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Page 8

by Nyssa Kathryn

  Pausing for a moment, she seemed to consider her next words. “I know you don’t want to talk about it, but I think you were probably hurt badly by that guy. He didn’t deserve you, Evie, and he certainly doesn’t deserve you now, but if you let him keep dictating your future, then he’s getting you. Have faith in what you feel.”

  On the verge of tears, Evie just nodded, not feeling up to voicing anything at that moment.

  “Good.” Flicking back to her usual upbeat self, Lexie picked the outfit off the bed and pushed it into Evie’s hands. “Now, go put this on while I go and try to improve that god awful smelling thing you have on the stove.”

  With a small laugh, Evie headed into the bathroom, all the while trying to push her feelings of doubt aside.


  LEXIE HAD LEFT after a text came through on her phone. Even though she wouldn’t admit who it was from, Evie was almost certain it was Asher.

  For someone who wanted to know all of Evie’s secrets, she wasn’t very forthcoming with her own.

  With an hour to spare before Luca arrived, Evie switched on her laptop and got to work. She was close to cracking the encryption, but it was frustrating her that she wasn’t there yet.

  Her fingers flew across the keyboard, and she tuned the world out.

  Coding had always come easy to Evie. It was where the world made sense. She felt confident when she was on the computer. It was a confidence that Troy had never been able to steal from her.

  She knew it was why he’d wanted her to drop out of college. That, and to isolate her. Make her depend on him. She had been young and stupid. Wanting to please the boy that liked her.

  Excitement filled Evie at the thought that she was almost there, and when she did finally open the document, she would have her answers. What she would do with them, she wasn’t sure, but she wouldn’t spend her life wondering what happened to the boy she started dating and why.

  Maybe she wouldn’t blame herself for the death of her parents anymore because there would be someone else to blame.

  A short time later, there was a knock on the door. Realizing it was already time for their date, Evie quickly put away her laptop. One more week and she would have it.

  On the way to the door, Evie felt a flutter of nerves. Glancing at herself in the hallway mirror, she quickly pushed her hair behind her ear before opening the door.

  At the sight of Luca, her mouth went dry. Either this man got better looking each time she saw him, or she was getting in too deep with her feelings.

  “Hi.” Evie’s voice sounded nervous, even to her own ears. After knowing him for weeks, Evie would have thought she’d be used to being in his presence.

  Luca’s lips slowly spread into a smile. “Hi, yourself, gorgeous.”

  Stepping into her space, Luca hooked an arm around Evie’s waist and pulled her into him. Before she had a chance to think, Luca pressed his lips onto hers.

  Dropping her hands onto Luca’s chest, the outside world slipped from Evie’s mind. This was her new safe place.

  Sinking into his kiss, Evie wished she could pause time and just remain where she was. His arms around her were like an anchor that stopped her from drifting away.

  All too soon, Luca pulled away. A small groan escaped Evie’s lips. With a chuckle, Luca placed a kiss on her forehead.

  “You’re killing me, honey.” Moving inside, Luca shut the door on his way. “Mmm, something smells good.”

  Heading back to the kitchen, Evie picked up the spoon. She used the moment with the food to catch her breath.

  “I would love to take credit, but Lexie could see I was floundering and saved me. If she hadn’t been here, there would be a very different dish being served tonight.”

  The familiar arm once again hooked around Evie’s waist from behind. “I would love whatever you cooked for me.”

  At the feel of his lips on the back of her neck, a shiver ran up Evie’s spine. She sunk into him as he worked his way down to her shoulder. Heat started to build in Evie’s core. Squirming out of Luca’s arms, she put some distance between them.

  “Luca.” She tried for a stern look but was almost certain she failed. She knew she hadn’t quite pulled it off by the lopsided smile that stretched across Luca’s face. “Stop. We’re eating now.”

  “You are going to be the end of me, woman.” With a last kiss on the head, Luca moved away and grabbed plates from the cupboard.

  There was something about Luca moving around her space that filled Evie with warmth. It was very domestic. Something she tried not to crave anymore.

