Bad For You (Rocktown Ink Book 4)

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Bad For You (Rocktown Ink Book 4) Page 12

by Sherilee Gray

  She shook harder. “Yes.”

  Fuck. I pressed deeper.

  Lila gasped softly.

  “You need it bad, don’t you, Bambi?”

  “Yes. I’m…I’m so wet,” she whispered.

  “Been dying to touch your pussy again, been dreaming about it, rubbing off to it.” I leaned back a bit into the corner of the couch and she came with me, lying against my chest as I pushed my hands down the front of her pretty panties. “Spread wider for me…that’s it.”

  My hand actually shook as I pushed deeper into her underwear.

  I groaned when my fingers slid over her slick, hot pussy. “You feel so good.” I started off nice and slow, gently gliding my finger through her pussy lips, grazing her little clit, working her up.

  She pressed her face against the side of my throat and spread her thighs even wider for me.

  Yeah, shit, that was hot. I kept it up, teasing her, avoiding her clit this time, her tight opening, and curled my other arm around her, sliding up under her shirt and cupping her breast again.

  We were close to the party but away from the action, shadowed under the small porch and covered by a quilt.

  “Can’t wait to get my mouth on you again,” I said low, and dipped my finger circling her opening. “Push my tongue in here, make you come against my mouth. You taste so good, Lila, did you know that?”

  She whimpered and shook her head, her hips moving restlessly.

  “You liked my mouth on you, didn’t you, Bambi?” I asked, and shit, the way my voice was pitched, the way the words came out, there was no missing how hungry I was for her.

  She gifted me with the sweetest sob. “Y-yes.” Her mouth opened against my throat and she tilted her hips, trying to get my finger inside her. “Jesse, I need…”

  “I know, baby,” I said and teased her opening again, rubbing over it several more times before finally, so slowly, pushing the tip of my finger inside.

  She gasped and it broke at the end.

  Then her hand dropped and tried to shove my finger deeper and she cried out. “P-please, more.”

  Holy. Motherfucking. Fuck.

  I gave it to her. I pushed deeper, then slid back out. She was tight as hell and slick as fuck and I wanted to stuff my iron-hard dick inside her so bad I couldn’t see straight. “Christ, Lila.”

  One of her hands was covering mine, keeping me where she wanted me, the other gripped my thigh, nails digging in.

  I pushed in a second time, going nice and deep, working her clit with my thumb, and my girl let go. She worked her hips in a way that was dirty and so fucking sexy, like she was taking my dick not just my fingers. And her mouth at my throat was hungry, sucking and kissing, marking me.

  I wanted it on mine, wanted to swallow her cries when she went off for me. I gripped her chin and took it, fucking her with my tongue like my fingers were fucking her pussy. It was out of control, wet, messy, fucking perfect.

  I picked up the pace, pushing in deep, following her cues. She was dripping wet, all over my hand. Somehow this shitty night had turned into the best night of my piss-poor life.

  I ground my dick against her ass cheek and kept on kissing her as her inner muscles clenched around my fingers. “That’s it,” I said. “Give it to me, Lila, let me feel you come, coat my fingers.”

  Her mouth opened under mine and she cried out—my good girl giving me exactly what I asked for.

  She shuddered and bit my lip, totally lost to it. I tasted blood, and I fucking loved that I’d gotten her to completely lose control.

  She gasped in breaths as she started to calm. My fingers were still inside her and our kiss turned languid.

  “Beautiful, Lila. So fucking beautiful.” I carefully pulled my fingers free and she shivered against me. I had to taste her again, so I lifted my slick digits to my mouth and sucked them, groaning, my balls drawing up tight as hell.

  Lila’s eyes widened, her cheeks darkening.

  I grinned down at her and pressed her hand to my hard cock. “Feel what you do to me.”

  She squeezed me through my jeans, her breath growing heavy like she hadn’t just come for me a couple minutes ago, and she squirmed in my lap.

  “Straddle me. Take my dick out. Stroke it.” I needed to come in a big way, and I wanted her eyes on me when I did.

