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Little Women Box Set

Page 2

by Chloe Carpenter

  "Thanks." He flashed her a broad smile. "So I came to London and lived with Katie. We got engaged and then a year later went our separate ways. It just sort of fizzled out. Anyway, by then I'd set up my own business and very much enjoyed living over here. So I stayed. I love New York too and go back to visit my folks a couple of times a year. I'm a lucky guy - I have two homes. Ok, more about me later. Now it's your turn." He looked at her expectantly.

  "Right. I'm Lizbet Johnson and I'm 25 - and yes, I know I look young for my age. Even now, I have to carry ID around to prove I'm over 18. I have my own apartment. It's only small but I love it. I was desperate to get away from home. I didn't hate it, but there were so many of us, I didn't get any personal space."

  "Oh? You have lots of brothers and sisters?"

  "Four brothers and two sisters. We always seemed to be squabbling. Mum and Dad did their best for us all of course, but I didn't get much quality time with them." She paused and looked at Daniel. He nodded as though he understood.

  "With such a large family, it figures you won't have received as much attention from your parents as you'd have liked. Go on," he encouraged.

  "When I left school I got a place at art college and now I work freelance. I illustrate children's books. I don't make a lot of money but I love what I do - work flow can be a bit precarious at times, but I get by. I've had my share of vanilla relationships and, um, I seem to be attracted to older men."

  "Glad to hear it," quipped Daniel with a grin. "And how did you get interested in BDSM?"

  "Well, for as long as I can remember I've had fantasies about being spanked, but I never did anything about it until I met Chrissie. She lives in the same apartment block and we got chatting, became friends and started going places together. After a couple of months she confessed that she had a kinky side, and ended up telling me she was a submissive who enjoyed being dominated. Well, that got me hooked, and once she explained what a submissive was, I realised my own submissive tendencies. I started going to Demon's Dungeon with her. I've met some interesting people there, as well as some scary ones. I've had a few relationships with men I met there, and they were ok, but there was always something lacking. I didn't know what that something was, but now, after talking with you, I think I do. The available guys were all my age or younger. None of them were Daddy material. Not like you. You're much older than they were and you're quite different from them."

  "Does the disparity in our ages bother you?"

  "No." She replied without hesitation. "No. Not in the least. It's just right."

  "Good. I'm pleased to hear it. Now then, up you get pet, there's someone I'd like you to meet." He got to his feet - all 6ft 4 of him.

  "Geez, you're BIG." She looked up at him and grinned impishly.

  "And you're LITTLE. And that's perfect." He took her hand in his and led her away from the bar area.

  She clutched his hand. It felt so big and warm ... it felt so right. He led her through the crowded club, weaving a path through the players standing watching at the sidelines. In the centre was a large area that served as a communal play area. It was filled with various pieces of equipment all in use by naked and semi-naked people, male and female. The throb of background music was enhanced by squeals and yelps and the sound of hands splatting down on willing flesh. There were other noises too - the slash of a whip, the whoosh and crack of a cane, the whir of a flogger, the pop of a paddle and the hum of voices. All the sounds melded into one gloriously decadent blur.

  Daniel led her past a row of alcoves, their walls painted deep orange and black. The first recess contained a St Andrew's cross, its occupant shrieking in pleasure and pulling against her restraints as she was flogged by a leather clad Dominatrix. The other recesses housed a variety of suspension chains, hoists and slings, cages, racks and whipping benches. They came to a corridor which led to several private rooms. Passing by the medical room, Daniel peered into the open door of the next room and ushered Lizbet inside.

  It was kitted out as a schoolroom. At the front was a large desk and a blackboard. A man wearing a mortarboard and gown was busy writing words on the board. His pupils sat behind him in a row of smaller desks. Some were writing diligently. Others were misbehaving, throwing paper darts, and chattering noisily. One of the pupils turned round and squealed when she saw Daniel. She jumped up and ran towards him, giving him a big hug.

  "Can I have a quick word with Becky please Sir Richard?" Daniel asked the schoolmaster.