  Troy had never helped with anything. In the early years, Evie was naive, wanting nothing more than to please him. By the end, she was just desperate to keep him happy.

  A memory of the table not being set for dinner entered Evie’s head before she could stop it. Her breath shortened for a moment as she recalled his hands digging into her arms and shoving her into the plate cabinet. Quickly shutting her eyes, she focused on the smells of the food she was cooking and the feel of the spoon in her hand.

  Stay in the moment, Evie.

  When a hand was placed on her arm, Evie cried out and spun around.

  Sauce from the casserole went flying, and the spoon would have caught Luca in the head if he hadn’t grabbed it from the air with lightning reflexes.

  Quickly placing the spoon on the counter, Luca’s face filled with concern. “You okay?”

  As his hand went up to touch Evie’s arm again, she flinched away out of habit.


  Embarrassment filled her as she quickly turned to grab a washcloth.

  “I’m so sorry, Luca. I don’t know what happened.” Spinning back around but refusing to meet his eyes, Evie searched for sauce splatters.

  After returning the cloth to the sink, Evie spooned some food on plates and placed them on the table. She was grateful Luca hadn’t said anything about what had happened. That time had allowed her to recoup.

  Once they were at the table, the silence stretched. Evie wracked her brain, trying to think of something to say that didn’t involve crazy women who flung sauce around the room.

  When her plate was almost empty, Evie finally worked up the courage to glance up at Luca.

  His gaze was fixed on her. Had he been watching her that whole time? She couldn’t help but squirm under the intensity of his stare.

  “Will you tell me about him?” Luca’s words surprised Evie.

  Him? Did he want to know about Troy? Could she tell him? She wanted to, oh god, did she want to. She had never told another soul. She had just run. Hid from it all. That had been her life.

  His next words said what Evie couldn’t find the words to say. “He hurt you, didn’t he?”

  She tried to hold back the tears that filled her eyes. Hearing someone else say the words made it somehow worse. She felt embarrassed without really understanding why.

  Nodding, Evie’s head dipped. “I was dumb for staying so long.”

  “Any man who hurts a woman is an asshole and doesn’t deserve the breath he takes.” The fury in Luca’s voice pulled her attention back to him. Luca looked every bit the deadly soldier she was sure he was at that moment. She could see the veins popping out from his arms as his fists clenched. “As men, it’s our job to protect the women we love.”

  Evie felt his words deep down.

  Well, maybe that was it Troy hadn’t ever actually loved her.

  Shrugging, she tried to make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal. Like Troy hadn’t stolen everything from her. “I should have left him a long time ago. I was stupid.”

  Getting up from where he was sitting, Luca moved around the table and knelt in front of Evie. Reaching his hand up, Luca wiped a tear that Evie hadn’t realized had fallen. “If you gave your trust to this guy and he didn’t treat you right, that doesn’t make you stupid, Evie. It makes him the dumbest son of a bitch on the planet.”

  Really? Because it felt like she was the dumb one.

  Looking into Luca’s eyes, she desperately searched for anything to tell her that he wasn’t the guy he said he was. Everything she had experienced with Troy had taught her not to trust. People can ruin you.

  Luca’s eyes spoke of kindness. A kindness Evie’s hadn’t known.

  Placing her hand on his shoulder, she held his gaze. “You make me feel like I’m okay. I haven’t felt okay for a long time.”

  Running his hand up Evie’s arm, a trail of goosebumps formed. “No matter what happens, you will be okay.”

  She felt the tears fall more freely. No one had said that to her before. She had tried to tell herself she would be okay, but had she ever truly believed it?

  Wrapping his strong arms around her waist, Luca picked her up in one motion, like she weighed nothing. Walking to the couch, he sat down with her firmly on his lap.

  Placing her head on his chest, Evie gave in to the silent tears. Now that they’d started, they wouldn’t stop.

  Luca’s hand rubbed Evie’s back. After a year of running, the feeling of safety wrapped around her like a jacket.

  When the tears eventually stopped, Evie looked up at Luca. He was so strong in so many ways. He made Evie feel like maybe she was stronger than she thought.