  Lila instantly did what I asked, shoving her tiny skirt higher around her hips so she could spread her legs and straddle my hips. I didn’t want anyone else seeing her. She was mine. So I kept the quilt around us as she undid my belt, unbuttoned my jeans, and slid down the zipper with trembling hands.

  I lifted my ass and she tugged my jeans down enough to free my cock. Her hands wrapped around it instantly, and she moaned softly as she stroked me.

  “Does it hurt?” she whispered. “Being this hard.”

  “Yeah, and it’s the best fucking ache there is.”

  Her pussy was snugged up against the base of my cock, and I was finding it hard to think straight. She rolled her hips and squeezed me harder.

  “You want to come again, don’t you, Bambi?”

  “Yes, I feel…” Her face flushed darker. “Empty.”

  I groaned and pre-come leaked out of the head of my cock. “You want my fingers again?”

  She shook her head and carried on stroking me, her breaths coming out choppy, agitated. “Not your fingers.”

  My breath seized in my throat. “You want me to push those little, sexy-as-fuck panties out of the way and slip inside, Lila?” I sounded like a horny monster. “You want to wriggle on my lap, work my cock inside you out here where someone could see?”

  Her thighs squeezed against the sides of my hips, like she wanted to grind her thighs together. She dropped her head to my shoulder, trembling hard. “Oh God, yes. Yes, I want that.”

  It took all my self-control not to tear off her underwear and slam inside her. Instead, I pulled my wallet from my pocket, took out a condom, and tore it open. “If my good girl wants to be fucked out in the open, that’s what I’ll give her.”

  Her gaze dropped as I rolled on the rubber, her fingers digging into my shoulders, thighs still gripping convulsively at my hips.

  I tugged her underwear aside and slid my thumb through her slit. “Fucking drenched. Put my cock where you want it, Lila. You’re in control of how much you take.”

  Biting her lip, she nodded as the fingers of one hand gripped my shoulder tighter and she lifted up. Her other hand took my cock in hand and she guided the head where she wanted me.

  I held her ass as she pressed down, slowly taking the head inside. She fell forward, her mouth at my ear, and she sobbed, then groaned.

  She was tight as hell, and I took over holding my dick, feeling where we connected, the way she stretched around me. “That’s it, baby, just a little at a time. Feels good?”

  Her thighs clenched against mine and she pushed down some more, then back up. “Yes, so good. I’m not sure I can…” She shuddered and came down again, taking another inch.

  My entire body was held rigid as her tight-as-fuck pussy gripped me hard enough to cut off the blood supply. “You’re not sure you can take me?” I rasped, on the verge of losing my mind.

  “Y-you’re so big and hard, and I feel so…full.” She whimpered again.

  I slammed my eyes closed at her words, my balls drawing up, so close to coming. I breathed through it. No way was I going to come before she even had me all the way in. “Take your time, Bambi.” It may kill me, but I’d die happy.

  She lifted up again, then pushed down more, and her inner muscles gave a little, relaxing some. Then she kept going until I was inside her, all of me held in her tight, grasping heat.

  Her gaze locked on mine, her eyes glazed, lids heavy. She didn’t move, letting herself adjust, and I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. I grazed her clit with my thumb and her hips jerked.

  “I want to move,” she said shakily.

  I swiped her clit again and gripped the back of her neck with
the other hand, fisting her hair. “Then move, Bambi. Fuck me.”

  She leaned in, caught my mouth with hers, and rolled her hips, gasped, then pulled back and did it again.

  I was shaking now, barely hanging on. “Good?”

  She didn’t answer. No, she started fucking me. Rolling and grinding her hips, holding on to my shoulders, coming down hard without giving a fuck who might see us, getting off on it.

  It was the hottest thing I’d ever experienced.

  I mean, I’d fucked in public before. No one cared about it in the club, but Lila letting go for me like this? It was something I would never forget. I brought her mouth back to mine, kissing her hard.

  “You gonna come for me again, Bambi?” I gritted out and pressed down on her clit.

  “Ahhh. You feel so good. So deep.”