  "Of course. Off you go, Becky." Then he immediately turned his attention to one of the girls at the back of the room. "Emma Louise. Did you throw that paper dart?!"

  "No Sir. Not me Sir. It was her." She pointed to a plump ginger-haired girl sucking on a lollipop.

  "Nonsense. It was you. Telling lies earns you extra strokes. Get over here at once. Knickers down and over the desk. It's the cane for you my girl." Sir Richard strode to his desk and retrieved a thin whippy cane.

  "Emma's going to get it. Emma's going to get it," crooned Becky in a sing song voice.

  "As are you when Master Daniel has done with you," threatened Sir Richard.

  This didn't seem to phase Becky one bit. She giggled and stuck out her tongue, and then turned her attention to Daniel once more. "It's good to see you, Daniel."

  "You too, Becks. I'd like you to meet Lizbet. Lizbet, this is Becky."

  "Hiya Becky."

  "Hi Lizbet. Nice to meet you."

  "Lizbet and I have only just met and we've been doing a lot of talking. She's interested in age play and we're going to start seeing one another. I thought it would be helpful if you had a chat with her first - I don't want her thinking I'm a creepy axe murderer or anything."

  "Sure. He's a sweetie, Lizbet, a lovely man. Did he tell you he used to be my Daddy?"

  "Yes," said Lizbet. "And you have a new Daddy now."

  "I do - and there he is." She pointed to Sir Richard. "We both enjoy our role plays. Come on, let's go find somewhere quiet where we can talk."

  All the private rooms were occupied save for the end one. It was equipped with a bondage bed and two large leather sofas.

  "This will do," said Becky. "Let's go in here."

  "I'll leave you to it," said Daniel. "I'll return in 20 minutes."

  The two girls settled down on one of the sofas.

  "I guess he just wants me to reassure you," said Becky. "There are a few nutters around, but he isn't one of them. Plenty of people here know him and can vouch for him. You'll be safe with Daniel."

  "I sensed that immediately, but it's good to have it confirmed. He seems a really nice man."

  "Oh he is. Have you had a Daddy before?"

  "No. I'm new to ageplay, but the more I hear about it, the more I want to participate and experience."

  "Every relationship is different. It can be so fulfilling, whether it's sexual or not. You'll find out what's right for you. Caregiver/little relationships can blossom in any conceivable combination of ages and sexual orientation with a huge range of power dynamics. Do you know that Daddies come in all shapes and sizes, and can include women?"

  "There are women Daddies?" Becky nodded. "That sounds a bit odd, but I guess I'll get my head round it."

  "Yeah you will. I'm sure Daniel will tell you everything you need to know. He's patient and kind. He can be playful. He can also do mean things and spank really really hard - you'll see!" Becky giggled, and Lizbet joined in too.

  They were still giggling when Daniel returned. Becky hugged Lizbet, then returned to the school room to play.

  "Well, how did that go?" Daniel asked Lizbet.

  "She's great. It went well. We had quite a chat."

  "So she didn't manage to put you off me?" he asked, his brown eyes twinkling.

  "Not at all. Just the opposite."

  "Good. Well, the club will be closing shortly. How did you get here?"

  "In Chrissie's car." A wave of disappointment hit her. She didn't want the evening to end.

  "Ok. I'll han
g around to see you safely off. I need to make sure she doesn't drive off without you!"

  "She wouldn't do that."

  "How are you fixed for meeting up mid week? I thought we could maybe go for dinner somewhere quiet where we can talk and get to know each other better."

  "That would be great! I've nothing planned. What day shall we meet?"


  She nodded, smiling. "Wednesday would be good for me."

  "Right. I can either pick you up from your apartment, or if you're not comfortable with that yet, we can meet at the restaurant."

  "I'd love you to come pick me up. Let me get my bag from the lockers and I'll write down my address and telephone number for you."

  "Sure. And here's my card - you have mobile and land line numbers. Call me any time you like." He produced a business card from his wallet and handed it over.

  "Thanks. Wow - a Windsor address. You must be very rich to live there."

