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Page 7

by Nyssa Kathryn

  “I’m sorry.” Luca lifted himself from the rug and placed his hand on her cheek. Like her body had a mind of its own, she automatically leaned into it.

  “Thank you.” Evie’s eyes dropped to his lips.

  Would it be so bad if she kissed this man? Everything in her felt the need to crush her lips against his. As if reading her mind, Luca’s head slowly dropped down to Evie’s. She knew she should move away but didn’t have the strength.

  As his lips touched hers, all thoughts of moving fled. The kiss was soft and gentle. She sunk into him. Wanting more. Needing it.

  Luca’s strong arms snaked around her waist, pulling her body into his. Feeling his hard chest against her, Evie’s heart started to race. Her hands pressed against Luca’s chest, feeling his muscles ripple beneath her fingers. Then his tongue pushed into her mouth, and a soft groan escaped her lips.

  Evie’s brain screamed at her to stop and pull away, but the heat in the kiss was too consuming. His lips against hers were like nothing she had felt before.

  Other parts of Evie’s body started to come to life. Pushing her body closer to his, she tried to meld herself further into Luca.

  Just as her body started to overrule her brain, Luca abruptly pulled away. Evie felt the loss immediately and opened her eyes in a daze. Luca’s body went rigid and his hold on her waist tightened. Looking up, she noticed his stare fixated on the woods.

  Realizing something wasn’t right, her gaze darted around them. “What is it?”

  Attempting to pull her body away from Luca, his arms remained like bands of steel around Evie, preventing her from moving even an inch.

  “I need you to wait here for a minute. Okay, sweetheart? Don’t move.”

  Evie’s concern increased at the sound of Luca’s hard voice. “Why? Is someone else here?”

  Dropping his lips to her forehead, he placed a soft kiss there without taking his gaze from the tree. “I’ll be right back. I’m just going to check on something.”

  Before Evie could respond, he was gone. He had disappeared into the trees at an alarming speed. One moment he was right in front of her. The next, he was gone. It almost reminded her of… no, she refused to go there. He was a SEAL; of course he was fast. They only recruited the best.

  Glancing around, Evie tried to calm her growing anxiety. Luca wouldn’t have left her there if he thought she wasn’t safe.

  Trying to keep herself busy, Evie bent down and finished unpacking the picnic basket. Opening the bag, Evie found dips, cheeses, crackers, and meat.

  Ordinarily, Evie would be drooling at the sight of these foods, particularly after her budget diet for the last year, but Luca’s concerned face filled her thoughts.

  What had he seen? Was he okay? Where was he?

  Once she had finished pulling everything out, Evie sat and waited. After what seemed like twenty minutes but was probably more like five, she heard a rustling in the bushes and quickly stood.

  Luca strolled out. His hair was windswept and his shoes muddy. They were the only signs that he had been running.

  “Everything okay?” She heard the shakiness of her voice but struggled to settle.

  Automatically, Luca’s face transformed from a man on the hunt to a carefree date.

  “Actually, no.” Evie’s heart rate picked up a notch as her gaze skimmed the trees behind him. “I want to taste you again, sweetheart, because you taste like honey and strawberries. That’s a dangerous combination.”


  “SO WE HAVE nothing?”

  Luca tried to swallow his frustration, but it had been two damn weeks. Two damn weeks and they had nothing.

  Wyatt cringed from his seat across the table. Wyatt, Eden, Bodie, and Luca were having a business meeting. Asher was keeping a watch on the front while Lexie worked and Mason was running a class.

  “We followed the tracks as far as they led, Rocket. We scoured every rock and crevice. We couldn’t find anything. Whoever it is, is damn good at keeping hidden.”

  “No shit, he is. First, he gets into Evie’s house while she’s asleep without even breaking a fucking lock. Then he manages to sneak up on us while we’re in the woods. I heard his damn breathing; he was that close. Then I can’t even catch him. Who the hell is he?”

  Bodie looked up from his spot next to Wyatt. “Honestly, man. I think that’s a question for your girl.”