  Could she be okay? Could she trust Luca with her heart? The very idea filled Evie with both paralyzing fear and hope.

  Reaching his hand out, Luca wiped the remaining tears from her face.

  “I must look terrible,” Evie said, eyes fixated on his soaked shirt. “I’m sorry.”

  Luca didn’t hesitate. “You’re beautiful.” His hand started caressing her cheek, and she pressed her face into him.

  This man was unlike anyone Evie had ever met. She wanted him. She felt a need for Luca that she hadn’t felt for anyone else. Evie wanted to know him as deeply and intimately as she could.

  Making a decision, Evie straightened her body and lifted her mouth to place her lips on his. The kiss was slow and gentle. Moving her hands to Luca’s rock-hard chest, Evie went to deepen the kiss.

  “Evie.” Moving his head slightly, she felt Luca’s hands on her waist tighten. “Maybe we shouldn’t.”

  “I want to, Luca,” she whispered, moving her hand up to his hair. She prayed he didn’t push her away, needing him both physically and emotionally. “Please.”

  A soft growl escaped Luca’s chest as his body slowly pushed Evie back onto the couch, engulfing her. She felt small under his powerful body.

  Lowering his head, Luca’s lips went to Evie’s. This was not the gentle kiss she was used to. It took, and it claimed her.

  The combination of his warmth and weight surrounded Evie.

  As he deepened the kiss, his hand moved up her side and enveloped her left breast. Arching herself against him, Evie’s eyes shuttered. Finding her left nipple with his fingers, Luca gave gentle tugs and twists while his hips ground against hers.

  A moan escaped Evie’s lips, and she flung her head back. Not missing a beat, Luca’s lips trailed down Evie’s exposed neck, and his warm hand traveled to the bottom of her top.

  Taking his mouth off her body for a moment, Luca pulled the piece of clothing over Evie’s head. Throwing it aside, he then continued his trail of kisses down her body.

  At the feel of cool air on her skin, she looked down to notice her breasts were bare. Before she could question how that happened, Luca dipped his head and took her nipple in his mouth. The sensation of his mouth against her naked breast made her toes curl.

  Trailing her fingers down his back, her breaths came out short. As his mouth pulled and suctioned her nipple, his hand traveled south and unzipped the front of her jeans. Slipping his hand inside, Luca covered her core.

  The ability to think fled with need. As his hand applied pressure, it all felt too much.

  “Luca.” Evie hardly recognized her own voice, desperation all but bleeding from her. “Please.”

  “Soon, sweetheart.” His voice was hoarse. The need evident.

  Slipping his hand into her panties, Luca rubbed her sensitive clit. A cry escaped Evie’s lips, and she ground her hips into his hand. She felt his hardness pushing into her.

  Reaching down, she went to touch him but was stopped by his other hand. Taking hold of her arm, Luca pushed it into the couch, preventing her from doing anything but riding the sensations.

  A single finger slid inside Evie, causing her to jolt at the sudden pleasure. As the throbbing intensified, Luca’s thumb started a slow circular massage of her clit.

  The aching inside Evie threatened to overwhelm her, the sensations were all-consuming.

  Luca switched his mouth to her other breast before sliding a second finger inside her and pushing deeper. Moving her hips, Evie tried to ride his fingers, but Luca’s body held her firm. The slow rhythm of his hand, with the onslaught against her breast, was torture.

  “Your little groans are killing me.”

  Evie couldn’t respond. She couldn’t think. His fingers started moving faster inside her, deeper again, and his mouth tugged harder on her breast.

  Evie’s breath came out in short bursts, then she bowed her back and cried out as the explosion of her climax hit her.


  HOOKING HIS ARMS around Evie, Luca stood and walked into the bedroom. Glancing down at her sated face, Evie looked relaxed and beautiful.

  Mine. She was mine, and I was hers, Luca thought. And he would make sure it stayed that way.

  Placing Evie softly on the bed, Luca crawled up on top of her. Her eyes slowly fluttered open.

  “You’re amazing,” Evie spoke the words softly.

