from the bottle and sat on the edge of the bed. “A date for what?”

  “For when this will all be over.”

  He laughed. “You have the world and still it’s not enough.”

  “I’m a married woman. Who loves her family very—”

  “Nah, you a whore who I found on an app trying to sell her body. Remember? That’s what you told me. And you are a whore to a nigga who deserves everything he’s going to get and more.”

  She lowered her brows. “What does that mean?”

  He smiled.

  She walked closer, still careful to give him his space. “What does that mean, Am’rak?” She paused. “Jay has never done anything to you.”

  “Are you sure ‘bout that? The past has a way of coming back to haunt you.”

  She stumbled backward and he stood up. Placing the bottle on the dresser next to the bed, he opened a drawer and pulled out a bag complete with a needle and heroin.

  “This is the best product I offer on the streets.” He smiled. “Got people willing to sell their souls for it.”

  “Why are you—”

  He slapped her silent. “My mother used this the day she hung herself after losing her fiancé, my father.” He looked at it. “You asked me about a date so let
me say this. I will never, ever, let you go before I’m finished. And I will never, ever, give you the satisfaction of thinking I will.” He handed the bag to her. “Now you can use this as an escape to make yourself feel better. Or you can use this as a ticket to take your own life.” He pressed his thumb on two tears that rolled down her face. “The choice is up to you.”

  She looked at him closer. She had seen the man many times but now he looked very different. Not only was his sinister spirit on full flow, but he also had a familiar face that she could not place.

  “This is my life forever,” she said in defeat.

  “Now you understand.”

  Parade flopped on the edge of the bed and looked at the drugs. The old her, who lived in L.A. and was successful, would’ve never considered the thought of getting high again. But having lost her family and finally feeling in her heart that this was certain, she wanted to be somewhere else, even if it was hell.

  She looked up at him. “Can you do it for me?” She held out the bag.

  His jaw twitched.

  Part of him was disgusted that he managed to break her down to the level of wanting to use drugs. And yet the part that planned this moment rejoiced because things were going accordingly.

  “Take off your dress.”

  She stood up and removed her gown. Sitting back on the bed completely naked, he sat next to her. “I finally get his weakness. You are very beautiful.”

  Confused at his statement, she responded by nodding, as more tears rolled down her face. She held out her arm, veins toward the ceiling and waited. It took him a moment but after a while the needle moved toward her arm like a dripping penis, eager to penetrate her flesh.

  Before long it’s tip had made contact and he slowly pushed the liquid into her body. Parade’s head dropped backwards as she slowly released any emotions not conducive to that moment from her mind. She thought of no husband. No kids. No friends. No life. The only thing that mattered in that second was how good she fucking felt.

  When he was done, he slid out the needle. A puddle of blood rested in the pit of her arm. She fell back, face up, feet dangling off the side of the bed.

  “Nothing matters,” she said to herself.

  He smiled, pushed down his jeans, released his dick and climbed on top of her. “Nothing matters now.” He slipped into her pussy, moving slowly, savoring every moment. “But all will matter soon.” He moved faster when her body juiced up due to the ecstasy she was feeling off the drug. “Trust me, it will matter soon.”



  Parade stood in the middle of the living room, dressed in a designer one-piece red dress with diamonds on her neck and fingers. She was waiting on Am’rak to come downstairs. After shooting up last night she was groggy but realized the last thing she needed was to anger him.

  When Am’rak finally revealed himself at the top of the steps, he was texting on his phone. Wearing a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants that showcased his big dick print she knew off the top that he wasn’t going with her. They looked as if they were in route to two different events.

  “The car is out front,” Am’rak said as he continued to text. “All you gotta do is drive to the address I gave you.”

  She nodded. “So you aren’t coming with me?”

  “Nah, but like I told you before, I always have someone following precious packages and people.” He winked. “So you won’t be alone.” He finally looked at her after the warning. “You look sexy too.”

  “I feel overdressed.” She looked down at herself.

  “How could you feel that way when you have no idea where you going?”

  She nodded. “I guess you’re right.”

  “I am.” He paused. “Anyway, don’t stop until you get there and then come right back. Don’t forget,” he pointed at her. “My people know where your folks live in L.A. and where your kids go to school. All this can go badly if you don’t follow directions.”

  She sighed. “Can I get another…you know?”

  He frowned.” Already hooked huh?”

  “Please.” She begged.

  He shook his head and walked away. When he returned he had the case with heroin and needles in hand. He gave it to her. “Do it before you pull out and then go. I’ll see you soon.”