  Shaking his head, Luca looked away. “We’ve only been dating a couple of weeks. She’s not ready, and I’m not going to push her. She’s damn near ready to run as it is.”

  Pushing off his spot by the door, Eden stepped forward. “He outran you, Rocket. He got close without making a sound. He covered his tracks. He’s one of us. If Evie knows what he is, then she knows what we are.”

  Luca stared into Eden’s eyes, unflinching. “She’s not ready.”

  Bodie shrugged. “If it was someone from the facility, they’re doing us a favor, man. They’re coming to us instead of us having to find them.”

  Was that true? Were they doing Luca a favor? Or were they putting the woman he cared about at risk?

  “Evie was there. If something had happened to her…‍” Luca stopped. Nothing would happen to her, he wouldn’t allow it.

  There was a moment of silence in the room before Wyatt spoke. “You only met her less than a month ago, Rocket. You don’t think you’re moving a bit fast here?”

  Luca couldn’t stop the laugh. “Trust me, with Evie, there is no moving fast. We’ve had a handful of dates and watched a couple of movies at her place. That’s it. The girl’s been burned, I can tell. She moves slow and that’s fine by me.”

  Bodie gave a half-smile. “For someone who isn’t even dating the girl, you care a hell of a lot.”

  Trying to tamper down his annoyance, Luca grit his teeth. It wasn’t their fault they didn’t get it. “Appreciate your advice, buddy, but it’s really not your concern. Evie’s been through something, and it’s holding her back, but I’m in this for the long haul.”

  “How do we not have any background information on her, Jobs? Her parent’s death isn’t even on the damn report you gave us.” Eden’s question was valid. The frustration in his voice was clear.

  Flickering his eyes from Eden to Luca, Wyatt seemed to consider his next words. “I think she’s using a fake name.”

  “No shit, she is, Jobs. Anyone with half a brain who’s on the run would use a different name,” Luca said.

  Wyatt crossed his arms over his chest. “Okay, but usually, the fake name doesn’t have its own background that checks out. Who is Evie Scott, and why is her picture on the file report? Someone who knows what they’re doing put that together.”

  That stopped Luca in his tracks. If that was true, then there really was more going on than he liked to think.

  Dropping his head into his hands, he ran his fingers through his hair. “I just need some more time. Please. I will find out what we need to know, I need to gain more trust from her though. Whatever you’re thinking about her links to Project Arma, they’re not true.”

  “People aren’t always who they say they are, Rocket.”

  Glancing up at Eden’s words, Luca saw the hurt cross his friends face. “I know.”

  “What about the Project Arma file, Jobs? Have you been able to make any progress?” Bodie questioned.

  Relief filtered through Luca that they were moving on from Evie for the moment.

  “I’m close, but not quite there yet. It’s damn good encryption, I can tell you that.” Picking up something in front of him, he threw it to the middle of the table. “I was able to access some old government files where some images were stored. These are pictures from Project Arma. We might be able to use facial recognition to identify and locate some people.”

  Luca was the first to lean over and pick them up. Rifling through the pile, he tensed at the sight of all the people he had trusted. Misplaced trust. That’s what that was. When he reached the picture of their commander, he stopped. Call
ing on self-restraint not to crush the image in his hand.

  “It tears me up that he betrayed us.”

  Luca threw the image into the middle of the table. It sat there for a moment before Bodie picked it up.

  “He was like a damn father figure. How did we miss it?” Bodie’s voice held the same pain as the rest of them.

  “Like I said, people aren’t always who they say they are.” Eden turned toward the door. “Call me back if you find anything useful.”

  As he left, Luca released his breath. He felt for his friend. To have fallen in love with someone who was likely part of such a big cover-up would tear you apart. Eden hadn’t been the same since.

  “Any news on Shylah?” Luca kept his voice low. Knowing that if Eden was listening in, he would hear.

  “She’s like a ghost. Since the government raided the facility, it’s like she disappeared.”

  “Do we really think she was part of it? She seemed like a pretty genuine person.”

  That was damn true, Luca thought, considering Bodie’s words. Shylah didn’t seem your typical bad guy. But then, none of them had.

