The Coddling of the American Mind

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The Coddling of the American Mind Page 35

by Greg Lukianoff

  93. The Liberty Hound (Producer). (2017, May 26). “All white people leave campus OR ELSE!!” Tucker covers INSANE Evergreen State College story [Video file]. Retrieved from

  94. Jennings, R. (2017, July 6). N.J. man accused of threat to “execute” college students out of jail. Retrieved from

  95. Svrluga, S., & Heim, J. (2017, June 1). Threat shuts down college embroiled in racial dispute. The Washington Post. Retrieved from See also: Svrluga, S. (2017, June 5). Evergreen State College closes again after threat and protests over race. The Washington Post. Retrieved from See also: Jennings (2017); see n. 94.

  96. An Evergreen student emailed a professor, “Because I had shown some criticism to the protest that was occurring on campus in earlier weeks I have become targeted and harassed by a wide number of students on campus. Recently there have been a number of students who patrol lower campus with weapons like baseball bats and tasers who claim to be making the campus safer but in reality are making campus more hostile.” Kabbany, J. (2017, June 5). Evergreen official asks student vigilantes to stop patrolling campus with bats, batons. The College Fix. Retrieved from

  97. The College Fix Staff. (2017, June 2). Evergreen State faculty demand punishment of white professor who refused to leave on anti-white day. The College Fix. Retrieved from See also: The Liberty Hound (2017, June 12); see n. 89.

  98. Thomason, A. (2017, September 16). Evergreen State will pay $500,000 to settle with professor who criticized handling of protests. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from

  99. (2018, March 7). Former Evergreen chief of police alleges hostile work environment. The Cooper Point Journal. Retrieved from [inactive]

  100. Chasmar, J. (2016, September 2). Evergreen State College president slams Chicago’s “tone deaf” approach to safe spaces. The Washington Times. Retrieved from

  101. Jaschik (2017); see n. 59.

  102. Richardson, B. (2017, May 29). Evergreen State College president expresses “gratitude” for students who took over campus. The Washington Times. Retrieved from

  103. Zimmerman, M. (2017, July 25). A “Through the Looking Glass” perspective on The Evergreen State College. HuffPost. Retrieved from

  104. Parke, C. (2017, December 14). Evergreen professor who made anti-white comments resigns, gets $240G settlement. Fox News. Retrieved from

  105. best of evergreen (Publisher) (2017, May 27). Student takeover of Evergreen State College [Video file]. Retrieved from

  106. Badger Pundit (Producer). (2017, July 12). Evergreen student: Campus unsafe for white students who want to focus on education [Video file]. Fox News. Retrieved from

  Chapter 6: The Polarization Cycle

  1. Reeves, R.V., & Joo, N. (2017, October 4). White, still: The American upper middle class. Brookings. Retrieved from

  2. For evidence of this shift, with a growing preference for inclusion when it is presented as conflicting with freedom of speech, see: Stevens, S., & Haidt, J (2018, March 19). The skeptics are wrong: Attitudes about free speech are changing on campus. Heterodox Academy. Retrieved from

  3. Stanger, A. (2017, March 13). Understanding the angry mob at Middlebury that gave me a concussion. The New York Times. Retrieved from

  4. Pew Research Center. (2017, October 5). The partisan divide on political values grows even wider. Retrieved from

  5. With the exception that Republicans’ ratings of their own party dipped in 2016.

  6. You can download the data yourself at

  7. There were plenty of cultural conflicts, particularly in the 1960s and 1970s, but measures of political polarization in Congress were low; cross-partisan cooperation was high. Hare & Poole (2014).