  I growled. “You’re stuffed full of me, aren’t you, Lila?”

  Another whimper. “Yes.” She moved faster, her thighs clenching against mine, quivering.

  “Come on, baby, let me feel it. Come around my cock.”

  She made a desperate sound, her head dropping to my shoulder again, and cried out against my neck. Her pussy clamped down on my dick over and over, so tight I could barely breathe. I turned my head, fisting her dark, wild hair tighter, turning her to me, and took her lips, groaning into her mouth as I came, exploding inside her, dick pulsing and throbbing as she milked the come right out of me.

  We stayed like that, moving against each other slowly, mouths still attached, kissing lazily as the last of our releases rolled through us.

  “You were fucking perfect,” I said to her.

  “Only because it was with you,” she said.

  My dick slipped from her body and I took off the condom, dropping it into an empty takeout box by the couch to toss later, not wanting to leave Lila for a moment.

  Then I kissed her again. I couldn’t stop kissing her.

  “Stupid bitch!” a male voice roared.

  My gaze shot up in time to see some guy shove a woman so hard she fell, hitting the ground. I lifted Lila off me, shoved my dick away, did up my pants, and was moving across the lot before I knew what I was doing. That shit did not fly here. None of the brothers here would treat a woman that way. And if they did, they’d get what Trip had. I didn’t know who this asshole was. He wasn’t a Rambler, just some fucking pathetic hang-around.

  He reached down and wrapped his hand around her throat and I snapped. Grabbing the back of his shirt, I wrenched him back and he fell on his ass. Then I advanced on him and he had the stones to sneer up at me.

  “Bitch deserved it.”

  Nope. Wrong answer. I swung and kept on swinging. He went down to his back and I gripped his shirt, lifting him as I slammed my fist into his jaw, anywhere I could hit him, over and over. Red clouded my vision, and for a split second he wasn’t some random asshole, it was my old man.

  The urge to keep on hitting until he wasn’t moving anymore drove my fist into his face again and again.

  “Enough,” Stones said. “Not in the mood to deal with a body.”

  My president’s rough voice was enough to snap me out of it.

  I took in the bloody, barely conscious asshole under me and felt cold inside. I had no sympathy for this piece of shit. “You come to the clubhouse again, you won’t be walking out, understand?”

  He managed a jerky nod. A decent crowd had gathered. I searched it and my gaze collided with a pair of cold, green eyes almost identical to mine. I flinched.

  My father. I had no idea he was here.

  Forcing myself to ignore him, I motioned to one of the prospects. “Get him out of here.”

  I stood and turned—

  Lila stood there, big brown eyes round, afraid—of me.

  I moved toward her cautiously, afraid she’d spin and sprint away from me. She moved from foot to foot like she hadn’t quite decided what to do.

  “Lila,” I choked, feeling sick to my stomach that she’d seen that. That she’d seen a part of me I’d never wanted her to see.

  Instead of running though, she reached out, taking my hand, and led me back across the lot. She didn’t stop on the small porch, she tugged the quilt off the couch as we walked by and led me inside, shutting the door.

  She moved around the shadowy room and switched on the lamp by the bed before coming back to me.

  “Let me see your hand,” she said softly.

  I held still as she studied my abused knuckles, frozen, afraid of what she’d say. Positive she’d tell me we were done. That she didn’t want anything to do with a violent asshole like me.

  She glanced back up at me. “He hit her?”

  I nodded.

  “I’ve never seen…been around anything like that…” She bit her lower lip, her delicate nostrils flaring. “You were so angry, Jesse. What you did to that man…”

  “Yeah,” I choked out and tucked a silky lock of her hair behind her ear. I couldn’t not touch her. “I scared you. Shit, I never want you to be scared of me.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not scared of you. You’d never hurt me.”

  Relief throbbed through me and I shook from it. “No. Never.”

  She started to shake as well, something moving across her eyes I couldn’t name. “Your brother…what happened out there, it was about him, wasn’t it? About him hurting Sofia?”