  Parade nodded and walked out the door. When she was gone he made a call. “Mercer, she’s on the way. Them folks still at the location?”

  “They sure are,” he said.

  “Good,” he smiled. “If they follow her its all over. Everything falling into place.”



  I was sitting in the parking lot of Quinn’s job with Danny hoping the nigga Mercer would show up and we’d get some more info on where he rests his head. We got here at 8:00 am and now it’s 10:00 am and still nothing.

  “When did you know Parade was the one?” Danny asked me.

  I took a deep breath, not really feeling like reminiscing or talking about my personal life. “It took a minute.”


  I shrugged and leaned back in the passenger’s seat, careful to keep my eyes on look out. “Parade wasn’t exactly my type at first.”

  Danny nodded as if he understood.

  “What that mean?” I asked.

  He frowned. “What you talking about?”

  “I told you she wasn’t my type and you nodded.” I paused. “It’s like you being slick or something.”

  He laughed. “My man, all I did was nod in understanding. There was no maliciousness behind anything, trust me.”

  I sighed. “My bad.”

  “All I’m doing is trying to start a conversation because we been in this rental car for hours, probably gonna be here a little longer and I figured the least we could do was get to know each other. You might even realize you like me.”

  I looked over at him. “Who said I didn’t like you?”

  “Well at the very least I know you have a problem with gay men. Maybe you think I’ll try to make a move on you or—”

  “I ain’t worried ‘bout that.”

  “Then what is it?”

  I focused on Quinn’s building again. “I had a close friend in high school. I mean, we did everything together. If there was trouble we probably had something to do with it and I thought I knew everything about him.” I sighed deeper, not believing I was even sharing this story. I hadn’t even told my wife because I was too embarrassed.

  “Well what happened?” Danny asked with wide eyes.

  “One night we were over his girl’s house. She had the place to herself. So she called her friend and we were both fucking them in his girl’s bedroom. She had twin beds so I had one and he had the other. Anyway her mother came home early and we hid in the closet. Naked. Wasn’t even able to get our clothes because it happened so quickly. And this nigga…I mean….never mind.”

  “Man, it’s obvious you wanna get it off your chest. Might as well tell me what happened.”

  I sighed. “We in the closet, with nothing but our socks on holding our dicks when he said, ‘I can finish you off if you want.’ I mean, I laughed at first thinking he was joking but he didn’t say nothing else. No, I’m just joking or, I’m just playing or any of that. We spent the next six hours in a dark closet waiting on her mother to leave back out. Not saying a word to each other. Shit was crazy.”

  “Sorry about that, man.”

  “That’s not the worst part.” I paused. “I started ignoring him at school and one day he didn’t come back. I figured he’d be out until he could get over the embarrassment but nah, that didn’t happen.” I took a deep breath. “He hung himself in his mother’s closet with a note around his neck that said, I’m sorry.”

  I looked at him.

  “And I always felt like that shit was my fault but at the same time I was mad at him too,” I continued. “Mad he put me in that situation and mad he didn’t keep that shit to himself.”

  “It’s hard to deny who you really
love, man,” Danny said.

  “Yeah, well, he should’ve left me out of it,” I snapped. “To this day I hate seeing men together because it reminds me of him.”

  “Maybe that’s something you should get over.”

  I glared just as my phone rang. It was Quinn. I answered and she said, “Do you see that white Tesla?” I squinted until I saw it way on the other side of the parking lot. “That’s him.”

  “She said he over there,” I told Danny who nodded.

  “He’s calling me now,” Quinn said. “I gotta go.”



  Mercer laughed as he talked to Quinn on the phone. Ever since he saw her he was feeling her and now that he had a chance to get to know her more he was falling deeper. Yeah, he knew Am’rak would flip out if he ever thought he was keeping time with her. But the way he saw it, he was his own man so he had to make his own decisions.

  “You keep acting like you feeling a nigga and I’ma start believing you.” Mercer said.

  Quinn looked out the window at him and waved. “I am feeling you but…I mean…”

  “What is it?” Mercer grew serious as he looked up at her.

  “How come you never get out to see me when you pull up to my job? It’s bad enough you pop up whenever you want. The least you could do is formally say hi.”

  “You don’t want me to pop up no more?”

  “I’m not saying that,” she said quickly. “It’s just that, I want to get to know you but I can’t get in touch with you unless you reach out to me and I don’t know anything ‘bout you.”


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