  8. See Putnam (2000) on social capital.

  9. Greenblatt, A. (2016, November 18). Political segregation is growing and “We’re living with the consequences.” Governing. Retrieved from

  10. For example, in a September 2017 survey of adults aged eighteen to thirty-four, only 11% of African Americans, 18% of Asian Americans, and 20% of Latino Americans had very or somewhat favorable views of the Republican Party. By contrast, those groups had a favorable view of the Democratic Party: 61%, 68%, and 52%, respectively. See: NBC News & GenForward Survey: September 2017 Toplines, p.4. Retrieved from

  11. Iyengar & Krupenkin (2018).

  12. Pariser (2011). A “filter bubble” is what happens when the algorithms that websites use to predict your interests based on your reading/viewing habits work to avoid showing you alternative viewpoints. See: El-Bermawy, M. (2016, November 18). Your filter bubble is destroying democracy. Wired. Retrieved from

  13. Mann & Ornstein (2012).

  14. Levitsky, S., & Ziblatt, D. (2018, January 27). How wobbly is our democracy? The New York Times. Retrieved from

  15. Others include increasing education (educated people are more partisan), increasing immigration and diversity, and the increasing importance of money in campaigns. See a list at Haidt, J., & Abrams, S. (2015, January 7). The top 10 reasons American politics are so broken. The Washington Post. Retrieved from

  16. Iyengar & Krupenkin (2018), p. 202.

  17. Berry & Sobieraj (2014).

  18. Cillizza, C. (2014, May 14). Just 7 percent of journalists are Republicans. That’s far fewer than even a decade ago. The Washington Post. Retrieved from

  19. Littleton, J. (2017, May 29). The truth about the Evergreen protests. Medium. Retrieved from

  20. Littleton, J. (2017, June 16). The media brought the alt-right to my campus. The New York Times. Retrieved from See also: Pemberton, L. (2017, July 13). Evergreen students, faculty, and alumni hold discussion after unrest. The Chronicle. Retrieved from

  21. Long, K. (2017, June 5). Evergreen State College reopens; threat deemed not credible. The Seattle Times. Retrieved from

  22. Atomwaffen division visits Evergreen State College. (n.d.). Retrieved from

  23. TheFIREorg [Producer]. (2018, February 8). Lisa Durden on her famous Fox News interview [Video file]. Retrieved from

  24. L. Durden (personal communication, March 24, 2018).

  25. In his statement, the newly appointed college president claimed that the college had been “immediately inundated with feedback from students, faculty and prospective students and their families expressing frustration, concern and even fear” about “the views expressed by a College employee,” and said the college had a “responsibility to investigate those concerns.” The president declared that the college “supports and affirms the right of free speech and independent views and expressions of those views for our faculty and staff” and that his “administration has a duty to set a strong example of tolerance.” Statement from Essex County College president Anthony E. Munroe. (2017, June 23). Retrieved from

  26. What about the feedback that the college was “inundated” with? Public records indicate that for the first thirteen days after Durden’s television appearance, only one person contacted the college to complain about Durden—and even before that person contacted the college, administrators had already started the process that led to her suspension. Two weeks after her appearance, the website announced that Durden had been suspended. Shortly thereafter, administrators received twenty-nine emails, two Facebook messages, an unknown number of phone calls, and a single voicemail supporting the college for suspending “a teacher who wants to spew hate speech covered up by free speech.” You can listen to the entire voicemail here: TheFIREorg [Producer]. (2017, January 21). Essex County College voicemail about Lisa Durden [Audio file]. Retrieved from See: Steinbaugh, A. (2018, January 23). After FIRE lawsuit, Essex County College finally turns over documents about firing of Black Lives Matter advocate. FIRE. Retrieved from See also: Carter, B. (2017, June 20). Going on Fox News cost me my job, professor claims. Retrieved from

  27. Flaherty, C. (2017, June 21). Suspended for standing up to Fox News? Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from See also: Adely, H. (2017, October 27). For speaking out, N.J. professors are punished. North Jersey. Retrieved from See also: Steinbaugh, A. (2018, January 23). After FIRE lawsuit, Essex County College finally turns over documents about firing of Black Lives Matter advocate. FIRE. Retrieved from