  “By the end of it, we all knew she was hiding something about the facility. Then she just disappeared with the rest of them. It seems like too big of a coincidence.” Wyatt said, looking disappointed.

  Silence filled the room as they each knew how true that was.

  Turning back to the pictures, Luca kept rifling through until he reached the last one. It was an image of his team in Peru on a mission. Behind the team were members of the other SEAL team that had been at Project Arma.

  “That was our last mission,” Wyatt said from across the table.

  Luca remembered. They’d returned to base to find people in suits waiting for them, and what they’d been told had changed everything.

  “We never did find out why the other team had shown up on that mission,” Wyatt said with a frown on his face.

  “I fucking hated those guys,” Luca said as he tossed the picture on top of the rest.

  Bodie scowled. “No shit. Not having to see their faces anymore was another bonus of the facility being exposed.”

  Their teams had never gotten along. Luca had seen some of the tactics they used. They didn’t care if civilians got injured or died for them to meet their targets. They went in, got the job done, no matter the cost. That didn’t work for Luca.

  “The government thinks it’s likely they knew what was really going on at Project Arma.”

  “Not a surprise,” Luca muttered, voice devoid of emotion. “They were always greedy assholes. Wouldn’t have cared about the possible risks when they knew what they stood to gain.”

  “We need to find those fuckers,” Mason said, entering the room and dropping into the seat next to Luca. “It’s taking too fucking long.”

  “No shit, Striker, but we’re doing everything we can,” Bodie said, cocking his head.

  “I know, man. It’s just frustrating.”

  Standing, Luca placed a hand on Mason’s shoulder. “We’re all feeling it. We’re going to find them. Every last one.”

  Turning, Luca headed out into the main room. Passing the reception desk, he noticed Asher and Lexie were in a deep conversation. Seeing Luca walk past, they immediately separated. Then there was silence.


  “All okay over here?” Luca asked, glancing between them.

  “Of course.” Lexie flashed Luca a smile. “Guess who I’m visiting after work? Wait don’t guess, I’ll tell you. It’s one very pretty lady who happens to live next door to you.”

  Luca raised his brows in surprise. “You’re visiting Evie?”

  “Hey! Don’t sound so surprised. People can’t help but like me.” That was true. Lexie had a bubbly nature about her that made people relax. She could make friends with anyone. “I’ve been told I have a limited amount of girl time because she’s expecting a certain boy after me.”

  “Yeah, so don’t scare her out of town.” Luca half-joked, turning his attention back to the gym floor.

  “Sorry, can’t promise that, Luca. I have no filter, and if stories of you slip and scare her away well, that can’t be helped.” With a wink, Lexie turned and walked over to the printer.

  Glancing at Asher, Luca realized he hadn’t said a word that whole time. He also hadn’t taken his eyes off Lexie. Pulling his brows together, thoughts started racing through Luca’s mind.

  Realizing Luca was watching him, Asher turned back. “What?”

  With a small shove, Asher headed back to the gym floor.

  What the hell was going on around here these days?

  “So, tonight’s the night huh?”

  Evie took her eyes off the casserole dish for a moment to look at Lexie sitting at her kitchen table.

  “The night for what?” Playing dumb seemed the safest option at the moment.

  “Don’t pretend to be innocent with me, missy. You gonna bang the hot sailor boy or not?”

  Almost dropping the spoon on the stove, Evie spun around.


  “What? We’re friends now, and friends dish the goss.”

  Evie felt a pang of regret at Lexie’s words. They had developed a good friendship in a short amount of time. The knowledge that Evie would have to leave soon was a bitter pill to swallow. She hadn’t had a friend in a long time, and it felt good to be able to relax and just hang out with someone that wasn’t a computer.

  “Probably not. I can’t get in too deep with him, Lexie.” Trying to keep the regret out of her voice, she kept her eyes on the stove.

  “Why the heck not?” Lexie seemed honestly confused. Evie didn’t blame her. Most women would fight tooth and nail to rope in a man like Luca.

  Deciding she should tell Lexie, she kept her eyes on the food in front of her. “You know how I told you I move around a lot? Well, I’ll probably be leaving again soon.”