  "I am." He winked at her. "And if you're a good little girl I'll take you home with me at some point in the near future."

  They talked some more, and Lizbet introduced him to Chrissie. Daniel did as he said he would and escorted them to Chrissie's car, then gave Lizbet a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  "I'll call you tomorrow, and I'll see you again on Wednesday."


  Lizbet waved until Daniel was a tiny speck in the distance. She then talked non stop about him during the journey home, and once back in her apartment, flung herself on her bed and snuggled up against her big teddy bear, imagining it was Daniel. She was so excited about the events of the evening she tossed and turned and couldn't get to sleep. At 3:45 am she got out of bed and trotted off to the kitchen, raided the cookie jar and made herself a cup of coffee ... which made her even more alert. Not feeling remotely tired, she fired up her computer and spent the next three hours engrossed, reading up on aspects of age play relationships. When she returned to bed, she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

  The persistent ring of the telephone disturbed her dreams. She groaned and ignored it, snuggling back down under the duvet. The room was silent for a minute or two, and then the phone rang again ... and kept on ringing until she reluctantly reached out and answered it.

  "What?" she said grumpily.

  "'What'? Is that the right way to address your Daddy?"

  "Oh! Oh! Daniel - it's you. Hello. I was sleeping." She sat up and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

  "Sleeping at two in the afternoon? You're kidding me."

  "Am not," she said sleepily. "I was very, very tired."

  "And why were you very, very tired?"

  "Um. I, er ... went to bed late."

  "What time did you go to bed, Lizbet?"

  "Ah well, the first time was shortly after I got in last night. But I couldn't sleep you see so I, er ... I got up." There was a silence on the line. She knew he expected more. "I had cookies and coffee and I still wasn't in the least bit tired so I played on the computer. I found out lots of interesting things. I-"

  "Lizbet. I asked you what time you went to bed."

  "Um. I think it was 6:45. I went straight to sleep then."

  "I can see we need to discuss sensible bedtimes, Lizbet, Little girls who go to bed at 6:45 in the morning get their bottoms soundly spanked."

  "Oh," said Lizbet, and once his statement had registered fully, repeated "Oh," this time with a degree of eagerness. A nice spanking from her new Daddy was something to look forward to.

  He picked up on her tone. "There are good girl spankings, Lizbet ... and then there are bad girl spankings. And you are a bad girl for going to bed stupidly late."

  "Hmm. I guess so. Sorry," she added. "It's just that I was so excited about everything."

  "Tonight, Lizbet, you will be in bed by 10:30. Is that clear?"

  "10:30?!" Her voice came out as an indignant squeak. "I don't go to bed as early as that. I usually go at midnight."

  "Not any more you don't."

  "Oh." She chewed her lip. The thought of going to bed early was not nice. Then again, hearing him tell her in that tone of voice that she must made her feel all tingly.

  "Lizbet?" he prompted.

  "Oh ok then. 10:30 it is, Sir."

  She heard him chuckle. They talked for almost an hour and after he had hung up, Lizbet felt strangely bereft. Today was Sunday. However was she going to get through the next few days until Wednesday?

  Later in the afternoon she went round the shops, just window shopping not buying, and then called at the park on the way back where she sat on a grassy bank eating an ice cream as she watched the ducks in the pond.

  On returning home, she set to work on a new book she was illustrating. It was a fabulous tale all about goblins and fairies and unicorns. It captivated her and the time flew by so quickly - when she glanced at the clock it was almost 10pm and she hadn't eaten. Her stomach rumbled hungrily as she hunted through the freezer and found a pizza to heat up in the oven. She ate it curled up on the sofa in front of the TV. When the phone rang she picked it up.

  "Mmmm. Hi," she said with her mouth full.


  At the sound of Daniel's voice, Lizbet suddenly remembered her early bedtime. She swallowed a big lump of the pizza quickly, almost choking herself. "Ah - hi Daniel. How are you?"

  "I am very well. Why aren't you in bed, Lizbet?"

  "How do you know I'm not in bed?" Well, it was worth a shot. He wouldn't know, would he?

  But he did.