  28. Steinbaugh, A. (2017, October 20). Russia-linked Twitter account helped Drexel professor’s “White Genocide” tweet go viral, prompting university investigation. FIRE. Retrieved from

  29. Saffron, I. (2017, December 27). How a Drexel prof’s Christmas “wish” stirred a Twitter tempest. Retrieved from

  30. McLaughlin, S. (2017, December 29). Drexel professor resigns after months-long investigation, exile from campus. FIRE. Retrieved from

  31. Thomason, A. (2017, December 28). Drexel professor whose charged tweets drew fire from the right will leave the university. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from

  32. Cornwell, P. (2017, June 1). Princeton professor cancels Seattle talk after Fox News segment, death threats. The Seattle Times. (Updated June 2, 2017). Retrieved from See also: Trump a “racist, sexist megalomaniac,” Princeton prof says in commencement speech. (2017, May 28). Fox News. Retrieved from

  33. Haymarket Books. (2017, May 31). A statement from Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor [Facebook post]. Retrieved from

  34. Bond, S.E. (2017, June 7). Why we need to start seeing the classical world in color. Hyperallergic. Retrieved from

  35. Gurewitsch, M. (2008, July). True colors: Archaeologist Vinzenz Brinkmann insists his eye-popping reproductions of ancient Greek sculptures are right on target. Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved from

  36. For example, American white supremacist group Identity Evropa tweeted a poster of a marble statue with the caption “PROTECT YOUR HERITAGE.” @IdentityEvropa. (2016, November 3). Seattle has never looked better. #FashTheCity [Tweet]. Retrieved from [inactive]. Cited in Bond (2017); see n. 34.

  37. Of course, Bond said neither of these things. Hoft, J. (2017, July 18). University prof: Using white marble in sculptures is racist and creates “white supremacy.” Gateway Pundit. Retrieved from See also: Jackson, D. (2017, June 8). Prof: “White marble” in artwork contributes to white supremacy. Campus Reform. Retrieved from See also: Krayden, D. (2017, June 10). Professor equates white marble statues with white supremacy. The Daily Caller. Retrieved from

  38. Mikelionis, L. (2017, June 9). Iowa university professor says “white marble” actually influences “white supremacist” ideas. Education News. Retrieved from

  39. Osgerby, P. (2017, June 19). UI professor receives death threats over article on classical art. Little Village. Retrieved from

  40. Charis-Carlson, J. (2017, June 19). UI prof’s post on ancient statues, white supremacists elicits death threats. Iowa City Press-Citizen. Retrieved from See also: Quintana, C. (2017, June 16). For one scholar, an online stoning tests the limits of public scholarship. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from

  41. Allen, C. (2017, June 26). Liberal professors say bizarre things—and then blame the conservative media for reporting on them. Independent Women’s Forum. Retrieved from

  42. See Haidt. J. (2017, June 28). Professors must
now fear intimidation from both sides. Heterodox Academy. Retrieved from

  43. Schmidt, P. (2017, June 22). Professors’ growing risk: Harassment for things they never really said. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from

  44. Haidt, J. (2017, April 26). Intimidation is the new normal on campus. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from

  45. Flaherty, C. (2016, November 22). Being watched. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from">">

  46. Heterodox Academy condemned the Professor Watchlist. See: HxA Executive Team. (2016, November 24). Heterodox Academy condemns Professor Watchlist. Retrieved from

  47. Middlebrook, H. (2017, November 14). The fascinating, if unreliable, history of hate crime tracking in the US. CNN. Retrieved from Middlebrook correctly notes that hate crimes are historically underreported; still, years of decline, followed by a sudden surge in 2015, may not be strictly attributable to changes in accounting methods.

  48. FBI: US hate crimes rise for second straight year. (2017, November 13). BBC News. Retrieved from

  49. Farivar, M. (2017, September 19). Hate crimes rise in major US cities in 2017. Voice of America. Retrieved from


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