  My chin jerked back. How the hell could she know that? Only it wasn’t just about Trip. But she didn’t need to know just how fucked up my family was.

  Her hand drifted down my stomach and rested on my belt. “You’re a protector,” she said in the quiet of the room, music from outside a low, muffled beat. “You’re a good man, Jesse.”

  Yeah, I wished that were true. I wished I was the man she thought she saw right now.

  Her delicate fingers worked the worn leather of my belt, pulling it through the heavy buckle. “A good man.”

  “Bambi?” Fuck knew how I managed to even get that out with the way she was looking at me, like I was some kind of superhero, as she popped the button on my Levi’s.

  “What am I doing?” she said softly. “I’m taking you to bed. I’m helping you forget.”

  “Is that right?” I choked out.

  “Yes, that’s right.” Then she gave me a little shove.

  I grabbed her before falling back on the bed, taking her with me. Lila laughed, and I shoved away the dread trying to crawl to the surface, ignoring it with everything I had when I covered the soft warmth of her body and took her mouth.

  Because nothing would ruin this. I wouldn’t let it.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I barely slept and it wasn’t just because of all the noise going on outside. Bikers liked to party and they were loud. No, it was because my heart picked up speed whenever I looked at the man lying beside me. I’d force myself to close my eyes, then I’d have to peek, unable to believe how the night had gone, that I was here with Jesse.

  Happy flutters kept erupting inside my belly as I thought about what we’d done and the way he’d looked at me.

  How Jesse made me feel.

  It was addictive. He was addictive.

  I’d come here last night thinking the worst, expecting to find it. Instead he admitted he’d been worried about bringing me into his world. God, being with him was a roller-coaster ride. One moment I was angry, the next exhilarated—then so turned on I thought I’d die if he didn’t touch me. If I didn’t touch him.

  The way he went after that guy last night should have scared me. Instead it made me feel safe. Did that make me a bad person? Maybe? I didn’t know anymore. What I wanted, how I felt, and what my parents had drummed into me nearly all my life were at complete odds.

  Logically, I knew I’d done nothing wrong. A twenty-three-year-old woman going to a party with a man she was dating was absolutely normal. Sex with someone you cared about was a healthy, and yes, normal thing to do.

  Yet, my parents were here, the echoes of th
eir anger and disgust, ringing in my mind, trying to steal my joy.

  I didn’t want them here with me.

  Then shut them out.

  I did.

  And I slammed the door.

  I was exactly where I wanted to be.

  Jesse was stretched out on his back and I was tucked into his side. I lifted to my elbow and looked down at him. His dark blond hair had grown out a bit and was starting to curl at the ends. His thick lashes rested against his tanned skin, hiding the most exquisite green eyes I’d ever seen.

  The covers were low, and I took my time looking at his body, lean and strong, admiring all the tattoos covering his skin. He was a walking canvas from his throat all the way down to his feet. So much going on it would take weeks for me to see everything. I wanted the chance to do that.

  I wanted to get to know Jesse, all of him.

  My gaze slid up to his cheek, the bruise marring his perfection. How had he gotten it? Was it a fight like last night or something else? He was right, his world wasn’t like mine, and honestly, I didn’t know where I would fit into it, or if I even could. But I wanted to try. I wanted to make this work.

  I slid my finger over the bruise, leaned in, and kissed it.

  His arm curled around me, pulling me down, and his mouth went to my ear. “I was scared last night hadn’t actually happened.”

  His voice was gritty, sexy, and I shivered against him.

  “It definitely happened.”

  He growled and nipped my earlobe, making me squeal, then grabbed my hand, pushing it under the covers and onto his cock. “Dreamed I was eating your pussy all night. This is your fault.”

  I laughed and gave him a squeeze. “I’m not sure that’s how it works.”

  “It does now,” he said and cupped my face, looking up at me, giving me that devastating grin of his. “Morning, Bambi.”

  “Morning, Jesse,” I said, grinning back.

  He tucked my hair behind my ear. “How do you look even more beautiful in the morning?”

  My face heated. “I know how I look in the morning. You need your eyes checked.”


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