  "Trust me, I know."

  "Oh. Ooops. I'm going in a minute though, just as soon as I've finished my pizza."

  "You're eating pizza at this late hour?"

  "Um ..." She couldn't deny it. He obviously had some sort of psychic thing going on in his head. "I was hungry, see, because I was working and I forgot the time. Sorry."

  "Oh you will be, Missy, believe me,"

  Her heart sank. "I really am sorry, Daniel."

  "We'll say no more about it now. We'll discuss it on Wednesday."

  Lizbet wondered what form the discussion would take. Would he spank her for her naughtiness? The thought made her all squirmy. She realised just how much she was looking forward to Wednesday.

  He phoned her on Monday evening and on Tuesday too, and they talked and talked for hours. Here was a man who not only understood her better than she understood herself, but he valued her too, and embraced everything about her including her submissiveness. She learned he would be soft and playful, but also stern with her on occasions - and she liked that idea. It thrilled her. She learned he would set the tone of their relationship dynamic and make rules to guide and protect her. His rules must be enforced with fairness and consistency, and if she broke the rules there would be consequences - her bottom would pay the price.

  He would treat her like the little girl she wanted to be - but not all the time. That was her decision, for now - because although childlike in appearance, she was a capable woman who ran her own business and took responsibility for her life. She liked it that way, on the whole, providing there would be an opportunity to express her inner self and explore her need for an authority figure - a father figure who would nurture and dominate and care for her. She had now found that father figure in Daniel.

  They decided that they would meet up twice during the week and have fun, go out together to pubs, the cinema, restaurants, BDSM clubs, and they would also have sex if they both wanted to - but at weekends, she would stay with him in Windsor and during that time, she would be 'in role' as his little girl. She couldn't quite decide what age she wanted to be, maybe 12 or younger, maybe 14. Daniel said it didn't matter, saying she would find her preferred level in time, and they would experiment together. Now that was an exciting prospect, the opportunity for a little regression, an occasion where she could totally give up control and let her Daddy take care of her in every conceivable way. And as time went on, they'd see how things went and just do what felt right.

  ---oOo---r />
  When Wednesday arrived, Lizbet spent hours deciding on an outfit and ended up getting changed five times. In fact she spent so much time trying on clothes that by the time Daniel arrived, the apartment was untidy and her bedroom was a tip. There were clothes strewn over the floor and the bed, and hanging out of drawers.

  As Daniel had said this date would be more of a 'getting to know each other' meeting, she didn't dress too little girlie, eventually selecting a demure but pretty pink blouse with white buttons and puff sleeves, and a black skirt. Her hair swung jauntily in a pony tail secured by a pink band. The summer weather allowed her to go bare-legged, and on her feet she wore her favourite pair of black patent Mary Jane shoes. She was just about to apply a thin layer of pink lip gloss when the doorbell sounded.

  In he eagerness to reach the door she ran out of the bedroom and along the corridor, and tripped over a shoe that she had left on the floor. She went down with a thud and a squeal, and by the time she opened the door, she was pouting and rubbing a red patch on her right knee.

  "Are you ok? Did you fall?"

  "I'm fine. I tripped over my bloody shoe." Lizbet picked up the offending item and threw it across the hall.

  Daniel gave her a look - a look that she would become so familiar with in time. Then without a word he picked her up bodily and headed towards the open door that led to her bedroom, where he deposited her on the bed, quickly taking in the state of the room. His mouth twitched slightly and he sat on the edge of the bed.

  "Oh Lizbet, my pet, you have much to learn about behaviour and obedience."

  "What do you mean?" she sniffed, quite put out that she had banged her knee. It throbbed, and she would likely have a bruise.

  "Sleeping late into the afternoon; disobeying my instruction to go to bed at 10:30; having a tantrum and throwing things; and keeping your apartment like a pigsty."

  "It's just a bit untidy," she said, craftily ignoring all the other points. "I'm usually quite tidy."

  "Shall I tell you what I think I should do about it?"

  "Er ... ok then." She frowned. This wasn't working out quite as she had expected.


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