  There was a moment of silence before Lexie spoke. “I don’t understand?”

  “I can’t share everything, Lex. It’s just better for me to stay on the move.”

  Lexie’s voice raised. “That’s bullshit, Evie.”

  Turning, Evie was shocked by the sudden sternness in Lexie’s tone.

  “You have a guy who really cares about you. You have me, who’s a damn awesome friend. If you wanted to stay, we would help you with whatever it is you’re running from.”

  Evie cringed. She hadn’t told Lexie she was running from anyone, but maybe it was more obvious than she thought.

  “I would stay if I could. You have no idea how much I want to.” Needing to change the subject, Evie noticed Lexie’s phone light up for what must have been the tenth time in as many minutes. “Is that Asher?”

  Frowning, Lexie flung her phone aside, giving Evie a hard stare.

  “He just… he annoys me.” Moving from the food to the table, Evie placed her hand over Lexie’s. “I’m a great listener.”

  “It’s just that every time I think we’re breaking through the friends with benefits bullshit, he pulls away. It makes me feel like… I don’t know. Like I’m not good enough for him.” The insecurity in her friend’s voice made Evie want to wrap her arms around her, then kick Asher’s ass.

  “If that’s true, Lexie, then you’re too good for him. Trust me. He would be lucky to have you.”

  Rolling her eyes, she darted a look at the phone. “He’s hiding something too. Some secret that he won’t tell me. The guys know. They’re probably in on it.” Shrugging, she tried to blink the tears away. “Just confirms my thoughts that he doesn’t want anything more.”

  “Lexie, if he’s dumb enough to let you go and not share his life with you, then it’s his loss.”

  Looking up, Lexie nodded before squeezing her hand. “Anyway, this isn’t about me.” Moving to stand on her feet, the old Lexie returned. “Now tell me, are you going to do the guy or not?” Hesitating for a moment too long, Lexie jumped to her feet. “I knew it! What the heck are we doing in the k
itchen, girl, let’s go find you something to wear.”

  “I didn’t say yes, Lexie, it’s just dinner.”

  “Okay, whatever, let’s go.” Grabbing Evie’s arm Lexie all but dragged her to the bedroom. Once there, Lexie released Evie’s arm as she went to the dresser.

  Remaining by the door, Evie watched in horror as Lexie, none too neatly, started rifling through her clothes.

  “Girl, where are all your clothes?”

  Slightly embarrassed, Evie shrugged. “I don’t need much.”

  Pulling out what looked like everything, Lexie suddenly stood with a smile. “Yes!”

  Almost too nervous to ask, Evie hesitated for a moment. “What?”

  “You’ve been holding out on me, Evie.”

  Glancing over Lexie’s shoulder, Evie saw her holding up her red satin bra and panties. Evie’s cheeks heated.

  “No. I’m not wearing those.”

  “Don’t be stupid, of course, you are.” Not waiting for confirmation, Lexie threw them on the bed then opened the drawers below. “Now we need an outfit. Holy guacamole, girl, you’re lucky you found me.”

  After a few more minutes, Lexie settled on a slinky black top to pair with tight jeans.

  “This will be amazing. It says, ‘I’m comfortable and not trying too hard but try to resist me.’“

  Wringing her fingers, Evie looked over the outfit then back at Lexie.

  “I’m nervous, Lex.” So nervous. Like drink a bottle of scotch nervous.

  Gentling her eyes, Lexie stilled before moving closer to Evie. “Of what? Luca? He’s a great guy, Evie.”

  Glancing down at her hands, Evie said the next dumb thing that popped into her mind, “I’ve only been with one guy before and… he turned out to be not the best person.”

  That was the understatement of the century.

  When there was nothing but silence, Evie’s eyes lifted to see Lexie’s full of compassion.

  Taking Evie’s hands in her own, Lexie softened her voice. “Listen to me, Evie. The town loves Luca Kirwin, and since moving here, I can see why. He is a good man, and he would not hurt you. He is infatuated with you. Just give him a chance.”


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