  For the first time since Luca had met her, there was no worry etched in those beautiful green eyes.

  “If you think that was amazing, just wait and see what I do next.” A flicker of doubt flashed through Evie’s eyes before she quickly blinked it away. Immediately lifting his weight, Luca leaned above her on his elbows. “Hey, you still with me, beautiful?”

  Evie gave the slightest pause before she spoke. “I just… I don’t have much experience.” Looking embarrassed, Evie tried to roll away, but Luca’s arms effectively caged her in. “And it’s been a while.”

  “If you want to stop, you just say the word, and we stop.” Holding her gaze, Luca held perfectly still above her.

  “I don’t… want to stop.”

  At the slight quiver in her voice, he started to roll away but stopped at the feel of her hand clutching his arm.

  “I don’t want to stop.” This time her voice held firm. “I want you, Luca. All of you.”

  Leaning up, she placed her lips on his. They were soft but sure. Breaking the kiss, Luca covered her cheek with his hand.

  “Just so you know, you deserve the world, and I plan to give it to you.”

  Lowering his head to her breast, Luca once again started feasting on Evie. Arching her back, another groan escaped her.

  “You don’t play fair, Luca,” Evie gasped the words as her body thrashed under him.

  Luca felt himself harden once again and urged his body to calm. He wanted to bask in Evie all night.

  Going up on his knees, Luca pulled off his shirt. Catching Evie’s eyes on him, desire and longing clouded her expression.

  Fucking gorgeous.

  Rolling onto his back and pulling Evie on top of him, Luca watched her breasts move with the motion. Reaching up, his hands cupped them. Seeing Evie’s head fling back, her little moans almost undid him.

  “You are fucking beautiful, Evie,” he said, not stopping his hands as he spoke. Luca kept his eyes glued to the magnificent woman on top of him.

  A heat built in Luca as Evie’s nails trailed down his chest. Wiggling herself down his body, she reached his waistband. With unsteady fingers, she undid the button before drawing down the zipper.

  Luca didn’t dare move, fixated on the glorious woman above him.

  Lowering her head to his chest, Evie placed light kisses down his neck as her hand reached into hi
s jeans and clasped him. Luca’s breath hissed at the feel of her touch. Evie’s grip was tentative and exploratory. As she slowly gained more confidence, her movements became more sure.

  Raising her head up, Evie claimed Luca’s mouth. As her hand started moving faster, Luca held his breath against the rising heat. Knowing he wouldn’t last much longer if he let her continue, Luca flipped them over with ease, covering Evie’s body with his own.

  Quickly ridding himself of his jeans and underwear, he crashed his mouth onto hers. He wanted to go slow, but he couldn’t stop. He needed all of her.

  “Tell me you want this,” Luca gasped as his hips ground against hers.

  “I want it, Luca.”

  Stopping and looking into her green eyes, the mixture of lust and certainty he saw was all the confirmation he needed.

  Without any hesitation, Luca quickly rid Evie of her remaining clothes. Once she was completely bare, he took a condom from his jeans pocket and sheathed himself.

  Slowing for a moment, Luca’s eyes roamed her body as he crawled back on top of her.

  “So damn perfect.”

  This woman was made to be his. Luca knew it with every fiber of his being.

  Forcing his lips to slow, Luca moved his hand back to between her thighs. With a gasp, Evie wrapped her legs around Luca’s hips.

  “Please, Luca, don’t make me wait.”

  That was the confirmation Luca needed. With the patience of a saint, Luca lifted his hips and slowly pushed inside of her. Once he was seated in her completely, he remained still for a moment, not moving an inch. His body urged him to move, but he stayed where he was.

  “You are the best surprise that’s ever happened to me, sweetheart.” Watching her eyes soften, Luca slowly lifted his hips before sliding back in.

  Evie’s breaths shortened as her hands tightened around his biceps. The feel of her soft body around his made him want to lose control, but he pushed himself to slow.

  The pressure built as Luca continued to thrust, and his hand reached for Evie’s breast. His fingers found her nipple as he tugged and squeezed.


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